Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses and checks the given JSON object to see if any armTemplateParameters were added or removed.
        /// If parameters were added then they are created in the db along with a join entry in the armTemplateArmTemplateParameters table.
        /// If parameters were removed then the join entry in the armTemplateArmTemplateParameters table is removed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offer">The name of the offer the parameters belong to</param>
        /// <param name="armTemplateJSON">The JSON object to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="armTemplateId">The ID of the armTemplate.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task UpdateArmTemplateParameters(Offer offer, object armTemplateJSON, long armTemplateId)
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >  incompleteParams = ARMTemplateHelper.GetArmTemplateParameters(armTemplateJSON.ToString());
            List <ArmTemplateArmTemplateParameter> joinEntries      = await _armTemplateArmTemplateParameterService.GetAllJoinEntries(armTemplateId);

            Dictionary <string, ArmTemplateParameter> paramsDb = new Dictionary <string, ArmTemplateParameter>();
            HashSet <string> usedParamNames = new HashSet <string>();

            // Populate paramsDb so that it maps the ArmTemplateParameter name to the ArmTemplateParameter object
            foreach (ArmTemplateArmTemplateParameter entry in joinEntries)
                ArmTemplateParameter armTemplateParameter = await _context.ArmTemplateParameters.FindAsync(entry.ArmTemplateParameterId);

                if (!paramsDb.ContainsKey(armTemplateParameter.Name))
                    paramsDb.Add(armTemplateParameter.Name, armTemplateParameter);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> incompleteParam in incompleteParams)
                // Check if a param with the same name as the incompleteParam already exists
                if (!paramsDb.ContainsKey(incompleteParam.Key))
                    ArmTemplateParameter armParameter = new ArmTemplateParameter
                        OfferId = offer.Id,
                        Name    = incompleteParam.Key,
                        Type    = incompleteParam.Value,
                        // TODO: do we need to indicate an incomplete parameter?
                        Value = string.Empty

                    // A param with the same name as the incompleteParam does not exist, so create it
                    await _armTemplateParameterService.CreateAsync(offer.OfferName, armTemplateId, armParameter);

                // Keep track of all the new parameters we are using in usedParamNames
                if (!usedParamNames.Contains(incompleteParam.Key))

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ArmTemplateParameter> paramDb in paramsDb)
                // Check if there is a param in the db that we are no longer using
                if (!usedParamNames.Contains(paramDb.Key))
                    ArmTemplateArmTemplateParameter armTemplateArmTemplateParameter = await _context.ArmTemplateArmTemplateParameters.FindAsync(armTemplateId, paramDb.Value.Id);

                    // Remove the join entry for any unused params
                    await _context._SaveChangesAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an entry in the armTemplateArmTemplateParameters table if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="armTemplateId">The ID of the armTemplate.</param>
        /// <param name="armTemplateParameterId">The ID of the armTemplateParameter.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task CreateJoinEntryAsync(long armTemplateId, long armTemplateParameterId)
            if (await ExistsAsync(armTemplateId, armTemplateParameterId))
                throw new LunaServerException("This entry cannot be created since it already exists in the DB.", false);

            ArmTemplateArmTemplateParameter armTemplateArmTemplateParameter = new ArmTemplateArmTemplateParameter
                ArmTemplateId          = armTemplateId,
                ArmTemplateParameterId = armTemplateParameterId

            await _context._SaveChangesAsync();