public int Usp_UserOrg_Insert(UserOrgEntity entity) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { bll.DbContext = bll.CreateDbContext(true); try { DataHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("Usp_User_Insert", entity.User); if (entity.User.I_Category == 105 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Org.C_Name)) { /// 机构用户 190 审核未通过 185 审核通过 OrganizationEntity orgEntity = bll.GetDataItem<OrganizationEntity>("Usp_Org_ById", new { Id = entity.Org.Id }); if (orgEntity!=null && orgEntity.I_Audited >190 && entity.Org.I_Audited <= 190) { ///设置审核日期 entity.Org.D_Confirm = DateTime.Now; } if (orgEntity == null) { entity.Org.Id = entity.User.Id; } DataHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("Usp_Org_Insert", entity.Org); WriteLog("用户及机构资料编辑", entity); } bll.DbContext.CommitTransaction(); return 1; } catch (Exception ex) { return -1; } } }
/// <summary> /// 返回条件节点的期望值 /// </summary> /// <param name="flowAttachment"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int FindExpect(FlowAttachment flowAttachment) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { FlowKinkEntity flowKind = bll.GetDataItem <FlowKinkEntity>("Usp_FlowKind_Get", new { Id = flowAttachment.Kind }); return((int)flowKind.I_Flow); } }
public static IList <GradeCourse> GetCourseCodeAll() { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select FullName,CourseCode from tdCourseCode Where SubString(CourseCode,2,1) =1"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeCourse>(sql, new {})); } }
public static IList <GradeCode> GetGradeAll() { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select * from tdGradeCode"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeCode>(sql, new {})); } }
public static string GetScope(string teacherId) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "select * from s_tb_teacherscope where teacherid=@teacherId and teachertype=2"; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { teacherId = teacherId }))); } }
public static IList <TestLogin> GetTestNo(int micyear, int testtype) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select testno from s_tb_Testlogin where Academicyear=@micyear" + " and testtype=@testtype "; return(bll.FillListByText <TestLogin>(sql, new { micyear = micyear, testtype = testtype })); } }
public static IList <Student> GetStudentsByGrade(int academicyear, string classNo) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select SRID AS StudentId,StdName from s_vw_ClassStudent" + " Where Academicyear=@academicyear and ClassCode in (" + classNo + ")"; return(bll.FillListByText <Student>(sql, new { academicyear = academicyear })); } }
public static string GetQueryBTeacher(int?micyear, string gradeCourse, int?gradecode, int?testtypes, int?testno, string stuId, int?order) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select GradeName+'('+substring(classCode,3,2)+')班' as class," + "ClassSN," + "CourseName," + "TypeName," + "SRID," + "StdName," + "NumScore," + "LevelScore," + "StandardScore," + "GradeOrder," + "ClassOrder," + "markName, " + "markcode, " + "teacherName,ClassCode,Testno " + "from s_vw_ClassScoreNum " + " Where ClassCode=@gradecode " + " and Academicyear=@micyear"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gradeCourse)) { sql += " and CourseCode in (" + gradeCourse + ")"; } if (testtypes != null) { sql += " and TestType=" + testtypes + " "; } if (testno != null) { sql += " and TestNo=" + testno + ""; } if (stuId != "") { sql += " and SRID in(" + stuId + ")"; } if (order == null) { sql += " Order By Testno,NumScore desc"; } else if (order == 0) { sql += " Order By classSN"; } else { sql += " Order By NumScore desc"; } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { gradecode = gradecode, micyear = micyear }))); } }
public static IList <GradeCourse> GetBCourse(int teacherScope) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "select a.Coursecode as CourseCode,b.BriefName as FullName from tbCourseUse a,tdCourseCode b " + "Where a.coursecode=b.coursecode and SubString(a.CourseCode,2,1) =1 and a.GradeNo=@teacherScope group by a.Coursecode,BriefName"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeCourse>(sql, new { teacherScope = teacherScope })); } }
public static string GetGradeScope(string teacherId) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select scope,GradeName from s_tb_teacherscope,tdGradeCode " + "Where teachertype=3 and teacherID=@teacherId and scope= Gradeno"; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { teacherId = teacherId }))); } }
public static IList <Student> GetStudent(int academicyear, int classcode) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select SRID AS StudentId,StdName from s_vw_ClassStudent" + " Where Academicyear=@academicyear and ClassCode=@classcode"; return(bll.FillListByText <Student>(sql, new { academicyear = academicyear, classcode = classcode })); } }
public static string GetGradeByGradeNo(int micyear, int gradeNo) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "select GradeBriefName+'('+substring(tbGradeClass.classNo,3,2)+')班' AS GradeBriefName,classNo " + "from tdGradeCode,tbGradeClass WHERE tbGradeClass.Gradeno=tdGradeCode.GradeNo " + "AND tbGradeClass.academicYear=@micyear and tbGradeClass.GradeNo=@gradeNo"; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { micyear = micyear, gradeNo = gradeNo }))); } }
public static IList <UserAuth> GetUserAuths(string teacher) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "SELECT a.FuncId, b.FuncName, b.Description, b.FuncType" + " FROM s_tb_Rights a INNER JOIN s_tb_FunctionNew b ON a.FuncId = b.FuncID" + " where a.TeacherID in (select @teacherID" + " union Select GroupID from tbGroupInfo where teacherID=@teacherID)"; return(bll.FillListByText <UserAuth>(sql, new { teacherID = teacher })); } }
public static IList <GradeCode> GetGradeCodeByTeacherId(int micyear, string teacherid) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "SELECT a.ClassID as GradeNo, c.GradeBriefName+'('+substring(a.ClassID,3,2)+')班' as GradeName" + " FROM tbTeacherClass a INNER JOIN tbGradeClass b ON a.AcademicYear = b.AcadEmicYear AND " + " a.ClassID = b.ClassNo INNER JOIN tdGradeCode c ON b.GradeNo = c.GradeNo" + " where a.AcademicYear=@micyear and a.teacherID=@teacherid Group by a.ClassID,c.GradeBriefName"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeCode>(sql, new { micyear = micyear, teacherid = teacherid })); } }
public static IList <GradeCourse> GetGradeCourseByTeacherId(int micyear, string teacherid) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "select a.CourseCode,b.FullName from tbTeacherClass as A,tdCourseCode as B" + " where A.CourseCode=B.CourseCode and teacherid=@teacherid" + " and a.Academicyear=@micyear" + " group by A.coursecode,b.FullName"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeCourse>(sql, new { micyear = micyear, teacherid = teacherid })); } }
public static string GetQueryGradeManager(int?micyear, string gradeCourse, int?gradecode, int?testtypes, int?testno, string classCode, string stuId, int?order) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select GradeName+'('+substring(Classcode,3,2)+')班' as class," + "ClassSN ," + "stdName , " + "CourseName ," + "TypeName ," + "TestNo ," + "NumScore ," + "GradeOrder," + "ClassOrder," + "teacherName," + "markcode, " + "ClassCode " + "from s_vw_ClassScoreNum " + " Where Academicyear=@micyear "; if (gradecode != null) { sql += "and GradeNo=" + gradecode + ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gradeCourse)) { sql += " and CourseCode in (" + gradeCourse + ")"; } if (testtypes != null) { sql += " and TestType=" + testtypes + " "; } if (testno != null) { sql += " and TestNo=" + testno + ""; } if (classCode != "") { sql += " and ClassCode in(" + classCode + ")"; } if (stuId != null) { sql += " and SRID =" + stuId + ""; } if (order == 1) { sql += " Order By Testno,NumScore DESC,courseName"; } else { sql += " Order By ClassCode,ClassSN,courseName"; } DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { micyear = micyear }); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(table)); } }
public static DataTable GetTestLoginByYear(int micYear) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "select TestType,TestNo as TestLoginNo, case when TestType=0 then '平时' + CAST(testno as varchar)" + " when TestType=1 then '期中' + CAST(testno as varchar)" + " else '期末' + CAST(testno as varchar) end Name" + " from s_tb_testlogin where Academicyear='{0}' order by cast(testno as int)"; sql = string.Format(sql, micYear); return(bll.FillDataTableByText(sql)); } }
public static IList <GradeCourse> GetGradeCourse(int micYear, GradeCode gradeCode) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "SELECT a.Academicyear,a.GradeNo, a.CourseCode, b.FullName" + " FROM tbCourseUse a LEFT OUTER JOIN" + " tdCourseCode b ON a.coursecode = b.CourseCode" + " where a.Academicyear=@micYear" + " and a.GradeNo=@gradeNo"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeCourse>(sql, new { micYear = micYear, gradeNo = gradeCode.GradeNo })); } }
/// <summary> /// 查找最新的app下载 /// </summary> private void fetchingLastVersionOfApp() { using (var apps = new AppBLL()) { var app = apps.FindList <TB_Application>(f => f.Useable == true, "CreateTime", true).FirstOrDefault(); if (null != app) { download.HRef = app.Download; download.Title = app.Description_en; } } }
public static int ChangePwd(string teacherID, string oldPwd, string newPwd, int status) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { ChangePwdEntity entity = new ChangePwdEntity() { TeacherID = teacherID, OldPwd = oldPwd, NewPwd = newPwd, Status = status, Result = 0 }; bll.ExecuteNonQuery("USP_System_ChangePwd", entity); return(entity.Result); } }
/// <summary> /// 导出用户清单 /// </summary> protected void ExportUserGroup() { var schoolName = Request["school"]; using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "select distinct Name as 用户名称,Password as 密码 from tbUserGroupInfo where teacherid<'9999999990000' and (Status<>'1' or status is null) order by Name"; DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql); string fileName = string.Format("{0}.xls", schoolName); string excelHtml = DataTableToHtml(table, string.Format("{0}成绩分析系统用户清单", schoolName)); UtilHelper.DownToExcel(fileName, excelHtml); } }
public static int GetStartIndex(string tableName) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText("Select * from " + tableName); if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { return(1); } table = bll.FillDataTableByText("select Max(Cast(Right(SystemID,8) as Integer )) as MaxID from " + tableName); return(int.Parse(table.Rows[0]["MaxID"].ToString()) + 1); } }
public static string mf_getTable() { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { int tempStr = 1; DataTable table = bll.FillDataTable("p_getTableName", null); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { tempStr = int.Parse(table.Rows[0][0].ToString()) + 1; } return(string.Format("s_tb_TempScore{0}", tempStr)); } }
public static IList <GradeCourse> GetGradeCourse(GradeCode gradeCode, int flag) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "SELECT a.Academicyear,a.GradeNo, a.CourseCode, b.FullName" + " FROM tbCourseUse a LEFT OUTER JOIN" + " tdCourseCode b ON a.coursecode = b.CourseCode" + " where (@flag=-1 or b.IsDownLoad = @flag)" + " and a.GradeNo=@gradeNo" + " group by a.Academicyear,a.gradeno,a.coursecode, b.FullName"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeCourse>(sql, new { gradeNo = gradeCode.GradeNo, flag = flag })); } }
public static IList <Academicyear> GetAcademicyear() { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "select academicyear as MicYear from tbGradeClass group by academicyear"; IList <Academicyear> years = bll.FillListByText <Academicyear>(sql, null); if (years == null || !years.Any()) { sql = "SELECT AcademicYear as MicYear FROM tbSchoolBaseInfo"; years = bll.FillListByText <Academicyear>(sql, null); } return(years); } }
private static void Revoke(AppBLL bll, string teacher, FuncEntry funcEntry) { if (funcEntry.Kind > 0) { var sql = "Delete from s_tb_rights Where TeacherID=@UserID and FuncID=@FuncID and SYSNO=2"; bll.ExecuteNonQueryByText(sql, new { UserID = teacher, FuncID = funcEntry.FuncID }); } if (funcEntry.Children.Any()) { foreach (var func in funcEntry.Children) { Revoke(bll, teacher, func); } } }
public static IList <TestType> GetTestTypeByCourse(int micYear, GradeCourse gradeCourse, GradeCode gradeCode) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = " SELECT a.TestType as Code, b.TypeName as Name" + " FROM s_tb_testlogin a INNER JOIN" + " s_tb_TestTypeInfo b ON a.TestType = b.TestType" + " where a.AcademicYear=@micYear" + " and a.coursecode in ('00000', @courseCode)" + " and a.GradeNo in ('00',@gradeNo)" + " group by a.testtype,b.typename " + " order by a.testtype "; return(bll.FillListByText <TestType>(sql, new { micYear = micYear, courseCode = gradeCourse.CourseCode, gradeNo = gradeCode.GradeNo })); } }
public static FuncEntry GetFuncTree() { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "Select Cast(FuncId as int) as FuncId, FuncName, Description, FuncType, Cast(FuncID0 as int) As Parent, SysNo from s_tb_FunctionNew Where FuncName!='-' order by FuncID"; IList <FuncEntry> funcs = bll.FillListByText <FuncEntry>(sql, null); var functions = from v in funcs where v.Parent == -1 select v; if (!functions.Any()) { return(null); } var rootFunc = functions.First(); BuildChild(rootFunc, funcs); return(rootFunc); } }
public static IList <GradeCourse> GetCourseByYear(int academicYear) { try { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "SELECT a.CourseCode, b.FullName FROM tbCourseUse a LEFT OUTER JOIN tdCourseCode b ON a.coursecode = b.CourseCode " + " where a.Academicyear=@micYear group by A.coursecode,b.FullName order by A.Coursecode"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeCourse>(sql, new { micYear = academicYear })); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static int SaveUserGroup(UserGroupInfo userGroup) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { if (userGroup.TeacherID.Trim().Equals("-1")) { //新增查重 var sql = "Select * from tbUserGroupInfo Where Name=@UserName"; DataTable table = bll.FillDataTableByText(sql, new { UserName = userGroup.Name }); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { return(-1); //数据库中已经存在名称为{0}的用户或组 } } return(bll.ExecuteNonQuery("USP_System_InsertUserGroup", userGroup)); } }
public static IList <GradeClass> GetGradeClassByYear(Academicyear academicYear) { try { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { var sql = "select GradeBriefName+'('+substring(classNo,3,2)+')班' AS GradeBriefName,ClassNo" + " from tdGradeCode g,tbGradeClass c " + " where c.gradeno=g.GradeNo and c.academicyear=2013"; return(bll.FillListByText <GradeClass>(sql, new { micYear = academicYear.MicYear })); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public int Usp_User_Register(UserEntity user) { try { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { DataTable table = bll.FillDataTable("Usp_User_GetByMobile", new { C_Mobile = user.C_Mobile }); /// 手机号码已经注册 if (table.Rows.Count > 0) return -2; user.I_Flag = 1; user.D_Create = DateTime.Now; user.C_Login = user.C_Mobile; user.C_Password = SHA256(user.C_Password); WriteLog("用户注册", user); return bll.ExecuteNonQuery("Usp_User_Insert", user); } } catch (Exception ex) { return -1; } }
/// <summary> /// 流程审核 /// </summary> /// <param name="flowEngine">流程</param> /// <param name="auditType">审核类型</param> /// <param name="auditDesc">审核描述</param> /// <param name="userId">Sys_User.Id</param> /// <returns>true 审核成功 false 不能审核</returns> public bool Audit(FlowEngine flowEngine, AuditType auditType, string auditDesc, int userId) { using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { Participant participant = null; Conclusion conclusion = null; IList<FunctionEntity> userFuncs = bll.FillList<FunctionEntity>("Usp_Funcs_ByUser", new { UserId = userId }); foreach (var userFunc in userFuncs) { participant = new Participant() { Category = 1, Department = -1, Reference = (long)userFunc.Id }; conclusion = new Conclusion(auditType, (long)userId, DateTime.Now) { Description = auditDesc }; if (flowEngine.Audit(conclusion, participant)) { return true; } } participant = new Participant() { Category = 0, Department = userId, Reference = -1 }; conclusion = new Conclusion(auditType, userId, DateTime.Now) { Description = auditDesc }; if (flowEngine.Audit(conclusion, participant)) { return true; } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// 判断是否属于当前人审核 /// </summary> /// <param name="flowEngine"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CanAudit(FlowEngine flowEngine, int userId) { Step current = flowEngine.GetCurrent(); if (current == null || current.NodeValidCount == 0) return false; IList<Node> nodes = current.Nodes; using (AppBLL bll = new AppBLL()) { IList<FunctionEntity> userFuncs = bll.FillList<FunctionEntity>("Usp_Funcs_ByUser", new { UserId = userId }); foreach (var userFunc in userFuncs) { var auditNodes = from node in nodes where node.Participant.Reference == userFunc.Id || node.Participant.Department == userId select node; if (auditNodes.Any()) return true; } } return false; }