public AppPressDemoSessionData(AppPressDemo p, string loginUserId, string email) : base(email, loginUserId, null) { = email; if (loginUserId != null) { this.loginName = p.ExecuteString("Select [dbo].[FullName](FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) From \"application.users\" Where Id = " + loginUserId); string imgUrlQry = @" Select Case When ""Application_Files"".Id Is Null Then Case When CV.gender = 1 Then '" + AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + @"Resources/img/img_Female.jpg' Else '" + AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + @"Resources/img/img_Male.jpg' End Else Concat('" + AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + AppPress.GetDefaultAspx() + @"?GetFile=&width=100&id=',Application_Files.Id) End as Image From ""application.users"" CV Left Join ""Application_Files"" On ""Application_Files"".Id = CV.PhotoUpload Where CV.Id = " + loginUserId; this.loginImgUrl = p.ExecuteString(imgUrlQry); // Add the URL to session for inbuilt security this.AddSecureUrl(loginImgUrl); } }
public static string GetEmployeePhotoUrl(AppPressDemo p, int?photoFileId, string gender) { var imgUrl = ""; if (photoFileId == null) { if (gender == "2") { imgUrl += AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + @"Resources/img/img_Male.jpg"; } else if (gender == "1") { imgUrl += AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + @"Resources/img/img_Female.jpg"; } else { imgUrl += AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + @"Resources/img/img_Default.jpg"; } } else { imgUrl += p.GetFileUrl(photoFileId.Value); } return(imgUrl); }
private static void PurgeUnusedFiles() { try { while (true) { // sleep to 1 min past midnight on next day var timeToNextMidnight = (DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1) - DateTime.Now).Add(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)); Thread.Sleep(timeToNextMidnight); // 1 sec var site = new DAOBasic(); try { AppPress.MarkFilesUnused(site, true); } finally { site.Close(); } } } catch { // Do something with exception here } }
internal static int ValidateLogin(AppPressDemo p, ref string email, string password, bool cookieLogin) { int employeeId = 0; var loginLink = "<br/><br/><a href='" + AppPress.GetDefaultAspx() + "?&FromSignout='>Login</a>"; if (AppPressApplication.Settings.developer) { if (int.TryParse(email, out employeeId)) { var firstName = p.ExecuteString("Select FirstName from \"application.users\" Where Id = " + employeeId); if (firstName == null) { throw new AppPressException("Could not find employee id. "); } email = "support+" + firstName.ToLower().Replace(" ", ".") + "." + employeeId + ""; } } if (employeeId <= 0) { var tempemail = email.Trim().ToLower(); var ttttEmail = tempemail; var query = "Select id From \"application.users\" Where (Email='" + p.EscapeSQLString(tempemail) + "' or PersonalEmail ='" + p.EscapeSQLString(tempemail) + "') "; var obj = p.ExecuteScalar(query); if (obj == null) { if (cookieLogin) { return(0); } throw new AppPressException("Wrong Email. There is no account available with this email." + loginLink); } if (!AppPressApplication.Settings.developer) { if (password != null) { var newPassword = obj.ToString() + "_" + System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString((byte[])p.ExecuteScalar("Select HASHBYTES('SHA2_256','" + p.EscapeSQLString(password) + "')")); query += "and Password = HASHBYTES('SHA2_256','" + p.EscapeSQLString(newPassword) + "')"; } obj = p.ExecuteScalar(query); } if (obj == null) { if (cookieLogin) { return(0); } throw new AppPressException("Wrong Email or Password." + loginLink); } employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(obj); } return(employeeId); }
public string GetMessage(AppPress a) { var message = ""; foreach (var item in a.appPressResponse) { if (item.appPressResponseType == AppPressResponseType.FormError) { var formDef = AppPress.FindFormDef(item.formDefId); message += formDef.formName + "- " + item.message + "\n"; } if (item.appPressResponseType == AppPressResponseType.FieldError) { var formDef = AppPress.FindFormDef(item.formDefId); message += formDef.formName + ": " + formDef.GetFormField(item.fieldDefId).fieldName + " - " + item.message + "\n"; } } return(message); }
public static string Domain(AppPressDemo p, DiscussionClass.ParticipantsFieldClass Participants) { string query = null; var baseFormData = Participants.FormData.IsPopup ? Participants.FormData.FormDataPopupCaller : Participants.FormData; if (baseFormData.GetType() == typeof(UserControlsClass)) { query = @"Select Case When PhotoUpload Is Null Then Case When gender = 1 Then '" + AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + @"Resources/img/img_Female.jpg' Else '" + AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + @"Resources/img/img_Male.jpg' End Else Concat('" + AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + AppPress.GetDefaultAspx() + @"?getFile=&id=', PhotoUpload, '&width=100') End as Photo, [dbo].[FullName](FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) Name, case when id=" + p.loginUserId + @" then 'Self' else 'ReportingTo' end Level, Isnull(Email,PersonalEmail) Email From ""Application.Users"" Where Id in (" + p.loginUserId + @"," + ((UserControlsClass)baseFormData).ReportingTo.val + ")"; } return(query); }
internal static void ErrorResponse(HttpResponse Response, string message, string stackTrace) { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/html"; try { string skin = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Skins/Error.html")); //skin = CompileSkin(a, skin, false, SkinType.HTML); skin = skin.Replace("_DefaultAspxPage_", AppPress.GetDefaultAspx()); skin = skin.Replace("_ThisIsReplacedByErrorMessage_", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(message).Replace("\n", "<br/>")); skin = skin.Replace("_ThisIsReplacedByLoginUrl_", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + AppPress.GetDefaultAspx()).Replace("\n", "<br/>")); skin = skin.Replace("_ThisIsReplacedByStackTrace_", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(stackTrace)); Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store; no-cache"); Response.Write(skin); } catch { Response.Write(message); } }
internal void SetMethod(AppPress a) { switch (ServerFunctionType) { case FunctionType.Options: method = Util.GetMethod(a, FunctionName, new Type[] { typeof(AppPress), typeof(FieldValue) }); if (method == null) { method = Util.GetMethod(a, FunctionName, new Type[] { AppPress.Settings.ApplicationAppPress, typeof(FieldValue) }); } break; default: method = Util.GetMethod(a, FunctionName, new Type[] { typeof(AppPress) }); break; } if (method == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find Function: " + FunctionName); } switch (ServerFunctionType) { case FunctionType.Options: if (method.ReturnParameter.ParameterType.Name != typeof(List <Option>).Name && method.ReturnParameter.ParameterType.Name != typeof(string).Name) { throw new Exception("Function: " + FunctionName + " used as a " + ServerFunctionType + " Function does not return List<Option>."); } break; case FunctionType.Domain: break; default: if (method.ReturnParameter.ParameterType.Name != typeof(void).Name) { throw new Exception("Function: " + FunctionName + " used as a " + ServerFunctionType + " Function does not return void."); } break; } }
// Load Forms from Database internal static void LoadDynamicForms(AppPress a, string formId) { var query = @" Select ""demo.DynamicForms.Fields"".FormId,""demo.DynamicForms.Fields"".Id, FieldType,fieldName From ""demo.DynamicForms"" Left Outer Join ""demo.DynamicForms.Fields"" On ""demo.DynamicForms.Fields"".FormId=""demo.DynamicForms"".Id Where ""demo.DynamicForms"".id=" + formId + @" "; var dr = a.ExecuteQuery(query); try { var formFields = new List <FormField>(); while (dr.Read()) { var id = dr.GetInt32(1); var fieldType = (FormDefFieldType)dr.GetInt32(2); var fieldName = dr.GetString(3); var formFieldM = new FormField(fieldName, fieldType); formFieldM.dbId = id; formFields.Add(formFieldM); } var EvaluationFormDef = AppPress.FindSingleFormDef("DynamicForm"); if (EvaluationFormDefInsertIdx == -1) { EvaluationFormDefInsertIdx = EvaluationFormDef.formFields.FindIndex(t => t.fieldName == "ReplaceWithDynamicFields"); } EvaluationFormDef.formFields.RemoveRange(EvaluationFormDefInsertIdx, EvaluationFormDefInsertCount); EvaluationFormDefInsertCount = formFields.Count(); EvaluationFormDef.formFields.InsertRange(EvaluationFormDefInsertIdx, formFields); // Add the FormDef a.AddFormDef(EvaluationFormDef); } finally { dr.Close(); } }
public static string GetErrorFormMessage(AppPress p) { var message = ""; if (p.sessionData.UserData.ContainsKey(AppPressKeys.ErrorFormException)) { var cEx = (CustomizeException)p.sessionData.UserData[AppPressKeys.ErrorFormException]; string errorMsg1 = cEx.Message; string errorMsg2 = "StackTrace:<br/>" + cEx.StackTrace; if (!cEx.InnerExMessage1.IsNullOrEmpty()) { errorMsg1 += "<br/><br/> InnerException1: " + cEx.InnerExMessage1; errorMsg2 += "<br/><br/> InnerStackTrace1: " + cEx.InnerExStackTrace1; } if (!cEx.InnerExMessage2.IsNullOrEmpty()) { errorMsg1 += "<br/><br/> InnerException2: " + cEx.InnerExMessage2; errorMsg2 += "<br/><br/> InnerStackTrace2: " + cEx.InnerExStackTrace2; } message = p.PageURL["Message"]; if (message != null) { message += "<br/>"; } else { message = ""; } message += errorMsg1; message += "<br/><span style='color:#366092; display:none'>" + errorMsg2.Replace("\r\n", "<br/>") + "</span>"; } else { message = p.PageURL["Message"]; } return(message); }
public AppPressHandler(Object appLogic) { Log.Writeln("Request:" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); if (AppPress.Settings == null) { throw new Exception("AppPress not initialized. Call InitAppPress on Application load"); } currentContext = HttpContext.Current; if (currentContext.Request["getJs"] != null) { currentContext.Response.ContentType = "text/javascript"; currentContext.Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1)); currentContext.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public); if (AppPressJSStr == null) { AppPressJSStr = new StringBuilder(FileTexts.AppPressJS).Append("\n"); foreach (var formDef in AppPress.formDefs) { foreach (var formField in formDef.formFields) { if (formField.optionsCache != null && formField.Type == FormDefFieldType.Pickone && formField.Style == FormDefFieldStyle.DropDown) { AppPressJSStr.Append(formField.BuildOptionsForJS()); } } } } currentContext.Response.Write(AppPressJSStr); } else if (currentContext.Request["UploadFile"] != null) { try { if (currentContext.Request.Files.Count > 0) { string response = ""; int maxFileSizeInKB = 1024 * 5; // 5MB if (currentContext.Request["MaxFileSizeInKB"] != null) { maxFileSizeInKB = int.Parse(currentContext.Request["MaxFileSizeInKB"]); } for (int i = 0; i < currentContext.Request.Files.Count; i++) { var file = currentContext.Request.Files[i]; var fileName = file.FileName; var inputStream = file.InputStream; var intDocLen = file.ContentLength; var extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(); var acceptFileTypes = currentContext.Request["AcceptFileTypes"]; if (acceptFileTypes != null) { var matched = false; var acceptFileTypesList = acceptFileTypes.Split(','); foreach (var acceptFileType in acceptFileTypesList) { var aft = acceptFileType.Trim().ToLower(); if (aft.StartsWith(".") && file.ContentType == AppPressLogic.GetFileType(aft)) { matched = true; break; } else if (aft == "image/*" && file.ContentType.StartsWith("image/")) { matched = true; break; } else if (aft == "video/*" && file.ContentType.StartsWith("video/")) { matched = true; break; } else if (aft == "sound/*" && file.ContentType.StartsWith("sound/")) { matched = true; break; } else if (aft == file.ContentType) { matched = true; break; } } if (!matched) { throw new AppPressException("Cannot upload file of Type: " + extension); } } if (maxFileSizeInKB != -1 && intDocLen > maxFileSizeInKB * 1024) { throw new AppPressException("Maximum size of file that can be uploaded is " + maxFileSizeInKB + "KB"); } if (currentContext.Request["DoNotSaveInDB"] != null) { // Save in Temp Folder var uFileName = GetTemporaryDirectory() + "\\" + fileName; using (var fileStream = new FileStream(uFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { inputStream.CopyTo(fileStream); } uFileName = uFileName.Replace('\\', '/'); if (response.Length > 0) { response += ","; } response += string.Format("{{FileName:'{0}',Id:'{1}',Size:'{2}'}}", fileName, uFileName, (intDocLen / 1024) + " KB"); } else { // save in DB long fileId = -1; //long.TryParse(context.Request.Form["Filename"], out fileId); var fileType = AppPressLogic.GetFileType(extension); FileUploadStorageType storageType = FileUploadStorageType.Database; string directory = currentContext.Request["Directory"]; if (directory != null) { storageType = FileUploadStorageType.Directory; } EncryptionType?encryptionType = null; if (currentContext.Request["EncryptionType"] != null) { encryptionType = (EncryptionType)Convert.ToInt16(currentContext.Request["EncryptionType"]); } var docbuffer = new byte[intDocLen]; inputStream.Read(docbuffer, 0, intDocLen); fileId = Util.SaveFile(storageType, directory, fileName, docbuffer, fileType, intDocLen, encryptionType, currentContext.Request["NonSecure"] != null); var uQuery = currentContext.Request["UpdateQuery"]; if (uQuery != null) { var site = new DAOBasic(); try { site.ExecuteNonQuery(uQuery.Replace("%%FileID%%", fileId.ToString())); } finally { site.Close(); } } if (response.Length > 0) { response += ","; } response += string.Format("{{FileName:'{0}',Id:{1},Size:'{2}'}}", fileName.Replace("'", "\\'"), fileId, (intDocLen / 1024) + " KB"); } } currentContext.Response.Write("[" + response + "]"); } } catch (Exception exception) { currentContext.Response.Write(string.Format("{{Error:'{0}'}}", HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(exception.Message))); // throw new Exception("<script>alert(" + exception.Message + ")</script>"); } currentContext.Response.StatusCode = 200; } else if (currentContext.Request["GetPDF"] != null) { try { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; var GetPDFParams = currentContext.Request["GetPDFParams"].Split(new string[] { AppPress.QuerySeperator }, StringSplitOptions.None); string tempFolder = null; if (GetPDFParams.Count() > 1) { tempFolder = GetTemporaryDirectory(); currentContext.Response.ContentType = "Application/zip"; } else { currentContext.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; } foreach (var GetPDFParam in GetPDFParams) { var pdfParams = GetPDFParam.Split(new string[] { AppPress.QuerySeperator1 }, StringSplitOptions.None); byte[] pdf; string fileName; if (pdfParams[0] == "F") { var formName = AppPress.formDefs.Find(t => == long.Parse(pdfParams[1])).formName; var id = pdfParams[2]; fileName = pdfParams[3]; if (fileName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { fileName = formName; } else { fileName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(fileName); } pdf = Util.GeneratePDF(formName, id, currentContext.Request, appLogic, int.Parse(pdfParams[4]), pdfParams[5]); } else //if (pdfParams[0] == "Q") { //style = "font-size:72px" fileName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(pdfParams[2]); PDFPageSettings pageSettings; if (pdfParams[3].IsNullOrEmpty()) { pageSettings = new PDFPageSettings(PageSizes.A4, false); } else { pageSettings = (PDFPageSettings)FormDef.Deserialize(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(pdfParams[3]), typeof(PDFPageSettings)); } var site = new DAOBasic(); var html = site.ExecuteString(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(pdfParams[1])); pdf = new AppPress().HtmlToPDF(html, fileName, pageSettings); } if (tempFolder == null) { currentContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + ".pdf\""); currentContext.Response.BinaryWrite(pdf); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(tempFolder + "\\" + fileName + ".pdf", pdf); } } if (tempFolder != null) { var zipfileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(zipfileName); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(tempFolder, zipfileName); currentContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipfileName) + ".zip\""); currentContext.Response.BinaryWrite(File.ReadAllBytes(zipfileName)); } currentContext.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store; no-cache"); HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); currentContext.Response.Flush(); currentContext.Response.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { currentContext.Response.Clear(); currentContext.Response.ClearHeaders(); currentContext.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; currentContext.Response.Write("Error Occured in PDF Generation: " + ex.Message); } finally { //currentContext.Response.Redirect(currentContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(), true); } } else if (currentContext.Request["GetLocalization"] != null) { currentContext.Response.Clear(); currentContext.Response.ClearHeaders(); currentContext.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; var formDefs = AppPress.formDefs; var LExitingKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var formDef in formDefs) { var LKeys = formDef.GenerateLocalizationKey(LExitingKeys); foreach (var key in LKeys.Keys) { if (!AppPress.LocalizationData.ContainsKey(key)) { LExitingKeys.Add(key, LKeys[key]); } } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" border=\"1\"><tr><th>Key</th><th>English</th></tr>"); foreach (var key in LExitingKeys.Keys) { sb.AppendLine("<tr><td>" + key + "</td><td>" + LExitingKeys[key] + "</td></tr>"); } sb.AppendLine("</table>"); currentContext.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); } else if (currentContext.Request["GetFile"] != null) { var dbName = currentContext.Request["DBName"]; var FilePath = currentContext.Request["FilePath"]; var fileId = currentContext.Request["Id"]; var heightStr = currentContext.Request["height"]; var widthStr = currentContext.Request["width"]; var downloadStr = currentContext.Request["Download"]; var responseInstanceId = currentContext.Request["ResponseInstanceId"]; var download = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadStr); var fileContentType = currentContext.Request["ContentType"]; var fileName = currentContext.Request["FileName"]; FileDetails fileDetails = new FileDetails(); var instanceId = currentContext.Request["InstanceId"]; if (instanceId != null) { var remoteUrl = AppPress.Settings.Instances.Find(t => t.InstanceId == int.Parse(instanceId)).InstanceBaseUrl + "?GetFile=" + "&ResponseInstanceId=" + AppPress.LocalInstanceId + "&Id=" + fileId; if (FilePath != null) { remoteUrl += "&FilePath=" + FilePath; } if (heightStr != null) { remoteUrl += "&height=" + heightStr; } if (widthStr != null) { remoteUrl += "&width=" + widthStr; } if (downloadStr != null) { remoteUrl += "&Download=" + downloadStr; } WebClient client = new WebClient(); var fileResponseStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(client.UploadValues(new Uri(remoteUrl), new NameValueCollection())); fileDetails = (FileDetails)FormDef.Deserialize(fileResponseStr, typeof(FileDetails)); } else { var url = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(currentContext.Request.Url.ToString()); var sData = AppPress.TryGetSessionData(); var site = new DAOBasic(); try { if (dbName == null) { dbName = site.dbName; } DateTime uploadTime; if (fileId != null) { if (site.ExecuteInt("Select Used From " + site.QuoteDBName(dbName) + ".Application_Files Where Id=" + fileId) == 0) { throw new Exception("File with Id: " + fileId + " is marked as not Used. So cannot be served"); } if (sData == null || sData.formDefIdAndFormIds.Find(t => t == url) == null) { if (fileId == null || site.ExecuteInt("Select NonSecure From " + site.QuoteDBName(dbName) + ".Application_Files Where Id=" + fileId) == 0) { // File Request for Employee Photo come from URL from PDF and Org Chart throw new Exception("Security Error: Invalid access"); } } string f; fileDetails.FileBytes = Util.GetFile(site, dbName, int.Parse(fileId), out f, out fileContentType, out uploadTime); if (fileName == null) { fileName = f; } if (sData.loginUserId != null) { site.ExecuteNonQuery(@" Insert into Application_Audit(UserName,Time,AuditType,TableName,RowId,LoginUserId," + site.SQLQuote + @"Change" + site.SQLQuote + @",TimeStamp) Values ('" + + @"','" + DateTime.Now.ToString(DAOBasic.DBDateTimeFormat) + "'," + (int)AuditType.DownloadFile + @",''," + fileId + "," + sData.loginUserId + @",''," + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + @")"); } } else { if (fileName == null) { fileName = Path.GetFileName(FilePath); } uploadTime = File.GetCreationTime(FilePath); fileDetails.FileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(FilePath); } fileDetails.FileName = fileName; fileDetails.UploadTime = uploadTime; fileDetails.ContentType = fileContentType ?? ""; } finally { site.Close(); } byte[] newbuffer = fileDetails.FileBytes; if (!download && fileDetails.ContentType != null && fileDetails.ContentType.ToLower().Contains("image")) { int height = int.Parse(heightStr ?? "-1"); int width = int.Parse(widthStr ?? "-1"); if (width == -1 && height == -1) { newbuffer = fileDetails.FileBytes; } else { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(fileDetails.FileBytes); Image img = Image.FromStream(ms); if (width == -1) { width = (int)(height * ((double)img.Width / img.Height)); } if (height == -1) { height = (int)(width * ((double)img.Height / img.Width)); } using (Bitmap newImage = new Bitmap(width * 2, height * 2, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) { using (Graphics canvas = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)) { canvas.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; canvas.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; canvas.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; canvas.Clear(System.Drawing.Color.Transparent); canvas.DrawImage(img, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(width * 2, height * 2))); MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(); newImage.Save(m, ImageFormat.Jpeg); newbuffer = m.ToArray(); } } } } fileDetails.FileBytes = newbuffer; } if (fileDetails.FileBytes != null) { //currentContext.Response.Clear(); RAM???:Giviing access denied errro from remote. if (responseInstanceId == null) { currentContext.Response.Clear(); currentContext.Response.BinaryWrite(fileDetails.FileBytes); currentContext.Response.ContentType = download ? "application/force-download" : fileDetails.ContentType; currentContext.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public); currentContext.Response.Cache.SetLastModified(fileDetails.UploadTime); currentContext.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileDetails.FileName.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""); } else { var s = FormDef.Serialize(fileDetails, typeof(FileDetails)); currentContext.Response.Write(s); } } } else if (currentContext.Request["getCSV"] != null) { var site = new DAOBasic(); try { currentContext.Response.ContentType = "application/CSV"; currentContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + currentContext.Request["getCSV"] + ".csv\""); var viewQuery = currentContext.Request["viewQuery"]; string csv = ""; if (viewQuery.Trim().StartsWith("Exec", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || viewQuery.Trim().StartsWith("Call", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var spDr = site.ExecuteQuery(viewQuery); try { for (int i = 0; i < spDr.FieldCount; i++) { csv += @"""" + spDr.GetName(i).Replace("\"", "\"\"") + @""","; } csv = csv.Substring(0, csv.Length - 1) + "\r\n"; while (spDr.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < spDr.FieldCount; i++) { csv += @"""" + spDr[i].ToString().Replace("\"", "\"\"") + @""","; } csv = csv.Substring(0, csv.Length - 1) + "\r\n"; } } finally { spDr.Close(); } } else { if (viewQuery.Contains(" ")) { viewQuery = "(" + viewQuery + ")"; } //add column Name var qry = " Select * from " + viewQuery + " as bb"; var dr = site.ExecuteQuery(qry); var selectColumns = ""; dr.Read(); try { string ifNull = "IfNull"; if (site.databaseType == DatabaseType.SqlServer) { ifNull = "IsNUll"; } for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++) { selectColumns += "" + ifNull + "(" + site.SQLQuote + "" + dr.GetName(i) + "" + site.SQLQuote + ",''),"; csv += @"""" + dr.GetName(i).Replace("\"", "\"\"") + @""","; } selectColumns = selectColumns.Substring(0, selectColumns.Length - 1); csv = csv.Substring(0, csv.Length - 1) + "\r\n"; } finally { dr.Close(); } qry = "Select " + selectColumns + " from " + viewQuery + " as bb"; dr = site.ExecuteQuery(qry); try { while (dr.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++) { var s = dr[i].ToString().Replace("\"", "\"\""); if (!Regex.Match(s, "^[0-9]*$").Success) { csv += @"""" + s + @""","; } else { csv += @"=""" + s + @""","; } } csv = csv.Substring(0, csv.Length - 1) + "\r\n"; } } finally { dr.Close(); } } currentContext.Response.Write(csv); } finally { site.Close(); } } else if (currentContext.Request["getHTMLTable"] != null) { var url = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(currentContext.Request.Url.ToString()); var sData = AppPress.TryGetSessionData(); if (sData == null || sData.formDefIdAndFormIds.Find(t => t == url) == null) { throw new Exception("Security Error: Invalid access"); } var site = new DAOBasic(); AppPress a = new AppPress(site); var NumericZeroAsBlank = false; if (currentContext.Request["NumericZeroAsBlank"] != null) { NumericZeroAsBlank = int.Parse(currentContext.Request["NumericZeroAsBlank"]) == 1; } a.Request = currentContext.Request; currentContext.Response.ContentType = "text/HTML"; var qry = currentContext.Request["viewQuery"]; if (qry == null) { throw new Exception("Internal Error: Could not viewQuery in Post in ViewHTML"); } var header = currentContext.Request["header"]; var cssUrl = AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + "Resources/css/common.css?t=" + AppPress.startTime; var reportHeader = currentContext.Request["getHTMLTable"]; string html = @"<html><head><link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""" + cssUrl + @"""></head><body><div class=""appPressReport"">" + reportHeader; html += a.GetHtmlTableFromQuery(qry, NumericZeroAsBlank, header); html += "<div></body></html>"; currentContext.Response.Write(html); } else if (currentContext.Request["EncryptTableColumn"] != null) { // Index.aspx?EncryptionType=DES&EncryptTableColumn=employee:email|employee:personalEmail&RemoveEncryption=&DBName=xxx // Index.aspx?EncryptionType=AES&EncryptTableColumn=employee:MobileNumber&RemoveEncryption=&DBName=xxx //if (!AppPress.Settings.developer) // throw new Exception("This Command will work only in Debug Mode"); var EncryptionType = (EncryptionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EncryptionType), currentContext.Request["EncryptionType"]); var site = new DAOBasic(); try { site.BeginTrans(); var s = currentContext.Request["EncryptTableColumn"]; var tableColumns = s.Split('|'); foreach (var tableColumn in tableColumns) { var ss = tableColumn.Split(':'); var source = EncryptionType.None; var dest = EncryptionType; if (currentContext.Request["RemoveEncryption"] != null) { var t = source; source = dest; dest = t; } Util.ChangeColumnEncryption(site, ss[0], ss[1], source, dest, currentContext.Request["DBName"]); } site.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { site.RollBack(); throw; } finally { site.Close(); } } else if (AppPress.Settings.developer && currentContext.Request["GetCode"] != null) { currentContext.Response.Clear(); currentContext.Response.ClearHeaders(); currentContext.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; var formDef = AppPress.FindFormDef(long.Parse(currentContext.Request["GetCode"])); var code = formDef.GenerateCode(); currentContext.Response.Write(code); } else if (AppPress.Settings.developer && currentContext.Request["GetSkin"] != null) { AppPress a = new AppPress(); a.Request = currentContext.Request; var oFormDefs = AppPress.formDefs; try { AppPress.formDefs = (List <FormDef>)FormDef.Deserialize(FormDef.Serialize(AppPress.formDefs, typeof(List <FormDef>)), typeof(List <FormDef>)); currentContext.Response.Clear(); string str = ""; FormDef formDef = null; long formDefId; if (long.TryParse(currentContext.Request["GetSkin"], out formDefId)) { formDef = AppPress.FindFormDef(formDefId); } else { formDef = AppPress.FindFormDef(currentContext.Request["GetSkin"]); } for (int i = 0; i < AppPress.formDefs.Count(); ++i) { AppPress.formDefs[i] = Util.InitializeFormDef(a, AppPress.formDefs[i], AppPress.formDefs); } bool popup = currentContext.Request["Popup"] != null; str += formDef.GenerateSkinTop(a, false, popup); str += formDef.GenerateSkin(a, false, null); str += formDef.GenerateSkinBottom(popup); //try //{ // str = System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Parse("<AppPressHTMLRootNode>" + str + "</AppPressHTMLRootNode>").ToString(); // str = str.Replace("<AppPressHTMLRootNode>", "").Replace("</AppPressHTMLRootNode>", ""); //} //catch //{ // // isn't well-formed xml //} currentContext.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; currentContext.Response.Write(str); } finally { AppPress.formDefs = oFormDefs; } } else if (AppPress.Settings.developer && currentContext.Request["GetFO"] != null) { var site = new DAOBasic(); AppPress a = new AppPress(site); a.Request = currentContext.Request; try { currentContext.Response.Clear(); string str = ""; var formDef = AppPress.FindFormDef(long.Parse(currentContext.Request["GetFO"])); a.skinType = SkinType.FO; str += Util.FoHeaderStr + formDef.GenerateSkin(a, false, null) + Util.FoEndTag; currentContext.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; currentContext.Response.Write(str); } catch (Exception) { site.Close(); } } else if (HttpContext.Current.Request["RemoteForm"] != null) { var site = new DAOBasic(); var formName = HttpContext.Current.Request["FormName"]; AppPress a = new AppPress(site); AppPressResponse popup = null; try { try { var formDef = AppPress.FindFormDef(formName); if (formDef == null) { throw new Exception("Could not Find FormDef: " + formName); } var formDataId = HttpContext.Current.Request["FormDataId"]; PopupParams popupParams = null; var popupParamsStr = HttpContext.Current.Request["PopupParams"]; if (popupParamsStr != null) { popupParams = (PopupParams)FormDef.Deserialize(popupParamsStr, typeof(PopupParams)); } else { popupParams = new PopupParams(); } a.remoteLoginUserId = HttpContext.Current.Request["RemoteLoginUserId"]; a.remoteInstanceId = a.instanceId = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request["RemoteInstanceId"]); a.remoteData = popupParams.remoteData; popupParams.forRedirect = HttpContext.Current.Request["Redirect"] != null; popup = AppPressResponse.Popup(a, formDef, formDataId, popupParams); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!ex.Message.IsNullOrEmpty()) // use case. Session Expired from remote popup was showing 2 error messages { // if no alert message. popup = new AppPressResponse(); popup.appPressResponseType = AppPressResponseType.AlertMessage; popup.message = ex.Message; } } if (popup != null) { a.appPressResponse.Add(popup); } var formDatas = a.formDatas; var newFormDatas = new List <FormData>(); a.remoteFormDefs = new List <FormDef>(); for (int i = 0; i < formDatas.Count(); ++i) { var rFormDef = formDatas[i].formDef; newFormDatas.Add(new FormData(formDatas[i])); a.remoteFormDefs.Add(rFormDef); } int checkedFormDefs = 0; var fCount = a.remoteFormDefs.Count(); while (checkedFormDefs != fCount) { for (int i = checkedFormDefs; i < fCount; ++i) { if (a.remoteFormDefs[i].ContainerFormField != null) { var cFormDef = a.remoteFormDefs[i].ContainerFormField.formDef; a.remoteFormDefs[i].ContainerFormField.formDefId =; if (a.remoteFormDefs.Find(t => == == null) { a.remoteFormDefs.Add(cFormDef); } } } checkedFormDefs = fCount; fCount = a.remoteFormDefs.Count(); } a.formDatas = new List <FormData>(); foreach (var formData in newFormDatas) { if (formData.IsDeleted && formData.IsNew) { continue; } var fieldValues = formData.SerializableFields(a); if (fieldValues.Count() == 0) { if (formData.formDef.formFields.Find(t => t.Type == FormDefFieldType.FormContainerDynamic || t.Type == FormDefFieldType.Button) == null) { continue; } } formData.fieldValues = fieldValues; a.formDatas.Add(formData); } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(FormDef.Serialize(a, AppPress.Settings.ApplicationAppPress)); a.remoteFormDefs = null; a.formDatas = formDatas; } finally { site.Close(); } } else if (HttpContext.Current.Request["functionCall"] != null) { Util.AjaxCallHandler(currentContext.Request, currentContext.Response, appLogic); // Ajax Call Handler --- } else // Form { var site = new DAOBasic(); var formName = currentContext.Request["Form"] ?? AppPress.Settings.DefaultForm; if (formName == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid URL"); } var id = currentContext.Request["id"] == null?AppPress.GetUniqueId().ToString() : currentContext.Request["id"]; try { var formDef = FormDef.FindFormDef(AppPress.formDefs, formName); if (formDef == null) { throw new AppPressException("Could not Find Form: " + formName); } var a = (AppPress)Activator.CreateInstance(AppPress.Settings.ApplicationAppPress, new object[] { site, !formDef.NonSecure }); try { a.CreateAppPress(currentContext.Request, currentContext.Response, formDef, id, SkinType.HTML); a.ignoreSkin = currentContext.Request["ignoreSkin"] != null; var SkinFileName = currentContext.Request["SkinFileName"]; if (SkinFileName != null) { a.URLFormName = formName; a.SkinFileName = SkinFileName; } var rootFormDatas = a.formDatas.FindAll(t => t.formDef.formName == formName); if (rootFormDatas.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception("Could not find FormData with Form Name: " + formName); } else if (rootFormDatas.Count() > 1) { throw new Exception("Found more than 1 FormData with Form Name: " + formName); } var rootFormData = rootFormDatas[0]; if (currentContext.Request["_AppPressAlertMessage"] != null) { a.AlertMessage(currentContext.Request["_AppPressAlertMessage"]); } if (currentContext.Request["_AppPressFormError"] != null) { rootFormData.Error = currentContext.Request["_AppPressFormError"]; } if (rootFormData.formDef.MasterFormName != null) { rootFormDatas = a.formDatas.FindAll(t => t.formDefId == AppPress.FindFormDef(rootFormData.formDef.MasterFormName).id); if (rootFormDatas.Count() != 1) { throw new Exception("Found 0 or more than 1 Forms: " + rootFormData.formDef.MasterFormName); } rootFormData = rootFormDatas[0]; } #if DEBUG a.fieldsNotGenerated = new List <FieldValue>(); #endif var formUIStr = rootFormData.GetHtml(a, false, false, null, SkinType.HTML); formUIStr = formUIStr.Replace("AppPressHTMLHeader", a.GetHtmlHeader()); formUIStr = Util.RemoveScripts(a, formUIStr); currentContext.Response.Clear(); currentContext.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; currentContext.Response.Write(formUIStr); } catch (SessionExpiredException) { throw; } catch (ThreadAbortException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { if (formName != "ErrorForm" && formName != "BlankMasterErrorForm" && AppPress.formDefs != null) { CustomizeException xEx = new CustomizeException(); xEx.Message = ex.Message; xEx.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace; var message = ex.Message; var stackTrace = ex.StackTrace; if (ex.InnerException != null) { xEx.InnerExMessage1 = ex.InnerException.Message; xEx.InnerExStackTrace1 = ex.InnerException.StackTrace; message = ex.InnerException.Message; stackTrace = ex.InnerException.StackTrace; } if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.InnerException != null) { xEx.InnerExMessage2 = ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message; xEx.InnerExStackTrace2 = ex.InnerException.InnerException.StackTrace; message = ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message; stackTrace = ex.InnerException.InnerException.StackTrace; } string loginUserId = null; if (a.sessionData != null) { loginUserId = a.sessionData.loginUserId; } a.SendEmail(AppPress.Settings.DebugEmail, null, "Error in AppPress", "URL: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri + "\nIP: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress + "\n Login User: "******"\n FormId: " + id + "\n Error: " + message + "\n Stack: " + stackTrace, null, null, false); a = new AppPress(); var errorFormName = "BlankMasterErrorForm"; if (formDef != null && !formDef.NonSecure && currentContext.Request["s"] == null) { errorFormName = "ErrorForm"; } var url = a.GetUrl(errorFormName, null, null, null); if (a.Request != null) { System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection tempPageUrl = null; if (a.Request.UrlReferrer != null) { tempPageUrl = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(a.Request.UrlReferrer.Query); } tempPageUrl = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(a.Request.Url.Query); } if (id == "l") { id = a.sessionData.loginUserId; } //url += "&Message: " + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ex.Message); var stempData = AppPress.TryGetSessionData(); if (stempData == null) { throw; } a.sessionData.UserData[AppPressKeys.ErrorFormException] = xEx; a.sessionData.AddSecureUrl(url); a.Response.Redirect(url); } else if (ex.InnerException != null) { throw new Exception(ex.InnerException.Message + "\n\nStack Trace:\n" + ex.InnerException.StackTrace); } else { throw; } } } finally { site.Close(); } } Log.Writeln("Response: " + currentContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); }
private static string CookiePrefix(AppPressDemo p) { var prefix = AppPress.GetBaseUrl(); return(prefix); }
public ServerFunction(AppPress a, FunctionType functionType, string functionName) { this.ServerFunctionType = functionType; this.FunctionName = functionName; SetMethod(a); }
internal static void InitApplication() { if (Settings != null) { return; } try { bool isDebug = false; #if DEBUG isDebug = true; #endif Settings = new ApplicationSettings(); string ip = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; Settings.IsLocalHost = (ip == "" || ip == "::1"); string dbName = "AppPressDemo"; Settings.developer = isDebug; Settings.DEBUG = isDebug; Settings.databaseType = DatabaseType.SqlServer; Settings.NetDateFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; Settings.NetDateTimeFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"; Settings.NetDateMonthFormat = "MMM-yyyy"; Settings.JQueryDateMonthFormat = "M-yy"; if (Settings.databaseType == DatabaseType.SqlServer) { Settings.SQLDateFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; } else // MySQL { Settings.SQLDateFormat = "%d-%b-%Y"; } if (Settings.databaseType == DatabaseType.SqlServer) { Settings.SQLDateTimeFormat = Settings.SQLDateFormat + " hh:mm"; } else // MySQL { Settings.SQLDateTimeFormat = Settings.SQLDateFormat + " %h:%i %p"; } Settings.JQueryDateFormat = "dd-M-yy"; Settings.AdditionalInputDateFormats = "dd-MM-yyyy | dd/MM/yyyy"; Settings.DefaultForm = "Login"; Settings.applicationAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Settings.applicationNameSpace = "Application"; Settings.applicationClassName = "AppLogic"; Settings.pluginAssemblyNames = new List <string>(); Settings.ProductName = "AppPressDemo"; Settings.ProductURL = ""; Settings.Instances.Add(new AppPressInstance { InstanceId = 4, InstanceBaseUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/" + AppPress.GetDefaultAspx(), ApplicationData = "AppPressDemo", LocalInstance = dbName == "AppPressDemo" }); Settings.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AppPressDemo"].ConnectionString; Settings.LogoPathSmall = AppPress.GetBaseUrl() + "Resources/img/Logo_Small.png"; var smtpSection = (SmtpSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(""); Settings.Smtp = new Smtp(); Settings.Smtp.Host = smtpSection.Network.Host; Settings.Smtp.Port = smtpSection.Network.Port; Settings.Smtp.EnableSsl = smtpSection.Network.EnableSsl; Settings.Smtp.UserName = smtpSection.Network.UserName; Settings.Smtp.Password = smtpSection.Network.Password; //Settings.encryptionKey = EmpireEncryption.EmpireKey.GetEncryptionKey(site.dbName); Settings.encryptionKey = @"https://"; Settings.DebugEmail = "*****@*****.**"; Settings.useDebugEmail = AppPressApplication.Settings.IsLocalHost; Settings.ApplicationAppPress = typeof(AppLogic.AppPressDemo); AppPress.InitAppPress(Settings); var site = new DAOBasic(); try { var a = new AppPress(site); // Do any Database specific work here } finally { site.Close(); } if (PurgeUnusedFilesThread == null) { PurgeUnusedFilesThread = new Thread(PurgeUnusedFiles); PurgeUnusedFilesThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; PurgeUnusedFilesThread.Start(); } // just in case you host Debug version on server if (Settings.DEBUG && !Settings.IsLocalHost) { throw new Exception("Debug version is hosted on server. Need release version to run application."); } } catch { Settings = null; throw; } }