public static AssetMaster RegisterAssetMaster(AssetMaster assetMaster) { try { using Repository <AssetMaster> repo = new Repository <AssetMaster>(); var record = ((from asiacc in repo.AssetMaster select asiacc.Code).ToList()).ConvertAll <Int64>(Int64.Parse).OrderByDescending(x => x).FirstOrDefault(); if (record != 0) { // noSeries.Code = (int.Parse(lstrcd.Code) + 1).ToString(); assetMaster.Code = (record + 1).ToString(); } else { assetMaster.Code = "1"; } assetMaster.Active = "Y"; repo.AssetMaster.Add(assetMaster); if (repo.SaveChanges() > 0) { return(assetMaster); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public IActionResult UpdateAssetMaster([FromBody] AssetMaster assetMaster) { if (assetMaster == null) { return(BadRequest($"{nameof(assetMaster)} cannot be null")); } try { var result = AssetHelper.UpdateAssetMaster(assetMaster); APIResponse apiResponse; if (result != null) { apiResponse = new APIResponse() { status = APIStatus.PASS.ToString(), response = result }; } else { apiResponse = new APIResponse() { status = APIStatus.FAIL.ToString(), response = "Updation Failed." }; } return(Ok(apiResponse)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Ok(new APIResponse() { status = APIStatus.FAIL.ToString(), response = ex.Message })); } }
public IHttpActionResult PostAssetMaster(AssetMaster assetMaster) { db.AssetMasters.Add(assetMaster); db.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = assetMaster.am_id }, assetMaster)); }
public IHttpActionResult PutAssetMaster(int id, AssetMaster assetMaster) { if (id != assetMaster.am_id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(assetMaster).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!AssetMasterExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public IHttpActionResult GetAssetMaster(int id) { AssetMaster assetMaster = db.AssetMasters.Find(id); if (assetMaster == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(assetMaster)); }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteAssetMaster(int id) { AssetMaster assetMaster = db.AssetMasters.Find(id); if (assetMaster == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.AssetMasters.Remove(assetMaster); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(assetMaster)); }
public IHttpActionResult PostAssetMaster(AssetMaster assetMaster) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int min = 1000; int max = 9999; Random rdm = new Random(); int id = rdm.Next(min, max); assetMaster.am_snumber = id.ToString(); db.AssetMasters.Add(assetMaster); db.SaveChanges(); } return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = assetMaster.am_id }, assetMaster)); }
//public async Task<IActionResult> CreateAsset([Bind("Id,FG_Code,AssetCategory,AssetType,ControllerType," + // "Controllers,Trays,TraySize,Handed,Format,Power,Elements,kWh_Rating_Element,LightType,Lights,kWh_Rating_Light,Fans," + // "kWh_Rating_Fan,kWh_Rating_Damper,kWh_Rating_WaterSolenoid")] AssetMaster assetMaster) public async Task <IActionResult> CreateAsset([Bind("Id,FG_Code,AssetCategory,AssetType,ControllerType," + "Controllers,Trays,TraySize,Handed,Format,Power,Elements,kWh_Rating_Element,LightType,Lights,kWh_Rating_Light,Fans," + "kWh_Rating_Fan,kWh_Rating_Damper,kWh_Rating_WaterSolenoid,CreatedBy,modifiedby")] AssetMaster assetMaster) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = _userManager.GetUserId(User); // var userName = _context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == user).Select(x => x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName).FirstOrDefault(); var userName = _context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == user).Select(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault(); assetMaster.CreatedBy = userName; _context.Add(assetMaster); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(AssetsList))); } return(View(assetMaster)); }
public static AssetMaster UpdateAssetMaster(AssetMaster assetMaster) { try { using Repository <AssetMaster> repo = new Repository <AssetMaster>(); repo.AssetMaster.Update(assetMaster); if (repo.SaveChanges() > 0) { return(assetMaster); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public IActionResult RegisterAssetMaster([FromBody] AssetMaster assetMaster) { try { APIResponse apiResponse = null; if (AssetHelper.GetList(assetMaster.AssetNo) != null) { return(Ok(new APIResponse() { status = APIStatus.FAIL.ToString(), response = $"AssetNo ={assetMaster.AssetNo} Aready Exists." })); } var result = AssetHelper.RegisterAssetMaster(assetMaster); if (result != null) { apiResponse = new APIResponse() { status = APIStatus.PASS.ToString(), response = result }; } else { apiResponse = new APIResponse() { status = APIStatus.FAIL.ToString(), response = "Registration Failed." }; } return(Ok(apiResponse)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Ok(new APIResponse() { status = APIStatus.FAIL.ToString(), response = ex.Message })); } }
public Message Assign(AssetMaster objUI) { Message msg = null; try { AssetMaster objDb = GetById(objUI.ID.ToString()); if (objDb != null) { Assign(objUI, objDb, ref msg); } else { msg = new Message(MessageConstants.E0040, MessageType.Error, "Asset '" + objUI.ID + "'"); } } catch (Exception) { msg = new Message(MessageConstants.E0007, MessageType.Error); } return msg; }
//[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task <IActionResult> EditAsset(int id, [Bind("Id,FG_Code,AssetCategory,AssetType,ControllerType,Controllers,Trays,TraySize,Handed,Format,Power,Elements,kWh_Rating_Element,LightType,Lights,kWh_Rating_Light,Fans," + "kWh_Rating_Fan,kWh_Rating_Damper,kWh_Rating_WaterSolenoid,modifiedby,CreatedBy")] AssetMaster assetMaster) //public async Task<IActionResult> EditAsset(int id, [Bind("Id,FG_Code,AssetCategory,AssetType,ControllerType,Controllers,Trays,TraySize,Handed,Format,Power")] AssetMaster assetMaster) { if (id != assetMaster.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { var user = _userManager.GetUserId(User); // var userName = _context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == user).Select(x => x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName).FirstOrDefault(); var userName = _context.Users.Where(x => x.Id == user).Select(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault(); assetMaster.modifiedby = userName; _context.Update(assetMaster); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!AssetMasterExists(assetMaster.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(AssetsList))); } return(View(assetMaster)); }
private void ReAssign(AssetMaster objUI, AssetMaster objDb, ref Message msg) { if (IsDBChanged(objUI, objDb)) { if (!IsDublicateAssetId(objUI)) { objDb.AssetID = objDb.AssetID; objDb.CategoryId = objDb.CategoryId; objDb.StatusId = Constants.ASSIGN_ASSET_AVAILABLE_STATUS; objDb.EmployeeId = Constants.ASSIGN_ASSET_EMPLOYEE_NULL; objDb.Remark = objDb.Remark; objDb.IsActive = objDb.IsActive; objDb.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; objDb.UpdatedBy = objDb.UpdatedBy; dbContext.SubmitChanges(); } } }
public Message Insert(AssetMaster objUI) { Message msg = null; try { if (!IsDublicateAssetId(objUI)) { dbContext.AssetMasters.InsertOnSubmit(objUI); dbContext.SubmitChanges(); msg = new Message(MessageConstants.I0001, MessageType.Info, "Asset Master '" + objUI.AssetID + "'", "added"); } else { msg = new Message(MessageConstants.E0020, MessageType.Error, "Name '" + objUI.AssetID + "'", "Asset Master"); } } catch (Exception) { msg = new Message(MessageConstants.E0007, MessageType.Error); } return msg; }
private void Assign(AssetMaster objUI, AssetMaster objDb, ref Message msg) { if (IsDBChanged(objUI, objDb)) { if (!IsDublicateAssetId(objUI)) { objDb.AssetID = objDb.AssetID; objDb.CategoryId = objDb.CategoryId; objDb.StatusId = Constants.ASSIGN_ASSET_INUSE_STATUS; objDb.EmployeeId = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(objUI.EmployeeId)) ? null : objUI.EmployeeId; ; objDb.Remark = objDb.Remark; objDb.IsActive = objDb.IsActive; objDb.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; objDb.UpdatedBy = objDb.UpdatedBy; dbContext.SubmitChanges(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Add and Edit Document /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CommonResponseWithIds AddAndEditAsset(AssetCustom data, long userId = 0) { CommonResponseWithIds obj = new CommonResponseWithIds(); try { var res = db.AssetMaster.Where(m => m.AssetId == data.assetId).FirstOrDefault(); if (res == null) { try { AssetMaster item = new AssetMaster(); item.AssetName = data.assetName; item.AssetDescription = data.assetDescription; item.AssetDocumentUploadedId = data.assetDocumentUploadedId; item.BarcodeAllocatedNumber = data.barcodeAllocatedNumber; item.LineNumber = data.lineNumber; item.IsActive = true; item.IsDeleted = false; item.CreatedBy = userId; item.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; db.AssetMaster.Add(item); db.SaveChanges(); obj.response = ResourceResponse.AddedSucessfully; obj.isStatus = true; = item.AssetId; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); if (ex.InnerException != null) { log.Error(ex.InnerException.ToString()); } obj.response = ResourceResponse.ExceptionMessage; obj.isStatus = false; } } else { try { res.AssetName = data.assetName; res.AssetDescription = data.assetDescription; res.AssetDocumentUploadedId = data.assetDocumentUploadedId; res.BarcodeAllocatedNumber = data.barcodeAllocatedNumber; res.LineNumber = data.lineNumber; res.ModifiedBy = userId; res.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; db.SaveChanges(); = res.AssetId; obj.response = ResourceResponse.UpdatedSucessfully; obj.isStatus = true; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); if (ex.InnerException != null) { log.Error(ex.InnerException.ToString()); } obj.response = ResourceResponse.ExceptionMessage; obj.isStatus = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); if (ex.InnerException != null) { log.Error(ex.InnerException.ToString()); } obj.response = ResourceResponse.ExceptionMessage; obj.isStatus = false; } return(obj); }
private void Delete(AssetMaster objUI) { if (objUI != null) { // Get current group in dbContext AssetMaster objDb = GetById(objUI.ID.ToString()); if (objDb != null) { // Set delete info objDb.DeleteFlag = true; objDb.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; objDb.UpdatedBy = objUI.UpdatedBy; // Submit changes to dbContext dbContext.SubmitChanges(); } } }
private bool IsDBChanged(AssetMaster objUI, AssetMaster objDb) { bool isChannged = true; if (objDb.UpdateDate.ToString() == objUI.UpdateDate.ToString()) { isChannged = false; } return isChannged; }
public Task <bool> UpdateAsync(AssetMasterVM entity) { return(Task.Run(() => { if (entity.Asset_Base64_Photo != null) { string base64 = entity.Asset_Base64_Photo; entity.Asset_Base64_Photo = String.Format(base64); base64 = base64.Remove(0, base64.IndexOf("base64,") + 7); entity.AssetPhoto = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); } AssetMaster assetMaster = new AssetMaster { ID = entity.ID, Code = entity.Code, ARName = entity.ARName, LatName = entity.LatName, AssetGroupID = entity.AssetGroupID, AssetAccountID = entity.AssetAccountID, AssetBrand = entity.AssetBrand, AssetColor = entity.AssetColor, AssetHeight = entity.AssetHeight, AssetLocation = entity.AssetLocation, AssetModel = entity.AssetModel, AssetScreenNumber = entity.AssetScreenNumber, AssetStatusID = entity.AssetStatusID, AssetTypeID = entity.AssetTypeID, AssetWeight = entity.AssetWeight, AssetWidth = entity.AssetWidth, Barcode = entity.Barcode, ManufactureCompanyID = entity.ManufactureCompanyID, OriginNationID = entity.OriginNationID, SupplierCompanyID = entity.SupplierCompanyID, DepreciationAccountID = entity.DepreciationAccountID, TotalDepreciationAccountID = entity.TotalDepreciationAccountID, ExpensesAccountID = entity.ExpensesAccountID, CapitalProfitAccountID = entity.CapitalProfitAccountID, CapitalLossAccountID = entity.CapitalLossAccountID, AppraisalExcessAccountID = entity.AppraisalExcessAccountID, ApprasialDeficitAccountID = entity.ApprasialDeficitAccountID, AssetPhoto = entity.AssetPhoto, AddedBy = entity.AddedBy, AddedOn = entity.AddedOn, UpdatedBy = entity.UpdatedBy, UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now, Notes = entity.Notes, DepartmentID = entity.DepartmentID, ManufactureDate = entity.ManufactureDate, WarrantyNumber = entity.WarrantyNumber, WarrantyStartDate = entity.WarrantyStartDate, WarrantyEndDate = entity.WarrantyEndDate, ReceivingDate = entity.ReceivingDate, ReceivingNotes = entity.ReceivingNotes, ContractNumber = entity.ContractNumber, ContractDate = entity.ContractDate, PurchasingDate = entity.PurchasingDate, CustomsStatment = entity.CustomsStatment, CustomsStatmentDate = entity.CustomsStatmentDate, ShippingNumber = entity.ShippingNumber, AssetShippingMethodID = entity.AssetShippingMethodID, ShippingDate = entity.ShippingDate, ImportLicenseNumber = entity.ImportLicenseNumber, ShippingDestination = entity.ShippingDestination, ShippingArrivalDate = entity.ShippingArrivalDate, //Active = entity.Active, //Position = entity.Position }; assetMasterRepo.Update(assetMaster, assetMaster.ID); AssetDepreciationDetails assetDepreciationDetails = new AssetDepreciationDetails { ID = entity.Depreciation.ID, //Active = entity.Depreciation.Active, AddedBy = entity.Depreciation.AddedBy, AddedOn = entity.Depreciation.AddedOn, AssetDepreciationTypeID = entity.Depreciation.AssetDepreciationTypeID, //Position = entity.Depreciation.Position, AssetLifeSpan = entity.Depreciation.AssetLifeSpan, AssetLifeSpanUnitID = entity.Depreciation.AssetLifeSpanUnitID, AssetMasterID = assetMaster.ID, AssetScrapValue = entity.Depreciation.AssetScrapValue, CurrencyID = entity.Depreciation.CurrencyID, CurrencyRate = entity.Depreciation.CurrencyRate, CurrentAssetValue = entity.Depreciation.CurrentAssetValue, DepreciationStartDate = entity.Depreciation.DepreciationStartDate, DepreciationTotals = entity.Depreciation.DepreciationTotals, ExclusionsValue = entity.Depreciation.ExclusionsValue, ExtraValue = entity.Depreciation.ExtraValue, InitialAssetScrapValue = entity.Depreciation.InitialAssetScrapValue, Notes = entity.Depreciation.Notes, NotSubjectToDepreciation = entity.Depreciation.NotSubjectToDepreciation, NotSubjectToRevaluation = entity.Depreciation.NotSubjectToRevaluation, UpdatedBy = entity.Depreciation.UpdatedBy, UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now }; AssetDepreciationDetailsRepo.Update(assetDepreciationDetails, assetDepreciationDetails.ID); return true; })); }
private void Update(AssetMaster objUI, AssetMaster objDb, ref Message msg) { if (!IsDBChanged(objUI, objDb)) { if (!IsDublicateAssetId(objUI)) { objDb.AssetID = objUI.AssetID; objDb.CategoryId = objUI.CategoryId; objDb.StatusId = objUI.StatusId; objDb.EmployeeId = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(objUI.EmployeeId)) ? null : objUI.EmployeeId; objDb.Remark = objUI.Remark; objDb.IsActive = objUI.IsActive; objDb.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; objDb.UpdatedBy = objUI.UpdatedBy; dbContext.SubmitChanges(); msg = new Message(MessageConstants.I0001, MessageType.Info, "Asset Master '" + objUI.AssetID + "'", "updated"); } else { msg = new Message(MessageConstants.E0020, MessageType.Error, "'" + objUI.AssetID + "'", "Asset Property"); } } else { msg = new Message(MessageConstants.E0025, MessageType.Error, "Asset Master'" + objDb.AssetID + "'"); } }
private bool IsDublicateAssetId(AssetMaster objUI) { bool isDublicateName = true; AssetMaster dublicateName = dbContext.AssetMasters.Where(a => a.AssetID.Equals(objUI.AssetID) && a.DeleteFlag == false).FirstOrDefault<AssetMaster>(); if (dublicateName == null || dublicateName.ID == objUI.ID) { isDublicateName = false; } return isDublicateName; }