internal AutoDemoStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props) { // account and role info var automationAccountId = "123456789"; var automationWorkerRoleName = $"AWS-SystemsManager-AutomationExecutionRole-{Aws.REGION}"; var automationAdminRoleName = $"AWS-SystemsManager-AutomationAdministrationRole-{Aws.REGION}"; //Goes into Automation account Role automationAdminRole = new Role(this, "autoAdminRole", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new CompositePrincipal( new ServicePrincipal("") ), RoleName = automationAdminRoleName, InlinePolicies = new Dictionary <string, PolicyDocument> { ["ExecutionPolicy"] = new PolicyDocument(new PolicyDocumentProps { Statements = new PolicyStatement[] { new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Resources = new [] { $"arn:aws:iam::*:role/{automationWorkerRoleName}" },//construct this Actions = new [] { "sts:AssumeRole" } }), new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Resources = new [] { "*" }, Actions = new [] { "organizations:ListAccountsForParent" } }) } }) } }); var listResourceGroups = new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Resources = new[] { "*" }, Actions = new[] { "resource-groups:ListGroupResources", "tag:GetResources" } }); var passRole = new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Resources = new[] { Arn.Format(new ArnComponents { Account = automationAccountId, Region = "", Resource = "role", ResourceName = automationWorkerRoleName, Service = "iam" }, this) }, Actions = new[] { "iam:PassRole" } }); var managedPolicyTest = new ManagedPolicy(this, "test-managed-policy", new ManagedPolicyProps { Statements = new PolicyStatement[] { listResourceGroups, passRole } }); //Goes into all accounts Role automationWorkerRole = new Role(this, "automasterrole", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new CompositePrincipal( new AccountPrincipal(automationAccountId), new ServicePrincipal("") ), RoleName = automationWorkerRoleName, ManagedPolicies = new IManagedPolicy[] { ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("service-role/AmazonSSMAutomationRole"), managedPolicyTest }, Path = "/", InlinePolicies = new Dictionary <string, PolicyDocument> { ["ExecutionPolicy"] = new PolicyDocument(new PolicyDocumentProps { Statements = new PolicyStatement[] { new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Resources = new [] { "*" }, Actions = new [] { "resource-groups:ListGroupResources", "tag:GetResources" } }), new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Effect = Effect.ALLOW, Resources = new[] { Arn.Format(new ArnComponents { Account = automationAccountId, Region = "", Resource = "role", ResourceName = automationWorkerRoleName, Service = "iam" }, this) }, Actions = new [] { "iam:PassRole" } }) } }) } }); User automationUser = new User(this, "automation-user", new UserProps { UserName = "******" }); Role myLimitedAssumeRole = new Role(this, "roleToAssume", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new ArnPrincipal(Arn.Format(new ArnComponents { Account = automationAccountId, Region = "", Resource = "user", ResourceName = automationUser.UserName, Service = "iam" }, this)), RoleName = $"Automation-Restricted-{Aws.REGION}", InlinePolicies = new Dictionary <string, PolicyDocument> { ["limited-actions"] = new PolicyDocument(new PolicyDocumentProps { Statements = new PolicyStatement[] { new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Resources = new string[] { "*" }, Actions = new string[] { "ssm:DescribeAutomationExecutions", "ssm:DescribeAutomationStepExecutions", "ssm:DescribeDocument", "ssm:GetAutomationExecution", "ssm:GetDocument", "ssm:ListDocuments", "ssm:ListDocumentVersions", "ssm:StartAutomationExecution" } }), new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { Resources = new string[] { Arn.Format(new ArnComponents { Account = automationAccountId, Region = "", Resource = "role", ResourceName = automationAdminRoleName, Service = "iam" }, this) }, Actions = new string[] { "iam:PassRole" }, Effect = Effect.ALLOW }) } }) } }); //Automation document for updating AMI's var amiUpdateDoc = new CfnDocument(this, "ami-update-document", new CfnDocumentProps { // Name = "ami-update", DocumentType = "Automation", Content = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["schemaVersion"] = "0.3", ["description"] = "Updates Parameter store with the latest AMI for specific images", ["assumeRole"] = "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}", ["parameters"] = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["AutomationAssumeRole"] = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["type"] = "String", ["description"] = "(Optional) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf" }, ["AmiID"] = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["type"] = "String", ["description"] = "(Required) The image ID for the new AMI" }, ["ImageName"] = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["type"] = "String", ["description"] = "(Required) The name of the image which shoud have the AMI ID updated." } }, ["mainSteps"] = new Dictionary <string, object>[] { new Dictionary <string, object> { ["action"] = "aws:executeAwsApi", ["name"] = "getCurrentValue", ["inputs"] = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["Api"] = "GetParameter", ["Name"] = "/amis/{{ ImageName }}/id", ["Service"] = "ssm" }, ["outputs"] = new Dictionary <string, object>[] { new Dictionary <string, object> { ["Name"] = "value", ["Selector"] = "$.Parameter.Value", ["Type"] = "String" } } }, /*new Dictionary<string,object> { * ["action"] = "aws:branch", * ["name"] = "confirmChange", * ["isEnd"] = true, * ["inputs"] = new Dictionary<string,object> { * ["Choices"] = new Dictionary<string,object>[] { * new Dictionary<string,object> { * ["NextStep"] = "getDeployRole", * ["Not"] = new Dictionary<string,object> { * ["StringEquals"] = "{{ Version }}", * ["Variable"] = "{{ getCurrentValue.value }}" * } * } * } * } * },*/ new Dictionary <string, object> { ["action"] = "aws:executeAwsApi", ["name"] = "putNewVersion", ["inputs"] = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["Api"] = "PutParameter", ["Name"] = "/amis/{{ ImageName }}/id-new", ["Overwrite"] = true, ["Service"] = "ssm", ["Value"] = "{{ AmiID }}", ["Type"] = "String " } } } } }); //create the SSM parameters var param = "/aws/service/ami-windows-latest/Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-ECS_Optimized/image_id"; var lookupParam = StringParameter.ValueForTypedStringParameter(this, param); var lookupParamTest = StringParameter.ValueForTypedStringParameter(this, param); // ami-082a23ee4379053a2 - default Console.WriteLine(lookupParam); new StringParameter(this, $"ami-windows-parameter", new StringParameterProps { Description = $"The AMI ID for the Windows image", ParameterName = $"/amis/windows/id", //Type = ParameterType.AWS_EC2_IMAGE_ID, StringValue = lookupParam, Tier = ParameterTier.STANDARD }); new Amazon.CDK.AWS.SSM.CfnParameter(this, "ami-testing", new Amazon.CDK.AWS.SSM.CfnParameterProps { DataType = "aws:ec2:image", Description = "Testing ami data type", Name = "/amis/windows-test/id", Type = "String", Value = lookupParamTest }); new StringParameter(this, "ami-deploy-document-parameter", new StringParameterProps { Description = "The name of the SSM document for rolling out new AMI's", ParameterName = $"/ci-deploy/ci-deploy-document", StringValue = amiUpdateDoc.Ref, Tier = ParameterTier.STANDARD }); }