void DrawArea(Area34 area)
     Debug.DrawLine(area.p1, area.p2, Color.cyan, 5.0f);
     Debug.DrawLine(area.p2, area.s2, Color.yellow, 5.0f);
     Debug.DrawLine(area.s2, area.s1, Color.green, 5.0f);
     Debug.DrawLine(area.s1, area.p1, Color.yellow, 5.0f);
Esempio n. 2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        GameObject           MPC_Spawner = GameObject.Find("MPC_spawner");
        Scatterers_Spawning2 MPC_Script  = MPC_Spawner.GetComponent <Scatterers_Spawning2>();
        List <Vector3>       MPC1        = MPC_Script.MPC1_possiblepositionList;
        List <Vector3>       MPC2        = MPC_Script.MPC2_possiblepositionList;
        List <Vector3>       MPC3        = MPC_Script.MPC3_possiblepositionList;

         * Debug.Log("Number of MPC1 is " + MPC1.Count);
         * for (int i = 0; i < MPC1.Count; i++)
         * {
         *  GameObject cleared_sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
         *  cleared_sphere.transform.position = MPC1[i];
         *  Destroy(cleared_sphere.GetComponent<SphereCollider>()); // remove collider
         *  var sphereRenderer = cleared_sphere.GetComponent<Renderer>();
         *  sphereRenderer.material = MPC2_mat;
         *  cleared_sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
         * }

        // Declaring buildings and observation points
        Buildings = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Reflecting_Obstacles");
        // The number of observation points should not be too big, a few is enough
        Observation_Points = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Observation_Points");
        // Define the main road direction
        Vector3 main_axis = (Observation_Points[0].transform.position - Observation_Points[1].transform.position).normalized;
        Vector3 perp_axis = new Vector3(main_axis.z, 0, -main_axis.x);

        // subset of the seen Buldings
        List <GameObject> Building_list = new List <GameObject>();

        // Going through all observation points
        for (int k = 0; k < Observation_Points.Length; k++)
            // analyzing which buidings are seen
            for (int b = 0; b < Buildings.Length; b++)
                Vector3[] vrtx = Buildings[b].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
                Vector3[] nrml = Buildings[b].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.normals;

                int seen_vrtx_count = 0;

                for (int v = 0; v < vrtx.Length; v++)
                    if (vrtx[v].y == 0)
                        if (!Physics.Linecast(Observation_Points[k].transform.position, vrtx[v] + 1.1f * nrml[v]))
                            seen_vrtx_count += 1;
                if (seen_vrtx_count != 0)
                    if (!Building_list.Contains(Buildings[b]))

        // deactivating nonseen buildings
        for (int b = 0; b < Buildings.Length; b++)
            if (!Building_list.Contains(Buildings[b]))
        Debug.Log("The number of seen Buildings = " + Building_list.Count);

        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC1 = new List <Vector3>();

        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC2 = new List <Vector3>();

        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC3 = new List <Vector3>();

        // analyzing each seen building separately
        for (int k = 0; k < Building_list.Count; k++)
            // writing MPCs into a txt file
            //string writePath;
            List <string> Obj_List = new List <string>();

            Vector3[] vrtx = Building_list[k].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
            Vector3[] nrml = Building_list[k].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.normals;

            List <Vector3> floor_vrtx = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> floor_nrml = new List <Vector3>();
            var            pairs      = new List <V6>();

            List <Vector3> possible_vrtx = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> possible_nrml = new List <Vector3>();

            for (int l = 0; l < vrtx.Length; l++)
                if (vrtx[l].y == 0 && Mathf.Abs(nrml[l].y) < 0.9)

                    // adding coordinates and normals of the vertices into a single object V6 (like a N x 6 matrix)
                    V6 valid_pair = new V6(vrtx[l], nrml[l]);
            // finding the edges of each building
            List <Vector3> SortedByX = floor_vrtx.OrderBy(vertex => vertex.x).ToList();
            List <Vector3> SortedByZ = floor_vrtx.OrderBy(vertex => vertex.z).ToList();
            float          x_l       = SortedByX[0].x - WW1;                   // x left
            float          x_r       = SortedByX[SortedByX.Count - 1].x + WW1; // x right
            float          z_d       = SortedByZ[0].z - WW1;                   // z down
            float          z_u       = SortedByZ[SortedByX.Count - 1].z + WW1; // z up

            // searching which scatterers are located near the building
            NearbyElements(x_l, x_r, z_d, z_u, MPC1, out List <Vector3> NeabyMPC1);
            NearbyElements(x_l, x_r, z_d, z_u, MPC2, out List <Vector3> NeabyMPC2);
            NearbyElements(x_l, x_r, z_d, z_u, MPC3, out List <Vector3> NeabyMPC3);

            /// Defining areas around building where scatterers can be located

            // defining necessary elements for the polygon that connects the last and the first vertices
            Vector3 n1_0 = floor_nrml[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];
            Vector3 p1_0 = floor_vrtx[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];
            Vector3 s1_0 = floor_vrtx[floor_vrtx.Count - 1] + WW1 * floor_nrml[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];

            Vector3 n2_0 = floor_nrml[0];
            Vector3 p2_0 = floor_vrtx[0];
            Vector3 s2_0 = floor_vrtx[0] + WW1 * floor_nrml[0];

            Area34 area = new Area34(p1_0, s1_0, p2_0, s2_0);

            PickMPC(n1_0, p1_0, s1_0, n2_0, p2_0, s2_0, NeabyMPC1, out List <V6> MPC1_V6);
            PickMPC(n1_0, p1_0, s1_0, n2_0, p2_0, s2_0, NeabyMPC2, out List <V6> MPC2_V6);
            PickMPC(n1_0, p1_0, s1_0, n2_0, p2_0, s2_0, NeabyMPC3, out List <V6> MPC3_V6);

            //int MPC1_num = 0;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC1_V6.Count; ii++)
                if (!GlobalMPC1.Contains(MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                    V7 tempV7_MPC1 = new V7(MPC1_V6[ii], MPC1_num);

                    GameObject cleared_sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);

                    cleared_sphere.transform.position = MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates;
                    Destroy(cleared_sphere.GetComponent <SphereCollider>()); // remove collider
                    // cleared_sphere.name = "Building #" + k + "; mpc1 #" + MPC1_num;
                    cleared_sphere.name = "mpc1 #" + MPC1_num;
                    var sphereRenderer = cleared_sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    sphereRenderer.material             = MPC1_mat;
                    cleared_sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                    MPC1_num += 1;

            //int MPC2_num = 0;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC2_V6.Count; ii++)
                if (!GlobalMPC2.Contains(MPC2_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                    V7 tempV7_MPC2 = new V7(MPC2_V6[ii], MPC2_num);

                    GameObject cleared_sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);

                    cleared_sphere.transform.position = MPC2_V6[ii].Coordinates;
                    Destroy(cleared_sphere.GetComponent <SphereCollider>()); // remove collider
                    cleared_sphere.name = "mpc2 #" + MPC2_num;
                    var sphereRenderer = cleared_sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    sphereRenderer.material             = MPC2_mat;
                    cleared_sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                    MPC2_num += 1;

            //int MPC3_num = 0;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC3_V6.Count; ii++)
                if (!GlobalMPC3.Contains(MPC3_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                    V7 tempV7_MPC3 = new V7(MPC3_V6[ii], MPC3_num);

                    GameObject cleared_sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);

                    cleared_sphere.transform.position = MPC3_V6[ii].Coordinates;
                    Destroy(cleared_sphere.GetComponent <SphereCollider>()); // remove collider
                    cleared_sphere.name = "mpc3 #" + MPC3_num;
                    var sphereRenderer = cleared_sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    sphereRenderer.material             = MPC3_mat;
                    cleared_sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                    MPC3_num += 1;

            // draw areas for all vertices
            Vector3 point1 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 point2 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 shift1 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 shift2 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            for (int l = 0; l < floor_vrtx.Count - 1; l++)
                point1 = floor_vrtx[l];
                point2 = floor_vrtx[l + 1];

                shift1 = floor_vrtx[l] + WW1 * floor_nrml[l];
                shift2 = floor_vrtx[l + 1] + WW1 * floor_nrml[l + 1];

                PickMPC(floor_nrml[l], point1, shift1, floor_nrml[l + 1], point2, shift2, NeabyMPC1, out List <V6> for_MPC1_V6);
                PickMPC(floor_nrml[l], point1, shift1, floor_nrml[l + 1], point2, shift2, NeabyMPC2, out List <V6> for_MPC2_V6);
                PickMPC(floor_nrml[l], point1, shift1, floor_nrml[l + 1], point2, shift2, NeabyMPC3, out List <V6> for_MPC3_V6);

                for (int ii = 0; ii < for_MPC1_V6.Count; ii++)
                    if (!GlobalMPC1.Contains(for_MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                        V7 tempV7_MPC1 = new V7(for_MPC1_V6[ii], MPC1_num);

                        GameObject cleared_sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);

                        cleared_sphere.transform.position = for_MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates;
                        Destroy(cleared_sphere.GetComponent <SphereCollider>()); // remove collider
                        cleared_sphere.name = "mpc1 #" + MPC1_num;
                        var sphereRenderer = cleared_sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        sphereRenderer.material             = MPC1_mat;
                        cleared_sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                        MPC1_num += 1;

                for (int ii = 0; ii < for_MPC2_V6.Count; ii++)
                    if (!GlobalMPC2.Contains(for_MPC2_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                        V7 tempV7_MPC2 = new V7(for_MPC2_V6[ii], MPC2_num);

                        GameObject cleared_sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);

                        cleared_sphere.transform.position = for_MPC2_V6[ii].Coordinates;
                        Destroy(cleared_sphere.GetComponent <SphereCollider>()); // remove collider
                        cleared_sphere.name = "mpc2 #" + MPC2_num;
                        var sphereRenderer = cleared_sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        sphereRenderer.material             = MPC2_mat;
                        cleared_sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                        MPC2_num += 1;

                for (int ii = 0; ii < for_MPC3_V6.Count; ii++)
                    if (!GlobalMPC3.Contains(for_MPC3_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                        V7 tempV7_MPC3 = new V7(for_MPC3_V6[ii], MPC3_num);

                        GameObject cleared_sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);

                        cleared_sphere.transform.position = for_MPC3_V6[ii].Coordinates;
                        Destroy(cleared_sphere.GetComponent <SphereCollider>()); // remove collider
                        cleared_sphere.name = "mpc3 #" + MPC3_num;
                        var sphereRenderer = cleared_sphere.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        sphereRenderer.material             = MPC3_mat;
                        cleared_sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                        MPC3_num += 1;

                area = new Area34(point1, shift1, point2, shift2);

            //Area2D(vv1, vv2, out float S11);
        Debug.Log("Number of seen MPC1 = " + SeenV6_MPC1.Count);
        Debug.Log("Number of seen MPC2 = " + SeenV6_MPC2.Count);
        Debug.Log("Number of seen MPC3 = " + SeenV6_MPC3.Count);
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        float                t_original  = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        GameObject           MPC_Spawner = GameObject.Find("MPC_spawner");
        Scatterers_Spawning2 MPC_Script  = MPC_Spawner.GetComponent <Scatterers_Spawning2>();
        List <Vector3>       MPC1        = MPC_Script.MPC1_possiblepositionList;
        List <Vector3>       MPC2        = MPC_Script.MPC2_possiblepositionList;
        List <Vector3>       MPC3        = MPC_Script.MPC3_possiblepositionList;
        List <Vector3>       DMC         = MPC_Script.DMC_possiblepositionList;

        // Declaring buildings and observation points
        Buildings = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Reflecting_Obstacles");
        // The number of observation points should not be too big, a few is enough
        Observation_Points = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Observation_Points");
        // Define the main road direction
        Vector3 main_axis = (Observation_Points[0].transform.position - Observation_Points[1].transform.position).normalized;
        Vector3 perp_axis = new Vector3(main_axis.z, 0, -main_axis.x);

        // subset of the seen Buldings
        List <GameObject> Building_list = new List <GameObject>();

        // Going through all observation points
        for (int k = 0; k < Observation_Points.Length; k++)
            // analyzing which buidings are seen
            for (int b = 0; b < Buildings.Length; b++)
                Vector3[] vrtx = Buildings[b].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
                Vector3[] nrml = Buildings[b].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.normals;

                int seen_vrtx_count = 0;

                for (int v = 0; v < vrtx.Length; v++)
                    if (vrtx[v].y == 0)
                        if (!Physics.Linecast(Observation_Points[k].transform.position, vrtx[v] + 1.1f * nrml[v]))
                            seen_vrtx_count += 1;
                if (seen_vrtx_count != 0)
                    if (!Building_list.Contains(Buildings[b]))

        // deactivating nonseen buildings
        for (int b = 0; b < Buildings.Length; b++)
            if (!Building_list.Contains(Buildings[b]))
        Debug.Log("The number of seen Buildings = " + Building_list.Count);

        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC1 = new List <Vector3>();

        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC2 = new List <Vector3>();

        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC3 = new List <Vector3>();

        List <Vector3> GlobalDMC = new List <Vector3>();

        // analyzing each seen building separately
        for (int k = 0; k < Building_list.Count; k++)
            // writing MPCs into a txt file
            //string writePath;
            List <string> Obj_List = new List <string>();

            Vector3[] vrtx = Building_list[k].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
            Vector3[] nrml = Building_list[k].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.normals;

            List <Vector3> floor_vrtx = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> floor_nrml = new List <Vector3>();
            var            pairs      = new List <V6>();

            List <Vector3> possible_vrtx = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> possible_nrml = new List <Vector3>();

            for (int l = 0; l < vrtx.Length; l++)
                if (vrtx[l].y == 0 && Mathf.Abs(nrml[l].y) < 0.9)

                    // adding coordinates and normals of the vertices into a single object V6 (like a N x 6 matrix)
                    V6 valid_pair = new V6(vrtx[l], nrml[l]);
            // finding the edges of each building
            List <Vector3> SortedByX = floor_vrtx.OrderBy(vertex => vertex.x).ToList();
            List <Vector3> SortedByZ = floor_vrtx.OrderBy(vertex => vertex.z).ToList();
            float          x_l       = SortedByX[0].x - WW2;                   // x left
            float          x_r       = SortedByX[SortedByX.Count - 1].x + WW2; // x right
            float          z_d       = SortedByZ[0].z - WW2;                   // z down
            float          z_u       = SortedByZ[SortedByX.Count - 1].z + WW2; // z up

            // searching which scatterers are located near the building
            NearbyElements(x_l, x_r, z_d, z_u, MPC1, out List <Vector3> NearbyMPC1);
            NearbyElements(x_l, x_r, z_d, z_u, MPC2, out List <Vector3> NearbyMPC2);
            NearbyElements(x_l, x_r, z_d, z_u, MPC3, out List <Vector3> NearbyMPC3);
            NearbyElements(x_l, x_r, z_d, z_u, DMC, out List <Vector3> NearbyDMC);

            /// Defining areas around building where scatterers can be located

            // defining necessary elements for the polygon that connects the last and the first vertices
            Vector3 n1_0     = floor_nrml[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];
            Vector3 p1_0     = floor_vrtx[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];
            Vector3 s1_0     = floor_vrtx[floor_vrtx.Count - 1] + WW1 * floor_nrml[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];
            Vector3 dmc_s1_0 = floor_vrtx[floor_vrtx.Count - 1] + WW2 * floor_nrml[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];

            Vector3 n2_0     = floor_nrml[0];
            Vector3 p2_0     = floor_vrtx[0];
            Vector3 s2_0     = floor_vrtx[0] + WW1 * floor_nrml[0];
            Vector3 dmc_s2_0 = floor_vrtx[0] + WW2 * floor_nrml[0];

            Area34 area = new Area34(p1_0, s1_0, p2_0, s2_0);

            PickMPC(n1_0, p1_0, s1_0, n2_0, p2_0, s2_0, NearbyMPC1, out List <V6> MPC1_V6);
            PickMPC(n1_0, p1_0, s1_0, n2_0, p2_0, s2_0, NearbyMPC2, out List <V6> MPC2_V6);
            PickMPC(n1_0, p1_0, s1_0, n2_0, p2_0, s2_0, NearbyMPC3, out List <V6> MPC3_V6);
            PickMPC(n1_0, p1_0, dmc_s1_0, n2_0, p2_0, dmc_s2_0, NearbyMPC3, out List <V6> DMC_V6);

            //int MPC1_num = 0;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC1_V6.Count; ii++)
                if (!GlobalMPC1.Contains(MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                    V7 tempV7_MPC1 = new V7(MPC1_V6[ii], MPC1_num);

                    //Entity newMPC1Entity = entityManager.Instantiate(MPC1_entity);
                    //entityManager.SetComponentData(newMPC1Entity, new Position);

                    //EntityManager.SetComponentData(newMPC1Entity, new Translation { Value = MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates }) ;
                    //MPC1_Prefab.transform.position = MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates;

                    if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                        GameObject MPC1_clone = Instantiate(MPC1_Prefab, MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                        MPC1_clone.name = "mpc1 #" + MPC1_num;

                    MPC1_num += 1;

            //int MPC2_num = 0;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC2_V6.Count; ii++)
                if (!GlobalMPC2.Contains(MPC2_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                    V7 tempV7_MPC2 = new V7(MPC2_V6[ii], MPC2_num);

                    if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                        GameObject MPC2_clone = Instantiate(MPC2_Prefab, MPC2_V6[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                        MPC2_clone.name = "mpc2 #" + MPC2_num;

                    MPC2_num += 1;

            //int MPC3_num = 0;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC3_V6.Count; ii++)
                if (!GlobalMPC3.Contains(MPC3_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                    V7 tempV7_MPC3 = new V7(MPC3_V6[ii], MPC3_num);

                    if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                        GameObject MPC3_clone = Instantiate(MPC3_Prefab, MPC3_V6[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                        MPC3_clone.name = "mpc3 #" + MPC3_num;

                    MPC3_num += 1;
            //int DMC_num = 0;
            for (int ii = 0; ii < DMC_V6.Count; ii++)
                if (!GlobalDMC.Contains(DMC_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                    V7 tempV7_DMC = new V7(DMC_V6[ii], DMC_num);

                    if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                        GameObject DMC_clone = Instantiate(DMC_Prefab, DMC_V6[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                        DMC_clone.name = "mpc3 #" + DMC_num;

                    DMC_num += 1;

            // draw areas for all vertices
            Vector3 point1     = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 point2     = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 shift1     = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 shift2     = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 dmc_shift1 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 dmc_shift2 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            for (int l = 0; l < floor_vrtx.Count - 1; l++)
                point1 = floor_vrtx[l];
                point2 = floor_vrtx[l + 1];

                shift1 = floor_vrtx[l] + WW1 * floor_nrml[l];
                shift2 = floor_vrtx[l + 1] + WW1 * floor_nrml[l + 1];

                dmc_shift1 = floor_vrtx[l] + WW2 * floor_nrml[l];
                dmc_shift2 = floor_vrtx[l + 1] + WW2 * floor_nrml[l + 1];

                Area34 area_forloop = new Area34(point1, dmc_shift1, point2, dmc_shift2);

                PickMPC(floor_nrml[l], point1, shift1, floor_nrml[l + 1], point2, shift2, NearbyMPC1, out List <V6> for_MPC1_V6);
                PickMPC(floor_nrml[l], point1, shift1, floor_nrml[l + 1], point2, shift2, NearbyMPC2, out List <V6> for_MPC2_V6);
                PickMPC(floor_nrml[l], point1, shift1, floor_nrml[l + 1], point2, shift2, NearbyMPC3, out List <V6> for_MPC3_V6);
                // picking DMCs
                PickMPC(floor_nrml[l], point1, dmc_shift1, floor_nrml[l + 1], point2, dmc_shift2, NearbyDMC, out List <V6> for_DMC_V6);

                // MPC1
                for (int ii = 0; ii < for_MPC1_V6.Count; ii++)
                    if (!GlobalMPC1.Contains(for_MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                        V7 tempV7_MPC1 = new V7(for_MPC1_V6[ii], MPC1_num);

                        if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                            GameObject clone = Instantiate(MPC1_Prefab, for_MPC1_V6[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                            clone.name = "mpc1 #" + MPC1_num;

                        MPC1_num += 1;
                // MPC2
                for (int ii = 0; ii < for_MPC2_V6.Count; ii++)
                    if (!GlobalMPC2.Contains(for_MPC2_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                        V7 tempV7_MPC2 = new V7(for_MPC2_V6[ii], MPC2_num);

                        if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                            GameObject MPC2_clone = Instantiate(MPC2_Prefab, for_MPC2_V6[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                            MPC2_clone.name = "mpc2 #" + MPC2_num;

                        MPC2_num += 1;
                // MPC3
                for (int ii = 0; ii < for_MPC3_V6.Count; ii++)
                    if (!GlobalMPC3.Contains(for_MPC3_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                        V7 tempV7_MPC3 = new V7(for_MPC3_V6[ii], MPC3_num);

                        if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                            GameObject MPC3_clone = Instantiate(MPC3_Prefab, for_MPC3_V6[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                            MPC3_clone.name = "mpc3 #" + MPC3_num;

                        MPC3_num += 1;

                // DMCs
                for (int ii = 0; ii < for_DMC_V6.Count; ii++)
                    if (!GlobalDMC.Contains(for_DMC_V6[ii].Coordinates))
                        V7 tempV7_DMC = new V7(for_DMC_V6[ii], DMC_num);

                        if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                            GameObject DMC_clone = Instantiate(DMC_Prefab, for_DMC_V6[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                            DMC_clone.name = "dmc #" + DMC_num;

                        DMC_num += 1;

            //Area2D(vv1, vv2, out float S11);
        Debug.Log("Number of seen MPC1 = " + SeenV7_MPC1.Count + "; check number " + MPC1_num);
        Debug.Log("Number of seen MPC2 = " + SeenV7_MPC2.Count + "; check number " + MPC2_num);
        Debug.Log("Number of seen MPC3 = " + SeenV7_MPC3.Count + "; check number " + MPC3_num);
        Debug.Log("Number of seen DMCs = " + SeenV7_DMC.Count + "; check number " + DMC_num);

        Debug.Log("Check Time t_original: " + ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - t_original) * 1000f) + " ms");
Esempio n. 4
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        float                t_native    = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        GameObject           MPC_Spawner = GameObject.Find("MPC_spawner");
        Scatterers_Spawning2 MPC_Script  = MPC_Spawner.GetComponent <Scatterers_Spawning2>();
        List <Vector3>       MPC1        = MPC_Script.MPC1_possiblepositionList;
        List <Vector3>       MPC2        = MPC_Script.MPC2_possiblepositionList;
        List <Vector3>       MPC3        = MPC_Script.MPC3_possiblepositionList;

        NativeList <V4>       MPC1_Native = MPC_Script.MPC1_possiblepositionNativeList;
        NativeList <V4>       MPC2_Native = MPC_Script.MPC2_possiblepositionNativeList;
        NativeList <V4>       MPC3_Native = MPC_Script.MPC3_possiblepositionNativeList;
        NativeList <V4>       DMC_Native  = MPC_Script.DMC_possiblepositionNativeList;
        NativeArray <Vector3> OBS_Native  = MPC_Script.Observation_Points_NativeArray;

        NativeList <V5> MPC_Native = MPC_Script.MPC_possiblepositionNativeList;

        // Declaring buildings and observation points
        Buildings = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Reflecting_Obstacles");
        // The number of observation points should not be too big, a few is enough
        //Observation_Points = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Observation_Points");
        // Define the main road direction
        //Vector3 main_axis = (Observation_Points[0].transform.position - Observation_Points[1].transform.position).normalized;
        Vector3 main_axis = (OBS_Native[0] - OBS_Native[1]).normalized;
        Vector3 perp_axis = new Vector3(main_axis.z, 0, -main_axis.x);

        // subset of the seen Buldings
        List <GameObject> Building_list = new List <GameObject>();

        // Going through all observation points
        for (int k = 0; k < OBS_Native.Length; k++)
            // analyzing which buidings are seen
            for (int b = 0; b < Buildings.Length; b++)
                Vector3[] vrtx = Buildings[b].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
                Vector3[] nrml = Buildings[b].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.normals;

                int seen_vrtx_count = 0;

                for (int v = 0; v < vrtx.Length; v++)
                    if (vrtx[v].y == 0)
                        //if (!Physics.Linecast(Observation_Points[k].transform.position, vrtx[v] + 1.1f * nrml[v]))
                        if (!Physics.Linecast(OBS_Native[k], vrtx[v] + 1.1f * nrml[v]))
                            seen_vrtx_count += 1;
                if (seen_vrtx_count != 0)
                    if (!Building_list.Contains(Buildings[b]))

        // deactivating nonseen buildings
        for (int b = 0; b < Buildings.Length; b++)
            if (!Building_list.Contains(Buildings[b]))
        Debug.Log("The number of seen Buildings = " + Building_list.Count);

        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC1 = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC2 = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> GlobalMPC3 = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> GlobalDMC  = new List <Vector3>();

        // int inclusion_count = 0;
        // analyzing each seen building separately
        NativeArray <V6> MPC1_Pick = new NativeArray <V6>(MPC1_Native.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
        NativeArray <V6> MPC2_Pick = new NativeArray <V6>(MPC2_Native.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
        NativeArray <V6> MPC3_Pick = new NativeArray <V6>(MPC3_Native.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
        NativeArray <V6> DMC_Pick  = new NativeArray <V6>(DMC_Native.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
        // perpendicular directions
        NativeArray <Vector3> MPC1_Pick_perp = new NativeArray <Vector3>(MPC1_Native.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
        NativeArray <Vector3> MPC2_Pick_perp = new NativeArray <Vector3>(MPC2_Native.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
        NativeArray <Vector3> MPC3_Pick_perp = new NativeArray <Vector3>(MPC3_Native.Length, Allocator.TempJob);
        NativeArray <Vector3> DMC_Pick_perp  = new NativeArray <Vector3>(DMC_Native.Length, Allocator.TempJob);

        for (int k = 0; k < Building_list.Count; k++)
            // writing MPCs into a txt file
            //string writePath;
            List <string> Obj_List = new List <string>();

            Vector3[] vrtx = Building_list[k].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices;
            Vector3[] nrml = Building_list[k].GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.normals;

            List <Vector3> floor_vrtx = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> floor_nrml = new List <Vector3>();
            var            pairs      = new List <V6>();

            List <Vector3> possible_vrtx = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> possible_nrml = new List <Vector3>();

            for (int l = 0; l < vrtx.Length; l++)
                if (vrtx[l].y == 0 && Mathf.Abs(nrml[l].y) < 0.9)

                    // adding coordinates and normals of the vertices into a single object V6 (like a N x 6 matrix)
                    V6 valid_pair = new V6(vrtx[l], nrml[l]);

            // finding the edges of each building
            List <Vector3> SortedByX = floor_vrtx.OrderBy(vertex => vertex.x).ToList();
            List <Vector3> SortedByZ = floor_vrtx.OrderBy(vertex => vertex.z).ToList();
            float          x_l       = SortedByX[0].x - WW2;                   // x left
            float          x_r       = SortedByX[SortedByX.Count - 1].x + WW2; // x right
            float          z_d       = SortedByZ[0].z - WW2;                   // z down
            float          z_u       = SortedByZ[SortedByX.Count - 1].z + WW2; // z up

            // This procedure is needed for defining the corner the building for further Diffraction simulation
            string building_name = Building_list[k].name;

            Vector3 corner1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 normal1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 perpen1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            Vector3 corner2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 normal2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 perpen2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            if (building_name == "Building258")
                corner1 = SortedByX[2];
                corner2 = SortedByX[6];

                GameObject Corner1 = Instantiate(CornerPrefab, corner1, Quaternion.identity);
                GameObject Corner2 = Instantiate(MPC1_Prefab, corner2, Quaternion.identity);

                int corner1_count = 0;
                for (int v = 0; v < floor_vrtx.Count; v++)
                    if (corner1 == floor_vrtx[v])
                        if (corner1_count == 0)
                            normal1       = floor_nrml[v]; // I use the assumption that the vertex is used only twice
                            corner1_count = 1;
                    if (corner2 == floor_vrtx[v])
                        normal2 = floor_nrml[v]; // I use the assumption that the vertex is used only twice
                normal1 = normal1.normalized;
                perpen1 = new Vector3(-normal1.z, 0, normal1.x);
                Debug.DrawLine(corner1, corner1 + 5 * normal1, Color.red, 30f);

                normal2 = normal2.normalized;
                perpen2 = new Vector3(-normal2.z, 0, normal2.x);
                Debug.DrawLine(corner2, corner2 + 5 * normal2, Color.red, 30f);



                // this is done to model single edge building (keep in mind, multipath go through the angle)
                // Vector3 corner_test = (corner1 + corner2) / 2 + 3.0f * (normal1 + normal2) / 2;
                Vector3    corner_test = new Vector3(53.64f, 0.0f, -26.89f);
                GameObject Corner_Test = Instantiate(CornerPrefab, corner_test, Quaternion.identity);


             * if (building_name == "Building321")
             * {
             *  Debug.Log(building_name);
             *  corner321 = SortedByX[SortedByX.Count - 1];
             *  GameObject Corner321 = Instantiate(CornerPrefab, corner321, Quaternion.identity);
             *  for (int v = 0; v < floor_vrtx.Count; v++)
             *  {
             *      if (corner321 == floor_vrtx[v])
             *      {
             *          normal321 += floor_nrml[v]; // I use the assumption that the vertex is used only twice
             *      }
             *  }
             *  normal321 = normal321.normalized;
             *  perpen321 = new Vector3(-normal321.z, 0, normal321.x);
             *  Debug.DrawLine(corner321, corner321 + 5 * normal321, Color.red, 30f);
             *  Active_CornersNormalsPerpendiculars.Add(corner321);
             *  Active_CornersNormalsPerpendiculars.Add(normal321);
             *  Active_CornersNormalsPerpendiculars.Add(perpen321);
             * }
             * if (building_name == "Building334")
             * {
             *  Debug.Log(building_name);
             *  corner334 = SortedByX[0];
             *  GameObject Corner334 = Instantiate(CornerPrefab, corner334, Quaternion.identity);
             *  for (int v = 0; v < floor_vrtx.Count; v++)
             *  {
             *      if (corner334 == floor_vrtx[v])
             *      {
             *          normal334 += floor_nrml[v]; // I use the assumption that the vertex is used only twice
             *      }
             *  }
             *  normal334 = normal334.normalized;
             *  perpen334 = new Vector3(-normal334.z, 0, normal334.x);
             *  Debug.DrawLine(corner334, corner334 + 5 * normal334, Color.red, 30f);
             *  Active_CornersNormalsPerpendiculars.Add(corner334);
             *  Active_CornersNormalsPerpendiculars.Add(normal334);
             *  Active_CornersNormalsPerpendiculars.Add(perpen334);
             * }

            /// Defining areas around building where scatterers can be located

            // defining necessary elements for the polygon that connects the last and the first vertices
            Vector3 n1_0     = floor_nrml[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];
            Vector3 p1_0     = floor_vrtx[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];
            Vector3 s1_0     = floor_vrtx[floor_vrtx.Count - 1] + WW1 * floor_nrml[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];
            Vector3 s1_0_dmc = floor_vrtx[floor_vrtx.Count - 1] + WW2 * floor_nrml[floor_vrtx.Count - 1];

            Vector3 n2_0     = floor_nrml[0];
            Vector3 p2_0     = floor_vrtx[0];
            Vector3 s2_0     = floor_vrtx[0] + WW1 * floor_nrml[0];
            Vector3 s2_0_dmc = floor_vrtx[0] + WW2 * floor_nrml[0];

            Area34 area = new Area34(p1_0, s1_0, p2_0, s2_0);

            //float t1 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            // MPC1
            PickMPCParallel pickMPCParallel1 = new PickMPCParallel
                n1 = n1_0,
                p1 = p1_0,
                s1 = s1_0,
                n2 = n2_0,
                p2 = p2_0,
                s2 = s2_0,

                Xleft  = x_l,
                Xright = x_r,
                Zdown  = z_d,
                Zup    = z_u,

                MPC_array = MPC1_Native,
                MPC_V6    = MPC1_Pick,
                MPC_perp  = MPC1_Pick_perp,
            JobHandle jobHandle_Pick1 = pickMPCParallel1.Schedule(MPC1_Native.Length, 100);
            // MPC2
            PickMPCParallel pickMPCParallel2 = new PickMPCParallel
                n1 = n1_0,
                p1 = p1_0,
                s1 = s1_0,
                n2 = n2_0,
                p2 = p2_0,
                s2 = s2_0,

                Xleft  = x_l,
                Xright = x_r,
                Zdown  = z_d,
                Zup    = z_u,

                MPC_array = MPC2_Native,
                MPC_V6    = MPC2_Pick,
                MPC_perp  = MPC2_Pick_perp,
            JobHandle jobHandle_Pick2 = pickMPCParallel2.Schedule(MPC2_Native.Length, 100, jobHandle_Pick1);
            // MPC3
            PickMPCParallel pickMPCParallel3 = new PickMPCParallel
                n1 = n1_0,
                p1 = p1_0,
                s1 = s1_0,
                n2 = n2_0,
                p2 = p2_0,
                s2 = s2_0,

                Xleft  = x_l,
                Xright = x_r,
                Zdown  = z_d,
                Zup    = z_u,

                MPC_array = MPC3_Native,
                MPC_V6    = MPC3_Pick,
                MPC_perp  = MPC3_Pick_perp,
            JobHandle jobHandle_Pick3 = pickMPCParallel3.Schedule(MPC3_Native.Length, 100, jobHandle_Pick2);
            // DMC
            PickMPCParallel pickMPCParallel4 = new PickMPCParallel
                n1 = n1_0,
                p1 = p1_0,
                s1 = s1_0_dmc,
                n2 = n2_0,
                p2 = p2_0,
                s2 = s2_0_dmc,

                Xleft  = x_l,
                Xright = x_r,
                Zdown  = z_d,
                Zup    = z_u,

                MPC_array = DMC_Native,
                MPC_V6    = DMC_Pick,
                MPC_perp  = DMC_Pick_perp,
            JobHandle jobHandle_Pick4 = pickMPCParallel4.Schedule(DMC_Native.Length, 100, jobHandle_Pick3);


            //Debug.Log("Check Time t1: " + ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - t1) * 1000f) + " ms");

            // draw areas for all vertices
            Vector3 point1     = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 point2     = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 shift1     = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 shift2     = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 dmc_shift1 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            Vector3 dmc_shift2 = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            for (int l = 0; l < floor_vrtx.Count - 1; l++)
                point1 = floor_vrtx[l];
                point2 = floor_vrtx[l + 1];

                shift1 = floor_vrtx[l] + WW1 * floor_nrml[l];
                shift2 = floor_vrtx[l + 1] + WW1 * floor_nrml[l + 1];

                dmc_shift1 = floor_vrtx[l] + WW2 * floor_nrml[l];
                dmc_shift2 = floor_vrtx[l + 1] + WW2 * floor_nrml[l + 1];

                Area34 area_forloop = new Area34(point1, dmc_shift1, point2, dmc_shift2);

                // MPC1
                PickMPCParallel pickMPCParallel_for = new PickMPCParallel
                    n1 = floor_nrml[l],
                    p1 = point1,
                    s1 = shift1,
                    n2 = floor_nrml[l + 1],
                    p2 = point2,
                    s2 = shift2,

                    Xleft  = x_l,
                    Xright = x_r,
                    Zdown  = z_d,
                    Zup    = z_u,

                    MPC_array = MPC1_Native,
                    MPC_V6    = MPC1_Pick,
                    MPC_perp  = MPC1_Pick_perp,
                JobHandle jobHandle_Pick1_for = pickMPCParallel_for.Schedule(MPC1_Native.Length, 100);
                // MPC2
                PickMPCParallel pickMPCParallel2_for = new PickMPCParallel
                    n1 = floor_nrml[l],
                    p1 = point1,
                    s1 = shift1,
                    n2 = floor_nrml[l + 1],
                    p2 = point2,
                    s2 = shift2,

                    Xleft  = x_l,
                    Xright = x_r,
                    Zdown  = z_d,
                    Zup    = z_u,

                    MPC_array = MPC2_Native,
                    MPC_V6    = MPC2_Pick,
                    MPC_perp  = MPC2_Pick_perp,
                JobHandle jobHandle_Pick2_for = pickMPCParallel2_for.Schedule(MPC2_Native.Length, 100, jobHandle_Pick1_for);
                // MPC3
                PickMPCParallel pickMPCParallel3_for = new PickMPCParallel
                    n1 = floor_nrml[l],
                    p1 = point1,
                    s1 = shift1,
                    n2 = floor_nrml[l + 1],
                    p2 = point2,
                    s2 = shift2,

                    Xleft  = x_l,
                    Xright = x_r,
                    Zdown  = z_d,
                    Zup    = z_u,

                    MPC_array = MPC3_Native,
                    MPC_V6    = MPC3_Pick,
                    MPC_perp  = MPC3_Pick_perp,
                JobHandle jobHandle_Pick3_for = pickMPCParallel3_for.Schedule(MPC3_Native.Length, 100, jobHandle_Pick2_for);
                // DMC
                PickMPCParallel pickMPCParallel4_for = new PickMPCParallel
                    n1 = floor_nrml[l],
                    p1 = point1,
                    s1 = dmc_shift1,
                    n2 = floor_nrml[l + 1],
                    p2 = point2,
                    s2 = dmc_shift2,

                    Xleft  = x_l,
                    Xright = x_r,
                    Zdown  = z_d,
                    Zup    = z_u,

                    MPC_array = DMC_Native,
                    MPC_V6    = DMC_Pick,
                    MPC_perp  = DMC_Pick_perp,
                JobHandle jobHandle_Pick4_for = pickMPCParallel4_for.Schedule(DMC_Native.Length, 100, jobHandle_Pick3_for);


        //float t_seq = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        // DMC
        int inclusion_num0 = 0;

        for (int ii = 0; ii < DMC_Native.Length; ii++)
            if (DMC_Native[ii].Inclusion == 1)
                inclusion_num0 += 1;
                ActiveV6_DMC_NativeList.Add(DMC_Pick[ii]); // DMCs only
                ActiveV6_MPC_NativeList.Add(DMC_Pick[ii]); // all MPCs
                // MPC perpendicular directions

                if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                    GameObject DMC_clone = Instantiate(DMC_Prefab, DMC_Native[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);

                    //GameObject cleared_sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);

                    //cleared_sphere.transform.position = DMC_Native[ii].Coordinates;
                    //Destroy(cleared_sphere.GetComponent<SphereCollider>()); // remove collider
                    //cleared_sphere.name = "DMC #" + (inclusion_num4 - 1);

                    //Debug.DrawLine(DMC_Pick[ii].Coordinates, DMC_Pick[ii].Coordinates + 5*DMC_Pick[ii].Normal, Color.red, 30f);

        // MPC1
        int inclusion_num1 = 0;

        for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC1_Native.Length; ii++)
            if (MPC1_Native[ii].Inclusion == 1)
                inclusion_num1 += 1;

                // MPC perpendicular directions

                if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                    GameObject MPC1_clone = Instantiate(MPC1_Prefab, MPC1_Native[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);

        // MPC2
        int inclusion_num2 = 0;

        for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC2_Native.Length; ii++)
            if (MPC2_Native[ii].Inclusion == 1)
                // MPC perpendicular directions

                if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                    GameObject MPC2_clone = Instantiate(MPC2_Prefab, MPC2_Native[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                    MPC2_clone.name = "MPC2 # " + inclusion_num2;
                    //Debug.DrawLine(MPC2_Pick[ii].Coordinates, MPC2_Pick[ii].Coordinates + 5 * MPC2_Pick[ii].Normal, Color.cyan, 10f);
                    //Debug.DrawLine(MPC2_Pick[ii].Coordinates, MPC2_Pick[ii].Coordinates + 5 * MPC2_Pick_perp[ii], Color.yellow, 10f);
                inclusion_num2 += 1;

        // MPC3
        int inclusion_num3 = 0;

        for (int ii = 0; ii < MPC3_Native.Length; ii++)
            if (MPC3_Native[ii].Inclusion == 1)
                // MPC perpendicular directions
                if (MPC_visualizer_ECS == true)
                    GameObject MPC3_clone = Instantiate(MPC3_Prefab, MPC3_Native[ii].Coordinates, Quaternion.identity);
                    MPC3_clone.name = "MPC3 # " + inclusion_num3;
                    //Debug.DrawLine(MPC3_Pick[ii].Coordinates, MPC3_Pick[ii].Coordinates + 5 * MPC3_Pick[ii].Normal, Color.cyan, 10f);
                    //Debug.DrawLine(MPC3_Pick[ii].Coordinates, MPC3_Pick[ii].Coordinates + 5 * MPC3_Pick_perp[ii], Color.yellow, 10f);
                inclusion_num3 += 1;

        //Debug.Log("Check Time for Sequ: " + ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - t_seq) * 1000f) + " ms");
        Debug.Log("DMC " + inclusion_num0 + "; MPC1 " + inclusion_num1 + "; MPC2 " + inclusion_num2 + "; MPC3 " + inclusion_num3);

        #region Generating attenuation coefficients for MPCs
        // Power generation for MPCs
        ActiveV6_DMC_Power  = new NativeArray <float>(ActiveV6_DMC_NativeList.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
        ActiveV6_MPC1_Power = new NativeArray <float>(ActiveV6_MPC1_NativeList.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
        ActiveV6_MPC2_Power = new NativeArray <float>(ActiveV6_MPC2_NativeList.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
        ActiveV6_MPC3_Power = new NativeArray <float>(ActiveV6_MPC3_NativeList.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
        int MPC_length = ActiveV6_DMC_NativeList.Length + ActiveV6_MPC1_NativeList.Length + ActiveV6_MPC2_NativeList.Length + ActiveV6_MPC3_NativeList.Length;
        ActiveV6_MPC_Power = new NativeArray <float>(MPC_length, Allocator.Persistent);
        //int clbrcoef = 10;
        Vector2 DMCPower  = new Vector2(-80, -68); // + new Vector2(1,1) * clbrcoef; // (Mathf.Pow(10, (-80/20)), Mathf.Pow(10, (-68/20))); // (-80, -68)[dB] % Diffuse 1st)
        Vector2 MPC1Power = new Vector2(-65, -48); // (Mathf.Pow(10, (-65/20)), Mathf.Pow(10, (-48/20))); // (-65, -48)[dB] % 1st
        Vector2 MPC2Power = new Vector2(-70, -59); // (Mathf.Pow(10, (-70/20)), Mathf.Pow(10, (-59/20))); // (-70, -59)[dB] % 2nd
        Vector2 MPC3Power = new Vector2(-75, -65); // (Mathf.Pow(10, (-75/20)), Mathf.Pow(10, (-65/20))); // (-75, -65)[dB] % 3rd

        // this solution comes from https://forum.unity.com/threads/mathematics-random-with-in-ijobprocesscomponentdata.598192/#post-4009273
        NativeArray <Unity.Mathematics.Random> rngs = new NativeArray <Unity.Mathematics.Random>(JobsUtility.MaxJobThreadCount, Allocator.TempJob, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
        for (int i = 0; i < JobsUtility.MaxJobThreadCount; i++)
            rngs[i] = new Unity.Mathematics.Random((uint)UnityEngine.Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue));

        MPCPowerGeneration dmcPowerGeneration = new MPCPowerGeneration
            rngs   = rngs,
            MinMax = DMCPower,
            Array  = ActiveV6_DMC_Power,
        JobHandle power0 = dmcPowerGeneration.Schedule(ActiveV6_DMC_Power.Length, 64);
        for (int i = 0; i < ActiveV6_DMC_Power.Length; i++)
            ActiveV6_MPC_Power[i] = ActiveV6_DMC_Power[i];

        MPCPowerGeneration mpc1PowerGeneration = new MPCPowerGeneration
            rngs   = rngs,
            MinMax = MPC1Power,
            Array  = ActiveV6_MPC1_Power,
        JobHandle power1 = mpc1PowerGeneration.Schedule(ActiveV6_MPC1_Power.Length, 64);
        for (int i = 0; i < ActiveV6_MPC1_Power.Length; i++)
            ActiveV6_MPC_Power[i + ActiveV6_DMC_Power.Length] = ActiveV6_MPC1_Power[i];

        MPCPowerGeneration mpc2PowerGeneration = new MPCPowerGeneration
            rngs   = rngs,
            MinMax = MPC2Power,
            Array  = ActiveV6_MPC2_Power,
        JobHandle power2 = mpc2PowerGeneration.Schedule(ActiveV6_MPC2_Power.Length, 64);
        for (int i = 0; i < ActiveV6_MPC2_Power.Length; i++)
            ActiveV6_MPC_Power[i + ActiveV6_DMC_Power.Length + ActiveV6_MPC1_Power.Length] = Mathf.Pow(ActiveV6_MPC2_Power[i], 0.5f);   // It seems that Carl uses only one multiplication to the coefficient
            ActiveV6_MPC2_Power[i] = Mathf.Pow(ActiveV6_MPC2_Power[i], 0.5f);

            float asd = ActiveV6_MPC2_Power[i];
            float zxc = Mathf.Pow(asd, 0.5f);
            //float qwe = 1.0f;

        MPCPowerGeneration mpc3PowerGeneration = new MPCPowerGeneration
            rngs   = rngs,
            MinMax = MPC3Power,
            Array  = ActiveV6_MPC3_Power,
        JobHandle power3 = mpc3PowerGeneration.Schedule(ActiveV6_MPC3_Power.Length, 64);
        for (int i = 0; i < ActiveV6_MPC3_Power.Length; i++)
            float asd = ActiveV6_MPC3_Power[i];
            float zxc = Mathf.Pow(ActiveV6_MPC3_Power[i], 0.3333f);
            ActiveV6_MPC_Power[i + ActiveV6_DMC_Power.Length + ActiveV6_MPC1_Power.Length + ActiveV6_MPC2_Power.Length] = Mathf.Pow(ActiveV6_MPC3_Power[i], 0.3333f);   // It seems that Carl uses only one multiplication to the coefficient
            ActiveV6_MPC3_Power[i] = Mathf.Pow(ActiveV6_MPC3_Power[i], 0.3333f);


        Debug.Log("Check Time t_native: " + ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - t_native) * 1000f) + " ms");