private TurnBehavior DefaultTurnBehavior(IConnectAreaWaypoints icaw)
            #region Determine Behavior to Accomplish Turn

            // get interconnect
            ArbiterInterconnect ai = icaw.ToInterconnect;

            // behavior we wish to accomplish
            TurnBehavior testTurnBehavior = null;
            TurnState    testTurnState    = null;

            #region Turn to Lane

            if (ai.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                // get final wp
                ArbiterWaypoint finalWaypoint = (ArbiterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric;

                // get turn params
                LinePath finalPath;
                LineList leftLL;
                LineList rightLL;
                IntersectionToolkit.TurnInfo(finalWaypoint, out finalPath, out leftLL, out rightLL);

                // go into turn
                testTurnState = new TurnState(ai, ai.TurnDirection, finalWaypoint.Lane, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.5));


            #region Turn to Zone

                // final perimeter waypoint
                ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint apw = (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric;

                // get turn params
                LinePath finalPath;
                LineList leftLL;
                LineList rightLL;
                IntersectionToolkit.ZoneTurnInfo(ai, apw, out finalPath, out leftLL, out rightLL);

                // go into turn
                testTurnState = new TurnState(ai, ai.TurnDirection, null, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.5));


            // get behavior
            testTurnBehavior           = (TurnBehavior)testTurnState.Resume(CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleState(), CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value);
            testTurnBehavior.TimeStamp = CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleState().Timestamp;

            // return the behavior

Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="turnFinal"></param>
 public DominantZoneEntryMonitor(ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint turnFinal, ArbiterInterconnect ai, bool isOurs,
                                 IntersectionMonitor globalMonitor, IntersectionInvolved involved)
     this.finalWaypoint = turnFinal;
     this.entryPolygon  = this.GenerateEntryMonitorPolygon(ai);
     this.failedTimer   = new Stopwatch();
     this.isOurs        = isOurs;
     this.globalMonitor = globalMonitor;
     this.involved      = involved;
        /// <summary>
        /// Turn information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry"></param>
        /// <param name="finalPath"></param>
        /// <param name="leftBound"></param>
        /// <param name="rightBound"></param>
        public static void ZoneTurnInfo(ArbiterInterconnect ai, ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint entry, out LinePath finalPath, out LineList leftBound, out LineList rightBound)
            //Coordinates centerVec = entry.Perimeter.PerimeterPolygon.CalculateBoundingCircle().center - entry.Position;
            Coordinates centerVec = ai.InterconnectPath[1] - ai.InterconnectPath[0];

            centerVec = centerVec.Normalize(TahoeParams.VL);
            finalPath = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { entry.Position, entry.Position + centerVec });

            leftBound  = finalPath.ShiftLateral(TahoeParams.T * 2.0);
            rightBound = finalPath.ShiftLateral(-TahoeParams.T * 2.0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes waypoint informaton
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sw"></param>
        private void WriteWaypointInformation(StreamWriter sw)
            // list of all waypoints
            List <IArbiterWaypoint> waypoints = new List <IArbiterWaypoint>();

            // add all
            foreach (IArbiterWaypoint iaw in roadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints.Values)

            // notify
            sw.WriteLine("NumberOfWaypoints" + "\t" + waypoints.Count.ToString());

            // loop
            for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Count; i++)
                // stop
                string isStop = "IsNotStop";
                if (waypoints[i] is ArbiterWaypoint && ((ArbiterWaypoint)waypoints[i]).IsStop)
                    isStop = "IsStop";

                // info
                    waypoints[i].ToString() + "\t" +
                    isStop + "\t" +
                    waypoints[i].Position.X.ToString("F6") + "\t" +

                List <string> memberPartitions = new List <string>();

                if (waypoints[i] is ArbiterWaypoint)
                    ArbiterWaypoint aw = (ArbiterWaypoint)waypoints[i];

                    if (aw.NextPartition != null)

                    if (aw.PreviousPartition != null)

                    if (aw.IsExit)
                        foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in aw.Exits)

                    if (aw.IsEntry)
                        foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in aw.Entries)
                else if (waypoints[i] is ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)
                    ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint apw = (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)waypoints[i];
                    memberPartitions.Add((new SceneZonePartition(apw.Perimeter.Zone)).ToString());

                    if (apw.IsExit)
                        foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in apw.Exits)

                    if (apw.IsEntry)
                        foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in apw.Entries)
                else if (waypoints[i] is ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint)
                    ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint apsw = (ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint)waypoints[i];
                    memberPartitions.Add((new SceneZonePartition(apsw.ParkingSpot.Zone)).ToString());

                sw.WriteLine("NumberOfMemberPartitions" + "\t" + memberPartitions.Count.ToString());

                if (memberPartitions.Count > 0)

                    foreach (string s in memberPartitions)


            // notify
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets primary maneuver given our position and the turn we are traveling upon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver PrimaryManeuver(VehicleState vehicleState, List <ITacticalBlockage> blockages, TurnState turnState)
            #region Check are planning over the correct turn

            if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is TurnState)
                TurnState ts = (TurnState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;
                if (this.turn == null || !this.turn.Equals(ts.Interconnect))
                    this.turn           = ts.Interconnect;
                    this.forwardMonitor = new TurnForwardMonitor(ts.Interconnect, null);
                else if (this.forwardMonitor.turn == null || !this.forwardMonitor.turn.Equals(ts.Interconnect))
                    this.forwardMonitor = new TurnForwardMonitor(ts.Interconnect, null);


            #region Blockages

            // check blockages
            if (blockages != null && blockages.Count > 0 && blockages[0] is TurnBlockage)
                // create the blockage state
                EncounteredBlockageState ebs = new EncounteredBlockageState(blockages[0], CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                // check not at highest level already
                if (turnState.Saudi != SAUDILevel.L1 || turnState.UseTurnBounds)
                    // check not from a dynamicly moving vehicle
                    if (blockages[0].BlockageReport.BlockageType != BlockageType.Dynamic ||
                        (TacticalDirector.ValidVehicles.ContainsKey(blockages[0].BlockageReport.TrackID) &&
                        // go to a blockage handling tactical
                        return(new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), ebs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Turn blockage reported for moving vehicle, ignoring");
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Turn blockage, but recovery escalation already at highest state, ignoring report");


            #region Intersection Check

            if (!this.CanGo(vehicleState))
                if (turn.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                    TravelingParameters tp = this.GetParameters(0.0, 0.0, (ArbiterWaypoint)turn.FinalGeneric, vehicleState, false);
                    return(new Maneuver(tp.Behavior, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, tp.NextState.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));
                    // get turn params
                    LinePath finalPath;
                    LineList leftLL;
                    LineList rightLL;
                    IntersectionToolkit.ZoneTurnInfo(this.turn, (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)this.turn.FinalGeneric, out finalPath, out leftLL, out rightLL);

                    // hold brake
                    IState       nextState = new TurnState(this.turn, this.turn.TurnDirection, null, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, new ScalarSpeedCommand(0.0));
                    TurnBehavior b         = new TurnBehavior(null, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, new ScalarSpeedCommand(0.0), this.turn.InterconnectId);
                    return(new Maneuver(b, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, nextState.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));


            #region Final is Lane Waypoint

            if (turn.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                // final point
                ArbiterWaypoint final = (ArbiterWaypoint)turn.FinalGeneric;

                // plan down entry lane
                RoadPlan rp = navigation.PlanNavigableArea(final.Lane, final.Position,
                                                           CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId], new List <ArbiterWaypoint>());

                // point of interest downstream
                DownstreamPointOfInterest dpoi = rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest;

                // get path this represents
                List <Coordinates> pathCoordinates = new List <Coordinates>();
                foreach (ArbiterWaypoint aw in final.Lane.WaypointsInclusive(final, final.Lane.WaypointList[final.Lane.WaypointList.Count - 1]))
                LinePath lp = new LinePath(pathCoordinates);

                // list of all parameterizations
                List <TravelingParameters> parameterizations = new List <TravelingParameters>();

                // get lane navigation parameterization
                TravelingParameters navigationParameters = this.NavigationParameterization(vehicleState, dpoi, final, lp);

                // update forward tracker and get vehicle parameterizations if forward vehicle exists
                this.forwardMonitor.Update(vehicleState, final, lp);
                if (this.forwardMonitor.ShouldUseForwardTracker())
                    // get vehicle parameterization
                    TravelingParameters vehicleParameters = this.VehicleParameterization(vehicleState, lp, final);

                // sort and return funal

                // get the final behavior
                TurnBehavior tb = (TurnBehavior)parameterizations[0].Behavior;

                // get vehicles to ignore
                tb.VehiclesToIgnore = this.forwardMonitor.VehiclesToIgnore;

                // add persistent information about saudi level
                if (turnState.Saudi == SAUDILevel.L1)
                    tb.Decorators = new List <BehaviorDecorator>(tb.Decorators.ToArray());
                    tb.Decorators.Add(new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(SAUDILevel.L1));

                // add persistent information about turn bounds
                if (!turnState.UseTurnBounds)
                    tb.LeftBound  = null;
                    tb.RightBound = null;

                //  return the behavior
                return(new Maneuver(tb, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, tb.Decorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));


            #region Final is Zone Waypoint

            else if (turn.FinalGeneric is ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)
                // get inteconnect path
                Coordinates entryVec = ((ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)turn.FinalGeneric) -
                entryVec = entryVec.Normalize(TahoeParams.VL / 2.0);
                LinePath ip = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { turn.InitialGeneric.Position, turn.FinalGeneric.Position, entryVec + this.turn.FinalGeneric.Position });

                // get distance from end
                double d = ip.DistanceBetween(

                // get speed command
                SpeedCommand sc = null;
                if (d < TahoeParams.VL)
                    sc = new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(d);
                    sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(SpeedTools.GenerateSpeed(d - TahoeParams.VL, 1.7, turn.MaximumDefaultSpeed));

                // final perimeter waypoint
                ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint apw = (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)this.turn.FinalGeneric;

                // get turn params
                LinePath finalPath;
                LineList leftLL;
                LineList rightLL;
                IntersectionToolkit.ZoneTurnInfo(this.turn, (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)this.turn.FinalGeneric, out finalPath, out leftLL, out rightLL);

                // hold brake
                IState       nextState = new TurnState(this.turn, this.turn.TurnDirection, null, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, sc);
                TurnBehavior tb        = new TurnBehavior(null, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, sc, null, new List <int>(), this.turn.InterconnectId);

                // add persistent information about saudi level
                if (turnState.Saudi == SAUDILevel.L1)
                    tb.Decorators = new List <BehaviorDecorator>(tb.Decorators.ToArray());
                    tb.Decorators.Add(new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(SAUDILevel.L1));

                // add persistent information about turn bounds
                if (!turnState.UseTurnBounds)
                    tb.LeftBound  = null;
                    tb.RightBound = null;

                // return maneuver
                return(new Maneuver(tb, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, tb.Decorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));


            #region Unknown

                throw new Exception("unrecognized type: " + turn.FinalGeneric.ToString());

        /// <summary>
        /// Plans what maneuer we should take next
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planningState"></param>
        /// <param name="navigationalPlan"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicles"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="blockage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver Plan(IState planningState, INavigationalPlan navigationalPlan, VehicleState vehicleState,
                             SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection vehicles, SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection obstacles, List <ITacticalBlockage> blockages)
            #region Waiting At Intersection Exit

            if (planningState is WaitingAtIntersectionExitState)
                // state
                WaitingAtIntersectionExitState waies = (WaitingAtIntersectionExitState)planningState;

                // get intersection plan
                IntersectionPlan ip = (IntersectionPlan)navigationalPlan;

                // nullify turn reasoning
                this.TurnReasoning = null;

                #region Intersection Monitor Updates

                // check correct intersection monitor
                if (CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.IntersectionLookup.ContainsKey(waies.exitWaypoint.AreaSubtypeWaypointId) &&
                    (IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor == null ||
                    // create new intersection monitor
                    IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = new IntersectionMonitor(

                // update if exists
                if (IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor != null)
                    // update monitor

                    // print current


                #region Desired Behavior

                // get best option from previously saved
                IConnectAreaWaypoints icaw = null;

                if (waies.desired != null)
                    ArbiterInterconnect tmpInterconnect = waies.desired;
                    if (waies.desired.InitialGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                        ArbiterWaypoint init = (ArbiterWaypoint)waies.desired.InitialGeneric;
                        if (init.NextPartition != null && init.NextPartition.Final.Equals(tmpInterconnect.FinalGeneric))
                            icaw = init.NextPartition;
                            icaw = waies.desired;
                        icaw = waies.desired;
                    icaw          = ip.BestOption;
                    waies.desired = icaw.ToInterconnect;


                #region Turn Feasibility Reasoning

                // check uturn
                if (waies.desired.TurnDirection == ArbiterTurnDirection.UTurn)
                    waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;

                // check already determined feasible
                if (waies.turnTestState == TurnTestState.Unknown ||
                    waies.turnTestState == TurnTestState.Failed)
                    #region Determine Behavior to Accomplish Turn

                    // get default turn behavior
                    TurnBehavior testTurnBehavior = this.DefaultTurnBehavior(icaw);

                    // set saudi decorator
                    if (waies.saudi != SAUDILevel.None)
                        testTurnBehavior.Decorators.Add(new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(waies.saudi));

                    // set to ignore all vehicles
                    testTurnBehavior.VehiclesToIgnore = new List <int>(new int[] { -1 });


                    #region Check Turn Feasible

                    // check if we have completed
                    CompletionReport turnCompletionReport;
                    bool             completedTest = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(testTurnBehavior, out turnCompletionReport);        //CoreCommon.Communications.AsynchronousTestHasCompleted(testTurnBehavior, out turnCompletionReport, true);

                    // if we have completed the test
                    if (completedTest || ((TrajectoryBlockedReport)turnCompletionReport).BlockageType != BlockageType.Dynamic)
                        #region Can Complete

                        // check success
                        if (turnCompletionReport.Result == CompletionResult.Success)
                            // set completion state of the turn
                            waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;


                        #region No Saudi Level, Found Initial Blockage

                        // otherwise we cannot do the turn, check if saudi is still none
                        else if (waies.saudi == SAUDILevel.None)
                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Increased Saudi Level of Turn to L1");

                            // up the saudi level, set as turn failed and no other option
                            waies.saudi         = SAUDILevel.L1;
                            waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Failed;


                        #region Already at L1 Saudi

                        else if (waies.saudi == SAUDILevel.L1)
                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Turn with Saudi L1 Level failed");

                            // get an intersection plan without this interconnect
                            IntersectionPlan testPlan = CoreCommon.Navigation.PlanIntersectionWithoutInterconnect(

                            // check that the plan exists
                            if (!testPlan.BestOption.ToInterconnect.Equals(waies.desired) &&
                                testPlan.BestRouteTime < double.MaxValue - 1.0)
                                // get the desired interconnect
                                ArbiterInterconnect reset = testPlan.BestOption.ToInterconnect;

                                #region Check that the reset interconnect is feasible

                                // test the reset interconnect
                                TurnBehavior testResetTurnBehavior = this.DefaultTurnBehavior(reset);

                                // set to ignore all vehicles
                                testResetTurnBehavior.VehiclesToIgnore = new List <int>(new int[] { -1 });

                                // check if we have completed
                                CompletionReport turnResetCompletionReport;
                                bool             completedResetTest = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(testResetTurnBehavior, out turnResetCompletionReport);

                                // check to see if this is feasible
                                if (completedResetTest && turnResetCompletionReport is SuccessCompletionReport && reset.Blockage.ProbabilityExists < 0.95)
                                    // notify
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Found clear interconnect: " + reset.ToString() + " adding blockage to current interconnect: " + waies.desired.ToString());

                                    // set the interconnect as being blocked

                                    // reset all
                                    waies.desired       = reset;
                                    waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;
                                    waies.saudi         = SAUDILevel.None;
                                    waies.useTurnBounds = true;


                                #region No Lane Bounds

                                // otherwise try without lane bounds
                                    // notify
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Had to fallout to using no turn bounds");

                                    // up the saudi level, set as turn failed and no other option
                                    waies.saudi         = SAUDILevel.L1;
                                    waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;
                                    waies.useTurnBounds = false;


                            #region No Lane Bounds

                            // otherwise try without lane bounds
                                // up the saudi level, set as turn failed and no other option
                                waies.saudi         = SAUDILevel.L1;
                                waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Unknown;
                                waies.useTurnBounds = false;



                        // want to reset ourselves
                        return(new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));



                #region Entry Monitor Blocked

                // checks the entry monitor vehicle for failure
                if (IntersectionMonitor != null && IntersectionMonitor.EntryAreaMonitor != null &&
                    IntersectionMonitor.EntryAreaMonitor.Vehicle != null && IntersectionMonitor.EntryAreaMonitor.Failed)
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Entry area blocked");

                    // get an intersection plan without this interconnect
                    IntersectionPlan testPlan = CoreCommon.Navigation.PlanIntersectionWithoutInterconnect(

                    // check that the plan exists
                    if (!testPlan.BestOption.ToInterconnect.Equals(waies.desired) &&
                        testPlan.BestRouteTime < double.MaxValue - 1.0)
                        // get the desired interconnect
                        ArbiterInterconnect reset = testPlan.BestOption.ToInterconnect;

                        #region Check that the reset interconnect is feasible

                        // test the reset interconnect
                        TurnBehavior testResetTurnBehavior = this.DefaultTurnBehavior(reset);

                        // set to ignore all vehicles
                        testResetTurnBehavior.VehiclesToIgnore = new List <int>(new int[] { -1 });

                        // check if we have completed
                        CompletionReport turnResetCompletionReport;
                        bool             completedResetTest = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(testResetTurnBehavior, out turnResetCompletionReport);

                        // check to see if this is feasible
                        if (reset.TurnDirection == ArbiterTurnDirection.UTurn || (completedResetTest && turnResetCompletionReport is SuccessCompletionReport && reset.Blockage.ProbabilityExists < 0.95))
                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Found clear interconnect: " + reset.ToString() + " adding blockage to all possible turns into final");

                            // set all the interconnects to the final as being blocked
                            if (((ITraversableWaypoint)waies.desired.FinalGeneric).IsEntry)
                                foreach (ArbiterInterconnect toBlock in ((ITraversableWaypoint)waies.desired.FinalGeneric).Entries)

                            // check if exists previous partition to block
                            if (waies.desired.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                                ArbiterWaypoint finWaypoint = (ArbiterWaypoint)waies.desired.FinalGeneric;
                                if (finWaypoint.PreviousPartition != null)
                                    CoreCommon.Navigation.AddBlockage(finWaypoint.PreviousPartition, finWaypoint.Position, false);

                            // reset all
                            waies.desired       = reset;
                            waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;
                            waies.saudi         = SAUDILevel.None;
                            waies.useTurnBounds = true;

                            // want to reset ourselves
                            return(new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));

                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Entry area blocked, but no otehr valid route found");


                // check if can traverse
                if (IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor == null || IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor.CanTraverse(icaw, vehicleState))
                    #region If can traverse the intersection

                    // quick check not interconnect
                    if (!(icaw is ArbiterInterconnect))
                        icaw = icaw.ToInterconnect;

                    // get interconnect
                    ArbiterInterconnect ai = (ArbiterInterconnect)icaw;

                    // clear all old completion reports

                    // check if uturn
                    if (ai.InitialGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint && ai.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint && ai.TurnDirection == ArbiterTurnDirection.UTurn)
                        // go into turn
                        List <ArbiterLane> involvedLanes = new List <ArbiterLane>();
                        uTurnState nextState = new uTurnState(((ArbiterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric).Lane,
                                                              IntersectionToolkit.uTurnBounds(vehicleState, involvedLanes));
                        nextState.Interconnect = ai;

                        // hold brake
                        Behavior b = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                        // return maneuver
                        return(new Maneuver(b, nextState, nextState.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));
                        if (ai.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                            ArbiterWaypoint finalWaypoint = (ArbiterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric;

                            // get turn params
                            LinePath finalPath;
                            LineList leftLL;
                            LineList rightLL;
                            IntersectionToolkit.TurnInfo(finalWaypoint, out finalPath, out leftLL, out rightLL);

                            // go into turn
                            IState nextState = new TurnState(ai, ai.TurnDirection, finalWaypoint.Lane, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.5), waies.saudi, waies.useTurnBounds);

                            // hold brake
                            Behavior b = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                            // return maneuver
                            return(new Maneuver(b, nextState, nextState.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));
                            // final perimeter waypoint
                            ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint apw = (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric;

                            // get turn params
                            LinePath finalPath;
                            LineList leftLL;
                            LineList rightLL;
                            IntersectionToolkit.ZoneTurnInfo(ai, apw, out finalPath, out leftLL, out rightLL);

                            // go into turn
                            IState nextState = new TurnState(ai, ai.TurnDirection, null, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.5), waies.saudi, waies.useTurnBounds);

                            // hold brake
                            Behavior b = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                            // return maneuver
                            return(new Maneuver(b, nextState, nextState.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));

                // otherwise need to wait
                    IState next = waies;
                    return(new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), next, next.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));


            #region Stopping At Exit

            else if (planningState is StoppingAtExitState)
                // cast to exit stopping
                StoppingAtExitState saes = (StoppingAtExitState)planningState;
                saes.currentPosition = vehicleState.Front;

                // get intersection plan
                IntersectionPlan ip = (IntersectionPlan)navigationalPlan;

                // if has an intersection
                if (CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.IntersectionLookup.ContainsKey(saes.waypoint.AreaSubtypeWaypointId))
                    // create new intersection monitor
                    IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = new IntersectionMonitor(

                    // update it
                    IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = null;

                // otherwise update the stop parameters
                saes.currentPosition = vehicleState.Front;
                Behavior b = saes.Resume(vehicleState, CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value);
                return(new Maneuver(b, saes, saes.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));


            #region In uTurn

            else if (planningState is uTurnState)
                // get state
                uTurnState uts = (uTurnState)planningState;

                // check if in other lane
                if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new UTurnBehavior(null, null, null, null)).GetType()))
                    // quick check
                    if (uts.Interconnect != null && uts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                        // get the closest partition to the new lane
                        ArbiterLanePartition alpClose = uts.TargetLane.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Front);

                        // waypoints
                        ArbiterWaypoint partitionInitial = alpClose.Initial;
                        ArbiterWaypoint uturnEnd         = (ArbiterWaypoint)uts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric;

                        // check initial past end
                        if (partitionInitial.WaypointId.Number > uturnEnd.WaypointId.Number)
                            // get waypoints inclusive
                            List <ArbiterWaypoint> inclusive = uts.TargetLane.WaypointsInclusive(uturnEnd, partitionInitial);
                            bool found = false;

                            // loop through
                            foreach (ArbiterWaypoint aw in inclusive)
                                if (!found && aw.WaypointId.Equals(CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId))
                                    // notiofy
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().CheckpointNumber.ToString() + " as passed over in uturn");

                                    // remove

                                    // set found
                                    found = true;
                        // default check
                        else if (uts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric.Equals(CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId]))
                            // notiofy
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().CheckpointNumber.ToString() + " as end of uturn");

                            // remove
                    // check if the uturn is for a blockage
                    else if (uts.Interconnect == null)
                        // get final lane
                        ArbiterLane targetLane = uts.TargetLane;

                        // check has opposing
                        if (targetLane.Way.Segment.Lanes.Count > 1)
                            // check the final checkpoint is in our lane
                            if (CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.AreaSubtypeId.Equals(targetLane.LaneId))
                                // check that the final checkpoint is within the uturn polygon
                                if (uts.Polygon != null &&
                                    // remove the checkpoint
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Found checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.ToString() + " inside blockage uturn area, dequeuing");

                    // stay in target lane
                    IState   nextState = new StayInLaneState(uts.TargetLane, new Probability(0.8, 0.2), true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);
                    Behavior b         = new StayInLaneBehavior(uts.TargetLane.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0), new List <int>(), uts.TargetLane.LanePath(), uts.TargetLane.Width, uts.TargetLane.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true), uts.TargetLane.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));
                    return(new Maneuver(b, nextState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));
                // otherwise continue uturn
                    // get polygon
                    Polygon p = uts.Polygon;

                    // add polygon to observable
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(p, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.uTurnPolygon));

                    // check the type of uturn
                    if (!uts.singleLaneUturn)
                        // get ending path
                        LinePath endingPath = uts.TargetLane.LanePath();

                        // next state is current
                        IState nextState = uts;

                        // behavior
                        Behavior b = new UTurnBehavior(p, endingPath, uts.TargetLane.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0));

                        // maneuver
                        return(new Maneuver(b, nextState, null, vehicleState.Timestamp));
                        // get ending path
                        LinePath endingPath = uts.TargetLane.LanePath().Clone();
                        endingPath = endingPath.ShiftLateral(-2.0);                        //uts.TargetLane.Width);

                        // add polygon to observable
                        CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(endingPath, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));

                        // next state is current
                        IState nextState = uts;

                        // behavior
                        Behavior b = new UTurnBehavior(p, endingPath, uts.TargetLane.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0));

                        // maneuver
                        return(new Maneuver(b, nextState, null, vehicleState.Timestamp));


            #region In Turn

            else if (planningState is TurnState)
                // get state
                TurnState ts = (TurnState)planningState;

                // add bounds to observable
                if (ts.LeftBound != null && ts.RightBound != null)
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(ts.LeftBound, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(ts.RightBound, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.rightBound));

                // create current turn reasoning
                if (this.TurnReasoning == null)
                    this.TurnReasoning = new TurnReasoning(ts.Interconnect,
                                                           IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor != null ? IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor.EntryAreaMonitor : null);

                // get primary maneuver
                Maneuver primary = this.TurnReasoning.PrimaryManeuver(vehicleState, blockages, ts);

                // get secondary maneuver
                Maneuver?secondary = this.TurnReasoning.SecondaryManeuver(vehicleState, (IntersectionPlan)navigationalPlan);

                // return the manevuer
                return(secondary.HasValue ? secondary.Value : primary);


            #region Itnersection Startup

            else if (planningState is IntersectionStartupState)
                // state and plan
                IntersectionStartupState iss = (IntersectionStartupState)planningState;
                IntersectionStartupPlan  isp = (IntersectionStartupPlan)navigationalPlan;

                // initial path
                LinePath vehiclePath = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { vehicleState.Rear, vehicleState.Front });
                List <ITraversableWaypoint> feasibleEntries = new List <ITraversableWaypoint>();

                // vehicle polygon forward of us
                Polygon vehicleForward = vehicleState.ForwardPolygon;

                // best waypoint
                ITraversableWaypoint best = null;
                double bestCost           = Double.MaxValue;

                // given feasible choose best, no feasible choose random
                if (feasibleEntries.Count == 0)
                    foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in iss.Intersection.AllEntries.Values)
                        if (vehicleForward.IsInside(itw.Position))

                    if (feasibleEntries.Count == 0)
                        foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in iss.Intersection.AllEntries.Values)

                // get best
                foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in feasibleEntries)
                    if (isp.NodeTimeCosts.ContainsKey(itw))
                        KeyValuePair <ITraversableWaypoint, double> lookup = new KeyValuePair <ITraversableWaypoint, double>(itw, isp.NodeTimeCosts[itw]);

                        if (best == null || lookup.Value < bestCost)
                            best     = lookup.Key;
                            bestCost = lookup.Value;

                // get something going to this waypoint
                ArbiterInterconnect interconnect = null;
                if (best.IsEntry)
                    ArbiterInterconnect closest = null;
                    double closestDistance      = double.MaxValue;

                    foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in best.Entries)
                        double dist = ai.InterconnectPath.GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location.DistanceTo(vehicleState.Front);
                        if (closest == null || dist < closestDistance)
                            closest         = ai;
                            closestDistance = dist;

                    interconnect = closest;
                else if (best is ArbiterWaypoint && ((ArbiterWaypoint)best).PreviousPartition != null)
                    interconnect = ((ArbiterWaypoint)best).PreviousPartition.ToInterconnect;

                // get state
                if (best is ArbiterWaypoint)
                    // go to this turn state
                    LinePath finalPath;
                    LineList leftBound;
                    LineList rightBound;
                    IntersectionToolkit.TurnInfo((ArbiterWaypoint)best, out finalPath, out leftBound, out rightBound);
                    return(new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new TurnState(interconnect, interconnect.TurnDirection, ((ArbiterWaypoint)best).Lane,
                                                                               finalPath, leftBound, rightBound, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0)), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));
                    // go to this turn state
                    LinePath finalPath;
                    LineList leftBound;
                    LineList rightBound;
                    IntersectionToolkit.ZoneTurnInfo(interconnect, (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)best, out finalPath, out leftBound, out rightBound);
                    return(new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new TurnState(interconnect, interconnect.TurnDirection, null,
                                                                               finalPath, leftBound, rightBound, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0)), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp));


            #region Unknown

                throw new Exception("Unknown planning state in intersection tactical plan: " + planningState.ToString());
