public ActionResult LocationIndoorNew(string countryUrlPart, string areaNameUrlPart, LocationIndoorNewViewModel m)
            PerformLocationAddValidation(areaNameUrlPart, m.Latitude, m.Longitude, m.Name, AppLookups.Country(countryUrlPart), true);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var location = geoSvc.CreateLocationIndoor(new LocationIndoor()
                    Address    = m.Address,
                    MapAddress = m.Address,
                    CountryID  = m.CountryID,
                    Latitude   = m.Latitude,
                    Longitude  = m.Longitude,
                    Name       = m.Name,
                    Website    = m.Website,
                    TypeID     = m.TypeID

                var country = AppLookups.Country(countryUrlPart);
                ViewBag.Country = country;
                var area = new GeoService().GetArea(country.ID, areaNameUrlPart);
                ViewBag.Area = area;
                ViewBag.ExistingLocations = new GeoService().GetLocationsOfArea(area.ID).Where(
                    a => a.Type == CfType.CommercialIndoorClimbing || a.Type == CfType.PrivateIndoorClimbing).ToList();

Esempio n. 2
        public JsonResult SearchAreaForNewArea(string parentAreaID, string countryUrlPart, string locality)
            var country = AppLookups.Country(countryUrlPart);

            Guid parentID;
            Area parentArea = default(Area);

            if (Guid.TryParse(parentAreaID, out parentID))
                parentArea = geoSvc.GetAreaByID(parentID);

            List <GeocodeResult> results = new List <GeocodeResult>();

            if (parentArea == default(Area))
                results = new GeocodeService().Geocode(country, locality);
                //-- we need to blur the geography otherwise places that are coast to the coast fail...
                SqlGeography blurredGeo = parentArea.Geo.STBuffer(1500); //-- 1.5Km buffer zone
                results = new GeocodeService().Geocode(country, locality, blurredGeo);

            if (results.Count == 0)
                return(Json(new { Success = false }));
                return(Json(new { Success = true, Results = results }));
Esempio n. 3
        public static MvcHtmlString FlagImage(this HtmlHelper helper, IHasCountry obj)
            if (obj.CountryID == 0 || obj.CountryID == 117)
                return(new MvcHtmlString(string.Format(@"<img src=""{0}/flags/nn.png"" alt=""Unknown Country"" />", Stgs.StaticRt)));

            return(FlagImage(helper, AppLookups.Country(obj.CountryID)));
Esempio n. 4
        public Message GetCountry(string id)
            //-- TODO: check country and pass back friendly error if not found page
            var countryWithOutGeo = AppLookups.Country(id);
            var country           = geoSvc.GetCountryByID(countryWithOutGeo.ID);

            var mapItemCollection = mapSvc.GetCountryMapItems(country);

        public JsonResult SearchAreaForNewLocationIndoor(string countryUrlPart, string locality)
            //-- Step 1) Make a GeoCoding call to Bing
            var country = AppLookups.Country(countryUrlPart);

            List <GeocodeResult> results = new GeocodeService().Geocode(country, locality);

            if (results.Count == 0)
                return(Json(new { Success = false }));

            return(Json(new { Success = true, Results = results }));
Esempio n. 6
        public static MvcHtmlString PlaceLinkWithFlag(this HtmlHelper helper, Guid placeID)
            var place = AppLookups.GetCacheIndexEntry(placeID);

            if (place == null)
                return(new MvcHtmlString(""));

            var country = AppLookups.Country(place.CountryID);

            return(new MvcHtmlString(
                       string.Format(@"<img src=""{0}/flags/{1}.png"" /> <a href=""{2}"">{3}</a>",
                                     Stgs.StaticRt, country.Flag, place.SlugUrl, place.Name)));
        public ActionResult Climb(string nameUrlPart, Guid id)
            var c = geoSvc.GetClimbByID(id);

            if (c == default(Climb))

            ViewBag.Country = AppLookups.Country(c.CountryID);
            var pageHeading = string.Format("of <a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", c.SlugUrl, c.Name);
            var model       = new ViewerViewModel(c.ID, "climb", c.Name, c.SlugUrl, mediaSvc.GetObjectsMedia(c.ID), pageHeading);

            return(View("Viewer", model));
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
            Country country        = null;
            string  countryUrlPart = null;

            bool countryUrlPartInvalid = false;

            //-- First check route data
            if (filterContext.RouteData.Values["countryUrlPart"] != null)
                countryUrlPart = filterContext.RouteData.Values["countryUrlPart"].ToString();

            //-- If route data fails, double check http query string and form parameters
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(countryUrlPart))
                if (filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request["countryUrlPart"] != null)
                    countryUrlPart = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request["countryUrlPart"].ToString();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(countryUrlPart))
                countryUrlPartInvalid = true;
                country = AppLookups.Country(countryUrlPart);
                if (country == default(Country))
                    countryUrlPartInvalid = true;
            if (countryUrlPartInvalid)
                filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult("PlaceNotFound", null);
                filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.Country = country;

Esempio n. 9
        public ActionResult ClimbDetail(Guid id, string nameUrlPart)
            var cacheClimb = AppLookups.GetCacheIndexEntry(id);

            ViewBag.Country = AppLookups.Country(cacheClimb.CountryID);

            if (cacheClimb.Type == CfType.ClimbIndoor)
                return(ClimbIndoorDetail(id, nameUrlPart));
            else if (cacheClimb.Type == CfType.ClimbOutdoor)
                return(ClimbOutdoorDetail(id, nameUrlPart));
                throw new Exception("ClimbDetail not a valid climb type");
        public ActionResult LocationOutdoorNew(string countryUrlPart, string areaNameUrlPart, LocationOutdoorNewViewModel m)
            PerformLocationAddValidation(areaNameUrlPart, m.Latitude, m.Longitude, m.Name, AppLookups.Country(countryUrlPart), false);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var location = geoSvc.CreateLocationOutdoor(new LocationOutdoor()
                    CountryID = m.CountryID,
                    Latitude  = m.Latitude,
                    Longitude = m.Longitude,
                    Name      = m.Name,
                    TypeID    = (byte)m.Type

                var view = mappingSvc.CreateBingView(new PlaceBingMapView()
                    ID                 = location.ID,
                    Bounds             = m.ViewOptions.Bounds,
                    CenterOffset       = m.ViewOptions.CenterOffset,
                    Heading            = m.ViewOptions.Heading,
                    MapCenterLatitude  = m.ViewOptions.MapCenterLatitude,
                    MapCenterLongitude = m.ViewOptions.MapCenterLongitude,
                    MapTypeId          = m.ViewOptions.MapTypeId,
                    Zoom               = m.ViewOptions.Zoom

                PrepareViewDataForLocationOutdoorNew(countryUrlPart, areaNameUrlPart);