Esempio n. 1
    /*public void OnDisableUndo () {
     *      return;
     *      if (!editor.enableUndo) {
     *              return;
     *      }
     *      if (undoState != null) {
     *              ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate (undoState);
     *              undoState = null;
     *      }
     * }
     * private void ApplyUndo () {
     *      return;
     *      if (!editor.enableUndo) {
     *              return;
     *      }
     *      undoState.hasBeenReverted = false;
     *      if ( == null) {
     *              return;
     *      }
     *      byte[] bytes = GetSerializedBytes (target);
     *      bool isDifferent = false;
     *      //Check if the data is any different from the last saved data, if it isn't, don't load it
     *      if ( == null || bytes.Length != {
     *              isDifferent = true;
     *      } else {
     *              for (int i=0;i<bytes.Length;i++) {
     *                      if (bytes[i] !=[i]) {
     *                              isDifferent = true;
     *                              break;
     *                      }
     *              }
     *      }
     *      if (isDifferent) {
     *              Debug.Log ("The undo is different "+ Event.current.type +" "+Event.current.commandName);
     *              //Event.current.Use ();
     *              AstarSerializer sz = new AstarSerializer (editor.script);
     *              sz.OpenDeserialize (;
     *              sz.DeSerializeSettings (target,;
     *              sz.Close ();
     *      }
     * }
     * public void ModifierKeysChanged () {
     *      return;
     *      if (!editor.enableUndo) {
     *              return;
     *      }
     *      if (undoState == null) {
     *              return;
     *      }
     *      //The user has tried to undo something, apply that
     *      if (undoState.hasBeenReverted) {
     *              ApplyUndo ();
     *              GUI.changed = true;
     *              editor.Repaint ();
     *      }
     * }
     * /** Handles undo operations for the graph *
     * public void HandleUndo (NavGraph target) {
     *      return;
     *      if (!editor.enableUndo) {
     *              return;
     *      }
     *      if (undoState == null) {
     *              undoState = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<GraphUndo>();
     *      }
     *      Event e = Event.current;
     *      //ModifierKeysChanged ();
     *      //To serialize settings for a grid graph takes from 0.00 ms to 7.8 ms (usually 0.0, but sometimes jumps up to 7.8 (no values in between)
     *      if ((e.button == 0 && (e.type == EventType.MouseDown || e.type == EventType.MouseUp)) || (e.isKey && (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab || e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return))) {
     *              System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
     *              stopWatch.Start();
     *              //Serialize the settings of the graph
     *              byte[] bytes = GetSerializedBytes (target);
     *              bool isDifferent = false;
     *              if ( == null) {
     *                      Debug.LogError (" == null - This should not happen");
     *                      return;
     *              }
     *              //Check if the data is any different from the last saved data, if it isn't, don't save it
     *              if (bytes.Length != {
     *                      isDifferent = true;
     *              } else {
     *                      for (int i=0;i<bytes.Length;i++) {
     *                              if (bytes[i] !=[i]) {
     *                                      isDifferent = true;
     *                                      break;
     *                              }
     *                      }
     *              }
     *              //Only save undo if the data was different from the last saved undo
     *              if (isDifferent) {
     *                      //This flag is set to true so we can detect if the object has been reverted
     *                      undoState.hasBeenReverted = true;
     *                      Undo.RegisterUndo (undoState,"A* inspector");
     *                      //Assign the new data
     *             = bytes;
     *                      //Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(undoState,"A* inspector");
     *                      //Undo.CreateSnapshot ();
     *                      //Undo.RegisterSnapshot();
     *                      undoState.hasBeenReverted = false;
     *                      Debug.Log ("Saved "+bytes.Length+" bytes");
     *                      stopWatch.Stop();
     *                      Debug.Log ("Adding Undo "+stopWatch.Elapsed.ToString ());
     *              }
     *      }
     * }*/

    /** Returns a byte array with the settings of the graph. This function serializes the graph's settings and stores them in a byte array, used for undo operations. This will not save any additional metadata such as which A* version we are working on. */
    private byte[] GetSerializedBytes(NavGraph target)
        //Serialize the settings of the graph
        AstarSerializer sz = new AstarSerializer(editor.script);

        byte[] bytes = (sz.writerStream.BaseStream as System.IO.MemoryStream).ToArray();

Esempio n. 2
        public static NavGraph[] Load(string filePath)
            byte[] bytes = AstarSerializer.LoadFromFile(filePath);

            AstarSerializer sr = new AstarSerializer();

            if (!sr.OpenDeserialize(bytes))
                throw new Exception("Invalid data file (cannot read zip).\nThe data is either corrupt or it was saved using a 3.0.x or earlier version of the system");

            var gr = new List <NavGraph>();

            // Set an offset so that the deserializer will load
            // the graphs with the correct graph indexes


            NavGraph[] graphs = gr.ToArray();


            //Assign correct graph indices.
            for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++)
                if (graphs[i] == null)
                int i1 = i;
                graphs[i].GetNodes(node => node.GraphIndex = (uint)i1);

            for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < graphs.Length; j++)
                    if (graphs[i] != null && graphs[j] != null && graphs[i].guid == graphs[j].guid)
                        graphs[i].guid = Guid.NewGuid();


Esempio n. 3
    public void SerializeSettings(NavGraph target, AstarSerializer serializer)
        //NavMeshGraph graph = target as NavMeshGraph;

        //string meshPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (graph.sourceMesh);
        //string meshGUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID (meshPath);

        /*if (graph == null) {
         *      serializer.writerStream.Write (-1);
         * } else {
         *      int instanceID = graph.sourceMesh != null ? graph.sourceMesh.GetInstanceID () : -1;
         *      serializer.writerStream.Write (instanceID);
         * }*/
Esempio n. 4
    public void DeSerializeSettings(NavGraph target, AstarSerializer serializer)
        //NavMeshGraph graph = target as NavMeshGraph;

        //string meshGUID = serializer.readerStream.ReadString ();
        //int instanceID = serializer.readerStream.ReadInt32 ();

        //Mesh ob = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject (instanceID) as Mesh;

        //if (!Application.isPlaying) {
        //graph.sourceMesh = ob;

        /*string meshPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath (meshGUID);
         * Debug.Log (meshGUID +" "+ meshPath);
         * graph.sourceMesh = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (meshPath,typeof(Mesh)) as Mesh;*/

        //Debug.Log ("Did succeed? "+(graph.sourceMesh != null));
Esempio n. 5
 public void DeSerializeSettings(NavGraph target, AstarSerializer serializer)
     pivot     = (GridPivot)serializer.GetValue("pivot", typeof(int), GridPivot.BottomLeft);
     locked    = (bool)serializer.GetValue("locked", typeof(bool), true);
     showExtra = (bool)serializer.GetValue("showExtra", typeof(bool));
Esempio n. 6
 public void SerializeSettings(NavGraph target, AstarSerializer serializer)
     serializer.AddValue("pivot", (int)pivot);
     serializer.AddValue("locked", locked);
     serializer.AddValue("showExtra", showExtra);
 public static NavGraph[] Load(string filePath)
     byte[] bytes = AstarSerializer.LoadFromFile(filePath);
Esempio n. 8
		/** Deserializes common info additively
		 * Common info is what is shared between the editor serialization and the runtime serializer.
		 * This is mostly everything except the graph inspectors which serialize some extra data in the editor
		public void DeserializeGraphsPartAdditive (AstarSerializer sr) {
			if (graphs == null) graphs = new NavGraph[0];
			if (userConnections == null) userConnections = new UserConnection[0];
			var gr = new List<NavGraph>(graphs);
			gr.AddRange (sr.DeserializeGraphs ());
			graphs = gr.ToArray();
			if ( graphs != null ) for ( var i = 0; i<graphs.Length;i++ ) if ( graphs[i] != null ) graphs[i].graphIndex = (uint)i;
			var conns = new List<UserConnection>(userConnections);
			conns.AddRange (sr.DeserializeUserConnections());
			userConnections = conns.ToArray ();
			//Assign correct graph indices. Issue #21
			for (var i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
				if (graphs[i] == null) continue;
				graphs[i].GetNodes (delegate (GraphNode node) {
					//GraphNode[] nodes = graphs[i].nodes;
					node.GraphIndex = (uint)i;
					return true;
			for (var i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
				for (var j=i+1;j<graphs.Length;j++) {
					if (graphs[i] != null && graphs[j] != null && graphs[i].guid == graphs[j].guid) {
						Debug.LogWarning ("Guid Conflict when importing graphs additively. Imported graph will get a new Guid.\nThis message is (relatively) harmless.");
						graphs[i].guid = Guid.NewGuid ();
Esempio n. 9
		/** Deserializes common info.
		 * Common info is what is shared between the editor serialization and the runtime serializer.
		 * This is mostly everything except the graph inspectors which serialize some extra data in the editor
		public void DeserializeGraphsPart (AstarSerializer sr) {
			ClearGraphs ();
			graphs = sr.DeserializeGraphs ();
			if ( graphs != null ) for ( var i = 0; i<graphs.Length;i++ ) if ( graphs[i] != null ) graphs[i].graphIndex = (uint)i;
			userConnections = sr.DeserializeUserConnections();

			//Assign correct graph indices.
			for (var i=0;i<graphs.Length;i++) {
				if (graphs[i] == null) continue;
				graphs[i].GetNodes (delegate (GraphNode node) {
					node.GraphIndex = (uint)i;
					return true;

Esempio n. 10
		/** Deserializes graphs from the specified byte array additively.
		 * If an error ocurred, it will try to deserialize using the old deserializer.
		 * A warning will be logged if all deserializers failed.
		 * This function will add loaded graphs to the current ones
		public void DeserializeGraphsAdditive (byte[] bytes) {;
			try {
				if (bytes != null) {
					var sr = new AstarSerializer(this);
					if (sr.OpenDeserialize(bytes)) {
						DeserializeGraphsPartAdditive (sr);
					} else {
						Debug.Log ("Invalid data file (cannot read zip).");
				} else {
					throw new ArgumentNullException ("Bytes should not be null when passed to DeserializeGraphs");
				active.VerifyIntegrity ();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Debug.LogWarning ("Caught exception while deserializing data.\n"+e);
Esempio n. 11
		/** Deserializes graphs from the specified byte array.
		 * If an error occured, it will try to deserialize using the old deserializer.
		 * A warning will be logged if all deserializers failed.
		public void DeserializeGraphs (byte[] bytes) {;
			try {
				if (bytes != null) {
					var sr = new AstarSerializer(this);
					if (sr.OpenDeserialize(bytes)) {
						DeserializeGraphsPart (sr);
						UpdateShortcuts ();
					} else {
						Debug.Log ("Invalid data file (cannot read zip).\nThe data is either corrupt or it was saved using a 3.0.x or earlier version of the system");
				} else {
					throw new ArgumentNullException ("Bytes should not be null when passed to DeserializeGraphs");
				active.VerifyIntegrity ();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Debug.LogWarning ("Caught exception while deserializing data.\n"+e);
				data_backup = bytes;
Esempio n. 12
		/** Serializes common info to the serializer.
		 * Common info is what is shared between the editor serialization and the runtime serializer.
		 * This is mostly everything except the graph inspectors which serialize some extra data in the editor
		public void SerializeGraphsPart (AstarSerializer sr) {
			sr.SerializeUserConnections (userConnections);
Esempio n. 13
		/** Main serializer function.
		 * Serializes all graphs to a byte array
		  * A similar function exists in the AstarPathEditor.cs script to save additional info */
		public byte[] SerializeGraphs (SerializeSettings settings, out uint checksum) {;
			var sr = new AstarSerializer(this, settings);
			SerializeGraphsPart (sr);
			var bytes = sr.CloseSerialize();
			checksum = sr.GetChecksum ();
			return bytes;