/// <summary>
            /// This method tries to load as much as possible from the cursor into the buffer until the memorySize is reached.
            /// </summary>
            public void LoadAsMuchAsPossible()

                while (_cursorMoveNext)
                    var featureValues = _cursor.Features.GetValues();
                    int featureCount  = featureValues.Length;
                    // If the instance has no feature, ignore it!
                    if (featureCount == 0)
                        _cursorMoveNext = _cursor.MoveNext();

                    // We assume that cursor.Features.values are represented by float and cursor.Features.indices are represented by int
                    // We conservatively assume that an instance is sparse and therefore, it has an array of Floats and ints for values and indices
                    int perNonZeroInBytes = sizeof(float) + sizeof(int);
                    if (featureCount > _trainer.AcceleratedMemoryBudgetBytes / perNonZeroInBytes)
                        // Hopefully this never happens. But the memorySize must >= perNonZeroInBytes * length(the longest instance).
                        throw _ch.Except("Acceleration memory budget is too small! Need at least {0} MB for at least one of the instances",
                                         featureCount * perNonZeroInBytes / (1024 * 1024));

                    bool couldLoad = true;
                    if (!_cursor.Features.IsDense)
                        // If it is a sparse instance, load its indices to instIndices buffer
                        couldLoad = _instIndices.AddToStorage(_cursor.Features.GetIndices());
                    // Load values of an instance into instValues
                    if (couldLoad)
                        couldLoad = _instValues.AddToStorage(featureValues);

                    // If the load was successful, load the instance properties to instanceProperties
                    if (couldLoad)
                        float label             = _cursor.Label;
                        InstanceProperties prop = new InstanceProperties(featureCount, label, _cursor.Features.IsDense);

                        _cursorMoveNext = _cursor.MoveNext();

                        if (_instanceProperties.Count > (1 << 30))
                            // If it happened to be the case that we have so much memory that we were able to load (1<<30) instances,
                            // break. This is because in such a case _instanceProperties can only be addressed by int32 and (1<<30) is
                            // getting close to the limits. This should rarely happen!
                            _isFullyLoaded = false;
                        // If couldLoad fails at any point (which is becuase of memorySize), isFullyLoaded becomes false forever
                        _isFullyLoaded = false;