Esempio n. 1
        public static IEnumerable <ACL> Get_DomainObjectAcl(Args_Get_DomainObjectAcl args = null)
            if (args == null)
                args = new Args_Get_DomainObjectAcl();

            var SearcherArguments = new Args_Get_DomainSearcher
                Properties      = new[] { "samaccountname", "ntsecuritydescriptor", "distinguishedname", "objectsid" },
                SecurityMasks   = args.Sacl ? SecurityMasks.Sacl : SecurityMasks.Dacl,
                Domain          = args.Domain,
                SearchBase      = args.SearchBase,
                Server          = args.Server,
                SearchScope     = args.SearchScope,
                ResultPageSize  = args.ResultPageSize,
                ServerTimeLimit = args.ServerTimeLimit,
                Tombstone       = args.Tombstone,
                Credential      = args.Credential
            var Searcher = GetDomainSearcher.Get_DomainSearcher(SearcherArguments);

            var DomainGUIDMapArguments = new Args_Get_DomainGUIDMap
                Domain          = args.Domain,
                Server          = args.Server,
                ResultPageSize  = args.ResultPageSize,
                ServerTimeLimit = args.ServerTimeLimit,
                Credential      = args.Credential

            // get a GUID -> name mapping
            IDictionary <string, string> GUIDs = null;

            if (args.ResolveGUIDs)
                GUIDs = GetDomainGUIDMap.Get_DomainGUIDMap(DomainGUIDMapArguments);

            var ACLs = new List <ACL>();

            if (Searcher != null)
                var IdentityFilter = "";
                var Filter         = "";
                if (args.Identity != null)
                    foreach (var item in args.Identity)
                        var IdentityInstance = item.Replace(@"(", @"\28").Replace(@")", @"\29");
                        if (IdentityInstance.IsRegexMatch(@"^S-1-.*"))
                            IdentityFilter += $@"(objectsid={IdentityInstance})";
                        else if (IdentityInstance.IsRegexMatch(@"^(CN|OU|DC)=.*"))
                            IdentityFilter += $@"(distinguishedname={IdentityInstance})";
                            if (args.Domain.IsNullOrEmpty() && args.SearchBase.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                // if a -Domain isn't explicitly set, extract the object domain out of the distinguishedname
                                // and rebuild the domain searcher
                                var IdentityDomain = IdentityInstance.Substring(IdentityInstance.IndexOf("DC=")).Replace("DC=", "").Replace(",", ".");
                                Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainObjectAcl] Extracted domain '{IdentityDomain}' from '{IdentityInstance}'");
                                SearcherArguments.Domain = IdentityDomain;
                                Searcher = GetDomainSearcher.Get_DomainSearcher(SearcherArguments);
                                if (Searcher == null)
                                    Logger.Write_Warning($@"[Get-DomainObjectAcl] Unable to retrieve domain searcher for '{IdentityDomain}'");
                        else if (IdentityInstance.IsRegexMatch(@"^[0-9A-F]{8}-([0-9A-F]{4}-){3}[0-9A-F]{12}$"))
                            var GuidByteString = string.Join(string.Empty, Guid.Parse(IdentityInstance).ToByteArray().Select(x => x.ToString(@"\X2")));
                            IdentityFilter += $@"(objectguid={GuidByteString})";
                        else if (IdentityInstance.Contains('.'))
                            IdentityFilter += $@"(|(samAccountName={IdentityInstance})(name={IdentityInstance})(dnshostname={IdentityInstance}))";
                            IdentityFilter += $@"(|(samAccountName={IdentityInstance})(name={IdentityInstance})(displayname={IdentityInstance}))";
                if (IdentityFilter != null && IdentityFilter.Trim() != "")
                    Filter += $@"(|{IdentityFilter})";

                if (args.LDAPFilter.IsNotNullOrEmpty())
                    Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainObjectAcl] Using additional LDAP filter: {args.LDAPFilter}");
                    Filter += $@"{args.LDAPFilter}";

                if (Filter.IsNotNullOrEmpty())
                    Searcher.Filter = $@"(&{Filter})";
                Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainObjectAcl] Get-DomainObjectAcl filter string: {Searcher.Filter}");

                var Results = Searcher.FindAll();
                foreach (SearchResult result in Results)
                    var Object = result.Properties;

                    string ObjectSid = null;
                    if (Object["objectsid"] != null && Object["objectsid"].Count > 0 && Object["objectsid"][0] != null)
                        ObjectSid = new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(Object["objectsid"][0] as byte[], 0).Value;
                        ObjectSid = null;

                        var rsd    = new System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor(Object["ntsecuritydescriptor"][0] as byte[], 0);
                        var rawAcl = args.Sacl ? rsd.SystemAcl : rsd.DiscretionaryAcl;
                        foreach (var ace in rawAcl)
                            var acl = new ACL {
                                Ace = ace
                            bool Continue = false;
                            if (args.RightsFilter != null)
                                string GuidFilter = null;
                                switch (args.RightsFilter.Value)
                                case Rights.ResetPassword:
                                    GuidFilter = "00299570-246d-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529";

                                case Rights.WriteMembers:
                                    GuidFilter = "bf9679c0-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2";

                                    GuidFilter = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
                                if (ace is System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAccessRule)
                                    if (string.Compare(((object)ace as System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAccessRule).ObjectType.ToString(), GuidFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                        acl.ObjectDN  = Object["distinguishedname"][0] as string;
                                        acl.ObjectSID = ObjectSid;
                                        Continue      = true;
                                acl.ObjectDN  = Object["distinguishedname"][0] as string;
                                acl.ObjectSID = ObjectSid;
                                Continue      = true;
                            if (Continue)
                                if (ace is System.Security.AccessControl.KnownAce)
                                    acl.ActiveDirectoryRights = (System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights)(ace as System.Security.AccessControl.KnownAce).AccessMask;
                                if (GUIDs != null)
                                    // if we're resolving GUIDs, map them them to the resolved hash table
                                    if (ace is ObjectAce)
                                        try { (acl.Ace as ObjectAce).ObjectAceType = new Guid(GUIDs[(ace as ObjectAce).ObjectAceType.ToString()]); }
                                        catch { }
                                        try { (acl.Ace as ObjectAce).InheritedObjectAceType = new Guid(GUIDs[(ace as ObjectAce).InheritedObjectAceType.ToString()]); }
                                        catch { }
                                    else if (ace is ObjectAccessRule)
                                        /*try { (acl.Ace as ObjectAccessRule).ObjectType = new Guid(GUIDs[(ace as ObjectAccessRule).ObjectType.ToString()]); }
                                         * catch { }
                                         * try { (acl.Ace as ObjectAccessRule).InheritedObjectType = new Guid(GUIDs[(ace as ObjectAccessRule).InheritedObjectType.ToString()]); }
                                         * catch { }*/

                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainObjectAcl] Error: {e}");
Esempio n. 2
        public static Dictionary <string, string> Get_DomainGUIDMap(Args_Get_DomainGUIDMap args = null)
            if (args == null)
                args = new Args_Get_DomainGUIDMap();

            var GUIDs = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { @"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", @"All" }

            var ForestArguments = new Args_Get_Forest()
                Credential = args.Credential

            string SchemaPath = null;

                SchemaPath = GetForest.Get_Forest(ForestArguments).Forest.Schema.Name;
                throw new Exception(@"[Get-DomainGUIDMap] Error in retrieving forest schema path from Get-Forest");
            if (SchemaPath.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new Exception(@"[Get-DomainGUIDMap] Error in retrieving forest schema path from Get-Forest");

            var SearcherArguments = new Args_Get_DomainSearcher
                SearchBase      = SchemaPath,
                LDAPFilter      = @"(schemaIDGUID=*)",
                Domain          = args.Domain,
                Server          = args.Server,
                ResultPageSize  = args.ResultPageSize,
                ServerTimeLimit = args.ServerTimeLimit,
                Credential      = args.Credential
            var SchemaSearcher = GetDomainSearcher.Get_DomainSearcher(SearcherArguments);

            if (SchemaSearcher != null)
                    var Results = SchemaSearcher.FindAll();
                    if (Results != null)
                        foreach (SearchResult result in Results)
                            GUIDs[(new Guid(result.Properties["schemaidguid"][0] as byte[])).ToString()] = result.Properties["name"][0].ToString();
                        try { Results.Dispose(); }
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainGUIDMap] Error disposing of the Results object: {e}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainGUIDMap] Error in building GUID map: {e}");

            SearcherArguments.SearchBase = SchemaPath.Replace(@"Schema", @"Extended-Rights");
            SearcherArguments.LDAPFilter = @"(objectClass=controlAccessRight)";
            var RightsSearcher = GetDomainSearcher.Get_DomainSearcher(SearcherArguments);

            if (RightsSearcher != null)
                    var Results = RightsSearcher.FindAll();
                    if (Results != null)
                        foreach (SearchResult result in Results)
                            GUIDs[(new Guid(result.Properties["rightsguid"][0] as byte[])).ToString()] = result.Properties["name"][0].ToString();
                        try { Results.Dispose(); }
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainGUIDMap] Error disposing of the Results object: {e}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Write_Verbose($@"[Get-DomainGUIDMap] Error in building GUID map: {e}");
Esempio n. 3
 public static Dictionary <string, string> Get_GUIDMap(Args_Get_DomainGUIDMap args = null)