private void ConvertSongs(AsyncPartialResultCollector <ConvertedSong> partialResults)
            const int bufferSize = 256;

            byte[] reusedBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];

            foreach (var song in Songs)
                    ConvertSong(song, reusedBuffer)

                $"Completed song conversion batch: {Songs.Count()} songs "
                + $"were converted to format '{SongEncoder.Extension}'. "
                + $"First song: '{Songs.FirstOrDefault().SongInfo.CombinedName}'."
        private void SplitGroup(AsyncPartialResultCollector <RecordedSong> partialResults)
            using (var groupReader = new WaveFileReader(Group.Path))
                const int bufferSize = 256;                 //I'm guessing this power of 2 should work well
                byte[]    buffer     = new byte[bufferSize];

                int songNum = 1;
                _logger.Log("songs: " + string.Join(", ", Group.Songs.Select(x => x.CombinedName)));
                foreach (var song in Group.Songs.Skip(1).Where(s => s.IsSong && s.HasStopped))
                    //Loop through songs, ignoring ads, durations where the music is paused, and incomplete songs
                    //Skip the first song as this will be incomplete (do this before filtering out ads etc
                    //as there's no point skipping a song after an ad)

                    string songPath = Path.Combine(
                        $"Temp Group '{Group.GroupID}' - Song#{songNum} {song.CombinedName}"
                    // ^ Adding in the group id and song number avoids having to deal with
                    // duplicates (they'll be dealt with later)

                    using (var songWriter = new WaveFileWriter(songPath + ".wav-extracting", groupReader.WaveFormat))
                        ExtractSongToFile(buffer, groupReader, songWriter, song);

                    File.Move(songPath + ".wav-extracting", songPath + ".wav");

                    partialResults.AddPartialResult(new RecordedSong(song, songPath + ".wav"));


            _logger.Log($"Finished splitting song group '{Group.GroupID}' into songs");


            //Deleting later no longer works (due to setting mutation)
            //	Don't delete yet - clear up all the files later, where it's easier to make it customiseable etc.
            //	This also ensures that if there's an error above the file should still get deleted.