Esempio n. 1
        public override void Visit(CallNode node)
            if (node != null)
                // see if this is a member (we'll need it for a couple checks)
                Member member = node.Function as Member;

                if (m_parser.Settings.StripDebugStatements
                    && m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.StripDebugStatements))
                    // if this is a member, and it's a debugger object, and it's a constructor....
                    if (member != null && member.IsDebuggerStatement && node.IsConstructor)
                        // we need to replace our debugger object with a generic Object
                        node.ReplaceChild(node.Function, new Lookup("Object", node.Function.Context, m_parser));

                        // and make sure the node list is empty
                        if (node.Arguments != null && node.Arguments.Count > 0)
                            node.ReplaceChild(node.Arguments, new AstNodeList(node.Arguments.Context, m_parser));

                // if this is a constructor and we want to collapse
                // some of them to literals...
                if (node.IsConstructor && m_parser.Settings.CollapseToLiteral)
                    // see if this is a lookup, and if so, if it's pointing to one
                    // of the two constructors we want to collapse
                    Lookup lookup = node.Function as Lookup;
                    if (lookup != null)
                        if (lookup.Name == "Object"
                            && m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.NewObjectToObjectLiteral))
                            // no arguments -- the Object constructor with no arguments is the exact same as an empty
                            // object literal
                            if (node.Arguments == null || node.Arguments.Count == 0)
                                // replace our node with an object literal
                                ObjectLiteral objLiteral = new ObjectLiteral(node.Context, m_parser, null, null);
                                if (node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, objLiteral))
                                    // and bail now. No need to recurse -- it's an empty literal
                            else if (node.Arguments.Count == 1)
                                // one argument
                                // check to see if it's an object literal.
                                ObjectLiteral objectLiteral = node.Arguments[0] as ObjectLiteral;
                                if (objectLiteral != null)
                                    // the Object constructor with an argument that is a JavaScript object merely returns the
                                    // argument. Since the argument is an object literal, it is by definition a JavaScript object
                                    // and therefore we can replace the constructor call with the object literal
                                    node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, objectLiteral);

                                    // don't forget to recurse the object now

                                    // and then bail -- we don't want to process this call
                                    // operation any more; we've gotten rid of it
                        else if (lookup.Name == "Array"
                            && m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.NewArrayToArrayLiteral))
                            // Array is trickier.
                            // If there are no arguments, then just use [].
                            // if there are multiple arguments, then use [arg0,arg1...argN].
                            // but if there is one argument and it's numeric, we can't crunch it.
                            // also can't crunch if it's a function call or a member or something, since we won't
                            // KNOW whether or not it's numeric.
                            // so first see if it even is a single-argument constant wrapper.
                            ConstantWrapper constWrapper = (node.Arguments != null && node.Arguments.Count == 1
                                ? node.Arguments[0] as ConstantWrapper
                                : null);

                            // if the argument count is not one, then we crunch.
                            // if the argument count IS one, we only crunch if we have a constant wrapper,
                            // AND it's not numeric.
                            if (node.Arguments == null
                              || node.Arguments.Count != 1
                              || (constWrapper != null && !constWrapper.IsNumericLiteral))
                                // create the new array literal object
                                ArrayLiteral arrayLiteral = new ArrayLiteral(node.Context, m_parser, node.Arguments);

                                // replace ourself within our parent
                                if (node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, arrayLiteral))
                                    // recurse
                                    // and bail -- we don't want to recurse this node any more

                // if we are replacing resource references with strings generated from resource files
                // and this is a brackets call: lookup[args]
                ResourceStrings resourceStrings = m_parser.ResourceStrings;
                if (node.InBrackets && resourceStrings != null && resourceStrings.Count > 0)
                    // see if the root object is a lookup that corresponds to the
                    // global value (not a local field) for our resource object
                    // (same name)
                    Lookup rootLookup = node.Function as Lookup;
                    if (rootLookup != null
                        && rootLookup.LocalField == null
                        && string.CompareOrdinal(rootLookup.Name, resourceStrings.Name) == 0)
                        // we're going to replace this node with a string constant wrapper
                        // but first we need to make sure that this is a valid lookup.
                        // if the parameter contains anything that would vary at run-time,
                        // then we need to throw an error.
                        // the parser will always have either one or zero nodes in the arguments
                        // arg list. We're not interested in zero args, so just make sure there is one
                        if (node.Arguments.Count == 1)
                            // must be a constant wrapper
                            ConstantWrapper argConstant = node.Arguments[0] as ConstantWrapper;
                            if (argConstant != null)
                                string resourceName = argConstant.Value.ToString();

                                // get the localized string from the resources object
                                ConstantWrapper resourceLiteral = new ConstantWrapper(

                                // replace this node with localized string, analyze it, and bail
                                // so we don't anaylze the tree we just replaced
                                node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, resourceLiteral);
                                // error! must be a constant
                            // error! can only be a single constant argument to the string resource object.
                            // the parser will only have zero or one arguments, so this must be zero
                            // (since the parser won't pass multiple args to a [] operator)

                // and finally, if this is a backets call and the argument is a constantwrapper that can
                // be an identifier, just change us to a member node:  obj["prop"] to obj.prop.
                // but ONLY if the string value is "safe" to be an identifier. Even though the ECMA-262
                // spec says certain Unicode categories are okay, in practice the various major browsers
                // all seem to have problems with certain characters in identifiers. Rather than risking
                // some browsers breaking when we change this syntax, don't do it for those "danger" categories.
                if (node.InBrackets && node.Arguments != null)
                    // see if there is a single, constant argument
                    string argText = node.Arguments.SingleConstantArgument;
                    if (argText != null)
                        // see if we want to replace the name
                        string newName;
                        if (m_parser.Settings.HasRenamePairs && m_parser.Settings.ManualRenamesProperties
                            && m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.PropertyRenaming)
                            && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName = m_parser.Settings.GetNewName(argText)))
                            // yes -- we are going to replace the name, either as a string literal, or by converting
                            // to a member-dot operation.
                            // See if we can't turn it into a dot-operator. If we can't, then we just want to replace the operator with
                            // a new constant wrapper. Otherwise we'll just replace the operator with a new constant wrapper.
                            if (m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.BracketMemberToDotMember)
                                && JSScanner.IsSafeIdentifier(newName)
                                && !JSScanner.IsKeyword(newName, node.EnclosingScope.UseStrict))
                                // the new name is safe to convert to a member-dot operator.
                                // but we don't want to convert the node to the NEW name, because we still need to Analyze the
                                // new member node -- and it might convert the new name to something else. So instead we're
                                // just going to convert this existing string to a member node WITH THE OLD STRING,
                                // and THEN analyze it (which will convert the old string to newName)
                                Member replacementMember = new Member(node.Context, m_parser, node.Function, argText, node.Arguments[0].Context);
                                node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, replacementMember);

                                // this analyze call will convert the old-name member to the newName value
                                // nope; can't convert to a dot-operator.
                                // we're just going to replace the first argument with a new string literal
                                // and continue along our merry way.
                                node.Arguments.ReplaceChild(node.Arguments[0], new ConstantWrapper(newName, PrimitiveType.String, node.Arguments[0].Context, m_parser));
                        else if (m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.BracketMemberToDotMember)
                            && JSScanner.IsSafeIdentifier(argText)
                            && !JSScanner.IsKeyword(argText, node.EnclosingScope.UseStrict))
                            // not a replacement, but the string literal is a safe identifier. So we will
                            // replace this call node with a Member-dot operation
                            Member replacementMember = new Member(node.Context, m_parser, node.Function, argText, node.Arguments[0].Context);
                            node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, replacementMember);

                // call the base class to recurse

                // might have changed
                member = node.Function as Member;

                // call this AFTER recursing to give the fields a chance to resolve, because we only
                // want to make this replacement if we are working on the global Date object.
                if (!node.InBrackets && !node.IsConstructor
                    && (node.Arguments == null || node.Arguments.Count == 0)
                    && member != null && string.CompareOrdinal(member.Name, "getTime") == 0
                    && m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(TreeModifications.DateGetTimeToUnaryPlus))
                    // this is not a constructor and it's not a brackets call, and there are no arguments.
                    // if the function is a member operation to "getTime" and the object of the member is a
                    // constructor call to the global "Date" object (not a local), then we want to replace the call
                    // with a unary plus on the Date constructor. Converting to numeric type is the same as
                    // calling getTime, so it's the equivalent with much fewer bytes.
                    CallNode dateConstructor = member.Root as CallNode;
                    if (dateConstructor != null
                        && dateConstructor.IsConstructor)
                        // lookup for the predifined (not local) "Date" field
                        Lookup lookup = dateConstructor.Function as Lookup;
                        if (lookup != null && string.CompareOrdinal(lookup.Name, "Date") == 0
                            && lookup.LocalField == null)
                            // this is in the pattern: (new Date()).getTime()
                            // we want to replace it with +new Date
                            // use the same date constructor node as the operand
                            NumericUnary unary = new NumericUnary(node.Context, m_parser, dateConstructor, JSToken.Plus);

                            // replace us (the call to the getTime method) with this unary operator
                            node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, unary);

                            // don't need to recurse on the unary operator. The operand has already
                            // been analyzed when we recursed, and the unary operator wouldn't do anything
                            // special anyway (since the operand is not a numeric constant)
                    var isEval = false;

                    var lookup = node.Function as Lookup;
                    if (lookup != null
                        && string.CompareOrdinal(lookup.Name, "eval") == 0
                        && lookup.VariableField is JSPredefinedField)
                        // call to predefined eval function
                        isEval = true;
                    else if (member != null && string.CompareOrdinal(member.Name, "eval") == 0)
                        // if this is a window.eval call, then we need to mark this scope as unknown just as
                        // we would if this was a regular eval call.
                        // (unless, of course, the parser settings say evals are safe)
                        // call AFTER recursing so we know the left-hand side properties have had a chance to
                        // lookup their fields to see if they are local or global
                        if (member.LeftHandSide.IsWindowLookup)
                            // this is a call to window.eval()
                            isEval = true;
                        CallNode callNode = node.Function as CallNode;
                        if (callNode != null
                            && callNode.InBrackets
                            && callNode.LeftHandSide.IsWindowLookup
                            && callNode.Arguments.IsSingleConstantArgument("eval"))
                            // this is a call to window["eval"]
                            isEval = true;

                    if (isEval)
                        if (m_parser.Settings.EvalTreatment != EvalTreatment.Ignore)
                            // mark this scope as unknown so we don't crunch out locals
                            // we might reference in the eval at runtime
                            ScopeStack.Peek().IsKnownAtCompileTime = false;