public JsonResult PubArticle([FromBody] ArticleParam msg) { ReplyModel reply = new ReplyModel(); try { Users users = _userRepository.Get(msg.UserId); if (users != null) { msg.Password = MD5Encrypt.Encrypt(msg.Password); Article.Add(_articleRepository, msg); UserArticleEventExtend.TriggerAlterUserAritlceCountEvent(users, ServiceProvider); bool result = ServiceProvider.GetService <IUnitOfWork>().Commit(); if (result) { reply.Status = "002"; reply.Msg = "保存文章成功"; } else { reply.Msg = "保存文章失败"; } } else { reply.Msg = "未找到用户信息"; } } catch (Exception ex) { reply.Msg = "文章发布或保存草稿失败,请重试"; // _Logger.LogError($"文章发布或保存草稿失败,请重试{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex)}"); } return(Json(reply)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Log log = MainMasterPage.InitPage(this); // ucArticles.InitControl(ArticleType.Article, 3, false); try { ucPositions.InitControl("Positions", 8, false); Article article = null; using (var conn = Global.CreateConnection()) { article = Article.GetArticle(conn, "Default"); if (article != null) { ArticleParam.GetArticleParams(conn, article.Id, sd); } } // ucDigests.InitControl(ArticleType.Digest, 2, false); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Exception(ex); } }
public string GetArticleParam(ArticleParam param) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("where 1=1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.ArticleType)) { string[] strArr = param.ArticleType.Split(','); if (strArr.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < strArr.Length; i++) { sb.AppendFormat(" and ArticleType like '%,{0},%' ", strArr[i]); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.ArticleName)) { sb.AppendFormat(" and ArticleName like '%{0}%' ", Utils.SqlSafe(param.ArticleName)); } if (!DateTime.MinValue.Equals(param.PublishDate)) //0001/1/1 0:00:00 { sb.AppendFormat(" and PublishDate >= '{0}' ", param.PublishDate); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public Page <Contents> findArticles(ArticleParam articleParam) { var query = _repository.GetAll(); if (articleParam.Categories != null) { query = query.Where(p => p.Categories.Contains(articleParam.Categories)); } if (articleParam.Status != null) { query = query.Where(p => p.Status == articleParam.Status); } if (articleParam.Title != null) { query = query.Where(p => p.Title.Contains(articleParam.Title)); } if (articleParam.Type != null) { query = query.Where(p => p.Type == articleParam.Type); } return(_repository.Page(query, articleParam)); }
//获取新闻列表 public IPagedList <ArticleExt> GetNewsPageList(ArticleParam param, out int totalCount) { Expression <Func <Article, bool> > filter = p => true; filter = filter.And(p => p.Status == 1); filter = filter.AndIf(p => p.Title.Contains(param.Title), !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Title)); filter = filter.AndIf(p => p.PublishedTime >= param.PublishedTime, param.PublishedTime.Date.ToString() != "0001/1/1 0:00:00"); filter = filter.AndIf(p => p.PublishedTime <= param.PublishedEndTime, param.PublishedEndTime.Date.ToString() != "0001/1/1 0:00:00"); string idList = String.Empty; var list = _articleRepository.GetFiltered(filter).OrderBy(p => p.ArticleID); if (param.CategoryID != null && param.CategoryID != 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param.CategoryID.ToString())) { idList = GetChildCategoryID(param.CategoryID.Value).TrimEnd(','); list = list.Where(p => idList.Contains(p.CategoryID.ToString())).OrderBy(p => p.ArticleID); } totalCount = list.Count(); PagedList <Article> pagedList = list.ToPagedList(param.Page, param.PageSize); IPagedList <ArticleExt> articleExtList = new PagedList <ArticleExt>(); pagedList.Each(p => { ArticleExt extModel = new ArticleExt(); p.Detail = ""; p.CopyTo(extModel); var category = _categoryRepository.Single(e => e.CategoryID == p.CategoryID); var user = _customerRepository.Single(e => e.CustomerCode == p.CreatedBy); extModel.CategoryName = category != null ? category.Name : ""; extModel.UserName = user != null ? user.Name : ""; articleExtList.InnerList.Add(extModel); }); return(articleExtList); }
public ApiResponse <Page <Contents> > PageList(ArticleParam articleParam) { articleParam.Type = Types.PAGE; articleParam.Page--; Page <Contents> articles = _contentsService.findArticles(articleParam); return(ApiResponse <Page <Contents> > .Ok(articles)); }
void LoadData() { int id = RequestUtils.GetArticleParamId(this); if (id != 0) { using (GmConnection conn = Global.CreateConnection()) { articleParam = ArticleParam.GetArticleParam(conn, id); } } else { int ar = RequestUtils.GetArticleId(this); articleParam = new ArticleParam(ar); } }
/// <summary> /// 添加文章 /// </summary> /// <param name="articleParam"></param> public static void Add(IArticleRepository articleRepository, ArticleParam articleParam) { Article article = new Article(); article.UserId = articleParam.UserId; article.NickName = articleParam.NickName; article.Title = articleParam.Title; article.IsDraft = articleParam.IsDraft; article.Content = articleParam.Content; article.Summary = articleParam.Summary; article.Img = articleParam.Img; article.Config = articleParam.Config; article.EntryName = articleParam.EntryName; article.ArticleCategory = articleParam.ArticleCategory; article.ReadCount = 0; article.Password = articleParam.Password; article.PubTime = DateTime.Now; article.AddTime = DateTime.Now; articleRepository.Set(article); }
public IPagedList <Article> GetArticleList(ArticleParam param) { if (param == null) { param = new ArticleParam(); } Func <IQueryable <Article>, IOrderedQueryable <Article> > orderBy = x => x.OrderByDescending(x2 => x2.ArticleID); Expression <Func <Article, bool> > filter = x => true; filter = filter.AndIf(x => x.Title.Contains(param.Title), !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Title)) .AndIf(x => x.CategoryID == param.CategoryID, param.CategoryID != null) .AndIf(x => x.Author == param.Author, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Author)) .AndIf(x => x.Source.Contains(param.Source), !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Source)) .AndIf(x => x.PublishedTime >= param.StartPublishedTime, param.StartPublishedTime != null) .AndIf(x => x.PublishedTime <= param.EndPublishedTime, param.EndPublishedTime != null) .AndIf(x => x.Status == param.Status, param.Status != null); IPagedList <Article> articles = _articleRepository.FindPagedList(param, filter, orderBy); return(articles); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageTag)) { int articleId = articleIds.ContainsKey(PageTag) ? articleIds[PageTag] : 0; using (var conn = Global.CreateConnection()) { if (articleId == 0) { var article = Article.GetArticle(conn, PageTag); if (article != null) { articleId = article.Id; articleIds[PageTag] = articleId; } } if (articleId != 0) { ArticleParam.GetArticleParams(conn, articleId, sd); } } } }