public void UploadFileToS3_GetS3SignedUrl_Delete_IntegrationTest()

            AppFileService target = (AppFileService)AppFileEN.GetService("");
            string         key    = "systemtest/testintegrationfile2.jpg";

            // test deleting existing file
            catch (Exception)

            byte[] testbytes = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
            target.UploadFileToS3(key, testbytes, "image/jpg", Guid.NewGuid());

            var url = target.GetS3SignedUrlAccess(key, 5);

            using (System.Net.WebClient w = new System.Net.WebClient())
                byte[] data = w.DownloadData(url);
                Assert.IsTrue(data.Length > 0);

Esempio n. 2
 public Form1(WebClientService webClientService, AppFileService appFileService)
     _webClientService    = webClientService;
     _appFileService      = appFileService;
     _appCurrentDirectory = Application.StartupPath;
        public void UploadToS3Completed_Test()
            // this test inserts a new file into the database and updates its status
            // by completing it
            string         fileName = "testfile.jpg";
            AppFileService target   = (AppFileService)AppFileEN.GetService("");
            var            appFile  = target.InsertNewFile(fileName, (int)EntityEnums.AppEntityFileTypeEnum.Test_Picture_Upload, TestEnums.User.constPatientUserID);

            Assert.AreEqual(appFile.AppFileUploadStatusID, (short)EntityEnums.AppEntityFileUploadStatus.Incomplete);
            string fileKey = "systemtest/testfile.jpg";

            target.DeleteFromS3(fileKey); // clearning test

            byte[] bytes = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            target.UploadFileToS3(fileKey, bytes, "image/jpg", Guid.NewGuid());
            target.UploadToS3Completed(new AppFileUploadToS3CompletedSP()
                AppFileID = appFile.AppFileID

            var   actualfile = target.GetByIDT(appFile.AppFileID);
            short newStatus  = actualfile.AppFileUploadStatusID;

            try // Cleaning test data
            catch (Exception)
            Assert.AreEqual(newStatus, (short)EntityEnums.AppEntityFileUploadStatus.Completed);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the singleton application object.  This is the first line of authored code
        /// executed, and as such is the logical equivalent of main() or WinMain().
        /// </summary>
        public App()
            this.Suspending        += OnSuspending;
            this.Resuming          += App_Resuming;
            this.EnteredBackground += App_EnteredBackground;

            var DS = new DialogService();

            Repository.StoreFactory <IDialogService>(() => DS);

            var KEH = new KnownExceptionHandler();

            Repository.StoreFactory <IKnownExceptionHandler>(() => KEH);

            var NS = new NavigationService();

            Repository.StoreFactory <INavigationService>(() => NS);

            var TPS = new TilePinService();

            Repository.StoreFactory <ITilePinService>(() => TPS);

            var TS = new ToastService();

            Repository.StoreFactory <IToastService>(() => TS);

            var AFS = new AppFileService();

            Repository.StoreFactory <IAppFileService>(() => AFS);

            var AMS = new AppMetadataService();

            Repository.StoreFactory <IAppMetadata>(() => AMS);
        public void FileExistsS3_Test2()
            AppFileService target   = (AppFileService)AppFileEN.GetService("");
            string         key      = "systemtest/randomfilename123123123.jpg";
            bool           expected = false;
            bool           actual   = target.FileExistsS3(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "file " + key + "should not exists on Amazon S3 bucket.");
        public void FileExistsS3_Test()
            AppFileService target   = (AppFileService)AppFileEN.GetService("");
            string         key      = "systemtest/testwebprivatedownload.jpg";
            bool           expected = true;
            bool           actual   = target.FileExistsS3(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "file " + key + "should exist on Amazon S3 bucket.");
        public void GetFileKey2Test()
            AppFileService target              = (AppFileService)AppFileEN.GetService("");
            string         recordId            = "123123";
            string         virtualPathTemplate = "userfiles/u{userid}/visitattach/{recordid}/image.jpg";
            string         selectedfileName    = "filename.jpg";
            long           userId              = 100000001;
            string         expected            = "userfiles/u100000001/visitattach/123123/image.jpg";
            string         actual              = target.GetFileKeyByPathTemplate(virtualPathTemplate, selectedfileName, userId, recordId);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void GetFileKeyTest()
            var            AppFile             = AppFileServiceTest.CreateNewAppFile();
            AppFileService target              = (AppFileService)AppFileEN.GetService("");
            string         recordId            = "123123";
            string         virtualPathTemplate = "userfiles/u{userid}/visitattach/{recordid}/{filename}";
            string         selectedfileName    = "";
            long           userId              = 100000001;
            string         expected            = "userfiles/u100000001/visitattach/123123/";
            string         actual              = target.GetFileKeyByPathTemplate(virtualPathTemplate, selectedfileName, userId, recordId);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void GetS3SignedUrlAccessTest()

            // test generates a url for downloading a file from S3
            // it downloads the file and checks the length to be more than 0
            AppFileService target = (AppFileService)AppFileEN.GetService("");
            string         key    = "systemtest/testwebprivatedownload.jpg";
            var            url    = target.GetS3SignedUrlAccess(key, 5);

            using (System.Net.WebClient w = new System.Net.WebClient())
                byte[] data = w.DownloadData(url);
                Assert.IsTrue(data.Length > 0);