/// <summary>
 /// Handle when the action is clicked in context menu or action pane
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="action"></param>
 /// <param name="status"></param>
 protected override void OnAction(Action action, AsyncStatus status)
     if ((string)action.Tag == "ShowError")
         // trigger MMC to show the new view
         ((ViewSwitchingScopeNode)this.ScopeNode).SwapView(this, "Simulated Error Message", typeof(ErrorMessageView));
        void OnMessageDialogShowAsyncCompleted(IAsyncOperation<IUICommand> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus) {
            // Get the Color value
            IUICommand command = asyncInfo.GetResults();
            clr = (Color)command.Id;

            // Use a Dispatcher to run in the UI thread
            IAsyncAction asyncAction = this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
        async private void GetConnectivityIntervalsAsyncHandler(IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList<ConnectivityInterval>> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed)
                    String outputString = string.Empty;
                    IReadOnlyList<ConnectivityInterval> connectivityIntervals = asyncInfo.GetResults();

                    if (connectivityIntervals == null)
                        rootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                                rootPage.NotifyUser("The Start Time cannot be later than the End Time, or in the future", NotifyType.StatusMessage);

                    // Get the NetworkUsage for each ConnectivityInterval
                    foreach (ConnectivityInterval connectivityInterval in connectivityIntervals)
                        outputString += PrintConnectivityInterval(connectivityInterval);

                        DateTimeOffset startTime = connectivityInterval.StartTime;
                        DateTimeOffset endTime = startTime + connectivityInterval.ConnectionDuration;
                        IReadOnlyList<NetworkUsage> networkUsages = await InternetConnectionProfile.GetNetworkUsageAsync(startTime, endTime, Granularity, NetworkUsageStates);

                        foreach (NetworkUsage networkUsage in networkUsages)
                            outputString += PrintNetworkUsage(networkUsage, startTime);
                            startTime += networkUsage.ConnectionDuration;

                    rootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                            rootPage.NotifyUser(outputString, NotifyType.StatusMessage);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                            rootPage.NotifyUser("An unexpected error occurred: " + ex.Message, NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
                rootPage.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                        rootPage.NotifyUser("GetConnectivityIntervalsAsync failed with message:\n" + asyncInfo.ErrorCode.Message, NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle triggered action
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="action">triggered action</param>
 /// <param name="status">asynchronous status to update console</param>
 protected override void OnSelectionAction(Action action, AsyncStatus status)
     switch ((string)action.Tag)
         case "ShowSelection":
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the view level actions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="action">action that was triggered</param>
 /// <param name="status">asynchronous status for updating the console</param>
 protected override void OnAction(Action action, AsyncStatus status)
     switch ((string)action.Tag)
         case "Refresh":
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle any setup necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status">asynchronous status for updating the console</param>
        protected override void OnInitialize(AsyncStatus status)
            // handle any basic stuff

            // get typed reference to the hosted control
            // setup by the FormViewDescription
            selectionControl = (SelectionControl)this.Control;

            //// load data in
 private async void Completed(IAsyncAction asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Canceled)
     await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(
                         CoreDispatcherPriority.High, () =>
                             HyperlinkButton.Visibility = _isCompleted
                                 ? Visibility.Visible
                                 : Visibility.Collapsed;
                             greeting.Text = "bitti!";
Esempio n. 8
 void AppServiceConnectionCompleted(IAsyncOperation<AppServiceConnectionStatus> operation, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     var status = operation.GetResults();
     if (status == AppServiceConnectionStatus.Success)
         var secondOperation = _appServiceConnection.SendMessageAsync(null);
         secondOperation.Completed = (_, __) =>
             _appServiceConnection = null;
Esempio n. 9
 private void GeoLocationCompleted(IAsyncOperation<Geoposition> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed)
         var deviceLocation = (Geoposition)asyncInfo.GetResults();
             DeviceLocation = GeoLocationAdapter.GetLocationFromDeviceGeoPositionObject(deviceLocation);
         catch (Exception ex)
             DeviceLocation = GeoLocationAdapter.GetDefaultLocaiton();
         OnLocationLoadSuccess(new LocationEventArgs(DeviceLocation));
        /// <summary>
        /// Define the ListView's structure and actions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status">asynchronous status for updating the console</param>
        protected override void OnInitialize(AsyncStatus status)
            // do default handling

            // Create a set of columns for use in the list view
            // Define the default column title
            this.Columns[0].Title = "User";

            // Add detail column
            this.Columns.Add(new MmcListViewColumn("Birthday", 200));

            // Set to show all columns
            this.Mode = MmcListViewMode.Report;

            // Load the list with values
Esempio n. 11
        private void OnConnected(IAsyncAction action, AsyncStatus target)
            if (target == AsyncStatus.Completed)

                this.writer = new DataWriter(this.socket.OutputStream);
                this.reader = new DataReader(this.socket.InputStream);
                NetworkMessage m = new NetworkMessage();
                m.MessageCategory = SystemMessages.SystemPrefix;
                m.MessageType = SystemMessages.Connect;
                AuthenticationInfo auth = new AuthenticationInfo();
                auth.Username = this.id;
                m.MessageContent = NetworkSerializer.Serialize(auth);
                this.reader.InputStreamOptions = InputStreamOptions.Partial;
                DataReaderLoadOperation operation = this.reader.LoadAsync(256);
                operation.Completed = new AsyncOperationCompletedHandler<uint>(this.ReaderHasData);
Esempio n. 12
        async private void GeocodingCompleted(IAsyncOperation<MapLocationFinderResult> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            // Get the result
            MapLocationFinderResult result = asyncInfo.GetResults();

            // Update the UI thread by using the UI core dispatcher.
            await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                // Update the status
                Status = result.Status;

                // Update th Address
                Address = result.Locations[0].Address.FormattedAddress;

                // If there are Name and/or description provided and they are not set yet, set them!
                if (Name == NameDefault && result.Locations[0].DisplayName != null && result.Locations[0].DisplayName != "") Name = result.Locations[0].DisplayName;
                if (Description == DescriptionDefault && result.Locations[0].Description != null && result.Locations[0].Description != "") Description = result.Locations[0].Description;

                // If the Name is still empty, use the Address
                if (Name == NameDefault || Name == "") Name = Address;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Load in any saved data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status">asynchronous status for updating the console</param>
        /// <param name="persistenceData">binary data stored in the console file</param>
        protected override void OnLoadCustomData(AsyncStatus status, byte[] persistenceData)
            status.ReportProgress(0, 10, "Loading..");

            // Deserialize the object
                MemoryStream    stream       = new MemoryStream(persistenceData);
                BinaryFormatter deserializer = new BinaryFormatter();

                // Initialise the config object

                // Load the CA data into the root node

                status.Complete("Manager configuration: " + mgrConfig.InitData.configFile, true);
            catch (SerializationException)
                MessageBox.Show("No configuration data defined", "OSCA", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Esempio n. 14
        //Successfull network connection handler on hololens
        public void NetworkConnectedHandler(IAsyncAction asyncInfo, AsyncStatus status)
            // Status completed is successful.
            if (status == AsyncStatus.Completed)
                //Creating the writer that will be repsonsible to send a message through Rosbridge
                dataWriter = new DataWriter(messageWebSocket.OutputStream);

                //Connect to all topics in _subscribers and _publishers
                foreach (Type p in _subscribers)
                    dataWriter.WriteString(ROSBridgeMsg.Subscribe(GetMessageTopic(p), GetMessageType(p)));
                    Debug.Log("Sending " + ROSBridgeMsg.Subscribe(GetMessageTopic(p), GetMessageType(p)));
                foreach (Type p in _publishers)
                    dataWriter.WriteString(ROSBridgeMsg.Advertise(GetMessageTopic(p), GetMessageType(p)));
                    Debug.Log("Sending " + ROSBridgeMsg.Advertise(GetMessageTopic(p), GetMessageType(p)));
                _connected = true;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when [expand].
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="status">The status.</param>
 protected override void OnExpand(AsyncStatus status)
     StandardCollectionExpand(status, new DatabaseModel.Fetch(), (m => new DatabaseNode(m)));
 protected override void OnRefresh(AsyncStatus status)
Esempio n. 17
 internal override void OnCompleted(AsyncActionWithProgressCompletedHandler <TProgress> userCompletionHandler, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     Debug.Assert(userCompletionHandler != null);
     userCompletionHandler(this, asyncStatus);
Esempio n. 18
 protected override void OnShutdown(AsyncStatus status)
 public void CompletedStart(IAsyncAction asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed)
         _recordingStatus = RecordingStatus.recording;
Esempio n. 20
 public abstract void TraceOperationCompletion(CausalityTraceLevel traceLevel, CausalitySource source, Guid platformId, ulong operationId, AsyncStatus status);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when [expand].
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status">The status.</param>
        protected override void OnExpand(AsyncStatus status)
            var databaseModel = ((DatabaseNode)Parent.Parent).DatabaseModel;

            StandardCollectionExpand(status, new DatabaseSecurityLoginModel.Fetch(databaseModel), (m => new DatabaseSecurityLoginNode(m)));
Esempio n. 22
 internal virtual void OnCompleted(TCompletedHandler userCompletionHandler, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     Debug.Assert(false, "This (sub-)type of IAsyncInfo does not support completion notifications "
                  + " (" + this.GetType().ToString() + ")");
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>Bridge to Completed handler on IAsyncOperation{TResult}.</summary>
 internal void CompleteFromAsyncOperation(IAsyncOperation <TResult> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     Complete(asyncInfo, ai => ((IAsyncOperation <TResult>)ai).GetResults(), asyncStatus); // delegate cached by compiler
Esempio n. 24
		public void Cancel()
			Status = AsyncStatus.Canceled;
 public void HandleCompilationCompleted(IAsyncOperation<SpeechRecognitionCompilationResult> opInfo, AsyncStatus status)
     if (status == AsyncStatus.Completed)
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Compilation Complete");
         var result = opInfo.GetResults();
Esempio n. 26
        // Event handler when item recognition is completed
        private void ItemRecognitionCompletedHandler(IAsyncOperation<SpeechRecognitionResult> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            isListening = false;

            var results = asyncInfo.GetResults();
            if (results.Status != SpeechRecognitionResultStatus.Success)
                TextToSpeech.Speak("Sorry, I wasn't able to hear you. Try again later.");

            if (results.Confidence == SpeechRecognitionConfidence.High | results.Confidence == SpeechRecognitionConfidence.Medium)
                requestedItems.Add(requestor + " wants " + results.Text);
                TextToSpeech.Speak(results.Text + "\n" + "Got it. I have added it your Christmas list" + requestor);
                TextToSpeech.Speak("Sorry, I did not get that.");
Esempio n. 27
        // Event handler when name recognition is completed
        private void NameRecognitionCompletedHandler(IAsyncOperation<SpeechRecognitionResult> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            isListening = false;

            var results = asyncInfo.GetResults();
            if (results.Status != SpeechRecognitionResultStatus.Success)
                TextToSpeech.Speak("Sorry, I wasn't able to hear you. Try again later.");

            if (results.Confidence == SpeechRecognitionConfidence.High | results.Confidence == SpeechRecognitionConfidence.Medium)
                requestor = results.Text;
                if (requestor == listOfNames.First())
                    if (requestedItems.Count == 0)
                        TextToSpeech.Speak("Hello" + requestor + "\n" + "The list is empty.");
                        TextToSpeech.Speak("Hello" + requestor + "\n" + "Here is the list");
                        foreach (string item in requestedItems)
                    TextToSpeech.Speak("Hello" + requestor + "\n" + "What would you like for Christmas?");
                TextToSpeech.Speak("Sorry, I do not recognize you.");

        public async void CompletedStop(IAsyncAction asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed)
                if (_recordingStatus == RecordingStatus.recording)
                    _recordingStatus = RecordingStatus.sucessful;

                    var file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync("recording.mp4");
                    var stream = await file.OpenAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.Read);

                    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                        mediaElement.SetSource(stream, "");

                    _recordingStatus = RecordingStatus.stopped;

                if (_recordingStatus == RecordingStatus.failed)
                    // Recording has failed somewhere. Set the recording status to stopped.
                    _recordingStatus = RecordingStatus.stopped;
        /// <summary>
        /// Speech recognition completed.
        /// </summary>
        private async void Recognition_Completed(IAsyncOperation<SpeechRecognitionResult> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            var results = asyncInfo.GetResults();

            if (results.Confidence != SpeechRecognitionConfidence.Rejected)
                await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatchedHandler(
                    () =>
                        this.txtCortanaMessages.Text = "Je recherche : " + results.Text + "...";

                        CortanaSearchViewModel viewModel = DataContext as CortanaSearchViewModel;
                        viewModel.PropertyChanged += viewModel_PropertyChanged;
                        viewModel.LoadResults(SettingsValues.SiteUrl, results.Text, SettingsValues.LoginName, SettingsValues.Password);

                this.txtCortanaMessages.Text = "Désolé, je n'ai pas compris.";
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>Completes the task from the completed asynchronous operation.</summary>
        /// <param name="asyncInfo">The asynchronous operation.</param>
        /// <param name="getResultsFunction">A function used to retrieve the TResult from the async operation; may be null.</param>
        /// <param name="asyncStatus">The status of the asynchronous operation.</param>
        private void Complete(IAsyncInfo asyncInfo, Func <IAsyncInfo, TResult> getResultsFunction, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            if (asyncInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(asyncInfo));



                Debug.Assert(asyncInfo.Status == asyncStatus,
                             "asyncInfo.Status does not match asyncStatus; are we dealing with a faulty IAsyncInfo implementation?");

                // Assuming a correct underlying implementation, the task should not have been
                // completed yet.  If it is completed, we shouldn't try to do any further work
                // with the operation or the task, as something is horked.
                bool taskAlreadyCompleted = Task.IsCompleted;

                Debug.Assert(!taskAlreadyCompleted, "Expected the task to not yet be completed.");

                if (taskAlreadyCompleted)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_InvalidAsyncCompletion);

                // Clean up our registration with the cancellation token, noting that we're now in the process of cleaning up.
                CancellationTokenRegistration ctr;
                lock (StateLock)
                    _completing = true;
                    ctr         = _ctr; // under lock to avoid torn reads
                    _ctr        = default(CancellationTokenRegistration);
                ctr.TryDeregister(); // It's ok if we end up unregistering a not-initialized registration; it'll just be a nop.

                    // Find out how the async operation completed.  It must be in a terminal state.
                    bool terminalState = asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed ||
                                         asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Canceled ||
                                         asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Error;

                    Debug.Assert(terminalState, "The async operation should be in a terminal state.");

                    if (!terminalState)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_InvalidAsyncCompletion);

                    // Retrieve the completion data from the IAsyncInfo.
                    TResult   result = default(TResult);
                    Exception error  = null;
                    if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Error)
                        error = asyncInfo.ErrorCode;

                        // Defend against a faulty IAsyncInfo implementation:
                        if (error == null)
                            Debug.Assert(false, "IAsyncInfo.Status == Error, but ErrorCode returns a null Exception (implying S_OK).");
                            error = new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_InvalidAsyncCompletion);
                            error = asyncInfo.ErrorCode.AttachRestrictedErrorInfo();
                    else if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed && getResultsFunction != null)
                            result = getResultsFunction(asyncInfo);
                        catch (Exception resultsEx)
                            // According to the WinRT team, this can happen in some egde cases, such as marshalling errors in GetResults.
                            error       = resultsEx;
                            asyncStatus = AsyncStatus.Error;

                    // Nothing to retrieve for a canceled operation or for a completed operation with no result.

                    // Complete the task based on the previously retrieved results:
                    bool success = false;
                    switch (asyncStatus)
                    case AsyncStatus.Completed:
                        if (AsyncCausalitySupport.LoggingOn)
                        success = base.TrySetResult(result);

                    case AsyncStatus.Error:
                        Debug.Assert(error != null, "The error should have been retrieved previously.");
                        success = base.TrySetException(error);

                    case AsyncStatus.Canceled:
                        success = base.TrySetCanceled(_ct.IsCancellationRequested ? _ct : new CancellationToken(true));

                    Debug.Assert(success, "Expected the outcome to be successfully transfered to the task.");
                catch (Exception exc)
                    // This really shouldn't happen, but could in a variety of misuse cases
                    // such as a faulty underlying IAsyncInfo implementation.
                    Debug.Assert(false, string.Format("Unexpected exception in Complete: {0}", exc.ToString()));

                    if (AsyncCausalitySupport.LoggingOn)

                    // For these cases, store the exception into the task so that it makes its way
                    // back to the caller.  Only if something went horribly wrong and we can't store the exception
                    // do we allow it to be propagated out to the invoker of the Completed handler.
                    if (!base.TrySetException(exc))
                        Debug.Assert(false, "The task was already completed and thus the exception couldn't be stored.");
                // We may be called on an STA thread which we don't own, so make sure that the RCW is released right
                // away. Otherwise, if we leave it up to the finalizer, the apartment may already be gone.
                if (Marshal.IsComObject(asyncInfo))
        } // private void Complete(..)
Esempio n. 31
 protected override void OnRefresh(AsyncStatus status)
 private void BackgroundTaskInitializationCompleted(IAsyncAction action, AsyncStatus status)
     if (status == AsyncStatus.Completed)
         Debug.WriteLine("Background Audio Task initialized");
     else if (status == AsyncStatus.Error)
         Debug.WriteLine("Background Audio Task could not initialized due to an error ::" + action.ErrorCode.ToString());
Esempio n. 33
        protected override void OnSelectionAction(Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Action action, AsyncStatus status)

            switch ((int)action.Tag)

            case ACTION_SHOW_PROPERTIES:


 protected override void OnExpand(AsyncStatus status)
Esempio n. 35
 private void OnRecognitionCompleteHandler(IAsyncOperation<SpeechRecognitionResult> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
Esempio n. 36
        private static void DoTestWrite(Func <Stream> createStreamFunc, bool mustInvokeProgressHandler)
            Stream backingStream = createStreamFunc();

            using (IOutputStream stream = backingStream.AsOutputStream())
                // Create test data
                Random rnd            = new Random(20100720); //  Must be a different seed than used for TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamContents
                byte[] modelWriteData = new byte[0xA000];

                // Start test

                IBuffer buffer = modelWriteData.AsBuffer();

                // ibuffer.Length for IBuffer created by Array.ToBuffer(void) must equal to array.Length
                Assert.Equal((uint)modelWriteData.Length, buffer.Length);

                // ibuffer.Capacity for IBuffer created by Array.ToBuffer(void) must equal to array.Length
                Assert.Equal((uint)modelWriteData.Length, buffer.Capacity);

                IAsyncOperationWithProgress <uint, uint> writeOp = stream.WriteAsync(buffer);

                // Note the race. By the tie we get here, the status of the op may be started or already completed.
                AsyncStatus writeOpStatus = writeOp.Status;
                Assert.True(writeOpStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed || writeOpStatus == AsyncStatus.Started, "New writeOp must have Status = Started or Completed (race)");

                uint writeOpId = writeOp.Id;
                bool progressCallbackInvoked  = false;
                bool completedCallbackInvoked = false;
                uint resultBytesWritten       = 0;

                EventWaitHandle waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                writeOp.Progress = (asyncWriteOp, bytesCompleted) =>
                    progressCallbackInvoked = true;

                    // asyncWriteOp.Id in a progress callback must match the ID of the asyncWriteOp to which the callback was assigned
                    Assert.Equal(writeOpId, asyncWriteOp.Id);

                    // asyncWriteOp.Status must be 'Started' for an asyncWriteOp in progress
                    Assert.Equal(AsyncStatus.Started, asyncWriteOp.Status);

                    // bytesCompleted must be in range [0, maxBytesToWrite] asyncWriteOp in progress
                    Assert.InRange(bytesCompleted, 0u, (uint)TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamLength);

                writeOp.Completed = (asyncWriteOp, passedStatus) =>
                        completedCallbackInvoked = true;

                        // asyncWriteOp.Id in a completion callback must match the ID of the asyncWriteOp to which the callback was assigned
                        Assert.Equal(writeOpId, asyncWriteOp.Id);

                        // asyncWriteOp.Status must match passedStatus for a completed asyncWriteOp
                        Assert.Equal(passedStatus, asyncWriteOp.Status);

                        // asyncWriteOp.Status must be 'Completed' for a completed asyncWriteOp
                        Assert.Equal(AsyncStatus.Completed, asyncWriteOp.Status);

                        uint bytesWritten = asyncWriteOp.GetResults();

                        // asyncWriteOp.GetResults() must return that all required bytes were written for a completed asyncWriteOp
                        Assert.Equal((uint)modelWriteData.Length, bytesWritten);

                        resultBytesWritten = bytesWritten;

                // Now, let's block until the write op is complete.
                // We speculate that it will complete within 3500 msec, although under high load it may not be.
                // If the test fails we should use a better way to determine if callback is really not invoked, or if it's just too slow.

                if (mustInvokeProgressHandler)
                                "Progress callback specified to WriteAsync callback must be invoked when reading from this kind of stream");

                Assert.True(completedCallbackInvoked, "Completion callback specified to WriteAsync callback must be invoked");

                // writeOp.Status must be 'Completed' for a completed async writeOp
                Assert.Equal(AsyncStatus.Completed, writeOp.Status);

                // writeOp.GetResults() must return that all required bytes were written for a completed async writeOp
                Assert.Equal((uint)modelWriteData.Length, resultBytesWritten);

                // Check contents

                backingStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] verifyBuff = new byte[modelWriteData.Length + 1024];

                int r = backingStream.Read(verifyBuff, 0, verifyBuff.Length);

                for (int i = 0; i < modelWriteData.Length; i++)
                    Assert.Equal(modelWriteData[i], verifyBuff[i]);
Esempio n. 37
		public void Start()
			Status = AsyncStatus.Started;
        /// <summary>
        /// Completed Channel creation handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operation"></param>
        /// <param name="status"></param>
        void OnChannelCreationCompleted(IAsyncOperation<PushNotificationChannel> operation, AsyncStatus status)
            if (operation.Status == AsyncStatus.Completed)
                pushNotificationChannel = operation.GetResults();

                // Send these values together with user data to your server of choice
                var notificationUri = pushNotificationChannel.Uri;
                var expirationTime = pushNotificationChannel.ExpirationTime;
Esempio n. 39
 protected override void OnRefresh(AsyncStatus status)
     // TODO: Not implemented yet
Esempio n. 40
        private void ReaderHasData(IAsyncOperation<uint> operation, AsyncStatus target)
            uint len = operation.GetResults();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[len];

            this.ProcessBytes(buffer, (int)len);
            DataReaderLoadOperation operation2 = this.reader.LoadAsync(256);
            operation2.Completed = new AsyncOperationCompletedHandler<uint>(this.ReaderHasData);
Esempio n. 41
        protected override void OnExpand(AsyncStatus status)

 /// <summary>
 /// Completion callback for the asynchronous call:
 /// it is called whether the drop succeeded, or the user released the pointer on a non-target
 /// or else we cancelled the operation from the timer's callback
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="asyncInfo"></param>
 /// <param name="asyncStatus"></param>
 private void DragCompleted(IAsyncOperation<DataPackageOperation> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     _dragOperation = null;
     if (_timer != null) _timer.Stop();
     EndRound((asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed) && (asyncInfo.GetResults() == DataPackageOperation.Copy));
Esempio n. 43
 /// <summary>Bridge to Completed handler on IAsyncActionWithProgress{TProgress}.</summary>
 internal void CompleteFromAsyncActionWithProgress <TProgress>(IAsyncActionWithProgress <TProgress> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     Complete(asyncInfo, null, asyncStatus);
Esempio n. 44
        /// <summary>
        /// The spoken stream is ready.
        /// </summary>
        private async void SpokenStreamCompleted(IAsyncOperation<SpeechSynthesisStream> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)

            // Make sure to be on the UI Thread.
            var synthesisStream = asyncInfo.GetResults();
            await media.Dispatcher.RunAsync(
                            new DispatchedHandler(() => { media.AutoPlay = true; media.SetSource(synthesisStream, synthesisStream.ContentType); media.Play(); })
Esempio n. 45
 /// <summary>Bridge to Completed handler on IAsyncOperationWithProgress{TResult,TProgress}.</summary>
 internal void CompleteFromAsyncOperationWithProgress <TProgress>(IAsyncOperationWithProgress <TResult, TProgress> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     // delegate cached by compiler:
     Complete(asyncInfo, ai => ((IAsyncOperationWithProgress <TResult, TProgress>)ai).GetResults(), asyncStatus);
        private void GetConnectivityIntervalsAsyncHandler(IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList<ConnectivityInterval>> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed)
                    String outputString = string.Empty;
                    IReadOnlyList<ConnectivityInterval> connectivityIntervals = asyncInfo.GetResults();

                    if (connectivityIntervals == null)
                        PrintErrorAsync("The Start Time cannot be later than the End Time, or in the future");

                    // Get the NetworkUsage for each ConnectivityInterval
                    foreach (ConnectivityInterval connectivityInterval in connectivityIntervals)
                        outputString += PrintConnectivityInterval(connectivityInterval);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    PrintErrorAsync("An unexpected error occurred: " + ex.Message);
                PrintErrorAsync("GetConnectivityIntervalsAsync failed with message:\n" + asyncInfo.ErrorCode.Message);
Esempio n. 47
 /// <summary>Bridge to Completed handler on IAsyncAction.</summary>
 internal void CompleteFromAsyncAction(IAsyncAction asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     Complete(asyncInfo, null, asyncStatus);
Esempio n. 48
 public abstract void TraceOperationCompletion(CausalityTraceLevel traceLevel, CausalitySource source, Guid platformId, ulong operationId, AsyncStatus status);
Esempio n. 49
        protected override void OnExpand(AsyncStatus status)

            //override and do nothing
 public int Invoke([NativeTypeName("IAsyncOperationWithProgress<TResult_logical, TProgress_logical> *")] IAsyncOperationWithProgress <TResult, TProgress> *asyncInfo, [NativeTypeName("Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus")] AsyncStatus status)
     return(((delegate * unmanaged <IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler <TResult, TProgress> *, IAsyncOperationWithProgress <TResult, TProgress> *, AsyncStatus, int>)(lpVtbl[3]))((IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler <TResult, TProgress> *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref this), asyncInfo, status));
Esempio n. 51
        private static void DoTestRead(Func <IInputStream> createStreamFunc, InputStreamOptions inputStreamOptions, bool mustInvokeProgressHandler, bool completesSynchronously)
            IInputStream stream = createStreamFunc();
            IBuffer      buffer = WindowsRuntimeBuffer.Create(TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamLength);

            IAsyncOperationWithProgress <IBuffer, uint> readOp = stream.ReadAsync(buffer, (uint)TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamLength, inputStreamOptions);

            if (completesSynchronously)
                // New readOp for a stream where we know that reading is sycnhronous must have Status = Completed
                Assert.Equal(AsyncStatus.Completed, readOp.Status);
                // Note the race. By the tie we get here, the status of the op may be started or already completed.
                AsyncStatus readOpStatus = readOp.Status;
                Assert.True(readOpStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed || readOpStatus == AsyncStatus.Started, "New readOp must have Status = Started or Completed (race)");

            bool progressCallbackInvoked  = false;
            bool completedCallbackInvoked = false;

            uint            readOpId   = readOp.Id;
            EventWaitHandle waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            readOp.Progress = (asyncReadOp, bytesCompleted) =>
                progressCallbackInvoked = true;

                // asyncReadOp.Id in a progress callback must match the ID of the asyncReadOp to which the callback was assigned
                Assert.Equal(readOpId, asyncReadOp.Id);

                // asyncReadOp.Status must be 'Started' for an asyncReadOp in progress
                Assert.Equal(AsyncStatus.Started, asyncReadOp.Status);

                // bytesCompleted must be in range [0, maxBytesToRead] asyncReadOp in progress
                Assert.InRange(bytesCompleted, 0u, (uint)TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamLength);

            readOp.Completed = (asyncReadOp, passedStatus) =>
                    completedCallbackInvoked = true;

                    // asyncReadOp.Id in a completion callback must match the ID of the asyncReadOp to which the callback was assigned
                    Assert.Equal(readOpId, asyncReadOp.Id);

                    // asyncReadOp.Status must match passedStatus for a completed asyncReadOp
                    Assert.Equal(passedStatus, asyncReadOp.Status);

                    // asyncReadOp.Status must be 'Completed' for a completed asyncReadOp
                    Assert.Equal(AsyncStatus.Completed, asyncReadOp.Status);

                    IBuffer resultBuffer = asyncReadOp.GetResults();

                    // asyncReadOp.GetResults() must not return null for a completed asyncReadOp

                    AssertExtensions.GreaterThan(resultBuffer.Capacity, 0u, "resultBuffer.Capacity should be more than zero in completed callback");
                    AssertExtensions.GreaterThan(resultBuffer.Length, 0u, "resultBuffer.Length should be more than zero in completed callback");
                    AssertExtensions.LessThanOrEqualTo(resultBuffer.Length, resultBuffer.Capacity, "resultBuffer.Length should be <= Capacity in completed callback");

                    if (inputStreamOptions == InputStreamOptions.None)
                        // resultBuffer.Length must be equal to requested number of bytes when an asyncReadOp with
                        // InputStreamOptions.None completes successfully
                        Assert.Equal(resultBuffer.Length, (uint)TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamLength);

                    if (inputStreamOptions == InputStreamOptions.Partial)
                        AssertExtensions.LessThanOrEqualTo(resultBuffer.Length, (uint)TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamLength,
                                                           "resultBuffer.Length must be <= requested number of bytes with InputStreamOptions.Partial in completed callback");
                    buffer = resultBuffer;

            // Now, let's block until the read op is complete.
            // We speculate that it will complete within 3500 msec, although under high load it may not be.
            // If the test fails we should use a better way to determine if callback is really not invoked, or if it's just too slow.

            if (mustInvokeProgressHandler)
                            "Progress callback specified to ReadAsync callback must be invoked when reading from this kind of stream");

                        "Completion callback specified to ReadAsync callback must be invoked");

            // readOp.Status must be 'Completed' for a completed async readOp
            Assert.Equal(AsyncStatus.Completed, readOp.Status);

            AssertExtensions.GreaterThan(buffer.Capacity, 0u, "buffer.Capacity should be greater than zero bytes");
            AssertExtensions.GreaterThan(buffer.Length, 0u, "buffer.Length should be greater than zero bytes");
            AssertExtensions.LessThanOrEqualTo(buffer.Length, buffer.Capacity, "buffer.Length <= buffer.Capacity is required for a completed async readOp");

            if (inputStreamOptions == InputStreamOptions.None)
                // buffer.Length must be equal to requested number of bytes when an async readOp with
                //  InputStreamOptions.None completes successfully
                Assert.Equal((uint)TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamLength, buffer.Length);

            if (inputStreamOptions == InputStreamOptions.Partial)
                AssertExtensions.LessThanOrEqualTo(buffer.Length, (uint)TestStreamProvider.ModelStreamLength,
                                                   "resultBuffer.Length must be <= requested number of bytes with InputStreamOptions.Partial");

            byte[] results = new byte[buffer.Length];
            buffer.CopyTo(0, results, 0, (int)buffer.Length);

            Assert.True(TestStreamProvider.CheckContent(results, 0, (int)buffer.Length),
                        "Result data returned from AsyncRead must be the same as expected from the test data source");
Esempio n. 52
        private void ConnectionCompletedHandler(IAsyncOperation <ConnectionSession> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            if (asyncInfo.Status == AsyncStatus.Completed)
                rootPage.g_ConnectionSession = asyncInfo.GetResults();

                UpdateOutputText("Connected to " + rootPage.g_ConnectionSession.ConnectionProfile.ProfileName + "\n" +
                                 "Connectivity Level: " + rootPage.g_ConnectionSession.ConnectionProfile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel());

                // Transition button to Disconnect state

                connectionResult = null;
                UpdateOutputText(asyncStatus.ToString() + ": " + asyncInfo.ErrorCode.Message);


                connectionResult = null;
Esempio n. 53
 public void Invoke(IAsyncAction asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
     using var act = _parent._compositor5.RequestCommitAsync();
Esempio n. 54
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取用户位置后,触发本函数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asyncInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="asyncStatus"></param>
        private void GetCurrentPosition(IAsyncOperation<Geoposition> asyncInfo, AsyncStatus asyncStatus)
            Geoposition currentGeoposition =asyncInfo.GetResults();
            Geocoordinate coordinate= currentGeoposition.Coordinate;
            LatLng currentLatLng = new LatLng(coordinate.Latitude + 0.000423, coordinate.Longitude + 0.006090);
            _daBeiJing = currentLatLng;
                    _amap.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                        _amap.AnimateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.NewCameraPosition(currentLatLng, 17, _bearing, _tile), 2);//移动视角(动画效果)
                        _cameraIsNew = false;
                        if (_locationMarker == null)
                            _circle = _amap.AddCircle(new AMapCircleOptions
                                Center = currentLatLng, //圆点位置
                                Radius = (float)20, //半径
                                FillColor = Color.FromArgb(80, 100, 150, 255),//圆的填充颜色
                                StrokeWidth = 1, //边框粗细
                                StrokeColor = Color.FromArgb(80, 100, 150, 255) //圆的边框颜色

                            _locationMarker = _amap.AddMarker(new AMapMarkerOptions
                                Position = currentLatLng, //图标的位置
                                IconUri = new Uri("Images/myLocationIcon.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), //图标的URL
                                Anchor = new Point(0.5, 0.5) //图标中心点
                            _locationMarker.Position = currentLatLng;
                            _circle.Center = currentLatLng;
                            _circle.Radius = (float)20; //圆半径

        internal void StreamOperationCompletedCallback(IAsyncInfo completedOperation, AsyncStatus unusedCompletionStatus)
                if (_callbackInvoked)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_MultipleIOCompletionCallbackInvocation);

                _callbackInvoked = true;

                // This happens in rare stress cases in Console mode and the WinRT folks said they are unlikely to fix this in Dev11.
                // Moreover, this can happen if the underlying WinRT stream has a faulty user implementation.
                // If we did not do this check, we would either get the same exception without the explaining message when dereferencing
                // completedOperation later, or we will get an InvalidOperation when processing the Op. With the check, they will be
                // aggregated and the user will know what went wrong.
                if (completedOperation == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException(SR.NullReference_IOCompletionCallbackCannotProcessNullAsyncInfo);

                _completedOperation = completedOperation;

                // processCompletedOperationInCallback == false indicates that the stream is doing a blocking wait on the waitHandle of this IAsyncResult.
                // In that case calls on completedOperation may deadlock if completedOperation is not free threaded.
                // By setting processCompletedOperationInCallback to false the stream that created this IAsyncResult indicated that it
                // will call ProcessCompletedOperation after the waitHandle is signalled to fetch the results.

                if (_processCompletedOperationInCallback)
            catch (Exception ex)
                _bytesCompleted = 0;
                _errorInfo      = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);
                _completed = true;
                // From this point on, AsyncWaitHandle would create a handle that is readily set,
                // so we do not need to check if it is being produced asynchronously.
                if (_waitHandle != null)

            if (_userCompletionCallback != null)
Esempio n. 56
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="status"></param>
 protected override void OnRefresh(AsyncStatus status)
Esempio n. 57
 protected override void OnShutdown(AsyncStatus status)
Esempio n. 58
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle short cut style menu actions for selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">triggered action</param>
        /// <param name="status">asynchronous status used to update the console</param>
        protected override void OnSelectionAction(Microsoft.ManagementConsole.Action action, AsyncStatus status)
            X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)this.SelectedNodes[0].Tag;

            switch ((string)action.Tag)
            case "ViewCert":
                SystemX509.X509Certificate2UI.DisplayCertificate(new SystemX509.X509Certificate2(cert.GetEncoded()));

            case "ExportCert":
                CertSave certSave = new CertSave(context.caInfo);
                certSave.cert = cert;

            case "RevokeCert":
                revokeCert revoke = new revokeCert(cert);
                if (this.SnapIn.Console.ShowDialog(revoke) == DialogResult.OK)
                    context.caInfo.RevokeCertificate(cert, (CRLReason)revoke.cbReason.SelectedIndex);

            case "RenewCert":


            case "RekeyCert":
                RekeyCert rekey = new RekeyCert(context.caInfo, cert);
                if (this.SnapIn.Console.ShowDialog(rekey) == DialogResult.OK)
                    certSave      = new CertSave(context.caInfo);
                    certSave.cert = rekey.cert;

            case "UnRevokeCert":
Esempio n. 59
 public void Cancel()
     this.Status = AsyncStatus.Canceled;
Esempio n. 60
 public AsyncStatusTransition(AsyncStatus oldStatus, AsyncStatus newStatus)
     this.oldStatus = oldStatus;
     this.newStatus = newStatus;