public virtual async Task <long> GetCurrentPing(string ipOrUrl = "", int timeoutInMs = 500) { PingReply pingReply = await new Ping().SendPingAsync(ipOrUrl, timeoutInMs); AssertV2.IsNotNull(pingReply, "result"); return(pingReply.RoundtripTime); // return ping in MS }
public void DateTime_MoreTests() { AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(false, () => { var dateTime1 = DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(1547535889); var dateTime2 = DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(1547535889000); Assert.Equal(dateTime1, dateTime2); var dateTime3 = DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(1547535889, autoCorrectIfPassedInSeconds: false); Assert.NotEqual(dateTime1, dateTime3); }); AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(false, () => { var dateTime1 = DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(-2); var dateTime2 = DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(2); Assert.True(dateTime1.IsBefore(dateTime2)); Assert.False(dateTime2.IsBefore(dateTime1)); Assert.True(dateTime2.IsAfter(dateTime1)); Assert.False(dateTime1.IsAfter(dateTime2)); Assert.True(DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(0).IsBetween(dateTime1, dateTime2)); Assert.False(DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(0).IsBetween(dateTime2, dateTime1)); Assert.False(DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(3).IsBetween(dateTime1, dateTime2)); }); // Make sure the assertions in DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp work correctly and detect abnormal behavior: Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(() => { DateTimeParser.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(-1); }); }); }
private static bool IsDefaultValue <T>(T storeValue, T defaultValue) { var res = Equals(storeValue, defaultValue); AssertV2.IsTrue(res == JsonWriter.HasEqualJson(storeValue, defaultValue), $"Equals says {res} but EqualJson says {!res}!"); return(res); }
public void ExampleUsage1() { MyClass1 original = new MyClass1() { name = "1", child = new MyClass1() { name = "2" } }; MyClass1 copy = original.DeepCopyViaJson(); Assert.Null(MergeJson.GetDiff(original, copy)); // No diff between original and copy AssertV2.AreEqualJson(original, copy); // WIll use MergeJson.GetDiff internally Assert.Equal(,; // Modify the copy, changing the copy will not change the original: = "Some new name.."; // Check that the change was only done in the copy and not the original: Assert.NotEqual(,; Assert.NotNull(MergeJson.GetDiff(original, copy)); // Objects that impl. IClonable can also ShallowCopy (will call .Clone internally): MyClass1 shallowCopy = original.ShallowCopyViaClone(); Assert.NotSame(original, shallowCopy); Assert.Same(original.child, shallowCopy.child); }
private static JToken CreateJValueParentsIfNeeded(this FieldView self, JToken currentLevel) { if (self.IsInChildObject()) // Navigate down to the correct child JObject { string[] parents = self.fullPath.Split("."); for (int i = 0; i < parents.Length - 1; i++) { string fieldName = parents.ElementAt(i); var child = GetChildJToken(currentLevel, fieldName); if (child == null) { if (int.TryParse(parents.ElementAt(i + 1), out int _)) { currentLevel[fieldName] = new JArray(); } else { currentLevel[fieldName] = new JObject(); } } currentLevel = child; AssertV2.IsNotNull(currentLevel, $"rootModel (p='{fieldName}', child={child}"); } } return(currentLevel); }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { // Show some empty view as a background for the toasts: ViewStackHelper.MainViewStack().ShowView(someUiScreenPrefabName); Toast.Show("Some toast 1", "Lorem ipsum 1"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); Toast.Show("Some toast 2"); // In between show another screen on the main view stack, to ensure it does not interrupt showing the toasts: ViewStackHelper.MainViewStack().SwitchToView(someUiScreenPrefabName); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); var toast3 = Toast.Show("Some toast 3", "Lorem ipsum 3", 2500); AssertV2.IsFalse(toast3.IsDestroyed(), "Toast was already destroyed"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); AssertV2.IsTrue(toast3.IsDestroyed(), "Toast could not be destroyed"); RootCanvas.GetAllRootCanvases().Single().gameObject.Destroy(); Toast.Show("Some toast 4"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); }
public void TestUsingAssertV2ForPrintDebugging() { AssertV2.SetupPrintDebuggingSuccessfulAssertions(); // Turn on print debugging // Then call AssertV2 methods that normally do not produce any log output (because they dont fail): TestAssertV2Methods(); AssertV2.onAssertSuccess = null; // Turn off print debugging again }
public async Task ExampleUsage1() { // First the test produces a state myState1: MyClass1 myState1 = new MyClass1() { myName = "abc", myChildren = new MyClass1[] { new MyClass1() { myName = "def" } } }; // The regression test wants to ensure that this state does never change // Assertions ensure the correctness of the tested component Assert.NotNull(myState1.myName); // In addition the state can be persisted to detect any changes caused e.g. by future refactorings // To create such a persisted snapshot the PersistedRegression class can be used as follows: // The passed myState will be compared to the persisted regression entry stored on disk: await new PersistedRegression().AssertEqualToPersisted("PersistedRegressionTests_ExampleUsage1_1", myState1); // If the myState1 ever differs from how it was the first time the test was executed this will fail // This way changes have to be manually approved by the developer // The same regression test can also be triggered through the AssertV2 helper: AssertV2.IsEqualToPersisted("PersistedRegressionTests_ExampleUsage1_1", myState1); }
public async Task <GameObject> NewViewFromSchema(JsonSchema schema, JsonSchemaToView generator) { AssertV2.IsNotNull(schema, "schema"); AssertV2.IsNotNull(generator, "generator"); if ( == null) { AssertV2.IsFalse(generator.schemaGenerator.schemas.IsNullOrEmpty(), "generator.schema dict is emtpy!"); if (generator.schemaGenerator.schemas.TryGetValue(schema.modelType, out JsonSchema vm)) { schema = vm; } else { Log.e($"No Schema found for schema.modelType={schema.modelType}"); } } AssertV2.IsNotNull(, ""); GameObject rootContainerView = await generator.NewRootContainerView(rootPrefabName); rootContainerView.GetComponentInChildren <FieldView>().field = schema; var innerContainer = await generator.SelectInnerViewContainerFromObjectFieldView(rootContainerView); await generator.ObjectJsonSchemaToView(schema, innerContainer); return(rootContainerView); }
public void TestReadableAssertAreEqualErrorOutputs() { AssertV2.AreEqual("abcd", "abce"); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[4] { 1, 2, 2, 4 }, new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[2] { 1, 2 }, new int[2] { 1, 3 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[6] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, new int[6] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[2] { 1, 2 }, new int[1] { 1 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[1] { 1 }, new int[2] { 1, 2 }); }
public NewsManager newsManager; // protected because its accessed by the list entries public async Task LoadNews() { AssertV2.NotNull(newsManager, "newsManager"); var allNews = showOnlyUnread ? await newsManager.GetAllUnreadNews() : await newsManager.GetAllNews(); this.CellData = allNews.ToList(); // This will trigger showing the list entries }
public void TestPerformance1() { // The EventBus can be accessed via EventBus.instance EventBus eventBus = GetEventBusForTesting(); string eventName = "TestEvent1 - TestPerformance1"; var receivedEventsCounter = 0; //Register a subscriber for the eventName that gets notified when ever an event is send: object subscriber1 = new object(); // can be of any type eventBus.Subscribe(subscriber1, eventName, () => { receivedEventsCounter++; }); var timing = Log.MethodEntered(); var nrOfEventsSendOut = 1000000; for (int i = 0; i < nrOfEventsSendOut; i++) { eventBus.Publish(eventName); } AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(() => { timing.AssertUnderXms(5000); }); Assert.Equal(nrOfEventsSendOut, receivedEventsCounter); }
private static string GetKeyFromBsonDoc(BsonDocument x) { var key = x.Keys.First(); AssertV2.AreEqual("_id", key); return(x[key].AsString); }
public async Task OnHasInternet(bool hasInet) { if (oldHasInet != hasInet) { if (oldHasInet != null) { EventBus.instance.Publish(EventConsts.catSystem + EventConsts.INET_CHANGED, oldHasInet, hasInet); } oldHasInet = hasInet; } if (hasInet) { foreach (var key in (await store.GetAllKeys()).ToList()) { try { if (await SendEventToExternalSystem(await store.Get(key, null))) { var wasRemoved = await store.Remove(key); AssertV2.IsTrue(wasRemoved, "Could not remove key " + key); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(e); } } } }
private void CalcAnchors() { try { RectTransform rt = gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <RectTransform>(); var canvasRect = rt.GetRootCanvas().pixelRect; var safeArea = Screen.safeArea; Vector2 anchorMin = safeArea.position; anchorMin.x /= canvasRect.width; anchorMin.y /= canvasRect.height; Vector2 anchorMax = safeArea.position + safeArea.size; anchorMax.x /= canvasRect.width; anchorMax.y /= canvasRect.height; //AssertV2.IsTrue(anchorMin.y <= ONE, "anchorMin.y=" + anchorMin.y); //AssertV2.IsTrue(anchorMax.y <= ONE, "anchorMax.y=" + anchorMax.y); AssertV2.IsTrue(rt.localScale.magnitude > 0, "rt.localScale=" + rt.localScale); if (anchorMax.x > ONE || anchorMax.y > ONE) { return; } if (anchorMin.x == 0 && anchorMin.y == 0 && (anchorMax.x < MIN || anchorMax.y < MIN)) { return; } rt.anchorMin = anchorMin; rt.anchorMax = anchorMax; rt.SetPadding(0); } catch (System.Exception) { } }
public ProgressionSystem(LocalAnalytics analytics, FeatureFlagManager <T> featureFlagManager) { // Make sure the FeatureFlag system was set up too: AssertV2.IsNotNull(FeatureFlagManager <T> .instance, "FeatureFlagManager.instance"); = analytics; this.featureFlagManager = featureFlagManager; }
public void DateTime_MoreTests() { AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(false, () => { var dateTime1 = DateTimeV2.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(1547535889); var dateTime2 = DateTimeV2.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(1547535889000); Assert.Equal(dateTime1, dateTime2); var dateTime3 = DateTimeV2.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(1547535889, autoCorrectIfPassedInSeconds: false); Assert.NotEqual(dateTime1, dateTime3); }); AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(false, () => { if (AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails) { return; } // Abort test if the flag is not correct var dateTime1 = DateTimeV2.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(-2); var dateTime2 = DateTimeV2.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(2); Assert.True(dateTime1.IsBefore(dateTime2)); Assert.False(dateTime2.IsBefore(dateTime1)); Assert.True(dateTime2.IsAfter(dateTime1)); Assert.False(dateTime1.IsAfter(dateTime2)); Assert.True(DateTimeV2.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(0).IsBetween(dateTime1, dateTime2)); Assert.False(DateTimeV2.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(0).IsBetween(dateTime2, dateTime1)); Assert.False(DateTimeV2.NewDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(3).IsBetween(dateTime1, dateTime2)); }); }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { MyUserUi userUiPresenter = new MyUserUi(); userUiPresenter.targetView = gameObject.GetViewStack().GetLatestView(); { // Load a first user into the UI by passing it through the presenter: var user1 = new MyUserModel() { userName = "******", userAge = 4 }; yield return(userUiPresenter.LoadModelIntoView(user1).AsCoroutine()); AssertV2.AreEqual("Carl", userUiPresenter.NameInputField().text); AssertV2.AreEqual("4", userUiPresenter.AgeInputField().text); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); // Load another user into the UI: { // Example of loading a second user in a separate asyn method "LoadUser2": yield return(LoadUser2(userUiPresenter).AsCoroutine()); AssertV2.AreEqual("55", userUiPresenter.AgeInputField().text); // The age of user 2 } }
public void TestFromJsonForReadonlyFields() { MyClass1 x = new MyClass1(12, ImmutableList.Create(new string[] { "a", "b", "c" })); { var xAsJson = JsonWriter.GetWriter().Write(x); Assert.NotEmpty(xAsJson); // The fields are immutable so the json logic has to use the constructor to init them from the json: var y = JsonReader.GetReader().Read <MyClass1>(xAsJson); Assert.Equal(x.myNumber, y.myNumber); AssertV2.AreEqualJson(x, y); } // The constructor json logic can also be mixed with normal field json logic: x.myMutableList = new List <string>() { "d", "e" }; { var xAsJson = JsonWriter.GetWriter().Write(x); Assert.NotEmpty(xAsJson); var y = JsonReader.GetReader().Read <MyClass1>(xAsJson); // myMutableList is not required in the constructor but still correctly set by the json logic: Assert.Equal(x.myMutableList, y.myMutableList); AssertV2.AreEqualJson(x, y); } }
/// <summary> Connects a model with a view </summary> /// <returns> A task that can be awaited on, that returns the fully setup presenter </returns> public static async Task <Presenter <T> > LoadModelIntoView <T>(this Presenter <T> self, T model) { AssertV2.IsNotNull(self.targetView, "presenter.targetView"); await self.OnLoad(model); return(self); }
private async Task RunWaitForNoVisualChangeInSceneTest() { AssertVisually assertVisually = NewAssertVisuallyInstance("Ui19_RunVisualRegression_ExampleUsage3"); Task visualChangeMonitorTask = assertVisually.WaitForNoVisualChangeInScene(); AssertV2.IsFalse(visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted, "visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted"); gameObject.AddChild(await NewUiFor <MyUserModelv1>()); // Change the UI await TaskV2.Delay(200); // After 200 ms the monitorTask should still be checking: AssertV2.IsFalse(visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted, "visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted"); gameObject.AddChild(await NewUiFor <MyUserModelv2>()); // Change the UI again await TaskV2.Delay(200); // After 200 ms the monitorTask should still be checking: AssertV2.IsFalse(visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted, "visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted"); gameObject.AddChild(await NewUiFor <MyUserModelv1>()); // Change the UI again await TaskV2.Delay(200); // After 200 ms the monitorTask should still be checking: AssertV2.IsFalse(visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted, "visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted"); await TaskV2.Delay(2000); // Dont change the UI for 2 sec // Now the change monitor task should have completed since the sceen did not change for 2 sec: AssertV2.IsTrue(visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted, "visualChangeMonitorTask.IsCompleted"); await visualChangeMonitorTask; // await the task in case there was an exception }
private void OnProgressUpdate(object sender, IProgress _) { AssertV2.IsTrue(sender == progressManager, "sender != pm (ProgressManager field)"); var percent = Math.Round(progressManager.combinedAvgPercent, 3); SetPercentInUi(percent); if (progressText != null) { progressText.text = $"{percent}% ({progressManager.combinedCount}/{progressManager.combinedTotalCount})"; } // Handle progress UI fading: if (enableProgressUiFading) { if (canvasGroupFader == null) { canvasGroupFader = GetProgressUiGo().GetComponentInParents <CanvasGroupFader>(); } if (percent == 0 || percent >= 100) { canvasGroupFader.targetAlpha = 0; } else { canvasGroupFader.targetAlpha = canvasGroupFader.initialAlpha; } } if (percent >= 100 && delayInMsBeforeProgressCleanup >= 0) { this.ExecuteDelayed(ResetProgressManagerIfAllFinished, delayInMsBeforeProgressCleanup); onProgressUiComplete?.Invoke(); } }
public void TestFilePathesInJson() { var root = EnvironmentV2.instance.GetOrAddTempFolder("TestFilePathesInJson"); var file1 = root.GetChildDir("SubDir1").GetChildDir("SubSubDir1").GetChild("child1.txt"); var savedText = "Test 123"; file1.SaveAsText(savedText); IFileRef x1 = new FileRef(); x1.SetPath(file1); var x2 = x1.DeepCopyViaJson(); AssertV2.AreEqualJson(x1, x2); Assert.NotEmpty(x1.fileName); Assert.NotEmpty(x2.fileName); // GetChild ensures that no special characters like / are in the file name: var fullPathViaGetChild = root.GetChild("" + x2.GetPath()); Assert.False(fullPathViaGetChild.Exists); // ResolveFilePath can be used to resolve full pathes including / characters: var file2 = root.ResolveFilePath("" + x2.GetPath()); Assert.True(file2.Exists); Assert.Equal(savedText, file2.LoadAs <string>()); }
public override DirectoryInfo GetTempFolder() { var d = new DirectoryInfo(Application.temporaryCachePath); AssertV2.AreEqual(base.GetTempFolder().FullPath(), d.FullPath()); // TODO test this return(d); }
public void TestLinkMaps() { bool prefabLoadedEventReceived = false; EventBus.instance.Subscribe(new object(), IoEvents.PREFAB_LOADED, () => { prefabLoadedEventReceived = true; }); GameObject prefab = ResourcesV2.LoadPrefab("ExamplePrefab1.prefab"); Assert.IsTrue(prefabLoadedEventReceived); bool linkMapCreationEventReceived = false; EventBus.instance.Subscribe(new object(), LinkingEvents.LINK_MAP_CREATED, () => { linkMapCreationEventReceived = true; }); var links = prefab.GetLinkMap(); Assert.IsTrue(linkMapCreationEventReceived); Assert.IsNotNull(links.Get <Button>("Button 1")); Assert.IsNotNull(links.Get <GameObject>("Button 1")); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { links.Get <Button>("Button 2"); }); links.Get <Text>("Text 1").text = "Some text"; Assert.AreEqual("Some text", links.Get <Text>("Text 1").text); links.Get <Button>("Button 1").SetOnClickAction(delegate { Log.d("Button 1 clicked"); }); links.Get <Toggle>("Toggle 1").SetOnValueChangedAction((isNowChecked) => { Log.d("Toggle 1 is now " + (isNowChecked ? "checked" : "unchecked")); return(true); }); }
public void TestLoadingPrefabs() { // Load the ExamplePrefab1.prefab located in Assets\Tests\TestLinking\Resources : Assert.IsNotNull(ResourcesV2.LoadPrefab("ExamplePrefab1")); // Loading a prefab that does not exist results in an error: AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { ResourcesV2.LoadPrefab("ExamplePrefab2"); }); }
public static Canvas GetOrAddRootCanvas() { var roots = GetAllRootCanvases(); if (roots.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(CreateNewRootCanvas()); } // Check if there is a root canvas that has a ViewStack attached: var rootCanvasesWithViewStack = roots.Filter(x => x.GetComponent <ViewStack>() != null); if (!rootCanvasesWithViewStack.IsNullOrEmpty()) { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, rootCanvasesWithViewStack.Count(), "rootCanvasesWithViewStack"); return(rootCanvasesWithViewStack.First()); } // Prefer canvas objects that are on the root level of the open scene: var canvasesOnRootOfScene = roots.Filter(x => x.gameObject.GetParent() == null); if (canvasesOnRootOfScene.IsNullOrEmpty()) { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, canvasesOnRootOfScene.Count(), "canvasesOnRootOfScene"); return(canvasesOnRootOfScene.First()); } // As a fallback return the first root canvas: return(roots.First()); }
private void AssertChildrenHaveCorrectMonosAttached() { foreach (var t in GetComponent <ToggleGroup>().ActiveToggles()) { AssertV2.IsTrue(t.GetComponentV2 <ToggleListener>() != null, "Missing ToggleListener MonoBehaviour for child of ToggleGroup", t.gameObject); AssertV2.IsTrue(t.GetComponentV2 <RadioButton>() != null, "Missing RadioButton MonoBehaviour for child of ToggleGroup", t.gameObject); } }
private static Task StartCoroutineAsTask(IEnumerator iEnum) { AssertV2.IsTrue(ApplicationV2.isPlaying, "In EDIT mode!"); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); MainThread.Invoke(() => { MainThread.instance.StartCoroutineAsTask(tcs, iEnum, () => true); }); return(tcs.Task); }
private static Transform GetNextChild(Transform parent, int currentIndex, bool loopChildren) { AssertV2.AreNotEqual(0, parent.childCount); if (currentIndex + 1 >= parent.childCount) { return(loopChildren ? parent.GetChild(0) : null); } return(parent.GetChild(currentIndex + 1)); }