public void ReloadStudySetLibrary() { string libSaveKey = SaveKeys.StudySetLibrary(SettingsManager.Instance.CurrForeignCode); //// QQQ if we can't find the correct key, use the OLD one. Should just be for ONE push to my phone. //if (SettingsManager.Instance.CurrForeignCode=="da" && !SaveStorage.HasKey(libSaveKey)) { // if (SaveStorage.HasKey("StudySetLibrary")) { // libSaveKey = "StudySetLibrary"; // } //} // NO save data?! Ok, default to Quizlet hardcoded ones! :) if (!SaveStorage.HasKey(libSaveKey)) { //ReplaceAllStudySetsWithPremadeHardcodedOnes(); library = new StudySetLibrary(); } // Otherwise, YES load what's been saved! else { string jsonString = SaveStorage.GetString(libSaveKey); library = JsonUtility.FromJson <StudySetLibrary>(jsonString); // Convert the unpacked term list to our efficient dictionary. library.RemakeTermsDictionaryFromList(); // Reaffiliate all terms with their sets. foreach (StudySet set in library.GetMainAndBenchedSetsList()) { set.SetMyLibraryAndGiveMyTermsRefToMe(library); } } // Hardcoded. Set some properties manually. //library.setToughies.isRemixSet = true; //library.setSourdough.isRemixSet = true; //library.setAced.canIncludeMeInRemixes = false; //library.setInQueue.canIncludeMeInRemixes = false; //library.setShelved.canIncludeMeInRemixes = false; //library.setToValidate.canIncludeMeInRemixes = false; //library.setWantRecording.canIncludeMeInRemixes = false; //foreach (StudySet set in library.sets) { // set.canIncludeMeInRemixes = true; //} // DEBUG. Print any terms that don't belong to the set they're in. foreach (StudySet set in library.sets) { for (int i = set.allTermGs.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { string termG = set.allTermGs[i]; Term term = library.GetTerm(termG); if (term.mySet != set) { AppDebugLog.LogError("MISMATCH BETWEEN SETS: " + + ", " + term.MySetName() + ", " + term.native); set.RemoveTerm(termG); // Remove it from this set! ONLY trust the Term's set. } } } }
public Term GetCurrTerm() { // Safety check. if (pileQueueG == null || pileQueueG.Count <= 0) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops! Trying to GetCurrTerm, but there's nothing in this StudySet's pileQueue."); return(null); } return(myLibrary.GetTerm(pileQueueG[0])); }
public void UpdateAllTiles() { t_header.text = SettingsManager.Instance.CurrForeignNameFull.ToUpper(); // First, let's update JUST the special ones. setTile_aced.UpdateVisuals(this, dm.library.setAced); setTile_inQueue.UpdateVisuals(this, dm.library.setInQueue); setTile_shelved.UpdateVisuals(this, dm.library.setShelved); setTile_toValidate.UpdateVisuals(this, dm.library.setToValidate); setTile_wantRecording.UpdateVisuals(this, dm.library.setWantRecording); setTile_toughies.UpdateVisuals(); List <StudySet> sets = dm.library.sets; // Destroy any extras. int count = 0; while (tileViews.Count > sets.Count) { StudySetTileView tile = tileViews[tileViews.Count - 1]; tileViews.Remove(tile); Destroy(tile.gameObject); if (count++ > 9999) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops, count got too big in while loop in UpdateTileList."); break; } } // Add any missing. count = 0; while (tileViews.Count < sets.Count) { StudySetTileView newTile = Instantiate(ResourcesHandler.Instance.StudySetTileView).GetComponent <StudySetTileView>(); newTile.Initialize(this, rt_tilesContent); tileViews.Add(newTile); if (count++ > 9999) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops, count got too big in while loop in UpdateTileList."); break; } } // Now update all the existing tiles! for (int i = 0; i < tileViews.Count; i++) { tileViews[i].SetMySet(sets[i]); } // Update the parent content RT height! float contentHeight = tileViews.Count * (tileHeight + tileSpacing) + 200; rt_scrollContent.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rt_scrollContent.sizeDelta.x, contentHeight); }
private void UpdateTileList() { // -- TEXTS -- if_setName.text =; // update header // -- TILES -- List <string> termGs = currSet.allTermGs; // Destroy any extras. int count = 0; while (termTiles.Count > termGs.Count) { TermEditableTile tile = termTiles[termTiles.Count - 1]; termTiles.Remove(tile); Destroy(tile.gameObject); if (count++ > 9999) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops, count got too big in while loop in UpdateTileList."); break; } } // Add any missing. count = 0; while (termTiles.Count < termGs.Count) { TermEditableTile newTile = Instantiate(ResourcesHandler.Instance.TermEditableTile).GetComponent <TermEditableTile>(); newTile.Initialize(true, rt_tilesContent); termTiles.Add(newTile); if (count++ > 9999) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops, count got too big in while loop in UpdateTileList."); break; } } // Now update all the existing tiles! for (int i = 0; i < termGs.Count; i++) { Term term = dm.library.GetTerm(termGs[i]); TermEditableTile tile = termTiles[i]; if (term == null) { Debug.LogError("Whoa, can't find a term in the library for this set."); } tile.SetMyTerm(i, term); } }
//private void AddHardcodedSetFromString(string setName, string allTermsStr) { // // Make and add empty new set. // StudySet newSet = new StudySet(library, setName, SetTypes.Regular); // library.sets.Add(newSet); // // Make all the new terms. // string[] termStrings = allTermsStr.Split('\n'); // foreach (string str in termStrings) { // AddTermFromExportedString(newSet, str); // } //} private void AddTermFromExportedString(StudySet set, string str) { try { int splitIndex; if (str.Contains(" — ")) { splitIndex = str.IndexOf(" — "); // use double-sized hyphen, if that's how it's (optionally) formatted. } else { splitIndex = str.IndexOf(" - "); // otherwise, split by the regular hyphen. } string native = str.Substring(splitIndex + 3); string foreign = str.Substring(0, splitIndex); string phonetic = ""; // pull out the phonetic pronunciation int lbIndex = foreign.LastIndexOf('['); // left bracket index int rbIndex = foreign.LastIndexOf(']'); // right bracket index if (rbIndex == foreign.Length - 1) // if this one ENDS in a phonetic explanation... { phonetic = foreign.Substring(lbIndex + 1); phonetic = phonetic.Substring(0, phonetic.Length - 1); // get rid of that last ] char. foreign = foreign.Substring(0, lbIndex - 1); } //int splitIndexA = str.IndexOf(" — "); //int splitIndexB = str.LastIndexOf(" — "); //string native = str.Substring(splitIndex + 3); //string foreign = str.Substring(0, splitIndex); //string phonetic = ""; //// pull out the phonetic pronunciation //int lbIndex = foreign.LastIndexOf('['); // left bracket index //int rbIndex = foreign.LastIndexOf(']'); // right bracket index //if (rbIndex == foreign.Length - 1) { // if this one ENDS in a phonetic explanation... // phonetic = foreign.Substring(lbIndex + 1); // phonetic = phonetic.Substring(0, phonetic.Length - 1); // get rid of that last ] char. // foreign = foreign.Substring(0, lbIndex - 1); //} Term newTerm = new Term(native, foreign, phonetic); // Add this term to the library! library.AddNewTerm(newTerm, set); } catch { AppDebugLog.LogError("Issue with imported term string: " + str); } }
public void ReplaceAllTermsAndShuffleStartNewRound(List <Term> newTerms) { if (!isRemixSet) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Whoa! Trying to ReplaceAndShuffleAllTerms on a set that OWNS its terms. This function is only meant for remix sets, which DON'T own their terms, like the Sourdough/Toughies sets."); } // Clear lists. allTermGs.Clear(); pileYesG.Clear(); pileNoG.Clear(); pileQueueG.Clear(); pileYesesAndNosG.Clear(); // Replenish me. for (int i = 0; i < newTerms.Count; i++) { allTermGs.Add(newTerms[i].myGuid); } // Make that sweet, sweet new round. ShuffleAndRestartDeck(); }
public void AddTerm(string termGuid) { Term term = myLibrary.GetTerm(termGuid); if (allTermGs.Contains(termGuid)) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops! Attempting to add a Term to a list it's already in. Add aborted. Term: " + term.native); return; } // Safety check! ONLY add if it's not already in our list. No dupes. if (!isRemixSet) { term.mySet = this; // ONLY set mySet if I own my terms! (So, don't do it for the Remix sets.) } allTermGs.Add(termGuid); // Are we in a round? Great, insert it randomly into the queue! if (pileQueueG.Count > 0) { int randIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, pileQueueG.Count - 1); pileQueueG.Insert(randIndex, termGuid); } }
} // e.g. "Danish" private void UpdateForeignCodeValues() { switch (currForeignCode) { case "da": CurrForeignNameAbbr = "Dan"; CurrForeignNameFull = "Danish"; break; case "en": CurrForeignNameAbbr = "Eng"; CurrForeignNameFull = "English"; break; case "fr": CurrForeignNameAbbr = "Fre"; CurrForeignNameFull = "French"; break; case "it": CurrForeignNameAbbr = "Ita"; CurrForeignNameFull = "Italian"; break; case "de": CurrForeignNameAbbr = "Ger"; CurrForeignNameFull = "German"; break; case "es": CurrForeignNameAbbr = "Spa"; CurrForeignNameFull = "Spanish"; break; default: CurrForeignNameAbbr = "Und"; CurrForeignNameFull = "Undefined"; AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops! Foreign code not supported: " + currForeignCode); break; } }
public void RewindOneCard() { if (pileYesesAndNosG.Count == 0) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops, trying to rewind, but we have nothing in pileYesesAndNos list."); return; } string prevG = pileYesesAndNosG[pileYesesAndNosG.Count - 1]; Term prevT = myLibrary.GetTerm(prevG); pileQueueG.Insert(0, prevG); pileYesesAndNosG.Remove(prevG); if (pileYesG.Contains(prevG)) { pileYesG.Remove(prevG); prevT.totalYeses--; } else { pileNoG.Remove(prevG); prevT.totalNos--; } }
public void OnEndEditPastedNewTerms() { string pastedTerms = if_pastedTerms.text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pastedTerms)) { return; } // No string? Get outta here. string[] termStrings = pastedTerms.Split('\n'); string errorStr = ""; // we'll add to this as we find issues. List <Term> newTerms = new List <Term>(); foreach (string str in termStrings) { try { int splitIndex; if (str.Contains(" — ")) { splitIndex = str.IndexOf(" — "); // use double-sized hyphen, if that's how it's (optionally) formatted. } else { splitIndex = str.IndexOf(" - "); // otherwise, split by the regular hyphen. } string native = str.Substring(splitIndex + 3); string foreign = str.Substring(0, splitIndex); string phonetic = ""; // pull out the phonetic pronunciation int lbIndex = foreign.LastIndexOf('['); // left bracket index int rbIndex = foreign.LastIndexOf(']'); // right bracket index if (rbIndex == foreign.Length - 1) // if this one ENDS in a phonetic explanation... { phonetic = foreign.Substring(lbIndex + 1); phonetic = phonetic.Substring(0, phonetic.Length - 1); // get rid of that last ] char. foreign = foreign.Substring(0, lbIndex - 1); } newTerms.Add(new Term(native, foreign, phonetic)); } catch { AppDebugLog.LogError("Some issue with an imported term string: \"" + str + "\""); } } // Print any issues. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorStr)) { AppDebugLog.LogError(errorStr); } // Okay, NOW let's go ahead and add all the new terms to the StudySet! foreach (Term term in newTerms) { dm.library.AddNewTerm(term, currSet); } GameManagers.Instance.DataManager.SaveStudySetLibrary(); // Clear text field if_pastedTerms.text = ""; // Dispatch event! eventManager.OnAnySetContentsChanged(); }
IEnumerator LoadAudioClipCoroutine(string fullPath, bool doPlayImmediately) { fullPath = "file:///" + fullPath; // HACK for Mac? We can't find the audio file without this prefix, but *only* for loading, not saving. using (var uwr = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(fullPath, AudioType.WAV)) { ((DownloadHandlerAudioClip)uwr.downloadHandler).streamAudio = true; audioSource.clip = null; // default this to null, in case we fail. yield return(uwr.SendWebRequest()); if (uwr.isNetworkError || uwr.isHttpError) { AppDebugLog.LogError(uwr.error); yield break; } DownloadHandlerAudioClip dlHandler = (DownloadHandlerAudioClip)uwr.downloadHandler; yield return(dlHandler); if (dlHandler.isDone) { audioSource.clip = dlHandler.audioClip; if (audioSource.clip != null) { WWW download = new WWW(fullPath); // HACKED, using WWW! I think DownloadHandlerAudioClip doesn't support getting the file samples. Not sure tho. yield return(download); bool threeD = false; bool stream = false; AudioClip clip = download.GetAudioClip(threeD, stream, AudioType.WAV); //float[] samples = new float[clip.samples * clip.channels]; //clip.GetData(samples, 0); //for (int s = 0; s < 100; s++) Debug.Log(samples[s]); //AudioClip clip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(uwr); if (SettingsManager.Instance.DoTrimAudioClips) { clip = AudioEditor.GetQuietTrimmed(clip); } if (SettingsManager.Instance.DoNormalizeAudioClips) { clip = AudioEditor.GetNormalized(clip); } audioSource.clip = clip; GameManagers.Instance.EventManager.OnClipLoadSuccess(clip); if (doPlayImmediately) { Play(); } } else { GameManagers.Instance.EventManager.OnClipLoadFail(); Debug.Log("Couldn't load a valid AudioClip."); } } else { Debug.Log("The download process is not completely finished."); } } }
public void RefreshTermTiles() { // Update resultTerms! string searchStr = if_search.text.ToUpperInvariant(); resultTerms = new List <Term>(); if (searchStr.Length > 0) { foreach (Term term in allTerms) { if (term.native.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(searchStr) || term.foreign.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(searchStr) || term.phonetic.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(searchStr)) { resultTerms.Add(term); } } } // Update t_andMore. int numHiddenResults = resultTerms.Count - MaxResultsToShow; t_andMore.gameObject.SetActive(numHiddenResults > 0); if (numHiddenResults > 0) { t_andMore.text = "...and " + numHiddenResults + " more"; } // Update t_numResults t_numResults.text = searchStr.Length == 0 ? "" : resultTerms.Count + " results"; // Destroy any extras. int count = 0; while (termTiles.Count > resultTerms.Count) { TermEditableTile tile = termTiles[termTiles.Count - 1]; termTiles.Remove(tile); Destroy(tile.gameObject); if (count++ > 9999) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops, count got too big in while loop in UpdateTileList."); break; } } // Add any missing. count = 0; while (termTiles.Count < resultTerms.Count && termTiles.Count < MaxResultsToShow) { TermEditableTile newTile = Instantiate(ResourcesHandler.Instance.TermEditableTile).GetComponent <TermEditableTile>(); newTile.Initialize(false, rt_tilesContent); termTiles.Add(newTile); if (count++ > 9999) { AppDebugLog.LogError("Oops, count got too big in while loop in UpdateTileList."); break; } } // Now update all the tiles! for (int i = 0; i < resultTerms.Count && i < MaxResultsToShow; i++) { TermEditableTile tile = termTiles[i]; tile.SetMyTerm(i, resultTerms[i]); } // Update the parent content RT height! const float tileHeight = 130; float tileSpacing = rt_tilesContent.GetComponent <VerticalLayoutGroup>().spacing; float contentHeight = termTiles.Count * (tileHeight + tileSpacing) + 450; rt_scrollContent.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rt_scrollContent.sizeDelta.x, contentHeight); }