public string AddAppUser(AppUserModel u) { string uid = "0"; string msg = "用户添加失败!"; if (HasAppUserNo(u.PHONE, u.FID)) { uid = "-2"; msg = "手机号码已存在。"; } else { uid = AppUserDal.Instance.Insert(u); if (uid != "") { msg = "添加APP用户成功!"; LogBll <AppUserModel> log = new LogBll <AppUserModel>(); u.FID = uid; log.AddLog(u); } } return(new JsonMessage { Data = uid.ToString(), Message = msg, Success = uid != "" }.ToString()); }
public async Task <ActionResult <AppUserModel> > Update( [FromRoute] long id, [FromBody] AppUserModel model ) { try { var user = await userMgr.FindByIdAsync(id.ToString()); if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } var claims = user.UpdateFromUserModel(mapper, model); await AddOrReplaceClaims(user, claims); var result = await userMgr.UpdateAsync(user); if (result.Succeeded) { mapper.Map(user, model); return(model); } return(BadRequest(result.GetErrorsString())); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, $"Can not update user by id {id} with {model.ToJson()}"); return(this.InternalServerError(ex)); } }
public JsonResult Login(AppUserLoginModel appUserLoginModel) { Response response = new Response(); tokenProvider = new TokenProvider(); try { appUserProvider = new AppUserProvider(); AppUserModel appuserModel = appUserProvider.GetLoginUser(appUserLoginModel).ResultModel; if (appuserModel != null) { SessionExtension.Set <AppUserModel>(HttpContext.Session, "Login", appuserModel); response = new Response() { Message = "success", Status = true, RedirectUrl = Url.Action("Index", "Home") }; } } catch (Exception ex) { response = new Response() { Message = "Fail", Status = false, }; } return(Json(response)); }
public AppUserModel GetAppUser(Guid UserId) { AppUserEntity aspnetAppUser = appUserRepository.GetAppUser(UserId); AppUserModel appUserModel = mapper.Map <AppUserModel>(aspnetAppUser); return(appUserModel); }
// GET: AdminController/Edit/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(string id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } var user = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(id); if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } AppUserModel app = new AppUserModel { Id = user.Id, AccessFailedCount = user.AccessFailedCount, DateOfBirth = user.DateOfBirth, Email = user.Email, EmailConfirmed = user.EmailConfirmed, FirstName = user.FirstName, LastName = user.LastName, LockoutEnd = user.LockoutEnd, PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber, ProfilePicture = user.ProfilePicture, ProfilePicturePath = user.ProfilePicturePath, UserName = user.UserName, }; return(View(app)); }
public JsonResult UpdateAppUserInformation(AppUserInformationModel appUserInformationModel) { Response <bool> response = new Response <bool>(); appUserProvider = new AppUserProvider(); AppUserModel appUserModel = SessionExtension.GetSessionUser(HttpContext.Session); if (appUserModel != null) { AppUserModel appUserTokenModel = SessionExtension.GetSessionUser(HttpContext.Session); appUserInformationModel.TokenKey = appUserModel.TokenKey; appUserInformationModel.AppUserId = appUserModel.AppUser.AppUserId; InfrastructureModel <bool> infrastructureModel = appUserProvider.Update(appUserInformationModel); response = new Response <bool> { Data = infrastructureModel.ResultStatus, Message = "success", Status = infrastructureModel.ResultStatus, }; } return(Json(response)); }
public static AppUserModel GetSessionUser(this ISession session) { AppUserModel userModel = new AppUserModel(); userModel = SessionExtension.Get <AppUserModel>(session, "Login"); return(userModel); }
public IViewComponentResult Invoke() { AppUserModel userModel = new AppUserModel(); userModel = SessionExtension.Get <AppUserModel>(HttpContext.Session, "Login"); return(View(userModel)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Settings() { HttpResponseMessage response = await ControllerHelperMethods.CallApi(HttpMethod.Get, "", _httpClientFactory); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { //Getting countrie from API and storing them in ViewBag to display them as select list in AppUserModel Country[] countries = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync <Country[]>(); ViewBag.Countries = new SelectList(countries, "Name", "Name", "Name"); } else { //In case API call fails, notify the user ModelState.AddModelError("Country", "Problem with loading countries, please try again later."); } //Gets currently logged in user as AppUserModel type AppUserModel currentUser = await _appUserManager.GetUserAsync(User) .ContinueWith(u => u.Result.ToAppUserModelBaseInfo()); //To pass necessary data for view ViewBag.CurrentUser = currentUser.ToAppUserEntity(); return(View(currentUser)); }
// service that returns an Appuser and the password quesiton if the password matches public IDictionary <string, object> GetAppMembership(string username, string password) { var member = membershipRepository.GetMembershipEntity(username); string storedPassword = member.password; string storedPasswordSalt = member.passwordSalt; AppUserEntity appUserEntity = member.appuser; AppUserModel appUserModel = mapper.Map <AppUserModel>(appUserEntity); // if the user is found if (appUserEntity != null) { // hash the incoming password string inputPasswordHashed = Hashpassword(password, storedPasswordSalt); if (inputPasswordHashed.Equals(storedPassword.Trim())) { Dictionary <string, Object> resultdict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); resultdict.Add("appUserModel", appUserModel); resultdict.Add("passwordQuestion", member.passwordQuestion); return(resultdict); } } return(null); }
public IActionResult EstimationLogs([FromBody] AppUserModel model) { try { _log.LogInformation("{0} method of {1} started in Api at :\t{2}", "EstimationLogs", "EstimationLogsController", DateTime.UtcNow); var result = _service.Insert(model); if (result != null) { _log.LogInformation("{0} method of {1} is Successfull in Api at :\t{2}", "EstimationLogs", "EstimationLogsController", DateTime.UtcNow); return(Ok(result)); } else { _log.LogInformation("{0} method of {1} is Un-Successfull in Api at :\t{2}", "EstimationLogs", "EstimationLogsController", DateTime.UtcNow); return(NotFound()); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.LogError("{0} occurred in {1} method of {2} in Api at :\t{3}", e, "EstimationLogs", "EstimationLogsController", DateTime.UtcNow); throw e; } finally { _log.LogInformation("{0} method of {1} ended in Api at :\t{2}", "EstimationLogs", "EstimationLogsController", DateTime.UtcNow); } }
public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(string id) { int userId = Convert.ToInt32(id); AppUserModel user = _context.AppUsers.Find(userId); return(View(user)); }
//private RequestParamModel<MessageModel> GetRpm(FormCollection context) //{ // var json = context["json"]; // var rpm = new RequestParamModel<MessageModel>(context) { CurrentContext = context, Action = Request["action"] }; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) // { // rpm = JSONhelper.ConvertToObject<RequestParamModel<MessageModel>>(json); // rpm.CurrentContext = context; // } // return rpm; //} //public ActionResult Send() //{ // ViewBag.ToolBar = BuildToolbar(); // return View(); //} //[HttpPost] //[ValidateInput(false)] //public string Send(FormCollection context) //{ // try // { // var ids = Request["ids"]; // var title = Request["title"]; // var content = Request["content"]; // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) // { // try // { // List<AppUserModel> list = AppUserDal.Instance.GetWhereStr(" and MASTER_ID IS NOT NULL").ToList(); // foreach (AppUserModel userModel in list) // { // MessageModel messageModel = new MessageModel(); // messageModel.RECEIVE_ID = 0;// PublicMethod.GetDecimal(id); // // model.CONTENT = content; // messageModel.HTML_CONTENT = content; // messageModel.IS_RREAD = 0; // messageModel.SEND_TIME = DateTime.Now; // messageModel.TITLE = title; // messageModel.USER_ID = userModel.FID; // MessageDal.Instance.Insert(messageModel); // } // JPushClient client = new JPushClient(SysVisitor.Instance.PushAppKey, SysVisitor.Instance.PushMasterSecret); // PushPayload pushPayload = new PushPayload(); // pushPayload.platform = Platform.all(); // pushPayload.audience = Audience.all(); // pushPayload.notification = new Notification().setAlert(title); // client.SendPush(pushPayload); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // LogHelper.WriteLog(string.Format("Error: appKey={0},masterSecret={1},phone={2},title={3},msg={4}", SysVisitor.Instance.PushAppKey, SysVisitor.Instance.PushMasterSecret, "全体", title, ex.Message)); // } // } // else // { // string[] array = ids.Split(','); // foreach (string id in array) // { // MessageModel model = new MessageModel(); // model.RECEIVE_ID = 0;// PublicMethod.GetDecimal(id); // // model.CONTENT = content; // model.HTML_CONTENT = content; // model.IS_RREAD = 0; // model.SEND_TIME = DateTime.Now; // model.TITLE = title; // model.USER_ID = id; // if (MessageDal.Instance.Insert(model) != "") // { // OnPushMessage(id, title); // } // } // } // return JSONhelper.ToJson("发送成功!"); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // return JSONhelper.ToJson(ex.Message); // } //} private void OnPushMessage(string id, string title) { //DriverModel model = DriverDal.Instance.GetByID(id); AppUserModel model = AppUserDal.Instance.Get(id); if (model != null) { try { JPushClient client = new JPushClient(SysVisitor.Instance.PushAppKey, SysVisitor.Instance.PushMasterSecret); PushPayload pushPayload = new PushPayload(); pushPayload.platform = Platform.all(); pushPayload.audience = Audience.s_alias(model.PHONE); pushPayload.notification = new Notification().setAlert(title); client.SendPush(pushPayload); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(string.Format("Error: appKey={0},masterSecret={1},phone={2},title={3},msg={4}", SysVisitor.Instance.PushAppKey, SysVisitor.Instance.PushMasterSecret, model.PHONE, title, ex.Message)); } } }
public AppUserModel Insert(AppUserModel user) { try { var newUser = new AppUser(); newUser.UserName = user.UserName; newUser.FirstName = user.FirstName; newUser.LastName = user.LastName; newUser.Email = user.Email; _userManager.CreateAsync(newUser, user.Password).Wait(); foreach (var item in user.Claims) { _userManager.AddClaimAsync(newUser, new Claim(item.ClaimName, item.ClaimValue)).Wait(); } return(user); } catch { throw; } }
public IHttpActionResult PutAppUserModel(int id, AppUserModel appUserModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != appUserModel.ID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(appUserModel).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!AppUserModelExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public ActionResult UpdEngineer(string id, string assets) { string[] s = assets.Split(new char[] { ';' }); AssetModel asset; foreach (string ss in s) { asset = _context.BMEDAssets.Find(ss); if (asset != null) { AppUserModel u = _context.AppUsers.Find(Convert.ToInt32(id)); if (u != null) { asset.AssetEngId = u.Id; asset.AssetEngName = u.FullName; _context.Entry(asset).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } } } return(new JsonResult(id) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); }
public List <AppUserModel> GetCropImage(List <AppUser> users, string userId) { List <AppUserModel> UserCropArray = new List <AppUserModel>(); foreach (var item in users)//get crop for users { var temp = new AppUserModel(); var crop = redisController.getItem(item.Id); if (crop != null && item.Id != userId) { temp.Id = item.Id; temp.Image = crop; temp.Name = item.Name; temp.count = _db.questionAndAnswers.Where(e => e.UserId == item.Id).Count(); temp.UserName = item.UserName; UserCropArray.Add(temp); } else if (item.Id != userId) { temp.Id = item.Id; temp.Image = ImageToByteArray(Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\Никита Дубовский\source\repos\WebApplication2\WebApplication2\noimage.jpg")); temp.Name = item.Name; temp.UserName = item.UserName; temp.count = _db.questionAndAnswers.Where(e => e.UserId == item.Id).Count(); UserCropArray.Add(temp); } } return(UserCropArray); }
public IActionResult AuthenticateUser([FromBody] AppUserModel userParam) { try { _log.LogInformation("{0} method of {1} started in Api at :\t{2}", "AuthenticateUser", "AuthenticateUserController", DateTime.UtcNow); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } var result = _service.GetByCustom(userParam.LoginName + "#$#" + userParam.Password); if (result == null) { return(Unauthorized()); } else { var user = CreateToken(result); return(Ok(user)); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.LogError("{0} occurred in {1} method of {2} in Api at :\t{3}", e, "AuthenticateUser", "AuthenticateUserController", DateTime.UtcNow); throw e; } finally { _log.LogInformation("{0} method of {1} ended in Api at :\t{2}", "AuthenticateUser", "AuthenticateUserController", DateTime.UtcNow); } }
//POST : /api/AppUsers/Register public async Task <object> PostAppUser(AppUserModel model) { model.Role = "user"; var appUser = new AppUser() { UserName = model.UserName, Email = model.Email, PhoneNumber = model.PhoneNumber, FullName = model.FullName }; try { var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(appUser, model.Password); await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(appUser, model.Role); return(Ok(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public JsonResult ChangePassword(AppUserLoginModel appUserLoginModel) { Response <bool> response = new Response <bool>(); appUserProvider = new AppUserProvider(); AppUserModel appUserModel = SessionExtension.GetSessionUser(HttpContext.Session); if (appUserModel != null) { AppUserModel appUserTokenModel = SessionExtension.GetSessionUser(HttpContext.Session); appUserLoginModel.TokenKey = appUserModel.TokenKey; appUserLoginModel.AppUserId = appUserModel.AppUser.AppUserId; InfrastructureModel <bool> infrastructureModel = appUserProvider.ChangePassword(appUserLoginModel); response = new Response <bool>() { Data = infrastructureModel.ResultModel, Message = infrastructureModel.Message, Status = true, Refresh = true }; } return(Json(response)); }
public InfrastructureModel <bool> ResetAllInformationAppUser(AppUserModel appUserModel) { InfrastructureModel <bool> infrastructureModel = new InfrastructureModel <bool>(); using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", appUserModel.TokenKey); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", "application/json charset=utf-8"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); var serializePostModel = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(appUserModel); StringContent contentPost = new StringContent(serializePostModel, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); HttpResponseMessage httpResponceMessage = client.PostAsync(ConnectionHelper.GetConnectionUrl() + "AppUser/ResetAllInformationAppUser/", contentPost).Result; httpResponceMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string stringResponce = httpResponceMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; infrastructureModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InfrastructureModel <bool> >(stringResponce); if (!infrastructureModel.ResultModel) { infrastructureModel.ResultStatus = true; } return(infrastructureModel); } }
public JsonResult GetJsonPost() { informationContentProvider = new InformationContentProvider(); tokenProvider = new TokenProvider(); string token = string.Empty; InfrastructureModel <InformationContentSingleDataModel> infrastructureModel = new InfrastructureModel <InformationContentSingleDataModel>(); if (SessionExtension.GetSessionUser(HttpContext.Session) == null) { token = tokenProvider.GetAnonimToken(); SessionExtension.Set(HttpContext.Session, "FreeToken", token); infrastructureModel = informationContentProvider.GetInformationContentSingleData(new InformationContentPostModel() { TokenKey = token }); } else { AppUserModel appUserModel = SessionExtension.GetSessionUser(HttpContext.Session); if (appUserModel != null) { token = appUserModel.TokenKey; infrastructureModel = informationContentProvider.GetInformationContentSingleData(new InformationContentPostModel() { AppUserId = appUserModel.AppUser.AppUserId, TokenKey = token }); } } return(Json(infrastructureModel)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,UserName,FullName,Password,Email,Ext,Mobile,DptId,VendorId,DateCreated,LastActivityDate,Status")] AppUserModel appUserModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { /* Check userName. */ var nameIsExist = _context.AppUsers.Where(u => u.UserName == appUserModel.UserName).FirstOrDefault(); if (nameIsExist != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("UserName", "此ID已被使用"); return(View(appUserModel)); } /* Create user to appUser table. */ appUserModel.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; _context.Add(appUserModel); /* Create same data to externalUsers table. */ ExternalUserModel externalUserModel = new ExternalUserModel() { Id = appUserModel.Id, Password = appUserModel.Password, UserName = appUserModel.UserName }; _context.Add(externalUserModel); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(appUserModel)); }
public IActionResult Register([FromBody] AppUserModel appUserModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var errors = ModelState.Values .SelectMany(x => x.Errors) .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage); return(BadRequest(errors)); } if (ServiceFactory.AppUserService.GetBy(new { appUserModel.Email }) != null) { return(BadRequest("User already exists.")); } appUserModel.UserName = appUserModel.Email; ServiceFactory.AppUserService.Create <Guid, AppUser>(ServiceFactory.Mapper.Map <AppUser>(appUserModel)); var identity = ServiceFactory.AccountService.GetIdentity(appUserModel.UserName, appUserModel.Password); var response = ServiceFactory.AccountService.GenerateToken(identity); return(Json(response)); }
public async Task <AppUser> Update([FromBody] AppUserModel app) { var entity = _appUserRepo.FindAll(x => x.Id ==; entity.UserName = app.UserName; entity.PasswordHash = app.PasswordHash; entity.FullName = app.FullName; entity.Email = app.Email; entity.PhoneNumber = app.PhoneNumber; entity.Avatar = app.Avatar; entity.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; //_appUserRepo.Update(entity); await _userManager.UpdateAsync(entity); //Delete previous roles var rolesInDb = _dbContext.UserRole.Where(x => x.UserId ==; _dbContext.UserRole.RemoveRange(rolesInDb); //Update new roles foreach (var roleId in app.RoleIds) { _dbContext.UserRole.Add(new UserRole { UserId = (Guid), RoleId = roleId }); } SaveChanges(); return(entity); }
// GET: Keep/Edit public IActionResult Edit(string id, int page) { AppUserModel ur = _context.AppUsers.Where(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); ViewData["Page"] = page; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { KeepModel keep = _context.Keeps.Find(id); if (keep == null) { return(StatusCode(404)); } if (userManager.IsInRole(User, "Admin") || userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepAdmin") || userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepMgr") || userManager.IsInRole(User, "CaPMgr") || userManager.IsInRole(User, "RepEngineer")) { return(View(keep)); } KeepFlowModel rf = _context.KeepFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == id && f.Status == "?").FirstOrDefault(); if (rf != null) { if (rf.UserId != ur.Id) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { Area = "" })); } } return(View(keep)); } return(StatusCode(404)); }
public bool Save(AppUserModel model) { try { AppUser tbl = new AppUser(); tbl.Address = model.Address; tbl.Avatar = model.Avatar; tbl.BrithDay = model.BrithDay; tbl.Email = model.Email; tbl.FullName = model.FullName; tbl.Gender = model.Gender; tbl.PasswordHash = model.PasswordHash; tbl.UserName = model.UserName; tbl.Status = true; tbl.Ma_BP = model.Ma_BP; tbl.Ma_CV = model.Ma_CV; tbl.Ma_TO = model.Ma_TO; db.AppUsers.Add(tbl); db.SaveChanges(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public string EditAppUser(AppUserModel u) { int k; string msg = "用户编辑失败。"; if (HasAppUserNo(u.PHONE, u.FID)) { k = -2; msg = "手机号码已存在。"; } else { var oldAppUser = AppUserDal.Instance.Get(u.FID); k = AppUserDal.Instance.Update(u); if (k > 0) { msg = "编辑APP用户成功。"; LogBll <AppUserModel> log = new LogBll <AppUserModel>(); log.AddLog(u); } } return(new JsonMessage { Data = k.ToString(), Message = msg, Success = k > 0 }.ToString()); }
// GET: BMED/Asset/Create public ActionResult Create() { List <SelectListItem> listItem = new List <SelectListItem>(); _context.Departments.ToList().ForEach(d => { listItem.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = d.Name_C, Value = d.DptId }); }); ViewData["DelivDpt"] = new SelectList(listItem, "Value", "Text", ""); List <SelectListItem> listItem2 = new List <SelectListItem>(); listItem2.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "", Value = "" }); ViewData["DelivUid"] = new SelectList(listItem2, "Value", "Text", ""); ViewData["AccDpt"] = new SelectList(listItem, "Value", "Text", ""); List <SelectListItem> listItem3 = new List <SelectListItem>(); listItem3.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "正常", Value = "正常" }); listItem3.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "報廢", Value = "報廢" }); ViewData["DisposeKind"] = new SelectList(listItem3, "Value", "Text", ""); // List <SelectListItem> listItem4 = new List <SelectListItem>(); _context.BMEDDeviceClassCodes.ToList() .ForEach(d => { listItem4.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = d.M_name, Value = d.M_code }); }); ViewData["BmedNo"] = new SelectList(listItem4, "Value", "Text", ""); // // Get MedEngineers to set dropdownlist. var s = roleManager.GetUsersInRole("MedEngineer").ToList(); List <SelectListItem> listItem5 = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (string l in s) { AppUserModel u = _context.AppUsers.Where(ur => ur.UserName == l).FirstOrDefault(); if (u != null) { listItem5.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = u.FullName, Value = u.Id.ToString() }); } } ViewData["AssetEngId"] = new SelectList(listItem5, "Value", "Text", ""); return(View()); }
// // GET: /Delivery/Edit/5 public IActionResult Edit(string id = null) { DeliveryModel delivery = _context.Deliveries.Find(id); if (delivery == null) { return(NotFound()); } DepartmentModel c = _context.Departments.Find(delivery.AccDpt); if (c != null) { delivery.AccDptNam = c.Name_C; } VendorModel v = _context.BMEDVendors.Where(vv => vv.UniteNo == delivery.VendorId).FirstOrDefault(); if (v != null) { delivery.VendorNam = v.VendorName; } AppUserModel u = _context.AppUsers.Find(Convert.ToInt32(delivery.DelivPson)); if (u != null) { delivery.DelivPsonNam = u.FullName; } BuyEvaluateModel b = _context.BuyEvaluates.Find(delivery.PurchaseNo); if (b != null) { delivery.BudgetId = b.BudgetId; } return(View(delivery)); }
public async Task<AppUser> RegisterUserAsync(AppUserModel userModel) { AppUser newUser = null; AppUser user = new AppUser { UserName = userModel.UserName.Trim(), FirstName = userModel.FirstName.Trim(), LastName = userModel.LastName.Trim(), Email = userModel.UserName.Trim(), CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, PhoneNumber = userModel.PhoneNumber, StatusId = AppUser.eStatus.PendingActivation, TermsAcceptedOn = DateTime.UtcNow }; var result = await this._identityManager.CreateAsync(user, userModel.Password); //add user to default role if (result.Succeeded) { //newUser = await this.FindUser(user.UserName, userModel.Password); //result = await this.AssignUserToRole(newUser.Id, Social123.AuthService.Plumbing.Constants.CustomerRole); //account.CreatedBy = new Guid(newUser.Id); //account.UpdatedBy = new Guid(newUser.Id); //subscription.CreatedBy = new Guid(newUser.Id); //subscription.UpdatedBy = new Guid(newUser.Id); //await this._adminCtx.SaveChangesAsync(); } return newUser; }