protected override void init() { addCard(ArkhamCard.Investigator("Zoey Samaras", "The Chef", ArkhamClass.Guardian, 9, 6) .WithSkills(4, 2, 4, 2) .WithTraits("Believer.", "Hunter.") .WithFrontText("Response - After you become engaged with an enemy: Gain 1 resource.\r\nElder Sign effect: +1. If this skill test is successful during an attack, that attack deals +1 damage.") .WithFrontFlavor("\"God has spoken. I will do His work without hesitation.\"") .WithInfo(1, 1, Artist.Magali_Villeneuve)); }
protected override void init() { addCard(ArkhamCard.Investigator("Roland Banks", "The Fed", ArkhamClass.Guardian, 9, 5) .WithSkills(3, 3, 4, 2) .WithTraits("Agency.", "Detective.") .WithFrontText("Response - After you defeat an enemy: Discover 1 clue at your location. (Limit once per round.)\r\nEldritch Effect: +1 for each clue on your location.") .WithFrontFlavor("Everything by the book: every \"i\" dotted, every \"t\" crossed. It had worked, until now") .WithInfo(1, 1, Artist.Magali_Villeneuve)); addCard(ArkhamCard.Investigator("Agnes Baker", "The Waitress", ArkhamClass.Mystic, 6, 8) .WithSkills(5, 2, 2, 3) .WithTraits("Sorcerer.") .WithFrontText("Response - After 1 or more horror is placed on Agnes Baker: Deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location. (Limit once per phase.)\r\nEldritch Effect: +1 for each horror on Agnes Baker.") .WithFrontFlavor("\"I remember another life, one of sorcery and conquest.\"") .WithInfo(4, 1, Artist.Magali_Villeneuve)); addCard(ArkhamCard.Asset("Roland's .38 Special", ArkhamClass.Guardian, ArkhamCardCost.Three, AssetSlot.One_Hand) .WithUnique() .WithTraits("Item.", "Weapon.", "Firearm.") .WithSkillIcons(SkillIcon.Combat, SkillIcon.Agility, SkillIcon.Wild) .WithFrontText("Roland Banks deck only.\r\nUses (4 ammo).\r\nAction - Spend 1 ammo: Fight. You get +1 Combat for this attack (if there are 1 or more clues on this location, you get +3 combat instead). This attack deals +1 damage.") .WithInfo(6, 1, Artist.Tiziano_Baracchi)); addCard(ArkhamCard.Event("Lucky!", ArkhamClass.Survivor, ArkhamCardCost.One, Level.Zero) .WithTraits("Fortune.") .WithKeywords("Fast.") .WithFrontText("Fast. Play when you would fail a skill test. Get +2 to your skill value for that test.") .WithInfo(80, 1, Artist.David_A_Nash)); addCard(ArkhamCard.Event("Lucky!", ArkhamClass.Survivor, ArkhamCardCost.One, Level.Two) .WithTraits("Fortune.") .WithKeywords("Fast.") .WithFrontText("Fast. Play when you would fail a skill test. Get +2 to your skill value for that test. Draw 1 card.") .WithInfo(84, 1, Artist.David_A_Nash)); addCard(ArkhamCard.Location("Attic", Shroud.One, ClueValue.TwoPerInvestigator, ArkhamEncounterSet.None) .WithVictoryPoints(1) .WithBackText("Forced - After you enter the Attic: Take 1 horror.") .WithInfo(113, 1, Artist.Yoann_Boissonnet)); }