Esempio n. 1
 private List <AppReturn> ProcessQParam(dynamic data = null)
     // add JArray parameters to AppArgs with key _g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR then process
     if (data == null)
         data = _g.TKVStr(AppArgs, _g.KEY_QPARAM_JSON);
     // if not in json array format, ie. JValue
     if (data.GetType().Name != "JArray")
         data = DALGlobals.btoJA(data.ToString());
     //AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, DALGlobals.btoJA(data));
     AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, data);
Esempio n. 2
        public List <AppReturn> get(string table, string key = "",
                                    string keyField          = "", string includedFields = "",
                                    string filter            = "", string sortFields     = "",
                                    string pageNumber        = "0", string pageSize      = "0",
                                    string requestConfig     = "", string fieldMap       = "")
        //string keyField = "")
            //_g.CONFIG_FILE = "ngarbi.settings.json";
            // process request where all parameters are embedded in the Base64 querystring parameter "_p"

            // Add all parameters to the AppArgs object

            List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> {

            if (isAppDebug)
                return new List <AppReturn> {

            AppReturn appReturn = new AppReturn();

            if (table == "@gents")
                // Generate client-side typescript files

                appReturn.props.Add("Tables", AppDataset.AppTables.Count());
                appReturn.subsKey = "Hello Test Me!";

                appReturn.props.Add("Views", AppDataset.AppViews.Count());
                appReturn.props.Add("StoredProcedures", AppDataset.AppProcedures.Count());

                foreach (string tblCode in AppDataset.AppTables.Keys)
                    DALTable tbl = AppDataset.AppTables[tblCode];
                    appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode, tbl.tableName);
                    appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_relation", tbl.tableRelations == null ? "0" : tbl.tableRelations.Count.ToString());
                    foreach (string pv in tbl.tableProcessLogs.Keys)
                        appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_proc_" + pv, tbl.tableProcessLogs[pv]);

                //retVal.Add(appReturn); return retVal;
                return(new List <AppReturn> {

            if (table == "@locs")
                Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
                string[] keyArr = key.Split('`');
                string   pCode  = "";

                if (keyArr.Length >= 2)
                    pCode = keyArr[1];

                DALData.DAL.BuildNodeLocation(Convert.ToInt32(keyArr[0]), pCode);
                appReturn.returnCode = table;
                appReturn.requestDuration = st.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                return(new List <AppReturn> {
            if (table == "@mtbl")
                // multi table query, accepts json formatted parameters supplied as
                // Base64 encoded querystring parameters named ?p=
                // api call <protocol>://<domain>[/application]/api/app/@mtbl?p=<base64 encoded parameters>
                return(new List <AppReturn> {

            if (isAppDebugPaths)
                return new List <AppReturn> {

            JObject jArgs = new JObject()

            // split "table" parameter to get the parent table code (first element) and from clause join codes (second element)
            string[] tableArr = table.Split('|');

            jArgs.Add("code", tableArr[0]);
            if (tableArr.Length > 1)
                jArgs.Add("fromClauseExpr", tableArr[1]);

            jArgs.Add("key", (key == "-" ? "" : key));
            jArgs.Add("keyField", (keyField == "-" ? "" : keyField));
            jArgs.Add("includedFields", (includedFields == "-" ? "" : includedFields));
            jArgs.Add("filter", (filter == "-" ? "" : filter));
            jArgs.Add("fieldMap", (filter == "-" ? "" : fieldMap));
            jArgs.Add("sortFields", (sortFields == "-" ? "" : sortFields));
            jArgs.Add("pageNumber", (!pageNumber.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageNumber)));
            jArgs.Add("pageSize", (!pageSize.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageSize)));
            jArgs.Add("requestConfig", (requestConfig == "-" ? "" : requestConfig));
            jArgs.Add("snapshot", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "snapshot"));
            jArgs.Add("distinct", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "distinct"));

            AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, new JArray()


        //public ReturnObjectExternal xxxxpostX(string table, [FromBody]JObject values)
        //    ReturnObject retVal = AppDataset.Post(table, values, AppArgs);
        //    return retVal.result;

         *  Private Methods

        //private JObject AppArgs()
        //    // Collect query string arguments and some headers ...

        //    JObject ret = new JObject();

        //    List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> retList = ControllerContext.Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().ToList();

        //    // add request data/time stamp
        //    retList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(AppGlobals.KEY_REQUEST_STAMP, DateTime.Now.ToString()));

        //    //add content type
        //    if (this.Request.Content.Headers.Contains("Content-Type"))
        //    {
        //        ret.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(AppGlobals.KEY_CONTENT_TYPE, this.Request.Content.Headers.ContentType.ToString().ToLower()));
        //    }

        //    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> arg in retList)
        //    {
        //        ret.Add(arg.Key, arg.Value);
        //    }
        //    return ret;
Esempio n. 3
 private List <AppReturn> ProcessQParam()
     // add JArray parameters to AppArgs with key _g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR then process
     AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, DALGlobals.btoJA(_g.TKVStr(AppArgs, _g.KEY_QPARAM_JSON)));
Esempio n. 4
        public List <AppReturn> get(string table, string key = "",
                                    string keyField          = "", string includedFields = "",
                                    string filter            = "", string sortFields     = "",
                                    string pageNumber        = "0", string pageSize      = "0",
                                    string requestConfig     = "", string fieldMap       = "")
        //string keyField = "")
            //_g.CONFIG_FILE = "ngarbi.settings.json";
            // process request where all parameters are embedded in the Base64 querystring parameter "_p"

            // Add all parameters to the AppArgs object

            List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> {

            if (isAppDebug)
                return new List <AppReturn> {

            AppReturn appReturn = new AppReturn();

            if (table == "@gents")
                // Generate client-side typescript files

                appReturn.props.Add("Tables", AppDataset.AppTables.Count());
                appReturn.subsKey = "Hello Test Me!";

                appReturn.props.Add("Views", AppDataset.AppViews.Count());
                appReturn.props.Add("StoredProcedures", AppDataset.AppProcedures.Count());

                foreach (string tblCode in AppDataset.AppTables.Keys)
                    DALTable tbl = AppDataset.AppTables[tblCode];
                    appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode, tbl.tableName);
                    appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_relation", tbl.tableRelations == null ? "0" : tbl.tableRelations.Count.ToString());
                    foreach (string pv in tbl.tableProcessLogs.Keys)
                        appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_proc_" + pv, tbl.tableProcessLogs[pv]);

                //retVal.Add(appReturn); return retVal;
                return(new List <AppReturn> {

            if (table == "@locs")
                Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
                string[] keyArr = key.Split('`');
                string   pCode  = "";

                if (keyArr.Length >= 2)
                    pCode = keyArr[1];

                DALData.DAL.BuildNodeLocation(Convert.ToInt32(keyArr[0]), pCode);
                appReturn.returnCode = table;
                appReturn.requestDuration = st.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                return(new List <AppReturn> {
            if (table == "@mtbl")
                // multi table query, accepts json formatted parameters supplied as
                // Base64 encoded querystring parameters named ?p=
                // api call <protocol>://<domain>[/application]/api/app/@mtbl?p=<base64 encoded parameters>
                return(new List <AppReturn> {

            if (isAppDebugPaths)
                return new List <AppReturn> {

            JObject jArgs = new JObject()

            // split "table" parameter to get the parent table code (first element) and from clause join codes (second element)
            string[] tableArr = table.Split('|');

            jArgs.Add("code", tableArr[0]);
            if (tableArr.Length > 1)
                jArgs.Add("fromClauseExpr", tableArr[1]);

            jArgs.Add("key", (key == "-" ? "" : key));
            jArgs.Add("keyField", (keyField == "-" ? "" : keyField));
            jArgs.Add("includedFields", (includedFields == "-" ? "" : includedFields));
            jArgs.Add("filter", (filter == "-" ? "" : filter));
            jArgs.Add("fieldMap", (filter == "-" ? "" : fieldMap));
            jArgs.Add("sortFields", (sortFields == "-" ? "" : sortFields));
            jArgs.Add("pageNumber", (!pageNumber.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageNumber)));
            jArgs.Add("pageSize", (!pageSize.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageSize)));
            jArgs.Add("requestConfig", (requestConfig == "-" ? "" : requestConfig));
            jArgs.Add("snapshot", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "snapshot"));
            jArgs.Add("distinct", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "distinct"));

            AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, new JArray()
