private static Assembly CurrentDomainOnAssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { var assembly = (Assembly)null; Directory.EnumerateFiles(AssembliesHelper.GetFolderPath(), "*.dll") .Aggregate(0, (seed, file) => { try { var asm = Assembly.LoadFile(file); if (asm.FullName == args.Name) { assembly = asm; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug(ex, string.Empty); } return(++seed); }); return(assembly); }
static void Main() { Configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .Build(); DependencyInjection(); // Make sure all our assemblies are loaded... AssembliesHelper.LoadAllAssembliesForExecutingContext(); if (Configuration.GetSection("EnableTFAService").Value == null) { Console.WriteLine("*** Warning! **** Check for missing configuration values. e.g EnableTFAService"); } Console.WriteLine("**** Configuration Settings ****"); foreach (var env in Configuration.GetChildren()) { Console.WriteLine($"{env.Key}:{env.Value}"); } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Form1()); }
public ActionResult Index() { var prefixes = new[] { "COR_", "CORECLR_", "DOTNET_", "OTEL_" }; var envVars = from envVar in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables().Cast <DictionaryEntry>() from prefix in prefixes let key = (envVar.Key as string)?.ToUpperInvariant() let value = envVar.Value as string where key.StartsWith(prefix) orderby key select new KeyValuePair <string, string>(key, value); var instrumentationType = Type.GetType("OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Instrumentation, OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation"); ViewBag.EnvVars = envVars; ViewBag.HasEnvVars = envVars.Any(); ViewBag.ProfilerAttached = instrumentationType?.GetProperty("ProfilerAttached", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static) ?.GetValue(null) ?? false; ViewBag.TracerAssemblyLocation = instrumentationType?.Assembly.Location; ViewBag.TracerAssemblies = AssembliesHelper.GetLoadedTracesAssemblies(); ViewBag.AllAssemblies = AssembliesHelper.GetLoadedAssemblies(); return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// Initialises the ApexBroker, allowing it to be used. /// </summary> public static void Initialise() { // Always lock for this method. lock (syncLock) { // We may have already been initialised. if (isInitialised) { return; } // Enumerate all types to search. var typesToSearch = AssembliesHelper.GetTypesInDomain().ToList(); // Find every type that has the Model attribute. var modelTypes = from t in typesToSearch where t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModelAttribute), false).Any() select new { ModelType = t, ModelAttribute = (ModelAttribute)t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModelAttribute), false).Single() }; // Go through each model type, construct it and register it as a model. foreach (var modelType in modelTypes) { // Create the model instance. var modelInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(modelType.ModelType); // If the model implements the IModel interface, notify it that it can be initialised. if (modelInstance is IModel) { ((IModel)modelInstance).OnInitialised(); } // Store the model. modelInstances.Add(modelInstance); } // Find every type that has the View attribute. var viewTypes = from t in typesToSearch where t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ViewAttribute), false).Any() select new { ViewType = t, ViewAttribute = (ViewAttribute)t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ViewAttribute), false).Single() }; // Register each view to viewmodel. foreach (var viewType in viewTypes) { // Register the mapping. RegisterViewForViewModel(viewType.ViewAttribute.ViewModelType, viewType.ViewType); } // We're now initialised. isInitialised = true; } }
protected override void Awake() { body = this.GetComponentUpwards <ChipmunkBody>(); if (!String.Empty.Equals(MonoBehaviourName)) { Type type = AssembliesHelper.GetType(MonoBehaviourName); ownMono = this.GetComponent(type) as MonoBehaviour; } }
static void Main() { DependencyInjection(); // Make sure all our assemblies are loaded... AssembliesHelper.LoadAllAssembliesForExecutingContext(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Form1()); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomainOnAssemblyResolve; styleCopAnalyzerAssembly = AssembliesHelper.GetAnalyzersAssembly(); styleCopFixersAssembly = AssembliesHelper.GetCodeFixAssembly(); SeedCheckList(); var autoCompleteSource = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); autoCompleteSource.AddRange(analyzers.SelectMany(x => x.SupportedDiagnostics).Select(x => $"{x.Id}: {x.Title}") .ToArray()); autoCompleteTextBox.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; autoCompleteTextBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autoCompleteSource; autoCompleteTextBox.TextChanged += AutoCompleteTextBox_TextChanged; Text += $" {ApplicationVersionUtility.GetVersion()}"; DoubleBuffered = true; }
private void ObjectSaving(object sender, ObjectManipulatingEventArgs e) { var compilationHelper = new ScriptCompilationHelper(AssembliesHelper.GetReferencedAssembliesPaths(Application)); var script = (e.Object as IDashboardDataExtract).Script; var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); var compileResult = compilationHelper.Compile(script, tempFile); File.Delete(tempFile); if (!compileResult.Success) { var errors = compileResult.Diagnostics .Where(o => o.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error) .Select(o => o.ToString()); throw new UserFriendlyException(string.Join("\n", errors)); } }
/// <summary> /// Determines the execution context. /// </summary> /// <returns>The current execution context.</returns> private static ExecutionContext DetermineExecutionContext() { #if SILVERLIGHT // We can check the designer properties in Silverlight to // determine whether we're in the desinger. if (DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool) { return(ExecutionContext.Design); } #else // We can check the IsInDesignModeProperty property in WPF to // determine whether we're in the desinger. var prop = DesignerProperties.IsInDesignModeProperty; if ((bool)DependencyPropertyDescriptor .FromProperty(prop, typeof(FrameworkElement)) .Metadata.DefaultValue == true) { return(ExecutionContext.Design); } #endif // Test assemblies we know about. var unitTestFrameworkMS = @"microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools.unittestframework"; var unitTestFrameworkNunit = @"nunit.framework"; bool isUnitTest = AssembliesHelper.GetDomainAssemblies().Any(a => (a.FullName.ToLower().StartsWith(unitTestFrameworkMS) || a.FullName.ToLower().StartsWith(unitTestFrameworkNunit))); // If we're not in a unit test, we're in the designer. if (isUnitTest) { return(ExecutionContext.Test); } // We're just running code. return(ExecutionContext.Standard); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.LiterateConsole() .CreateLogger(); if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine(Args.Usage); return; } try { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomainOnAssemblyResolve; var options = new Args(args); if (options.ShowVersion) { Log.Information($"Saritasa Prettify - {GetVersionOfExecutionAssembly()}"); } var styleCopAnalyzerAssembly = AssembliesHelper.GetAnalyzersAssembly(); var styleCopFixersAssembly = AssembliesHelper.GetCodeFixAssembly(); var analyzers = DiagnosticHelper.GetAnalyzersFromAssemblies(new[] { styleCopAnalyzerAssembly, styleCopFixersAssembly }); var codeFixes = CodeFixProviderHelper.GetFixProviders(new[] { styleCopAnalyzerAssembly, styleCopFixersAssembly }) .Where(x => options.Rules == null || options.Rules.Contains(x.Key)) .ToList(); var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create(); var solution = workspace.OpenSolutionAsync(options.SolutionPath).Result; foreach (var solutionProject in solution.Projects) { var diagnostics = ProjectHelper.GetProjectAnalyzerDiagnosticsAsync(analyzers, solutionProject, true).Result .Where(x => options.Rules == null || options.Rules.Contains(x.Id)) .ToList(); Log.Information("<======= Project: {project} =======>", solutionProject.Name); if (!diagnostics.Any()) { Log.Information("Can't find any diagnostic issues for {@rules}", options.Rules); continue; } foreach (var projectAnalyzer in diagnostics) { Log.Information("DiagnosticId {@id} - {message} in file {path}({row},{column})", projectAnalyzer.Id, projectAnalyzer.GetMessage(), GetFormattedFileName(projectAnalyzer.Location.GetLineSpan().Path), projectAnalyzer.Location.GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Line, projectAnalyzer.Location.GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Character); } if (options.Rules == null && options.Mode == Args.RunningMode.Fix) { Log.Warning("Please specify rules for fix"); break; } if (options.Mode == Args.RunningMode.Fix) { var diagnistics = DiagnosticHelper.GetAnalyzerDiagnosticsAsync(solution, analyzers, true).Result; foreach (var keyValuePair in codeFixes) { var equivalenceGroups = new List <CodeFixEquivalenceGroup>(); keyValuePair.Value.ForEach(x => { equivalenceGroups.AddRange(CodeFixEquivalenceGroup.CreateAsync(x, diagnistics, solution).Result); }); if (!equivalenceGroups.Any()) { continue; } var fix = equivalenceGroups[0]; if (equivalenceGroups.Count() > 1) { Log.Warning("Allowed only one equivalence group for fix"); continue; } var operations = fix.GetOperationsAsync().Result; if (operations.Length == 0) { Log.Information("No changes was found for this fixer"); } else { operations[0].Apply(workspace, default(CancellationToken)); Log.Information("Fixer with DiagnosticId {@id} was applied ", keyValuePair.Key); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex, string.Empty); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Log4NetAspExtensions.ConfigureLog4Net("TRex"); DependencyInjection(); // Make sure all our assemblies are loaded... AssembliesHelper.LoadAllAssembliesForExecutingContext(); Log = VSS.TRex.Logging.Logger.CreateLogger <Program>(); Log.LogInformation("Initialising TAG file processor"); try { // Pull relevant arguments off the command line if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: ProcessTAGFiles <ProjectUID> <FolderPath>"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Guid projectID = Guid.Empty; string folderPath; try { projectID = Guid.Parse(args[0]); folderPath = args[1]; } catch { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid project ID {args[0]} or folder path {args[1]}"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } if (projectID == Guid.Empty) { return; } try { if (args.Length > 2) { AssetOverride = Guid.Parse(args[2]); } } catch { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid Asset ID {args[2]}"); return; } ProcessTAGFilesInFolder(projectID, folderPath); // ProcessMachine10101TAGFiles(projectID); // ProcessMachine333TAGFiles(projectID); //ProcessSingleTAGFile(projectID, TAGTestConsts.TestDataFilePath() + "TAGFiles\\Machine10101\\2085J063SV--C01 XG 01 YANG--160804061209.tag"); //ProcessSingleTAGFile(projectID); // Process all TAG files for project 4733: //ProcessTAGFilesInFolder(projectID, TAGTestConsts.TestDataFilePath() + "TAGFiles\\Model 4733\\Machine 1"); //ProcessTAGFilesInFolder(projectID, TAGTestConsts.TestDataFilePath() + "TAGFiles\\Model 4733\\Machine 2"); //ProcessTAGFilesInFolder(projectID, TAGTestConsts.TestDataFilePath() + "TAGFiles\\Model 4733\\Machine 3"); //ProcessTAGFilesInFolder(projectID, TAGTestConsts.TestDataFilePath() + "TAGFiles\\Model 4733\\Machine 4"); } finally { } }