Esempio n. 1
        public Object GetData(IDataReader reader)
            // This is where we define the mapping between the object properties and the
            // data columns. The convention that should be used is that the object property
            // names are exactly the same as the column names. However if there is some
            // compelling reason for the names to be different, the mapping can be defined here.

            // We assume the reader has data and is already on the row that contains the data
            // we need. We don't need to call read. As a general rule, assume that every field must
            // be null  checked. If a field is null then the nullvalue for that field has already
            // been set by the DTO constructor, we don't have to change it.

            if (!_isInitialized)

            // Now we can load the data into the DTO object from the DB reader
            AreaAsset dto = new AreaAsset();

            if (!reader.IsDBNull(_ordinal_AreaID))
                dto.AreaID = Convert.ToInt32(reader[_ordinal_AreaID]);
            if (!reader.IsDBNull(_ordinal_AreaName))
                dto.AreaName = Convert.ToString(reader[_ordinal_AreaName]);
            if (!reader.IsDBNull(_ordinal_Description))
                dto.AreaDescription = Convert.ToString(reader[_ordinal_Description]);
Esempio n. 2
        public void GetReportAsExcelSpreadsheet(List <int> listOfMeterIDs, MemoryStream ms, CustomerLogic result)
            timeIsolation.IsolationType = SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.TimeIsolations.None;

            // Start diagnostics timer
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            DateTime NowAtDestination = Convert.ToDateTime(this._CustomerConfig.DestinationTimeZoneDisplayName);// DateTime.Now;//Datetime.Now;//DateTime.Now;//Datetime.Now;

            // Now gather and analyze data for the report
            SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.RequiredDataElements requiredDataElements = new SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.RequiredDataElements();
            requiredDataElements.NeedsSensorData            = true;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsPaymentData           = false;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsOverstayData          = false;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsEnforcementActionData = false;
            this._ReportEngine = new SensorAndPaymentReportEngine(this._CustomerConfig, _ReportParams);
            this._ReportEngine.GatherReportData(listOfMeterIDs, requiredDataElements, result);

            OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet ws = null;

            using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage pck = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage())
                // Let's create a report coversheet and overall summary page, with hyperlinks to the other worksheets
                // Create the worksheet
                ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Summary");

                // Render the standard report title lines
                rowIdx = 1; // Excel uses 1-based indexes
                colIdx = 1;
                RenderCommonReportTitle(ws, this._ReportName);

                // Render common report header for enforcement activity restriction filter, but only if its not for all activity
                if (this._ReportParams.ActionTakenRestrictionFilter != SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.ReportableEnforcementActivity.AllActivity)
                    colIdx = 1;

                // Render common report header for regulated hour restriction filter
                colIdx = 1;

                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[2, 1, rowIdx, numColumnsMergedForHeader])
                    rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                    rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(207, 221, 237)); //Set color to lighter blue FromArgb(184, 204, 228)

                colIdx = 1;
                int hyperlinkstartRowIdx = rowIdx;

                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMeterSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Meter Occupancy", "Meter Occupancy summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeSpaceSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Space Occupancy", "Space Occupancy summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeAreaSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Area Occupancy", "Area Occupancy summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Daily Occupancy", "Daily Occupancy summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMonthlySummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Monthly Occupancy", "Monthly Occupancy summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDetailRecords == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Details", "Occupancy details");

                colIdx = 1;

                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[hyperlinkstartRowIdx, 1, rowIdx, numColumnsMergedForHeader])
                    rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

                // Now start the report data summary header

                //  --- END OF OVERALL SUMMARY WORKSHEET ---

                // Should we include a worksheet with Meter aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMeterSummary == true)
                    RenderMeterSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Meter Occupancy");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Space aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeSpaceSummary == true)
                    RenderSpaceSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Space Occupancy");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Area aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeAreaSummary == true)
                    RenderAreaSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Area Occupancy");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Daily aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderDailySummaryWorksheet(pck, "Daily Occupancy");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Monthly aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderMonthlySummaryWorksheet(pck, "Monthly Occupancy");

                // Should we include a Details worksheet?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDetailRecords == true)
                    // Create the worksheet
                    ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Details");
                    int detailColumnCount = 8;

                    // Render the header row
                    rowIdx = 1; // Excel uses 1-based indexes
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 1, "Space #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 2, "Meter #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 3, "Area #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 4, "Area");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 5, "Event Start");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 6, "Event End");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 7, "Occupied?");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 8, "Duration");

                    // Format the header row
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[1, 1, 1, detailColumnCount])
                        rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                        rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                        rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(79, 129, 189));  //Set color to dark blue

                    // Increment the row index, which will now be the 1st row of our data

                    #region Populate data for each record

                    foreach (SpaceAsset spaceAsset in this._ReportEngine.ReportDataModel.SpacesIncludedInReport)
                        List <SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.CommonSensorAndPaymentEvent> spaceRecs = this._ReportEngine.ReportDataModel.FindRecsForBayAndMeter(spaceAsset.SpaceID, spaceAsset.MeterID);
                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.CommonSensorAndPaymentEvent nextEvent in spaceRecs)
                            // Don't detail this item if its a "dummy" event
                            if (nextEvent.IsDummySensorEvent == true)

                            AreaAsset areaAsset = _ReportEngine.GetAreaAsset(spaceAsset.AreaID_PreferLibertyBeforeInternal);

                            // Output row values for data
                            ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 1, spaceAsset.SpaceID);
                            ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 2, spaceAsset.MeterID);

                            if (areaAsset != null)
                                ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 3, areaAsset.AreaID);
                                ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 4, areaAsset.AreaName);

                            ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 5, nextEvent.SensorEvent_Start);
                            ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 6, nextEvent.SensorEvent_End);

                            if (nextEvent.SensorEvent_IsOccupied == true)
                                ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 7, "Y");
                                ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 7, "N");

                            ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 8, FormatTimeSpanAsHoursMinutesAndSeconds(nextEvent.SensorEvent_Duration));

                            // Increment the row index, which will now be the next row of our data

                            // Is there a child "repeat" event also?
                            if (nextEvent.RepeatSensorEvents != null)
                                foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.CommonSensorAndPaymentEvent repeatEvent in nextEvent.RepeatSensorEvents)
                                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 1, spaceAsset.SpaceID);
                                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 2, spaceAsset.MeterID);

                                    if (areaAsset != null)
                                        ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 3, areaAsset.AreaID);
                                        ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 4, areaAsset.AreaName);

                                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 5, repeatEvent.SensorEvent_Start);
                                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 6, repeatEvent.SensorEvent_End);

                                    if (repeatEvent.SensorEvent_IsOccupied == true)
                                        ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 7, "Y");
                                        ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 7, "N");

                                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 8, FormatTimeSpanAsHoursMinutesAndSeconds(repeatEvent.SensorEvent_Duration));

                                    // Increment the row index, which will now be the next row of our data

                    // We will add autofilters to our headers so user can sort the columns easier
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[1, 1, rowIdx, detailColumnCount])
                        rng.AutoFilter = true;

                    // Apply formatting to the columns as appropriate (Starting row is 2 (first row of data), and ending row is the current rowIdx value)

                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 1, 2, rowIdx, "########0", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 2, 2, rowIdx, "########0", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 3, 2, rowIdx, "########0", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);

                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 5, 2, rowIdx, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss tt", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 6, 2, rowIdx, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss tt", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right);

                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 7, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right); // String value, right-aligned
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 8, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right); // String value, right-aligned

                    // And now lets size the columns
                    for (int autoSizeColIdx = 1; autoSizeColIdx <= detailColumnCount; autoSizeColIdx++)
                        using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[1, autoSizeColIdx, rowIdx, autoSizeColIdx])

                // All cells in spreadsheet are populated now, so render (save the file) to a memory stream
                byte[] bytes = pck.GetAsByteArray();
                ms.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            // Stop diagnostics timer
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this._ReportName + " generation took: " + sw.Elapsed.ToString());
Esempio n. 3
        public void GetReportAsExcelSpreadsheet(List <int> listOfMeterIDs, MemoryStream ms, CustomerLogic result)
            timeIsolation.IsolationType = SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.TimeIsolations.None;

            // Start diagnostics timer
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            DateTime NowAtDestination = Convert.ToDateTime(this._CustomerConfig.DestinationTimeZoneDisplayName);

            // Now gather and analyze data for the report
            SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.RequiredDataElements requiredDataElements = new SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.RequiredDataElements();
            requiredDataElements.NeedsSensorData            = true;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsPaymentData           = true;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsOverstayData          = true;
            requiredDataElements.NeedsEnforcementActionData = true;

            this._ReportEngine = new SensorAndPaymentReportEngine(this._CustomerConfig, this._ReportParams);
            this._ReportEngine.GatherReportData(listOfMeterIDs, requiredDataElements, result);

            OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet ws = null;

            using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage pck = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage())
                // Let's create a report coversheet and overall summary page, with hyperlinks to the other worksheets
                ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Summary");

                // Render the standard report title lines
                rowIdx = 1; // Excel uses 1-based indexes
                colIdx = 1;
                RenderCommonReportTitle(ws, this._ReportName);

                // Render common report header for enforcement activity restriction filter, but only if its not for all activity
                if (this._ReportParams.ActionTakenRestrictionFilter != SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.ReportableEnforcementActivity.AllActivity)
                    colIdx = 1;

                // Render common report header for regulated hour restriction filter
                colIdx = 1;

                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[2, 1, rowIdx, numColumnsMergedForHeader])
                    rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                    rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(207, 221, 237)); //Set color to lighter blue FromArgb(184, 204, 228)

                colIdx = 1;
                int hyperlinkstartRowIdx = rowIdx;

                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMeterSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Meter Enforcement", "Meter Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeSpaceSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Space Enforcement", "Space Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeAreaSummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Area Enforcement", "Area Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Daily Enforcement", "Daily Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMonthlySummary == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Monthly Enforcement", "Monthly Enforcement summary");
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDetailRecords == true)
                    RenderWorksheetHyperlink(ws, "Details", "Enforcement details");

                colIdx = 1;

                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[hyperlinkstartRowIdx, 1, rowIdx, numColumnsMergedForHeader])
                    rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid

                // Now start the report data summary header

                //  --- END OF OVERALL SUMMARY WORKSHEET ---

                // Should we include a worksheet with Meter aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeMeterSummary == true)
                    RenderMeterSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Meter Enforcement");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Space aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeSpaceSummary == true)
                    RenderSpaceSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Space Enforcement");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Area aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeAreaSummary == true)
                    RenderAreaSummaryWorksheet(pck, "Area Enforcement");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Daily aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderDailySummaryWorksheet(pck, "Daily Enforcement");

                // Should we include a worksheet with Monthly aggregates?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDailySummary == true)
                    RenderMonthlySummaryWorksheet(pck, "Monthly Enforcement");

                // Should we include a Details worksheet?
                if (_ReportParams.IncludeDetailRecords == true)
                    // Create the worksheet
                    ws = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Details");
                    int detailColumnCount = 18;

                    // Render the header row
                    rowIdx = 1; // Excel uses 1-based indexes
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 1, "Space #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 2, "Meter #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 3, "Area #");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 4, "Area");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 5, "Arrival");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 6, "Departure");

                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 7, "Start of" + Environment.NewLine + "Overstay Violation");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 7);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 8, "Overstay  Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Duration");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 8);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 9, "Overstay Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Action Taken");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 9);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 10, "Overstay Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Action Taken Timestamp");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 10);

                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 11, "Overstay Rule");

                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 12, "Payment Timestamp");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 13, "Payment Expiration");
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 14, "Payment Zeroed-out" + Environment.NewLine + "Timestamp");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 14);

                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 15, "Start of" + Environment.NewLine + "Payment Violation");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 15);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 16, "Payment Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Duration");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 16);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 17, "Payment Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Action Taken");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 17);
                    ws.SetValue(rowIdx, 18, "Payment Violation" + Environment.NewLine + "Action Taken Timestamp");
                    ApplyWrapTextStyleToCell(ws, rowIdx, 18);

                    Dictionary <int, List <string> > ColumnLinesForRow = new Dictionary <int, List <string> >();

                    // Format the header row
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[1, 1, 1, detailColumnCount])
                        rng.Style.Font.Bold        = true;
                        rng.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;                 //Set Pattern for the background to Solid
                        rng.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(79, 129, 189));  //Set color to dark blue

                    // Increment the row index, which will now be the 1st row of our data

                    #region Populate data for each record

                    foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.CommonSensorAndPaymentEvent repEvent in this._ReportEngine.ReportDataModel.ReportableEvents)
                        // Ignore unoccupied sections or dummy sensor events
                        if (repEvent.SensorEvent_IsOccupied == false)
                        if (repEvent.IsDummySensorEvent == true)

                        // The details only need to list records that are involved in either payment or overstay violations (unenforceable sensor and payment events can be ignored)
                        if ((repEvent.PaymentVios.Count == 0) && (repEvent.Overstays.Count == 0))

                        // Start with fresh collections for each column's text lines for current row
                        for (int nextCol = 1; nextCol <= detailColumnCount; nextCol++)
                            ColumnLinesForRow[nextCol] = new List <string>();

                        AreaAsset areaAsset = _ReportEngine.GetAreaAsset(repEvent.BayInfo.AreaID_PreferLibertyBeforeInternal);

                        // Output row values for data
                        if (areaAsset != null)
                        ColumnLinesForRow[5].Add(repEvent.SensorEvent_Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                        ColumnLinesForRow[6].Add(repEvent.SensorEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                        // Add sensor ins/outs for each "repeat" sensor event
                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.CommonSensorAndPaymentEvent repeatEvent in repEvent.RepeatSensorEvents)
                            ColumnLinesForRow[5].Add(repEvent.SensorEvent_Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                            ColumnLinesForRow[6].Add(repEvent.SensorEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.OverstayVioEvent overstay in repEvent.Overstays)
                            ColumnLinesForRow[7].Add(overstay.StartOfOverstayViolation.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(overstay.EnforcementActionTaken))

                            if (overstay.EnforcementActionTakenTimeStamp > DateTime.MinValue)
                                ColumnLinesForRow[10].Add(overstay.EnforcementActionTakenTimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                            if (overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail != null)
                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                sb.Append(Enum.ToObject(typeof(DayOfWeek), overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.DayOfWeek).ToString() + " ");
                                sb.Append(overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.StartTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt") + " - " +
                                          overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.EndTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt") + ", ");
                                sb.Append(overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.Type + ", Max Stay: " + overstay.OverstayBasedOnRuleDetail.MaxStayMinutes.ToString());


                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.PaymentEvent payEvent in repEvent.PaymentEvents)
                            if (payEvent.PaymentEvent_IsPaid == false)

                            ColumnLinesForRow[12].Add(payEvent.PaymentEvent_Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                            if (payEvent.WasStoppedShortViaZeroOutTrans == true)
                                ColumnLinesForRow[13].Add(payEvent.OriginalPaymentEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                                ColumnLinesForRow[14].Add(payEvent.PaymentEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));
                                ColumnLinesForRow[13].Add(payEvent.PaymentEvent_End.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                        foreach (SensorAndPaymentReportEngine.PaymentVioEvent payVio in repEvent.PaymentVios)
                            ColumnLinesForRow[15].Add(payVio.StartOfPayViolation.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payVio.EnforcementActionTaken))

                            if (payVio.EnforcementActionTakenTimeStamp > DateTime.MinValue)
                                ColumnLinesForRow[18].Add(payVio.EnforcementActionTakenTimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt"));

                        int linesForRow = 1;
                        for (int nextCol = 1; nextCol <= detailColumnCount; nextCol++)
                            int           columnRowLines = 0;
                            StringBuilder sb             = new StringBuilder();
                            bool          firstLine      = true;
                            foreach (string nextLine in ColumnLinesForRow[nextCol])
                                if (firstLine == false)
                                firstLine = false;
                            ws.SetValue(rowIdx, nextCol, sb.ToString());

                            if (columnRowLines > linesForRow)
                                linesForRow = columnRowLines;

                            if (columnRowLines > 1)
                                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rowrange = ws.Cells[rowIdx, nextCol])
                                    ws.Cells[rowIdx, nextCol].Style.WrapText = true;

                        // Do we need to resize the row?
                        if (linesForRow > 1)
                            ws.Row(rowIdx).Height = (ws.DefaultRowHeight * linesForRow);
                            using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rowrange = ws.Cells[rowIdx, 1, rowIdx, detailColumnCount])
                                rowrange.Style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Top;

                        // Increment the row index, which will now be the next row of our data

                    // We will add autofilters to our headers so user can sort the columns easier
                    using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange rng = ws.Cells[1, 1, rowIdx, detailColumnCount])
                        rng.AutoFilter = true;

                    // Apply formatting to the columns as appropriate (Starting row is 2 (first row of data), and ending row is the current rowIdx value)

                    // Column 1 & 2 are numeric integer
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 1, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 2, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 3, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 4, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 5, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 6, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 7, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 8, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 9, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 10, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 11, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 12, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 13, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 14, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 15, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 16, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 17, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);
                    ApplyNumberStyleToColumn(ws, 18, 2, rowIdx, "@", ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left);

                    // And now lets size the columns
                    for (int autoSizeColIdx = 1; autoSizeColIdx <= detailColumnCount; autoSizeColIdx++)
                        using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange col = ws.Cells[1, autoSizeColIdx, rowIdx, autoSizeColIdx])

                    // And now finally we must manually size the columns that have wrap text (autofit doesn't work nicely when we have wrap text)
                    ws.Column(1 + 6).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 7).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 8).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 9).Width = 27;

                    ws.Column(1 + 13).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 14).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 15).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 16).Width = 24;
                    ws.Column(1 + 17).Width = 27;

                // All cells in spreadsheet are populated now, so render (save the file) to a memory stream
                byte[] bytes = pck.GetAsByteArray();
                ms.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            // Stop diagnostics timer
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this._ReportName + " generation took: " + sw.Elapsed.ToString());