void RoundSetup() { chef.Reset(); appetite = appetites[Random.Range(0, appetites.Count)]; GetComponent <Text>().text = appetite.description; timer.StartTimer(); }
List <int> orderMotivesStep(List <int> running, List <Appetite> total) { if (total.Count <= 0) { return(running); } Appetite highest = null; float maxPriority = float.MinValue; foreach (Appetite a in total) { if (a.priority > maxPriority) { highest = a; maxPriority = a.priority; } } running.Add(highest.key); total.Remove(highest); return(orderMotivesStep(running, total)); }
List <Appetite> SetupAppetites() { List <Appetite> appetiteList = new List <Appetite>(); Appetite appetite1 = new Appetite(); appetite1.app_texture = 6; appetite1.app_umami = 10; appetite1.app_impact = 6; appetite1.app_vigor = 25; appetite1.app_aroma = 22; appetite1.description = "I'm in the mood for a hearty and fragrant soup. Nothing too powerful."; appetiteList.Add(appetite1); Appetite appetite2 = new Appetite(); appetite2.app_texture = 5; appetite2.app_umami = 5; appetite2.app_impact = 25; appetite2.app_vigor = 25; appetite2.app_aroma = 7; appetite2.description = "I'm in the mood for something energizing. Electrifying, you could say."; appetiteList.Add(appetite2); Appetite appetite3 = new Appetite(); appetite3.app_texture = 20; appetite3.app_umami = 5; appetite3.app_impact = 30; appetite3.app_vigor = 10; appetite3.app_aroma = 5; appetite3.description = "I'm in the mood for something with a lot of crunch, like chips, but in a soup."; appetiteList.Add(appetite3); Appetite appetite4 = new Appetite(); appetite4.app_texture = 10; appetite4.app_umami = 25; appetite4.app_impact = 5; appetite4.app_vigor = 16; appetite4.app_aroma = 14; appetite4.description = "I'm in the mood for a savory meal."; appetiteList.Add(appetite4); Appetite appetite5 = new Appetite(); appetite5.app_texture = 6; appetite5.app_umami = 6; appetite5.app_impact = 22; appetite5.app_vigor = 14; appetite5.app_aroma = 30; appetite5.description = "I'm in the mood for something that will make my nose tickle."; appetiteList.Add(appetite5); Appetite appetite6 = new Appetite(); appetite6.app_texture = 26; appetite6.app_umami = 10; appetite6.app_impact = 5; appetite6.app_vigor = 20; appetite6.app_aroma = 15; appetite6.description = "I'm in the mood for something smooth. Keep the crunchy bits to a minimum!"; appetiteList.Add(appetite6); return(appetiteList); }