Esempio n. 1
        public static void Equal(ArticleListDTO expected, ArticleListDTO actual)
            Equal(expected.Limit, actual.Limit);
            Equal(expected.Count, actual.Count);
            Equal(expected.Page, actual.Page);
            Equal(expected.PageCount, actual.PageCount);
            True(expected.Articles.Count == actual.Articles.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Articles.Count; i++)
                Equal(expected.Articles[i], actual.Articles[i]);

            //Equal(expected.Articles, actual.Articles);
Esempio n. 2
        public async void GetArticlesOverPageTest()
            var controller = new ArticlesController(_context, _userManager);
            var result     = await controller.GetArticles(2, null);

            // Assert
            var objectResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result);
            var model        = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <ArticleListDTO>(objectResult.Value);

            var emptyDTO = new ArticleListDTO()
                Limit     = 20,
                Count     = _articleDTOs.Count,
                PageCount = 1,
                Page      = 2,
                Articles  = new List <ArticleListElemDTO>()

            Assert.Equal(emptyDTO, model);
Esempio n. 3
        public NewsPortalTest()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <NewsContext>()

            _context = new NewsContext(options);

            _user = new Editor
                UserName    = "******",
                Name        = "Adminisztrátor",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                PhoneNumber = "+36123456789",
                Address     = "Nevesincs utca 1."

            var userList = new List <Editor>();


            _userManager   = new FakeUserManager(_context);
            _signInManager = new FakeSignInManager(_userManager);

            var adminPassword = "******";
            var adminRole     = new IdentityRole <int>("administrator");

            var result1 = _userManager.CreateAsync(_user, adminPassword).Result;

            // adatok inicializációja
            var articleData = new List <Article>
                new Article
                    Id            = 1,
                    Name          = "TestArticle",
                    Lead          = "This is a test article",
                    Content       = "This is REALLY just a test article",
                    CreatedAt     = DateTime.Now,
                    HighlightedAt = DateTime.Now,
                    PublishedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                    Author        = _user,
                    Images        = new List <ArticleImage>()
                        new ArticleImage()
                            Name  = "TEst image",
                            Image = Convert.FromBase64String(testImg)
                new Article
                    Id            = 2,
                    Name          = "TestArticle 2",
                    Lead          = "This is a test article too",
                    Content       = "This is REALLY just a test article too",
                    CreatedAt     = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                    HighlightedAt = null,
                    PublishedAt   = null,
                    Author        = _user,
                    Images        = new List <ArticleImage>()
                        new ArticleImage()
                            Name  = "TEst image 2",
                            Image = Convert.FromBase64String(testImg)
                new Article
                    Id            = 3,
                    Name          = "TestArticle 2",
                    Lead          = "This is a test article too",
                    Content       = "This is REALLY just a test article too",
                    CreatedAt     = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2),
                    HighlightedAt = null,
                    PublishedAt   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2),
                    Author        = _user,
                    Images        = new List <ArticleImage>()
                        new ArticleImage()
                            Name  = "TEst image 2",
                            Image = Convert.FromBase64String(testImg)



            _articleDTOs = articleData.Select(a => new ArticleDTO()
                Id            = a.Id,
                Name          = a.Name,
                Lead          = a.Lead,
                Content       = a.Content,
                PublishedAt   = a.PublishedAt,
                HighlightedAt = a.HighlightedAt,
                CreatedAt     = a.CreatedAt,
                Images        = a.Images.Select(i => new ImageDTO()
                    Id     = i.Id,
                    Name   = i.Name,
                    Base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(i.Image)
                Author        = a.Author.Name,
                IsHighlighted = a.IsHighlighted,
                IsPublished   = a.IsPublished

            _articleListDTO = new ArticleListDTO()
                Page      = 1,
                PageCount = 1,
                Count     = _articleDTOs.Count,
                Limit     = 20,
                Articles  = _articleDTOs.Select(a => new ArticleListElemDTO()
                    Id            = a.Id,
                    Name          = a.Name,
                    Lead          = a.Lead,
                    Author        = a.Author,
                    CreatedAt     = a.CreatedAt,
                    HighlightedAt = a.HighlightedAt,
                    ImageCount    = a.Images.Count,
                    IsHighlighted = a.IsHighlighted,
                    IsPublished   = a.IsPublished,
                    PublishedAt   = a.PublishedAt
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetArticles(int page, [FromQuery] SearchParameters parameters)
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            if (user == null)

            if (parameters == null)
                parameters = new SearchParameters();

            if (page == 0)
                page = 1;

            ArticleSearchType searchType = 0;

            if (parameters.SearchTitle)
                searchType = searchType | ArticleSearchType.Name;
            if (parameters.SearchLead)
                searchType = searchType | ArticleSearchType.Lead;
            if (parameters.SearchContent)
                searchType = searchType | ArticleSearchType.Content;

            ArticleApiOptions options = new ArticleApiOptions
                Offset        = (page - 1) * LIST_LIMIT,
                Limit         = LIST_LIMIT,
                ArticleType   = ArticleType.All,
                IncludeAuthor = true,
                SearchType    = searchType,
                SearchString  = parameters.Search,
                DateStart     = parameters.DateStart,
                DateEnd       = parameters.DateEnd

            if (options.DateEnd.HasValue)
                options.DateEnd = options.DateEnd.Value.AddDays(1).Date; //Add one day to include DateEnd in search
            if (options.DateStart.HasValue)
                options.DateStart = options.DateStart.Value.Date; //Set DateTime to midnight;


            IQueryable <Article> query = _context.Articles;

            query = RestrictArticleType(query, options.ArticleType.Value);
            query = RestrictDate(query, options);
            query = RestrictSearch(query, options);

            if (options.IncludeAuthor.HasValue && options.IncludeAuthor.Value)
                query = query.Include(a => a.Author);

            query = query.Where(a => a.Author == user);

            int count = query.Count();

            query = query.OrderByDescending(a => a.CreatedAt);

            if (options.Offset.HasValue && options.Offset.Value > 0)
                query = query.Skip(options.Offset.Value);

            if (options.Limit.HasValue && options.Limit.Value > 0)
                query = query.Take(options.Limit.Value);

            int pageCount = options.Limit.Value > 0 ? ((count - 1) / options.Limit.Value) + 1 : 1;

            List <ArticleListElemDTO> list = query.Select <Article, ArticleListElemDTO>(x => new ArticleListElemDTO
                Id            = x.Id,
                Name          = x.Name,
                Lead          = x.Lead,
                ImageCount    = x.Images.Count(),
                Author        = x.Author.Name,
                PublishedAt   = x.PublishedAt,
                IsPublished   = x.IsPublished,
                IsHighlighted = x.IsHighlighted,
                HighlightedAt = x.HighlightedAt,
                CreatedAt     = x.CreatedAt

            ArticleListDTO result = new ArticleListDTO {
                Limit     = options.Limit.Value,
                Page      = page,
                Count     = count,
                PageCount = pageCount,
                Articles  = list
