Esempio n. 1
        internal bool ForwardTest(string uuid, out string testID)
            testID = "";
            var parser = new TestResultParser();
            UUID = uuid;
            if (!parser.ValidXmlDoc(XMLResult, TargetNamespace, XMLSchema))
                Logger.LogError("This test result from {0} is invalid [{1}]", uuid, parser.ValidationError);
                return false;

            var timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString(TimestampFormat);
            var machineGUID = GetValueFromXML(string.Concat("//", TRRConstant.ElementPrefix, ":machineID"));

                testID = GetTestID(machineGUID, timeStamp);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.LogError("[{0}] Cannot get TestID from OpsConsole - Exception: {1}", uuid, e.Message);
                return false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(machineGUID))
                machineGUID = ZeroGuid;
            var testResultArray = new[]{new TestResult
                Product = ProductName,
                TimeStamp = timeStamp,
                UUID = uuid,
                InstallGuid = ZeroGuid,
                MachineGUID = machineGUID,
                Stats = GetTestCaseListFromXML(string.Concat("//", TRRConstant.ElementPrefix, ":testCases//", TRRConstant.ElementPrefix, ":testCase"))

            var product = TestResultForwarder.ProductName;
            _productVersion = GetValueFromXML(string.Concat("//", TRRConstant.ElementPrefix, ":product"));
            var productName = GetValueFromXML(string.Concat("//", TRRConstant.ElementPrefix, ":product/@name"));
            var productVersion = GetValueFromXML(string.Concat("//", TRRConstant.ElementPrefix, ":product/@version"));
            if (IsEWM(productName, productVersion))
                Logger.LogInfo("ForwardTest: EWM Mapping {0}: {1}-{2}", uuid, productName, productVersion);
                product = "ewm";
            var runningMode = GetValueFromXML(string.Concat("//", TRRConstant.ElementPrefix, ":runningMode"));
            var xnav = XMLResult.CreateNavigator();
            var total = Convert.ToInt32(GetXPathScalar(xnav, "count(/rst:rstResult/rst:testCases/rst:testCase)", NamespaceMgr));
            var totalPass = Convert.ToInt32(GetXPathScalar(xnav, "count(/rst:rstResult/rst:testCases/rst:testCase[not(@shouldBeRerun!='false') and not(@ssiID!='') and rst:valid='pass'])", NamespaceMgr));
            var totalInfo = Convert.ToInt32(GetXPathScalar(xnav, "count(/rst:rstResult/rst:testCases/rst:testCase[not(@shouldBeRerun!='false') and not(@ssiID!='') and rst:valid='info'])", NamespaceMgr));
            var totalWarning = Convert.ToInt32(GetXPathScalar(xnav, "count(/rst:rstResult/rst:testCases/rst:testCase[not(@shouldBeRerun!='false') and not(@ssiID!='') and rst:valid='warning'])", NamespaceMgr));
            var totalAlert = Convert.ToInt32(GetXPathScalar(xnav, "count(/rst:rstResult/rst:testCases/rst:testCase[not(@shouldBeRerun!='false') and not(@ssiID!='') and rst:valid='alert'])", NamespaceMgr));
            var totalFail = Convert.ToInt32(GetXPathScalar(xnav, "count(/rst:rstResult/rst:testCases/rst:testCase[not(@shouldBeRerun!='false') and not(@ssiID!='') and rst:valid='fail'])", NamespaceMgr));
            var other = total - totalPass - totalInfo - totalWarning - totalAlert - totalFail;            

            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "runmode", StatVal = runningMode });
            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "total", StatVal = total.ToString() });
            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "pass", StatVal = totalPass.ToString() });
            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "info", StatVal = totalInfo.ToString() });
            AddValidationStat(xnav, testResultArray[0], "warn", totalWarning);
            AddValidationStat(xnav, testResultArray[0], "alert", totalAlert);
            AddValidationStat(xnav, testResultArray[0], "fail", totalFail);
            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "other", StatVal = other.ToString() });

            var compName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMPUTERNAME") ?? "";
            var envName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AS_ENV") ?? "";

            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "servname", StatVal = compName });
            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "envname", StatVal = envName });
            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "testID", StatVal = testID });
            testResultArray[0].Stats.Add(new TestCase { StatName = "product", StatVal = product });

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testResultArray);

            // TODO: comment out after debuging
            /*var fileName = string.Format("{0}-{1:yyyyMMdd}.json", uuid, DateTime.Now);
            var offlineResultsFolderPath = Path.Combine(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%AS_DATA%"), "RSTStat\\OfflineResults\\");
            if (!Directory.Exists(offlineResultsFolderPath))
            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(offlineResultsFolderPath, fileName), json);
            var compressedBytes = new MemoryStream();
            var rawBytes = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)); // auto disposed by GzipStream
            using (var gzip = new GZipStream(compressedBytes, CompressionMode.Compress, leaveOpen: true))
            compressedBytes.Position = 0L;
             Task.Run(() =>
                        using (
                            var client = new PlatformUsageDataCollectorClient(RouterBindings.Local,
                            Logger.LogInfo("ForwardTest: [{0}] test result forwarded", UUID);
                            using (
                                var appHitsClient = new AppHitsClient(RouterBindings.Local,
                                AppHitsService.Response resp = null;
                                var appHitItems = 

                                resp = appHitsClient.Process(new Request
                                    TypeHeader = TypeHeader.LOG_HITS,
                                    LogHitsReq = new LogHitsReq
                                        Product = "ekn",
                                        SubProduct = "app",
                                        AppHitItems = new AppHitItems
                                            new AppHitItem
                                                Uuid = uuid,
                                                Region = "",
                                                AppName = "SystemTest",
                                                IsEmpApp = false,
                                                FeatureName = "STR", // SubmitTestResult
                                                BusinessDate = "",
                                                GmtTime = timeStamp,
                                                Count = 1
                                if (resp != null && resp.AppHitResult.ResultCode == 1) // success
                                    Logger.LogInfo("ForwardTest: [{0}] submit test result feature hit", UUID);
                                    Logger.LogWarn("ForwardTest: [{0}] cannot send apphit", UUID);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.LogError("ForwardTest: [{0}], {1}", UUID, ex.Message);
             return true;
Esempio n. 2
        public static bool LogAppHits(List<LogStatItem> stats)
            using (var appHitsClient = new AppHitsClient(RouterBindings.Local,RouterAddresses.Local.RequestReply))
                var req = new Request
                    TypeHeader = TypeHeader.LOG_HITS,
                    LogHitsReq = new LogHitsReq
                        Product = "ekn",
                        SubProduct = "app",
                        AppHitItems = new AppHitItems()

                foreach (var uuid in stats.Where(x => x != null).GroupBy(u => u.uuid))
                    req.LogHitsReq.AppHitItems.Add(new AppHitItem
                        Uuid = uuid.Key,
                        Region = "",
                        AppName = "SystemTest",
                        IsEmpApp = false,
                        FeatureName = "MTR", // Migrate Test Result
                        BusinessDate = "",
                        GmtTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(),
                        Count = 1
                    req.LogHitsReq.AppHitItems.Add(new AppHitItem
                        Uuid = uuid.Key,
                        Region = "",
                        AppName = "SystemTest",
                        IsEmpApp = false,
                        FeatureName = "MTRStat",
                        BusinessDate = "",
                        GmtTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(),
                        Count = uuid.Count()

                var resp = appHitsClient.Process(req);
                if (resp != null && resp.AppHitResult.ResultCode == 1) // success
                    ALogger.LogInfo("LogAppHits: [{0}] migrate test result feature hit", req.LogHitsReq.AppHitItems.Count);
                    return true;
                    ALogger.LogWarn("LogAppHits: [{0}] cannot send apphit", req.LogHitsReq.AppHitItems.Count);
                    return false;