Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DogsHeaven"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Focuser()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl         = new TraceLogger("", "Focuser");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Starting initialisation");
            Focuser.traceState = true;
            connectedState     = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            utilities          = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities     = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here
            arduino = new Arduino();
                sw              = new StreamReader("c:\\configf.dat");
                comPort         = Convert.ToString(sw.ReadLine());
                Analog          = Convert.ToBoolean(sw.ReadLine());
                focuserPosition = Convert.ToInt64(sw.ReadLine());
            catch (Exception ex)
                StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter("c:\\configf.dat");
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error in saving config" + ex.Message);

            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RelayPwr2Ch"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Switch()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store
            tl = new TraceLogger("2ChLog.txt", "RelayPwr2Ch");

            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Switch", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object

            Serial2 = new Utilities.Serial();
            tl.LogMessage("Switch", "Completed initialisation");
            if (File.Exists(path + "\\relay2Chsettings.txt"))
                // default values for relay assignments
                relay0 = "Ch 1";
                relay1 = "Ch 2";
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SSFocuser"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Focuser()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "SSFocuser");
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here

            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Completed initialisation");
            MySerialPort = new SerialPort();
            //buffer = new byte[1024];
            RecvBuf = "";
            m_rCmd  = 'U';

            MyToolbox = new Toolbox(this);

            m_IsMoving          = false;
            m_TempComp          = false;
            m_TempCompAvailable = true;
Esempio n. 4
        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposed)

            if (disposing)
                // cleanup managed resources (none to cleanup for now)

            // Clean up the tracelogger and util objects
            if (m_mount != null)
                m_mount  = null;
                m_camera = null;

            tl = null;

            utilities = null;
            astroUtilities = null;
            transform = null;

            disposed = true;
Esempio n. 5
        public void init()
            if (initialized)

            och = new ObservingConditions("ASCOM.OCH.ObservingConditions");
            if (tl == null)
                tl = new TraceLogger("", "Wise40.SafeToOpen");
            name              = "Wise40 SafeToOpen";
            driverID          = Const.wiseSafeToOperateDriverID;
            driverDescription = string.Format("ASCOM Wise40.SafeToOpen v{0}", version.ToString());

            if (_profile == null)
                _profile = new Profile()
                    DeviceType = "SafetyMonitor"

            humiditySensor          = new HumiditySensor(this);
            windSensor              = new WindSensor(this);
            sunSensor               = new SunSensor(this);
            cloudsSensor            = new CloudsSensor(this);
            rainSensor              = new RainSensor(this);
            humanInterventionSensor = new HumanInterventionSensor(this);
            _sensors = new List <Sensor>()

            tl.Enabled = debugger.Tracing;
            tl.LogMessage("SafetyMonitor", "Starting initialisation");

            _connected = false;

            novas31    = new NOVAS31();
            astroutils = new AstroUtils();
            ascomutils = new Util();

            siteLatitude  = ascomutils.DMSToDegrees("30:35:50.43");
            siteLongitude = ascomutils.DMSToDegrees("34:45:43.86");
            siteElevation = 882.9;
            novas31.MakeOnSurface(siteLatitude, siteLongitude, siteElevation, 0.0, 0.0, ref onSurface);
            novas31.MakeObject(0, Convert.ToInt16(Body.Sun), "Sun", new CatEntry3(), ref Sun);

            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store
            initialized = true;

            tl.LogMessage("SafetyMonitor", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GotoStar"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            LogDebug = false;

            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store
            // initialize serilog in debug or info mode
            if (LogDebug)
                Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
                             .WriteTo.File("logfile.log", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day)
                Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
                             .WriteTo.File("logfile.log", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day)
            Log.Information("Starting GotoStar driver");
            Log.Debug("Telescope - Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            // initialize mount communication
            gotoStar = new GotoStarCommunication();
            Log.Debug("Telescope - Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OpenSynscan"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "OpenSynscan");
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            mMutex         = new Mutex();
            mSender        = new UdpClient(TX_PORT);
            mReceiver      = new UdpClient(RX_PORT);

            mDevice   = null;
            mTxPkt    = new Byte[TX_PKT_LEN];
            mRxPkt    = new Byte[RX_PKT_LEN];
            mTxPkt[0] = PULSE_PKT_START;
            mRxEvent  = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
            mRxEvent.SetBuffer(mRxPkt, 0, RX_PKT_LEN);
            mRxEvent.RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
            mRxEvent.UserToken      = mReceiver.Client;
            mRxEvent.Completed     += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(RecvCompleted);

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 8
        public override void Randomize()
            if (Hyperdrive.seedString == AstroUtils.KERBIN_SYSTEM_COORDS)
            float value = WarpRNG.GetValue();

            // Atmosphere has a 75% chance of being generated if we are a planet
            // Atmosphere has a 10% chance of being generated if we are a moon
            if (value >= 0.25f && AstroUtils.IsSun(planetData.referenceBody) || value <= 0.1f)
                hasAtmosphere = true;
            if (hasAtmosphere)
                value = WarpRNG.GetValue();
                // 10% chance if atmosphere the atmosphere has oxygen
                if (value >= 0.9f)
                    hasOxygen = true;
                atmosphereHeight       = WarpRNG.GenerateFloat(0.5f, 15.0f);
                atmospherePressureMult = WarpRNG.GenerateFloat(0.1f, 15.0f);
                ambientColor           = new Color(WarpRNG.GetValue() * 0.25f, WarpRNG.GetValue() * 0.25f, WarpRNG.GetValue() * 0.25f);
            // Temperature measured by distance from sun
            if (!IsSun())
                double orbitHeight = planetData.semiMajorAxis / AstroUtils.MAX_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS;
                double inverseMult = 1.0 - orbitHeight;
                tempMultiplier = 5.0f * (float)inverseMult;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Sepikascope2"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl         = new TraceLogger("", "Sepikascope2");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Completed initialisation");

            actionsArrayList = new ArrayList();

            //NOTE : DOUBLE CHECK - EACH ONE
            //       UPDATE LIST!

            //actionsArrayList.Add("CanMoveAxis"); //can move Alt, Azm
            //actionsArrayList.Add("MoveAxis"); //not sure how to implement
            actionsArrayList.Add("SlewToAltAz");      //functional
            //actionsArrayList.Add("Slewing"); //untested, not written?
            actionsArrayList.Add("AbortSlew");        //functional
            actionsArrayList.Add("Altitude");         //functional
            actionsArrayList.Add("Azimuth");          //functional
            //actionsArrayList.Add("SyncToAltAz"); //functional
            actionsArrayList.Add("SupportedActions"); //redundant
Esempio n. 10
 public void Dispose()
     // Clean up the tracelogger and util objects
     trace = false;
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Wise40Hardware"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Dome()
            wisedome.ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            utilities      = new Util();
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils();

Esempio n. 12
 private void CreateSphereOfInfluence()
     sphereOfInfluence = AstroUtils.CalculateSOIFromMass(planetData);
     if (sphereOfInfluence > AstroUtils.KERBIN_SOI * 30)
         // This is where Jool's SOI caps out -- we don't want to go any larger
         sphereOfInfluence = AstroUtils.KERBIN_SOI * 30;
Esempio n. 13
 public void Dispose()
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
     wisedome = null;
Esempio n. 14
        public void Dispose()
            util = null;

            astroUtils = null;

Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Wise40"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            ReadProfile();                 // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            _connected = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            util       = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtils = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object

Esempio n. 16
 public void Dispose()
     tl.Enabled = false;
     tl = null;
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
Esempio n. 17
 public void Dispose()
     // Clean up the tracelogger and util objects
     //tl.Enabled = false;
     //tl = null;
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
Esempio n. 18
 public void Dispose()
     // Clean up the tracelogger and util objects
     tl.Enabled = false;
     tl = null;
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
Esempio n. 19
 public void Dispose()
     // Clean up the logger and util objects
     Log.Information("Terminating GotoStar driver");
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
Esempio n. 20
 public void Dispose()
     // Clean up the tracelogger and util objects
     tl.Enabled = false;
     tl = null;
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ElmsRemoteTelescopeUdp"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "ElmsRemoteTelescopeUdp");
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Starting initialisation");

            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here
            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Altair"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Dome()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "Altair");
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            LogMessage("Dome", "Starting initialisation");

            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro-utilities object

            LogMessage("Dome", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TEMPLATEDEVICENAME"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Focuser()
            _controller        = new DeviceFocuser();
            _controller.Server = comServer;
            _controller.trace  = trace;

            ReadProfile();                     // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ElmsRemoteFocuser"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Focuser()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "ElmsRemoteFocuser");
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Starting initialisation");

            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object

            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 25
        public Camera()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "microlux");

            tl.LogMessage("Camera", "Starting initialisation");

            IsConnected    = false;
            utilities      = new Util();
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils();

            tl.LogMessage("Camera", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Baader"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Dome()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "Baader");
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "Starting initialisation");

            serialPort     = null;             // Initialise without connection
            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object

            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AGBHMask"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Switch()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "AGBHMask");
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl.LogMessage("Switch", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro-utilities object

            tl.LogMessage("Switch", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OpenAstroTracker"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Focuser()
            _driverId = Marshal.GenerateProgIdForType(this.GetType());

            logMessage = SharedResources.LogMessageCallback;

            logMessage(LoggingFlags.Focuser, "Starting initialisation");

            utilities      = new Util();        //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils();  // Initialise astro-utilities object

            logMessage(LoggingFlags.Focuser, "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OpenAstroGuider"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl         = new TraceLogger("", "OpenAstroGuider");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false;            // Initialise connected to false
            utilities      = new Util();       //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GSFocus"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>

        public Focuser()
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "GSfocus");
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here

            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Sepikascope001"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// TODO :
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl = new TraceLogger("", "Sepikascope001");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Completed initialisation");

            actionsArrayList = new ArrayList();

            actionsArrayList.Add("CanMoveAxis"); // returns true for azimuth
            actionsArrayList.Add("SlewToAltAz"); // slews azimuth, not altitude yet
            actionsArrayList.Add("Slewing"); // returns false until
                                             // I implement threads
            actionsArrayList.Add("Altitude"); // not implemented yet
            actionsArrayList.Add("Azimuth");  // returns arcminutes
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Norgate"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl = new TraceLogger("", "Norgate");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here
            raAxisController = new RAAxisController(this);
            decAxisController = new DecAxisController(this);

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Arduino"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Dome()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl = new TraceLogger("", "Arduino");

            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Doem", "Starting Dome");
            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "Setting Chooser Form");
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.Message.Contains("Cancel")) return;
                else throw ex;

            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "Starting initialisation");
            connectedState = false;             // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util();             //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils();  // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here
            using (Profile p = new Profile())
                p.DeviceType = "Dome";
                comPort = p.GetValue(driverID, "comPort");
                _arduino = new ArduinoDome(comPort, isArduinoBootLoader);
            _position = 0.0;
            Parked = true;
            ParkPosition = 0.0;
            IsSlewing = false;
            Threshold = 2.0;
            connectedState = false;
//            Braking = 0.0;
            DomeTimer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
            DomeTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);//new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3);
            DomeTimer.Tick += DomeTimer_Tick;
            DomeTimer.IsEnabled = true;

            slewThread.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            slewThread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
            slewThread.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(slewThread_Body);
            slewThread.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(slewThread_Completed);
            //slewThread.DoWork += slewThread_Body;
            //slewThread.RunWorkerCompleted += slewThread_Completed;
            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 34
        private AAF2 aaf2;  // tekkydave


        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AAF2"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Focuser()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            aaf2 = new AAF2(traceState);  // tekkydave - instantiate aaf2 object for Arduino calls, passing in the tracestate.

            string traceDir = aaf2.getTraceDir();   // tekkydave - get the trace dir from registry.
            if (traceDir == "")                     // if no value set it to C:\
                traceDir = "c:\\";

            tl = new TraceLogger(traceDir + "\\Driver" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "AAF2_Driver");      // tekkydave - Added path to trace file
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here
            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StellarFocus"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Focuser()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl = new TraceLogger("", "StellarFocus");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            serialPort = new ASCOM.Utilities.Serial();

            ConnectStatus = 0;
            Homing = false;

            tl.LogMessage("Focuser", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 36
 public void Dispose()
     // Clean up the tracelogger, settings form and util objects
     tl.Enabled = false;
     tl = null;
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
Esempio n. 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="cam85_v02"/> class.
 /// Must be public for COM registration.
 /// </summary>
 public Camera()
     // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store
     //Init debug logger
     tl = new TraceLogger("", "cam85_v02");
     tl.Enabled = traceState;
     tl.LogMessage("Camera", "Starting initialisation");
     // Initialise connected to false
     cameraConnectedState = false;
     //Initialise util object
     utilities = new Util();
     // Initialise astro utilities object
     astroUtilities = new AstroUtils();
     //New form for gain/offset settings
     settingsForm = new camSettings();
     settingsForm.gain = gainState;
     settingsForm.offset = offsetState;
     settingsForm.onTop = onTopState;
     if (!coolerEnabledState) settingsForm.tecStatus = "disabled";
     settingsForm.baudrateAdjust = baudrateAdjustState;
     tec = new TECControl(coolerComPortState, traceState);
     tl.LogMessage("Camera", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 38
        public ArduinoFocuser focuser;  // tekkydave


        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ArduinoFocuser"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public BaseDriver(string deviceType, string driverId, string driverDescription, short driverInterfaceVersion)
            this.deviceType = deviceType;
            this.driverId = driverId;
            this.driverDescription = driverDescription;
            this.driverInterfaceVersion = driverInterfaceVersion;
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            focuser = new ArduinoFocuser(this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Sepikascope2"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl = new TraceLogger("", "Sepikascope2");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Completed initialisation");

            actionsArrayList = new ArrayList();

            //NOTE : DOUBLE CHECK - EACH ONE
            //       UPDATE LIST!

            //actionsArrayList.Add("CanMoveAxis"); //can move Alt, Azm
            //actionsArrayList.Add("MoveAxis"); //not sure how to implement
            actionsArrayList.Add("SlewToAltAz"); //functional
            //actionsArrayList.Add("Slewing"); //untested, not written?
            actionsArrayList.Add("AbortSlew"); //functional
            actionsArrayList.Add("Altitude"); //functional
            actionsArrayList.Add("Azimuth");  //functional
            //actionsArrayList.Add("SyncToAltAz"); //functional
            actionsArrayList.Add("SupportedActions"); //redundant
Esempio n. 40
        //public FTDIio io = new FTDIio();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Pictavore_4021a"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Camera()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

#if Server
            string s_csDriverID = Marshal.GenerateProgIdForType(this.GetType());
            tl = new TraceLogger("", "Pictavore_4021a");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Camera", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = FTDIio.Connected;
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here

            tl.LogMessage("Camera", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 41
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ATA50KubbeDriver"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Dome()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl = new TraceLogger("", "ATA50KubbeDriver");
            tl.Enabled = true;
            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "baslatiliyor..wait..wait..wait..");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here

            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "Tamamlandi..");
Esempio n. 42
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ATA50"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Dome()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

            tl = new TraceLogger("", "ATA50");
            tl.Enabled = traceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            //TODO: Implement your additional construction here

            tl.LogMessage("Dome", "Completed initialisation");
Esempio n. 43
		public void Dispose()
			// Clean up the tracelogger and util objects
			m_tl.Enabled = false;
			m_tl = null;
			m_utilities = null;
			m_astroUtilities = null;
			if (m_video != null)
				m_video = null;
Esempio n. 44
 public void Dispose()
     // Clean up the tracelogger and util objects
     tl.Enabled = false;
     tl = null;
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
Esempio n. 45
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GenericCCDCamera"/> class.
		/// Must be public for COM registration.
		/// </summary>
		public Video()
			ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store

			m_tl = new TraceLogger("", "GenericCCDCamera");
			m_tl.Enabled = m_traceState;
			m_tl.LogMessage("Video", "Starting initialisation");

			m_connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
			m_utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
			m_astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
			//TODO: Implement your additional construction here

			m_tl.LogMessage("Video", "Completed initialisation");
 public void Dispose()
     // Clean up the tracelogger and util objects
     if (telescopeWorker != null) telescopeWorker.Dispose();
     tl.Enabled = false;
     tl = null;
     utilities = null;
     astroUtilities = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CelestronAdvancedBlueTooth"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Telescope()
            ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store
            _telescopeV3 = this;

            tl = new TraceLogger("", "CelestronAdvancedBlueTooth");
            tl.Enabled = profile.TraceState;
            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Starting initialisation");

            connectedState = false; // Initialise connected to false
            utilities = new Util(); //Initialise util object
            astroUtilities = new AstroUtils(); // Initialise astro utilities object
            catch (Exception err)

            tl.LogMessage("Telescope", "Completed initialisation");
            _handControl = new HandControl();