Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes all testcase events.
        /// <see cref="AllureCSharpCommons.Events.TestCaseStartedEvent"/>
        /// <see cref="AllureCSharpCommons.Events.TestCasePendingEvent"/>
        /// <see cref="AllureCSharpCommons.Events.TestCaseCanceledEvent"/>
        /// <see cref="AllureCSharpCommons.Events.TestCaseFinishedEvent"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="evt">event to process</param>
        public void Fire(ITestCaseEvent evt)
            if (typeof(TestCaseStartedEvent).IsAssignableFrom(evt.GetType()))

                var testcaseresult = TestCaseStorage.Get();

                lock (TestSuiteAddChildLock)
                    TestSuiteStorage.Get(evt.SuiteUid).testcases =
                        ArraysUtils.Add(TestSuiteStorage.Get(evt.SuiteUid).testcases, testcaseresult);
            else if (typeof(TestCaseFinishedEvent).IsAssignableFrom(evt.GetType()))
                var testcaseresult = TestCaseStorage.Get();

                var root = StepStorage.PollLast();

                testcaseresult.steps       = ArraysUtils.AddAll(testcaseresult.steps, root.steps);
                testcaseresult.attachments = ArraysUtils.AddAll(testcaseresult.attachments, root.attachments);
                var testcaseresult = TestCaseStorage.Get();
Esempio n. 2
        private void CalculateRequire()
            int            index = 1;
            List <IntPair> items;

            if (config.PayKey == null || config.PayKey.Length == 0)
                items = ArraysUtils.GetSubArray(UserProfile.InfoBag.GetItemCountByType((int)HItemTypes.Material), 0, 13);
                string pickKey = config.PayKey[MathTool.GetRandom(config.PayKey.Length)];
                items = ArraysUtils.GetSubArray(UserProfile.InfoBag.GetItemCountByAttribute(pickKey), 0, 13);
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                var region = new ButtonRegion(index, pos.X + 3 + 20 + (index - 1) % 7 * 70, pos.Y + 3 + 25 + (index - 1) / 7 * 70, 60, 60, HItemBook.GetHItemImage(items[i].Type));
                region.AddDecorator(new RegionTextDecorator(37, 42, 12, Color.White, true, items[i].Value.ToString()));

            var button = new ButtonRegion(20, pos.X + 3 + 20 + (index - 1) % 7 * 70, pos.Y + 3 + 25 + (index - 1) / 7 * 70, 60, 60, "iconbg.jpg", "");

            button.AddDecorator(new RegionImageDecorator(HSIcons.GetIconsByEName("rot7"), 60 / 2));
        protected override string HandleData(string data)
            int width  = DefaultWidth;
            int height = DefaultHeight;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data))
                var splitedData = data.Trim().Split().Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToList();

                if (splitedData.Count() != 2 ||
                    !int.TryParse(splitedData[0], out width) ||
                    !int.TryParse(splitedData[1], out height))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"parse \"{ data }\" failed", nameof(data));

            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            result.Append($"Generated array:{ Environment.NewLine }");
            var array = ArraysUtils.GenerateArray(new[] { width, height }, () => _rnd.Next(ValueDownLimit, ValueUpLimit));

            Add2DArrayToStringBilder(result, array);

            result.Append($"Sum even elements:{ Environment.NewLine }");
            result.Append($"{ CalcEvenElements(array, (int a, int b) => a + b) }{ Environment.NewLine }");

        protected override string HandleData(string data)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            result.Append($"Inicializing array:{ Environment.NewLine }");
            var array = ArraysUtils.GenerateArray(_degreesLengths, () => _rnd.Next(ValueDownLimit, ValueUpLimit + 1));

            AddCubicArrayToStringBilder(result, array);

            result.Append($"Replacement values:{ Environment.NewLine }");
            ArraysUtils.ReplaceElements(array, val => val > 0, 0);
            AddCubicArrayToStringBilder(result, array);

Esempio n. 5
    public void Init()
        foreach (var tacticConfig in ConfigData.BattleTacticDict.Values)
            var randMonId = ConfigDataManager.GetRandMonsterId(tacticConfig.Group);
            itemList.Add(new MatchCellInfo {
                Id = tacticConfig.CellId, Side = (byte)tacticConfig.Side, IsHide = true, MonsterId = randMonId

        for (int i = 0; i < GameConst.RowCount; i++)
            itemList[i].Pos = new NarlonLib.Math.Vector2(i % GameConst.ColumnCount, i / GameConst.ColumnCount);
            cellMap[itemList[i].Pos.X, itemList[i].Pos.Y] = itemList[i].Id;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes all step events.
 /// <see cref="AllureCSharpCommons.Events.StepStartedEvent"/>
 /// <see cref="AllureCSharpCommons.Events.StepCanceledEvent"/>
 /// <see cref="AllureCSharpCommons.Events.StepFinishedEvent"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="evt">event to process</param>
 public void Fire(IStepEvent evt)
     if (typeof(StepStartedEvent).IsAssignableFrom(evt.GetType()))
         var step = new step();
     else if (typeof(StepFinishedEvent).IsAssignableFrom(evt.GetType()))
         var step = StepStorage.PollLast();
         StepStorage.Last.steps = ArraysUtils.Add(StepStorage.Last.steps, step);
         var step = StepStorage.Last;
Esempio n. 7
        protected override string HandleData(string data)
            int length = DefaultLength;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data))
                if (!int.TryParse(data, out length))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"parse \"{ data }\" failed", nameof(data));

                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

                result.Append($"Inicializing collection:{ Environment.NewLine }");
                var elements = (from int val in ArraysUtils.GenerateArray(new[] { length }, () => _rnd.Next(ValueUpLimit))
                                select val)
                elements.ForEach(element => result.Append($"{ element } "));

                var max = HeaviestElementUtil.GetHeaviestElement(elements, (a, b) => a.CompareTo(b));
                result.Append($"Max element searching:{ Environment.NewLine }max = { max }{ Environment.NewLine }");

                var min = HeaviestElementUtil.GetHeaviestElement(elements, (a, b) => b.CompareTo(a));
                result.Append($"Mix element searching:{ Environment.NewLine }min = { min }{ Environment.NewLine }");

                result.Append($"Sorting collection:{ Environment.NewLine }");
                elements.ForEach(element => result.Append($"{ element } "));

        protected override string HandleData(string data)
            var result = new StringBuilder();

            result.Append($"Generated collection:{ Environment.NewLine }");
            var collection = (from int element in ArraysUtils
                              .GenerateArray(new[] { DefaultLength }, () => _rnd.Next(ValueDownLimit, ValueUpLimit))
                              select element)

            foreach (var element in collection)
                result.Append($"{ element } ");

            result.Append($"Calculated summ:{ Environment.NewLine }");
            result.Append(SummByPredicate(collection, element => element > 0, (a, b) => a + b));

Esempio n. 9
        public static int[] CalculateConnectedComponents(int[] _from, int[] _to, int vertices)
            //Test for parameters consistence
            if (_from.Length != _to.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            //No edges case
            if (_from.Length == 0)
                var result = new int[vertices + 1];
                for (var i = 0; i < vertices + 1; ++i)
                    result[i] = i;


            //Creating sorted union
            var from = new int[_from.Length << 1];
            var to   = new int[_from.Length << 1];

            Array.Copy(_from, 0, from, 0, _from.Length);
            Array.Copy(_to, 0, to, 0, _from.Length);
            Array.Copy(_from, 0, to, _from.Length, _from.Length);
            Array.Copy(_to, 0, from, _from.Length, _from.Length);

            //Sorting to easy indexing by from
            ArraysUtils.quickSort(from, to);

            //Test for parameters consistence
            if (from[0] < 0 || from[from.Length - 1] > vertices)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            //Creating index for fast search in from array
            var fromIndex = new int[vertices];

            Arrays.fill(fromIndex, -1); //-1 in fromIndex means absence of edges for certain vertex
            var lastVertex = -1;

            for (var i = 0; i < from.Length; ++i)
                if (lastVertex != from[i])
                    fromIndex[lastVertex = from[i]] = i;

            //Allocation resulting array
            var components = new int[vertices + 1];

            Arrays.fill(components, -1); //There will be no -1 at the end

            var currentComponent = -1;
            var m1    = 0;
            var stack = new Stack <BreadthFirstPointer>();

                components[m1] = currentComponent;

                if (fromIndex[m1] == -1)
                    //There is no edges for curreent vertex,
                    //so it is connected component by it self

                //Pushing seed vertex to stack
                stack.Push(new BreadthFirstPointer(m1, fromIndex[m1]));

                //Main algorithm (simple depth-first search)
                while (stack.Count == 0)
                    var pointer = stack.Peek();

                    if (pointer.EdgePointer >= from.Length || from[pointer.EdgePointer++] != pointer.Vertex)
                        //There are no more edges from this vertex => delete it from stack and continue

                    // -1 because pointer.edgePointer++ was invoked
                    var pointsTo = to[pointer.EdgePointer - 1];

                    if (components[pointsTo] == currentComponent)
                        //We've been here earlier, continue

                    Debug.Assert(components[pointsTo] == -1);

                    //Marking current vertex by current connected component index
                    components[pointsTo] = currentComponent;

                    if (fromIndex[pointsTo] != -1)
                        //No edges from this vertex
                        stack.Push(new BreadthFirstPointer(pointsTo, fromIndex[pointsTo]));
            } while ((m1 = FirstM1(components)) != vertices);

            //writing components count
            components[vertices] = currentComponent + 1;
 public override void Process(testcaseresult context)
     context.parameters = ArraysUtils.Add(context.parameters, new parameter(Name, Value, parameterkind.environmentvariable));
Esempio n. 11
        public StructureOfContractions(Tensor[] data, int differentIndicesCount, IIndices freeIndices)
            //Names (names with type, see IndicesUtils.getNameWithType() ) of all indices in this multiplication
            //It will be used as index name -> index index [0,1,2,3...] mapping
            int[] upperIndices = new int[differentIndicesCount], lowerIndices = new int[differentIndicesCount];
            //This is sorage for intermediate information about indices, used in the algorithm (see below)
            ulong[] upperInfo = new ulong[differentIndicesCount], lowerInfo = new ulong[differentIndicesCount];

            //This is for generalization of algorithm
            //indices[0] == lowerIndices
            //indices[1] == lowerIndices
            int[][] indices = { lowerIndices, upperIndices };

            //This is for generalization of algorithm too
            //info[0] == lowerInfo
            //info[1] == lowerInfo
            ulong[][] info = { lowerInfo, upperInfo };

            //Pointers for lower and upper indices, used in algorithm
            //pointer[0] - pointer to lower
            //pointer[1] - pointer to upper
            int[] pointer = new int[2];

            //Allocating array for results, one contraction for each tensor
            contractions = new long[data.Length][];
            //There is one dummy tensor with index -1, it represents fake
            //tensor contracting with whole Product to leave no contracting indices.
            //So, all "conractions" with this dummy "contraction" looks like a scalar
            //product. (sorry for English)
            freeContractions = new long[freeIndices.Size()];

            uint state;
            uint index;
            uint i;

            //Processing free indices = creating contractions for dummy tensor
            for (i = 0; i < freeIndices.Size(); ++i)
                index = freeIndices[i];
                //Inverse state (because it is state of index at (??) dummy tensor,
                //contracted with this free index)
                state = 1 - IndicesUtils.getStateInt(index);

                info[state][pointer[state]]      = dummyTensorInfo;
                indices[state][pointer[state]++] = IndicesUtils.GetNameWithType(index);

            int tensorIndex;

            for (tensorIndex = 0; tensorIndex < data.Length; ++tensorIndex)
                //Main algorithm
                IIndices tInds   = data[tensorIndex].Indices;
                short[]  diffIds = tInds.GetDiffIds();

                //FUTURE move to other place
                if (tInds.Size() >= 0x10000)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many indices!!! max count = 2^16");

                for (uint j = 0; j < tInds.Size(); ++j)
                    index = tInds[j];
                    state = IndicesUtils.getStateInt(index);
                    info[state][pointer[state]]      = packToLong(tensorIndex, diffIds[j], j);
                    indices[state][pointer[state]++] = IndicesUtils.GetNameWithType(index);

                //Result allocation
                contractions[tensorIndex] = new long[tInds.Size()];

            //Here we can use unstable sorting algorithm (all indices are different)
            ArraysUtils.quickSort(indices[0], info[0].Select(u => (int)u).ToArray());
            ArraysUtils.quickSort(indices[1], info[1].Select(u => (int)u).ToArray());

            //Calculating connected components
            var infoTensorIndicesFrom = infoToTensorIndices(lowerInfo);
            var infoTensorIndicesTo   = infoToTensorIndices(upperInfo);

            uint shift = 0;
            uint last  = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < infoTensorIndicesFrom.Length; ++i)
                if (infoTensorIndicesFrom[i] == -1 || infoTensorIndicesTo[i] == -1)
                    Array.Copy(infoTensorIndicesFrom, last, infoTensorIndicesFrom, last - shift, i - last);
                    Array.Copy(infoTensorIndicesTo, last, infoTensorIndicesTo, last - shift, i - last);
                    last = i + 1;

            Array.Copy(infoTensorIndicesFrom, last, infoTensorIndicesFrom, last - shift, i - last);
            Array.Copy(infoTensorIndicesTo, last, infoTensorIndicesTo, last - shift, i - last);
            infoTensorIndicesFrom = Arrays.copyOf(infoTensorIndicesFrom, (int)(infoTensorIndicesFrom.Length - shift));
            infoTensorIndicesTo   = Arrays.copyOf(infoTensorIndicesTo, (int)(infoTensorIndicesTo.Length - shift));

            int[] components = GraphUtils.CalculateConnectedComponents(infoTensorIndicesFrom, infoTensorIndicesTo, data.Length);
            componentCount  = components[components.Length - 1];
            this.components = Arrays.copyOfRange(components, 0, components.Length - 1);
            //<-- Here we have mature info arrays


            int freePointer = 0;
            int indexIndex;

            for (i = 0; i < differentIndicesCount; ++i)
                //Contractions from lower to upper
                tensorIndex = (int)(0xFFFFFFFFL & (info[0][i] >> 16)); //From tensor index
                indexIndex  = (int)(0xFFFFL & (info[0][i] >> 48));
                ulong contraction = (0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000L & (info[1][i] << 16))
                                    | (0xFFFFL & info[0][i]);
                if (tensorIndex == -1)
                    freeContractions[freePointer++] = (long)contraction;
                    contractions[tensorIndex][indexIndex] = (long)contraction;

                //Contractions from upper to lower
                tensorIndex = (int)(0xFFFFFFFFL & (info[1][i] >> 16)); //From tensor index
                indexIndex  = (int)(0xFFFFL & (info[1][i] >> 48));
                contraction = (0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000L & (info[0][i] << 16))
                              | (0xFFFFL & info[1][i]);
                if (tensorIndex == -1)
                    freeContractions[freePointer++] = (long)contraction;
                    contractions[tensorIndex][indexIndex] = (long)contraction;
        public override void Process(testcaseresult context)
            var attachment = AllureResultsUtils.WriteAttachmentSafely(Attachment, Title, Type);

            context.attachments = ArraysUtils.Add(context.attachments, attachment);
 public override void Process(step context)
     context.attachments = ArraysUtils.Add(context.attachments, Attach);