Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the current entity.
        /// </summary>
        private void DeleteCurrentEntity()
            var targetEntity = this.GetTargetEntity();

            if (targetEntity == null)

            if (!targetEntity.IsAuthorized(Authorization.ADMINISTRATE, this.CurrentPerson))
                mdDeleteWarning.Show("You are not authorized to delete this item.", ModalAlertType.Information);

            var rockContext = this.GetDataContext();

            var assessmentTypeService = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext);

            string errorMessage;

            if (!assessmentTypeService.CanDelete(targetEntity, out errorMessage))
                mdDeleteWarning.Show(errorMessage, ModalAlertType.Information);



Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns breadcrumbs specific to the block that should be added to navigation
        /// based on the current page reference.  This function is called during the page's
        /// oninit to load any initial breadcrumbs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageReference">The page reference.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override List <BreadCrumb> GetBreadCrumbs(PageReference pageReference)
            var breadCrumbs = new List <BreadCrumb>();

            int?entityId = PageParameter(pageReference, PageParameterKey.EntityId).AsIntegerOrNull();

            if (entityId != null)
                var assessmentType = new AssessmentTypeService(this.GetDataContext()).Get(entityId.Value);

                if (assessmentType != null)
                    breadCrumbs.Add(new BreadCrumb(assessmentType.Title, pageReference));
                    breadCrumbs.Add(new BreadCrumb("New Assessment Type", pageReference));
                // don't show a breadcrumb if we don't have a pageparam to work with

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the specified entity data model and sets it as the current model, or retrieves the current model if none is specified.
        /// If the entity cannot be found, a newly-initialized model is created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityId">The connection type identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private AssessmentType GetTargetEntity(int?entityId = null)
            if (entityId == null)
                entityId = hfEntityId.ValueAsInt();

            string key = string.Format("AssessmentType:{0}", entityId);

            var entity = RockPage.GetSharedItem(key) as AssessmentType;

            if (entity == null)
                var rockContext = this.GetDataContext();

                entity = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext).Queryable()
                         .Where(c => c.Id == entityId)

                if (entity == null)
                    entity = new AssessmentType
                        Id       = 0,
                        IsActive = true

                RockPage.SaveSharedItem(key, entity);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the data source for the list after applying the specified filter settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataContext"></param>
        /// <param name="filterSettingsKeyValueMap"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object OnGetListDataSource(RockContext dataContext, Dictionary <string, string> filterSettingsKeyValueMap, SortProperty sortProperty)
            var assessmentService = new AssessmentTypeService(dataContext);

            var assessmentTypesQry = assessmentService.Queryable();

            // Filter by: Title
            var name = filterSettingsKeyValueMap[FilterSettingName.Title].ToStringSafe();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                assessmentTypesQry = assessmentTypesQry.Where(a => a.Title.Contains(name));

            // Filter by: Requires Request
            var requiresRequest = rFilter.GetUserPreference(FilterSettingName.RequiresRequest).AsBooleanOrNull();

            if (requiresRequest.HasValue)
                assessmentTypesQry = assessmentTypesQry.Where(a => a.RequiresRequest == requiresRequest.Value);

            // Filter by: Is Active
            var isActive = rFilter.GetUserPreference(FilterSettingName.IsActive).AsBooleanOrNull();

            if (isActive.HasValue)
                assessmentTypesQry = assessmentTypesQry.Where(a => a.IsActive == isActive.Value);

            // Apply Sorting.
            if (sortProperty != null)
                assessmentTypesQry = assessmentTypesQry.Sort(sortProperty);
                assessmentTypesQry = assessmentTypesQry.OrderBy(b => b.Title);

            // Retrieve the Assessment Type data models and create corresponding view models to display in the grid.
            var assessmentTypes = assessmentTypesQry
                                  .Select(x => new AssessmentTypeListItemViewModel
                Id              = x.Id,
                Title           = x.Title,
                RequiresRequest = x.RequiresRequest,
                IsActive        = x.IsActive,
                IsSystem        = x.IsSystem

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnNext control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int pageNumber = hfPageNo.ValueAsInt() + 1;


            LinkButton btn             = ( LinkButton )sender;
            string     commandArgument = btn.CommandArgument;

            var totalQuestion = pageNumber * QuestionCount;

            if ((_assessmentResponses.Count > totalQuestion && !_assessmentResponses.All(a => a.Response.HasValue)) || "Next".Equals(commandArgument))
                SpiritualGiftsService.AssessmentResults result = SpiritualGiftsService.GetResult(_assessmentResponses.ToDictionary(a => a.Code, b => b.Response.Value));
                SpiritualGiftsService.SaveAssessmentResults(_targetPerson, result);
                var resultData  = _assessmentResponses.ToDictionary(a => a.Code, b => b.Response.Value);
                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                var        assessmentService = new AssessmentService(rockContext);
                Assessment assessment        = null;

                if (hfAssessmentId.ValueAsInt() != 0)
                    assessment = assessmentService.Get(int.Parse(hfAssessmentId.Value));

                if (assessment == null)
                    var assessmentType = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext).Get(Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.GIFTS.AsGuid());
                    assessment = new Assessment()
                        AssessmentTypeId = assessmentType.Id,
                        PersonAliasId    = _targetPerson.PrimaryAliasId.Value

                assessment.Status               = AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete;
                assessment.CompletedDateTime    = RockDateTime.Now;
                assessment.AssessmentResultData = new { Result = resultData, TimeToTake = RockDateTime.Now.Subtract(StartDateTime).TotalSeconds }.ToJson();

                ShowResult(result, assessment);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the current record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Id of the new record, or -1 if the process could not be completed.</returns>
        private int SaveCurrentEntity()
            AssessmentType assessmentType;

            var rockContext = this.GetDataContext();

            var assessmentTypeService = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext);

            int assessmentTypeId = int.Parse(hfEntityId.Value);

            if (assessmentTypeId == 0)
                assessmentType = new AssessmentType();

                assessmentType = assessmentTypeService.Queryable()
                                 .Where(c => c.Id == assessmentTypeId)

            // Update Basic properties
            assessmentType.Title       = tbTitle.Text;
            assessmentType.IsActive    = cbIsActive.Checked;
            assessmentType.Description = tbDescription.Text;

            assessmentType.AssessmentPath        = tbAssessmentPath.Text;
            assessmentType.AssessmentResultsPath = tbResultsPath.Text;

            assessmentType.RequiresRequest     = cbRequiresRequest.Checked;
            assessmentType.MinimumDaysToRetake = nbDaysBeforeRetake.Text.AsInteger();

            if (!assessmentType.IsValid)
                // Controls will render the error messages


Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the entities corresponding to list items that are deleted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataContext"></param>
        /// <param name="entityId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool OnDeleteEntity(RockContext dataContext, int entityId)
            var assessmentTypeService = new AssessmentTypeService(dataContext);

            var assessmentType = assessmentTypeService.Get(entityId);

            if (assessmentType == null)
                ShowAlert("This item could not be found.");

            string errorMessage;

            if (!assessmentTypeService.CanDelete(assessmentType, out errorMessage))
                ShowAlert(errorMessage, ModalAlertType.Warning);


Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the assessment.
        /// A null value for _targetPerson is already handled in OnInit() so this method assumes there is a value
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowAssessment()
             * 2020-01-09 - ETD
             * This block will either show the assessment results of the most recent assessment test or give the assessment test.
             * The following use cases are considered:
             * 1. If the assessment ID "0" was provided then create a new test for the current user. This covers user directed retakes.
             * 2. If the assessment ID was provided and is not "0"
             *  Note: The assessment results are stored on the person's attributes and are overwritten if the assessment is retaken. So past Assessments will not be loaded by this block.
             *  The test data is saved in the assessment table but would need to be recomputed, which may be a future feature.
             *  a. The assessment ID is ignored and the current person is used.
             *  b. If the assessment exists for the current person and is completed then show the results
             *  c. If the assessment exists for the current person and is pending then show the questions.
             *  d. If the assessment does not exist for the current person then nothing loads.
             * 3. If the assessment ID was not provided and the PersonKey was provided
             *  a. If there is only one test of the type
             *      1. If the assessment is completed show the results
             *      2. If the assessment is pending and the current person is the one assigned the test then show the questions.
             *      3. If the assessment is pending and the current person is not the one assigned then show a message that the test has not been completed.
             *  b. If more than one of type
             *      1. If the latest requested assessment is completed show the results.
             *      2. If the latest requested assessment is pending and the current person is the one assigned then show the questions.
             *      3. If the latest requested assessment is pending and the current person is not the one assigned the show the results of the last completed test.
             *      4. If the latest requested assessment is pending and the current person is not the one assigned and there are no previous completed assessments then show a message that the test has not been completed.
             * 4. If an assessment ID or PersonKey were not provided or are not valid then show an error message

            var        rockContext    = new RockContext();
            var        assessmentType = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext).Get(Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.MOTIVATORS.AsGuid());
            Assessment assessment     = null;
            Assessment previouslyCompletedAssessment = null;

            // A "0" value indicates that the block should create a new assessment instead of looking for an existing one, so keep assessment null. e.g. a user directed re-take
            if (_assessmentId != 0)
                var assessments = new AssessmentService(rockContext)
                                  .Where(a => a.PersonAlias != null &&
                                         a.PersonAlias.PersonId == _targetPerson.Id &&
                                         a.AssessmentTypeId == assessmentType.Id)
                                  .OrderByDescending(a => a.CompletedDateTime ?? a.RequestedDateTime)

                if (_assessmentId == null && assessments.Count == 0)
                    // For this to happen the user has to have never taken the assessment, the user isn't using a link with the assessment ID, AND they are arriving at the block directly rather than through the assessment list block.
                    // So treat this as a user directed take/retake.
                    _assessmentId = 0;
                    if (assessments.Count > 0)
                        // If there are any results then pick the first one. If the assesement ID was specified then the query will only return one result
                        assessment = assessments[0];
                    if (assessments.Count > 1)
                        // If there are more than one result then we need to pick the right one (see developer note)
                        // If the most recent assessment is "Completed" then it is already set as the assessment and we can move on. Otherwise check if there are previoulsy completed assessments.
                        if (assessment.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending)
                            // If the most recent assessment is pending then check for a prior completed one
                            previouslyCompletedAssessment = assessments.Where(a => a.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete).FirstOrDefault();

            if (assessment == null)
                // If assessment is null and _assessmentId = 0 this is user directed. If the type does not require a request then show instructions
                if (_assessmentId == 0 && !assessmentType.RequiresRequest)
                    // If assessment is null and _assessmentId != 0 or is 0 but the type does require a request then show requires request error
                    HidePanelsAndShowError("Sorry, this test requires a request from someone before it can be taken.");



            // If assessment is completed show the results
            if (assessment.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete)
                MotivatorService.AssessmentResults savedScores = MotivatorService.LoadSavedAssessmentResults(_targetPerson);
                ShowResult(savedScores, assessment);

            if (assessment.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending)
                if (_targetPerson.Id != CurrentPerson.Id)
                    // If assessment is pending and the current person is not the one assigned the show previouslyCompletedAssessment results
                    if (previouslyCompletedAssessment != null)
                        MotivatorService.AssessmentResults savedScores = MotivatorService.LoadSavedAssessmentResults(_targetPerson);
                        ShowResult(savedScores, previouslyCompletedAssessment, true);

                    // If assessment is pending and the current person is not the one assigned and previouslyCompletedAssessment is null show a message that the test has not been completed.
                    HidePanelsAndShowError(string.Format("{0} does not have results for the {1} Assessment.", _targetPerson.FullName, assessmentType.Title));
                    // If assessment is pending and the current person is the one assigned then show the questions


            // This should never happen, if the block gets to this point then something is not right
            HidePanelsAndShowError("Unable to load assessment");
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnNext control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int pageNumber = hfPageNo.ValueAsInt() + 1;


            LinkButton btn             = ( LinkButton )sender;
            string     commandArgument = btn.CommandArgument;

            var totalQuestion = pageNumber * QuestionCount;

            if ((_assessmentResponses.Count > totalQuestion && !_assessmentResponses.All(a => a.Response.HasValue)) || "Next".Equals(commandArgument))
                MotivatorService.AssessmentResults result = MotivatorService.GetResult(_assessmentResponses.ToDictionary(a => a.Code, b => b.Response.Value));
                MotivatorService.SaveAssessmentResults(_targetPerson, result);
                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                var        assessmentService = new AssessmentService(rockContext);
                Assessment assessment        = null;

                if (hfAssessmentId.ValueAsInt() != 0)
                    assessment = assessmentService.Get(int.Parse(hfAssessmentId.Value));

                if (assessment == null)
                    var assessmentType = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext).Get(Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.MOTIVATORS.AsGuid());
                    assessment = new Assessment()
                        AssessmentTypeId = assessmentType.Id,
                        PersonAliasId    = _targetPerson.PrimaryAliasId.Value

                assessment.Status               = AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete;
                assessment.CompletedDateTime    = RockDateTime.Now;
                assessment.AssessmentResultData = new { Result = result.AssessmentData, TimeToTake = RockDateTime.Now.Subtract(StartDateTime).TotalSeconds }.ToJson();

                // Since we are rendering chart.js we have to register the script or reload the page.
                if (_assessmentId == 0)
                    var removeParams = new List <string>

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
             * 2019-12-09 - ED
             * This activity will create a new assessment for each assessment type selected. If an assessment already exists for that type it is left in a pending status but a new assessment is still created.
             * Per Jon, code in Rock should account for the possibility of multiple assessments for a type that are in a pending state and only select the latest one.

            rockContext = rockContext ?? new RockContext();

            errorMessages = new List <string>();

            var assessmentTypesGuidString = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.AssessmentTypesKey, true);
            var assessmentTypeGuids       = assessmentTypesGuidString.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? null : assessmentTypesGuidString.Split(new char[] { ',' });

            var  personAliasGuid      = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.Person, true).AsGuidOrNull();
            Guid?requestedByAliasGuid = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.RequestedBy, true).AsGuidOrNull();
            var  dueDate = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.DueDate, true).AsDateTime();

            // Validate attribute data
            if (!assessmentTypeGuids.Any())
                errorMessages.Add("No Assessments selected.");

            if (personAliasGuid == null)
                errorMessages.Add("Invalid Person Attribute or Value.");

            var personAlias = new PersonAliasService(rockContext).Get(personAliasGuid.Value);

            if (personAlias == null)
                errorMessages.Add("Invalid Person Attribute or Value.");

            var requestedByAlias = new PersonAliasService(rockContext).Get(requestedByAliasGuid.Value);

            foreach (string assessmentTypeGuid in assessmentTypeGuids)
                var assessmentTypeService = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext);
                int?assessmentTypeId      = assessmentTypeService.GetId(assessmentTypeGuid.AsGuid());

                if (assessmentTypeId == null)
                    // This really shouldn't be able to happen, but let's not risk an NRE.
                    errorMessages.Add($"Invalid Assessment Type: {assessmentTypeGuid}");

                // Create a new assessment
                var assessment = new Assessment
                    PersonAliasId          = personAlias.Id,
                    AssessmentTypeId       = assessmentTypeId.Value,
                    RequesterPersonAliasId = requestedByAlias.Id,
                    RequestedDateTime      = RockDateTime.Now,
                    RequestedDueDate       = dueDate,
                    Status = AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending

                var assessmentService = new AssessmentService(rockContext);

        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                var        rockContext    = new RockContext();
                var        assessmentType = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext).Get(Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.EQ.AsGuid());
                Assessment assessment     = null;

                if (_targetPerson != null)
                    var primaryAliasId = _targetPerson.PrimaryAliasId;

                    if (_assessmentId == 0)
                        // This indicates that the block should create a new assessment instead of looking for an existing one. e.g. a user directed re-take
                        assessment = null;
                        // Look for an existing pending or completed assessment.
                        assessment = new AssessmentService(rockContext)
                                     .Where(a => (_assessmentId.HasValue && a.Id == _assessmentId) || (a.PersonAliasId == primaryAliasId && a.AssessmentTypeId == assessmentType.Id))
                                     .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedDateTime)

                    if (assessment != null)

                    if (assessment != null && assessment.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete)
                        EQInventoryService.AssessmentResults savedScores = EQInventoryService.LoadSavedAssessmentResults(_targetPerson);
                        ShowResult(savedScores, assessment);
                    else if ((assessment == null && !assessmentType.RequiresRequest) || (assessment != null && assessment.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending))
                        if (_targetPerson.Id != CurrentPerson.Id)
                            // If the current person is not the target person and there are no results to show then show a not taken message.
                            HidePanelsAndShowError(string.Format("{0} does not have results for the EQ Inventory Assessment.", _targetPerson.FullName));
                        HidePanelsAndShowError("Sorry, this test requires a request from someone before it can be taken.");
                // Hide notification panels on every postback
                nbError.Visible = false;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind the data and merges the Lava fields using the template.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindData()
            lAssessments.Visible = true;

            // Gets Assessment types and assessments for each
            RockContext           rockContext           = new RockContext();
            AssessmentTypeService assessmentTypeService = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext);
            var allAssessmentsOfEachType = assessmentTypeService.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                           .Where(x => x.IsActive == true)
                                           .Select(t => new AssessmentTypeListItem
                Title                      = t.Title,
                AssessmentPath             = t.AssessmentPath,
                AssessmentResultsPath      = t.AssessmentResultsPath,
                AssessmentRetakeLinkButton = "",
                RequiresRequest            = t.RequiresRequest,
                MinDaysToRetake            = t.MinimumDaysToRetake,
                LastRequestObject          = t.Assessments
                                             .Where(a => a.PersonAlias.Person.Id == CurrentPersonId)
                                             .OrderBy(a => a.Status) // pending first
                                             .Select(a => new LastAssessmentTaken
                    RequestedDate = a.RequestedDateTime,
                    CompletedDate = a.CompletedDateTime,
                    Status        = a.Status,
                    Requester     = a.RequesterPersonAlias.Person.NickName + " " + a.RequesterPersonAlias.Person.LastName
                                             .OrderBy(x => x.Status)
                                             .ThenByDescending(x => x.CompletedDate)
                                           // order by requested then by pending, completed, then by available to take
                                           .OrderByDescending(x => x.LastRequestObject.Status)
                                           .ThenBy(x => x.LastRequestObject)

            // Checks current request types to use against the settings
            bool areThereAnyPendingRequests = false;
            bool areThereAnyRequests        = false;

            foreach (var item in allAssessmentsOfEachType.Where(a => a.LastRequestObject != null))
                areThereAnyRequests = true;

                if (item.LastRequestObject.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending)
                    areThereAnyPendingRequests = true;
                else if (item.LastRequestObject.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete)
                    if (item.LastRequestObject.CompletedDate.HasValue && item.LastRequestObject.CompletedDate.Value.AddDays(item.MinDaysToRetake) <= RockDateTime.Now)
                        if (IsBlockConfiguredToAllowRetakes(item))
                            item.AssessmentRetakeLinkButton = "<a href='" + item.AssessmentPath + "?AssessmentId=0'>Retake Assessment</a>";

            // Decide if anything is going to display
            bool hideIfNoActiveRequests = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.HideIfNoActiveRequests).AsBoolean();
            bool hidIfNoRequests        = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.HideIfNoRequests).AsBoolean();

            if ((hideIfNoActiveRequests && !areThereAnyPendingRequests) || (hidIfNoRequests && !areThereAnyRequests))
                lAssessments.Visible = false;
                var mergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(this.RockPage, CurrentPerson);

                // Show only the tests requested or completed?...
                if (GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.OnlyShowRequested).AsBoolean())
                    // the completed data is only populated if the assessment was actually completed, where as a complete status can be assinged if it was not taken. So use date instead of status for completed.
                    var onlyRequestedOrCompleted = allAssessmentsOfEachType
                                                   .Where(x => x.LastRequestObject != null)
                                                   .Where(x => x.LastRequestObject.Requester != null)
                                                   .Where(x => x.LastRequestObject.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending || x.LastRequestObject.CompletedDate != null);

                    mergeFields.Add("AssessmentTypes", onlyRequestedOrCompleted);
                    // ...Otherwise show any allowed, requested or completed requests.
                    // the completed data is only populated if the assessment was actually completed, where as a complete status can be assinged if it was not taken. So use date instead of status for completed.
                    var onlyAllowedRequestedOrCompleted = allAssessmentsOfEachType
                                                          .Where(x => x.RequiresRequest != true ||
                                                                 (x.LastRequestObject != null && x.LastRequestObject.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending) ||
                                                                 (x.LastRequestObject != null && x.LastRequestObject.CompletedDate != null)

                    mergeFields.Add("AssessmentTypes", onlyAllowedRequestedOrCompleted);

                lAssessments.Text = GetAttributeValue(AttributeKey.LavaTemplate).ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields, GetAttributeValue("EnabledLavaCommands"));
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnNext control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int pageNumber = hfPageNo.ValueAsInt() + 1;


            LinkButton btn             = ( LinkButton )sender;
            string     commandArgument = btn.CommandArgument;

            var totalQuestion = pageNumber * QuestionCount;

            if ((_assessmentResponses.Count > totalQuestion && !_assessmentResponses.All(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.MostScore) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.LeastScore))) || "Next".Equals(commandArgument))
                    var moreD = _assessmentResponses.Where(a => a.MostScore == "D").Count();
                    var moreI = _assessmentResponses.Where(a => a.MostScore == "I").Count();
                    var moreS = _assessmentResponses.Where(a => a.MostScore == "S").Count();
                    var moreC = _assessmentResponses.Where(a => a.MostScore == "C").Count();
                    var lessD = _assessmentResponses.Where(a => a.LeastScore == "D").Count();
                    var lessI = _assessmentResponses.Where(a => a.LeastScore == "I").Count();
                    var lessS = _assessmentResponses.Where(a => a.LeastScore == "S").Count();
                    var lessC = _assessmentResponses.Where(a => a.LeastScore == "C").Count();

                    // Score the responses and return the results
                    DiscService.AssessmentResults results = DiscService.Score(moreD, moreI, moreS, moreC, lessD, lessI, lessS, lessC);

                    // Now save the results for this person

                    var assessmentData = _assessmentResponses.ToDictionary(a => a.QuestionNumber, b => new { Most = new string[2] {
                                                                                                                 b.MostScore, b.Questions[b.MostScore]
                                                                                                             }, Least = new string[2] {
                                                                                                                 b.LeastScore, b.Questions[b.LeastScore]
                                                                                                             } });
                    var rockContext = new RockContext();

                    var        assessmentService = new AssessmentService(rockContext);
                    Assessment assessment        = null;

                    if (hfAssessmentId.ValueAsInt() != 0)
                        assessment = assessmentService.Get(int.Parse(hfAssessmentId.Value));

                    if (assessment == null)
                        var assessmentType = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext).Get(Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.DISC.AsGuid());
                        assessment = new Assessment()
                            AssessmentTypeId = assessmentType.Id,
                            PersonAliasId    = _targetPerson.PrimaryAliasId.Value

                    assessment.Status               = AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete;
                    assessment.CompletedDateTime    = RockDateTime.Now;
                    assessment.AssessmentResultData = new { Result = assessmentData, TimeToTake = RockDateTime.Now.Subtract(StartDateTime).TotalSeconds }.ToJson();

                    ShowResult(results, assessment);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    nbError.Visible = true;
                    nbError.Title   = "We're Sorry...";
                    nbError.Text    = "Something went wrong while trying to save your test results.";
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
            rockContext = rockContext ?? new RockContext();

            errorMessages = new List <string>();

            var assessmentTypesGuidString = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.AssessmentTypesKey, true);
            var assessmentTypeGuids       = assessmentTypesGuidString.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? null : assessmentTypesGuidString.Split(new char[] { ',' });

            var  personAliasGuid      = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.Person, true).AsGuidOrNull();
            Guid?requestedByAliasGuid = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.RequestedBy, true).AsGuidOrNull();
            var  dueDate = GetAttributeValue(action, AttributeKey.DueDate, true).AsDateTime();

            // Validate attribute data
            if (!assessmentTypeGuids.Any())
                errorMessages.Add("No Assessments selected.");

            if (personAliasGuid == null)
                errorMessages.Add("Invalid Person Attribute or Value.");

            var personAlias = new PersonAliasService(rockContext).Get(personAliasGuid.Value);

            if (personAlias == null)
                errorMessages.Add("Invalid Person Attribute or Value.");

            var requestedByAlias = new PersonAliasService(rockContext).Get(requestedByAliasGuid.Value);

            foreach (string assessmentTypeGuid in assessmentTypeGuids)
                // Check for an existing record
                var assessmentTypeService = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext);
                int?assessmentTypeId      = assessmentTypeService.GetId(assessmentTypeGuid.AsGuid());

                var assessmentService  = new AssessmentService(rockContext);
                var existingAssessment = assessmentService
                                         .Where(a => a.PersonAliasId == personAlias.Id)
                                         .Where(a => a.AssessmentTypeId == assessmentTypeId)
                                         .Where(a => a.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending)

                // If a pending record for this person/type is found mark it complete.
                if (existingAssessment != null)
                    existingAssessment.Status = AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete;

                // Create a new assessment
                var assessment = new Assessment
                    PersonAliasId          = personAlias.Id,
                    AssessmentTypeId       = assessmentTypeId.Value,
                    RequesterPersonAliasId = requestedByAlias.Id,
                    RequestedDateTime      = RockDateTime.Now,
                    RequestedDueDate       = dueDate,
                    Status = AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending


Esempio n. 15
        public override void Render(PersonBadgeCache badge, HtmlTextWriter writer)
            string[] assessmentTypeGuids = new string[] { };

            // Create a list of assessments that should be included in the badge
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetAttributeValue(badge, AttributeKeys.AssessmentsToShow)))
                // Get from attribute if available
                var assessmentTypesGuidString = GetAttributeValue(badge, AttributeKeys.AssessmentsToShow);
                assessmentTypeGuids = assessmentTypesGuidString.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? null : assessmentTypesGuidString.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                // If none are selected then all are used.
                assessmentTypeGuids = new string[]

            StringBuilder toolTipText = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder badgeIcons  = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var assessmentTypeGuid in assessmentTypeGuids)
                var    assessmentType         = new AssessmentTypeService(new RockContext()).GetNoTracking(assessmentTypeGuid.AsGuid());
                string resultsPath            = assessmentType.AssessmentResultsPath;
                string resultsPageUrl         = System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute($"~{resultsPath}?Person={Person.UrlEncodedKey}");
                string iconCssClass           = assessmentType.IconCssClass;
                string badgeHtml              = string.Empty;
                string assessmentTitle        = string.Empty;
                var    mergeFields            = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                string mergedBadgeSummaryLava = "Not taken";

                switch (assessmentTypeGuid.ToUpper())
                case Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.CONFLICT:

                    var conflictsThemes = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();
                    conflictsThemes.Add("Winning", Person.GetAttributeValue("core_ConflictThemeWinning").AsDecimalOrNull() ?? 0);
                    conflictsThemes.Add("Solving", Person.GetAttributeValue("core_ConflictThemeSolving").AsDecimalOrNull() ?? 0);
                    conflictsThemes.Add("Accommodating", Person.GetAttributeValue("core_ConflictThemeAccommodating").AsDecimalOrNull() ?? 0);

                    string highestScoringTheme = conflictsThemes.Where(x => x.Value == conflictsThemes.Max(v => v.Value)).Select(x => x.Key).FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty;
                    mergeFields.Add("ConflictTheme", highestScoringTheme);
                    assessmentTitle = "Conflict Theme";

                case Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.DISC:
                    assessmentTitle = "DISC";

                case Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.EQ:
                    assessmentTitle = "EQ Self Aware";

                case Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.GIFTS:
                    assessmentTitle = "Spiritual Gifts";

                case Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.MOTIVATORS:
                    assessmentTitle = "Motivators";

                // Check if person has taken test
                var assessmentTest = new AssessmentService(new RockContext())
                                     .Where(a => a.PersonAlias.PersonId == Person.Id)
                                     .Where(a => a.AssessmentTypeId == assessmentType.Id)
                                     .Where(a => a.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Complete)
                                     .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedDateTime)

                string badgeColor = assessmentTest != null ? assessmentType.BadgeColor : UNTAKEN_BADGE_COLOR;

                badgeIcons.AppendLine($@"<div class='badge'>");
                // If the latest request has been taken we want to link to it and provide a Lava merged summary
                if (assessmentTest != null)
                    badgeIcons.AppendLine($@"<a href='{resultsPageUrl}' target='_blank'>");

                    mergeFields.Add("Person", Person);
                    mergedBadgeSummaryLava = assessmentType.BadgeSummaryLava.ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields);

                        <span class='fa-stack'>
                            <i style='color:{badgeColor};' class='fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x'></i>
                            <i class='{iconCssClass} fa-stack-1x'></i>

                // Close the anchor for the linked assessment test
                if (assessmentTest != null)


                    <p class='margin-b-sm'>
                        <span class='fa-stack'>
                            <i style='color:{assessmentType.BadgeColor};' class='fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x'></i>
                            <i style='font-size:15px; color:#ffffff;' class='{iconCssClass} fa-stack-1x'></i>
                        <strong>{assessmentTitle}:</strong> {mergedBadgeSummaryLava}

            writer.Write($@"<div class='badge badge-id-{badge.Id}'><div class='badge-grid' data-toggle='tooltip' data-html='true' data-sanitize='false' data-original-title=""{toolTipText.ToString()}"">");
                    Sys.Application.add_load(function () {{
                        $('.badge-id-{badge.Id}').children('.badge-grid').tooltip({{ sanitize: false }});
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified writer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="badge">The badge.</param>
        /// <param name="writer">The writer.</param>
        public override void Render(BadgeCache badge, System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (Person == null)

            // Grab the DISC Scores
            bool isValidDiscScore = true;
            int  discStrength     = 0;

            int?[] discScores = new int?[] { Person.GetAttributeValue("NaturalD").AsIntegerOrNull(), Person.GetAttributeValue("NaturalI").AsIntegerOrNull(), Person.GetAttributeValue("NaturalS").AsIntegerOrNull(), Person.GetAttributeValue("NaturalC").AsIntegerOrNull() };

            // Validate the DISC Scores, find the strength
            for (int i = 0; i < discScores.Length; i++)
                // Does the scores have values?
                if (!discScores[i].HasValue)
                    isValidDiscScore = false;
                    // Are the scores valid values?
                    if ((discScores[i].Value < 0) || (discScores[i].Value > MAX))
                        isValidDiscScore = false;
                        if (discScores[i].Value > discScores[discStrength].Value)
                            discStrength = i;

            // Create the badge
            if (isValidDiscScore)
                // Find the DISC Personality Type / Strength
                String description     = string.Empty;
                string personalityType = Person.GetAttributeValue("PersonalityType");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personalityType))
                    var personalityValue = DefinedTypeCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.DISC_RESULTS_TYPE.AsGuid()).DefinedValues.Where(v => v.Value == personalityType).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (personalityValue != null)
                        description = personalityValue.Description;

                // create url for link to details if configured
                string detailPageUrl = string.Empty;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetAttributeValue(badge, "DISCResultDetail")))
                    int pageId = PageCache.Get(Guid.Parse(GetAttributeValue(badge, "DISCResultDetail"))).Id;
                    detailPageUrl = System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(String.Format("~/page/{0}?Person={1}", pageId, Person.UrlEncodedKey));
                    writer.Write("<a href='{0}'>", detailPageUrl);

                //Badge HTML
                writer.Write(String.Format("<div class='badge badge-disc badge-id-{0}' data-toggle='tooltip' data-original-title='{1}'>", badge.Id, description));
                writer.Write("<ul class='badge-disc-chart list-unstyled'>");
                writer.Write(string.Format("<li class='badge-disc-d {1}' title='D'><span style='height:{0}%'></span></li>", Math.Floor(( double )(( double )discScores[0].Value / ( double )MAX) * 100), (discStrength == 0) ? "badge-disc-primary" : String.Empty));
                writer.Write(string.Format("<li class='badge-disc-i {1}' title='I'><span style='height:{0}%'></span></li>", Math.Floor(( double )(( double )discScores[1].Value / ( double )MAX) * 100), (discStrength == 1) ? "badge-disc-primary" : String.Empty));
                writer.Write(string.Format("<li class='badge-disc-s {1}' title='S'><span style='height:{0}%'></span></li>", Math.Floor(( double )(( double )discScores[2].Value / ( double )MAX) * 100), (discStrength == 2) ? "badge-disc-primary" : String.Empty));
                writer.Write(string.Format("<li class='badge-disc-c {1}' title='C'><span style='height:{0}%'></span></li>", Math.Floor(( double )(( double )discScores[3].Value / ( double )MAX) * 100), (discStrength == 3) ? "badge-disc-primary" : String.Empty));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(detailPageUrl))
                var rockContext     = new RockContext();
                var assessmentType  = new AssessmentTypeService(rockContext).Get(Rock.SystemGuid.AssessmentType.DISC.AsGuid());
                var lastRequestDate = new AssessmentService(rockContext)
                                      .Where(a => a.PersonAlias != null &&
                                             a.PersonAlias.PersonId == Person.Id &&
                                             a.Status == AssessmentRequestStatus.Pending &&
                                             a.AssessmentTypeId == assessmentType.Id &&
                                      .Select(a => a.RequestedDateTime)
                                      .OrderByDescending(a => a)

                bool recentRequest = lastRequestDate.HasValue && lastRequestDate.Value > (RockDateTime.Now.AddDays(-30));

                if (recentRequest)
                    writer.Write(String.Format("<div class='badge badge-disc badge-id-{0}' data-toggle='tooltip' data-original-title='A DISC request was made on {1}'>", badge.Id, lastRequestDate.Value.ToShortDateString()));
                    writer.Write("<ul class='badge-disc-chart list-unstyled'>");
                    writer.Write(string.Format("<li class='badge-disc-d badge-disc-disabled' title='D'><span style='height:{0}%'></span></li>", 80));
                    writer.Write(string.Format("<li class='badge-disc-i badge-disc-disabled' title='I'><span style='height:{0}%'></span></li>", 20));
                    writer.Write(string.Format("<li class='badge-disc-s badge-disc-disabled' title='S'><span style='height:{0}%'></span></li>", 60));
                    writer.Write(string.Format("<li class='badge-disc-c badge-disc-disabled' title='C'><span style='height:{0}%'></span></li>", 10));
                    writer.Write("</ul><div class='requested'>R</div></div>");