Esempio n. 1
        private async void ViewModel_NavigateToPage(object sender, AppNavigationEventArgs e)
            InnerMenuGrid.FadeTo(0, 100);
            await MenuGrid.LayoutTo(new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, 0), 100, Easing.CubicOut);

            MenuGrid.FadeTo(0, 100);
            switch (e.Target)
            case AppNavigation.Root:
                while (Navigation.NavigationStack.Count > 2)
                    Navigation.RemovePage(Navigation.NavigationStack[Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2]);
                await Navigation.PopAsync();


            case AppNavigation.Talents:
                await Navigation.PushAsync(new TalentsPage(ViewModel.SessionHandler));


            case AppNavigation.NewDocument:
                await Navigation.PushAsync(new CreateDocumentPage(ViewModel.SessionHandler));


            case AppNavigation.Documents:
                await Navigation.PushAsync(new DocumentsListPage(ViewModel.SessionHandler));

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic navigation implementation, you should only call it from a class that inherits from IViewModel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">View model that triggered this event</param>
        /// <param name="navigationArgs">Arguments passed for navigation</param>
        private async void NavigateTo(object sender, AppNavigationEventArgs navigationArgs)
                //Get the type of the view model
                var navigationType = navigationArgs.ViewModel.GetType();

                //Search for the type in the registered pairs
                if (!_viewViewModelPairs.ContainsKey(navigationType))
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(navigationArgs.ViewModel));

                //If the triggering, make sure you call navigate from & unsubscribe from the event subscribed to below
                if (sender is IViewModel currentViewModel)
                    await currentViewModel.NavigateFrom();

                    currentViewModel.RequestNavigation -= NavigateTo;

                //Remove any & all children from our NavigationGrid that we use for navigation

                //Get an existing view from the registered view - view model pairs
                var view = _viewViewModelPairs[navigationType];

                //Set the data context of the view to the view model
                view.DataContext = navigationArgs.ViewModel;

                //Subscribe to the navigated event, this will be called when the view model wants to navigate to the next page
                navigationArgs.ViewModel.RequestNavigation += NavigateTo;

                //Add the view that we recieved as a child of the NavigationGrid

                //Call the navigate to, in order to initialize the view model
                await navigationArgs.ViewModel.NavigateTo();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Unhandled exception occured: {e.Message}");