public void OnSuccess(object response) { Game game = (Game)response; App42Log.Console("gameName is " + game.GetName()); for (int i = 0; i < game.GetScoreList().Count; i++) { SaveHS.render.sprite = SaveHS.error[0]; SaveHS.ranks[i].text = (i + 1).ToString(); if (i > 2) { SaveHS.names[i].text = game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName().ToLower(); } else { SaveHS.names[i].text = game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName().ToUpper(); } SaveHS.score[i].text = game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue().ToString(); Debug.Log("highscore foi salvo"); // App42Log.Console("userName is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName()); // App42Log.Console("score is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue()); // Debug.Log("A posiçao é "+(i+1)+ " is " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName() + " Score is" + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue()); } }
public void OnException(Exception e) { App42Log.Console("Exception : " + e); SaveHS.render.sprite = SaveHS.error[1]; SaveHS.reload.SetActive(true); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Game game = (Game)response; App42Log.Console("gameName is " + game.GetName()); App42Log.Console("gameDescription is " + game.GetDescription()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { App42Log.SetDebug(true); Debug.Log("Start called -----" +; setListenerGameObject(; // sets the name of the game object as a listener to which this script is assigned. registerForRemoteNotifications(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { goRank = false; ranks = new List <Text>(); names = new List <Text>(); score = new List <Text>(); texts = new List <GameObject>(); reload = relo; scorenew = false; otherMetaHeaders.Add("orderByDescending", "score"); App42API.Initialize(key, secretkey); App42Log.SetDebug(true); gameserv = App42API.BuildGameService(); scoreboardserv = App42API.BuildScoreBoardService(); scoreboardserv.SetOtherMetaHeaders(otherMetaHeaders); scoreboardserv.GetTopNRankers(gamename, maxplayers, new toprankMenu()); if (texts.Count < 20) { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { texts.Add(GameObject.Find("Text" + (i + 1))); } for (int i = 0; i < texts.Count; i++) { ranks.Add(texts [i].transform.FindChild("ran").GetComponent <Text> ()); names.Add(texts [i].transform.FindChild("nome").GetComponent <Text> ()); score.Add(texts [i].transform.FindChild("pt").GetComponent <Text> ()); } //Debug.Log ("veioaquiDENOVO"); } render = GameObject.Find("hsImg").GetComponent <Image> (); error [0] = bla [0]; error [1] = bla [1]; }
IEnumerator GetHighScoresForDB(Animator anim) { App42Log.SetDebug(true); //Print output in your editor console Query query = QueryBuilder.Build("score", "0", Operator.GREATER_THAN); Query query1 = QueryBuilder.Build("name", PlayerPrefs.GetString("name"), Operator.EQUALS); Query queryfinal = QueryBuilder.CompoundOperator(query, Operator.AND, query1); storageService.FindDocsWithQueryPagingOrderBy("SCORES", "HighScores", queryfinal, 5, 0, OrderByType.DESCENDING, "name", callBack1); //FindDocsWithQueryPagingOrderBy("SCORES", "HighScores",max, offset, key1, OrderByType.ASCENDING, new UnityCallBack()); Debug.Log("IN Enumerator " + callBack.getResult()); while (callBack1.getResult() == 0) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); } if (callBack1.getResult() == 1) { string response = ScoreResponse.scores; Debug.Log("Response " + response); char ch = '"'; char ch1 = ' '; string newString = ((string)((string)response.Replace("{", "")).Replace("}", "")).Replace(ch, ch1).Replace("name :", "").Replace("score :", "").Replace(",", " : "); ScoreField.text = "" + newString; OpenPanel(anim); callBack1.setResult(); } else if (callBack1.getResult() == 2) { ScoreField.text = "Something wen't Wrong Please Try again"; callBack1.setResult(); } }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { User user = (User)response; App42Log.Console("userName is " + user.GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("emailId is " + user.GetEmail()); }
IEnumerator SaveScoreForUser() { App42Log.SetDebug(true); string json = "{\"name\":\"Name1\",\"score\":\"score1\"}"; string json1 = json.Replace("Name1", PlayerPrefs.GetString("name")).Replace("score1", score.text); storageService.InsertJSONDocument("SCORES", "HighScores", json1, callBack2); Debug.Log("IN Enumerator " + callBack2.getResult()); while (callBack2.getResult() == 0) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); } Debug.Log("IN Enumerator " + callBack2.getResult()); if (callBack2.getResult() == 1) { scoreStatus.text = "Your Score Submitted Successfully.."; callBack2.setResult(); } else if (callBack2.getResult() == 2) { //ScoreField.text = "Something wen't Wrong Please Try again"; Debug.Log("Something wen't wrong"); callBack2.setResult(); } }
//RUN THIS WHEN THE GAME STARTS public void CreateGameDataToStorage(GameData data) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass(); int counter = 0; string nameGoer = "ID"; JsonArray arrayExample = new JsonArray(); JsonObject names = new JsonObject(); foreach (string id in data.participantIDs) { string name = nameGoer + counter.ToString(); names[name] = id; counter++; } foreach (bool state in data.readyStates) { string name = "ISReady" + counter.ToString(); names[name] = state; counter++; } names["StartTime"] = Time.time.ToString(); // arrayExample.Add(names); // arrayExample.Add(names); Debug.Log(arrayExample.ToJsonString()); App42Log.SetDebug(true); //Print output in your editor console storageService.InsertJSONDocument(dbName, Common.roundInformation.gameData.hostID, names.ToJsonString(), new UnityCallBack()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { App42Log.SetDebug(true); //Prints output in your editor console // App42API.Initialize("API_KEY", "SECRET_KEY"); albumService = App42API.BuildAlbumService(); // albumService.GetAlbums(userName, new UnityCallBack()); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Debug.Log("Adding photo succesfull"); Album album = (Album)response; App42Log.Console("userName is :" + album.GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("albumName is :" + album.GetName()); App42Log.Console("Description is :" + album.GetDescription()); App42Log.Console("jsonResponse is :" + album.ToString()); IList <Album.Photo> photoList = album.GetPhotoList();; for (int i = 0; i < photoList.Count; i++) { App42Log.Console("PhotoName is :" + photoList[i].GetName()); App42Log.Console("Url is :" + photoList[i].GetUrl()); App42Log.Console("TinyUrl is :" + photoList[i].GetTinyUrl()); App42Log.Console("ThumbNailUrl is :" + photoList[i].GetThumbNailUrl()); App42Log.Console("ThumbNailTinyUrl is :" + photoList[i].GetThumbNailTinyUrl()); App42Log.Console("jsonResponse is :" + photoList[i].ToString()); Common.playerInformation.SetURL(photoList[i].GetUrl(), 0); } Common.cloudServiceMaster.PhotoAddWasSuccesfull(); // updateDelegateForPhotoAddSuccesfull(); }
public void OnException(Exception e) { App42Log.Console("Exception : " + e); if (callback != null) { callback(false); } }
public void OnException(Exception e) { App42Log.Console("Exception : " + e); if (callback != null) { callback(false, new List <Dictionary <string, string> >()); } }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { albumRemoving = false; Debug.Log("AlbumRemoved"); App42Response app42Response = (App42Response)response; App42Log.Console("app42Response is :" + app42Response.ToString()); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { if (response is JObject) { JObject objecti = (JObject)response; App42Log.Console("objectName is : " + objecti["name"]); App42Log.Console("Success : " + response); } }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { User user = (User)response; App42Log.Console("userName is " + user.GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("emailId is " + user.GetEmail()); PlayerPrefs.SetString("user", user.GetUserName()); leaderSkripta.recivedUser = user.GetUserName(); }
public void OnException(Exception e) { App42Exception exception = (App42Exception)e; int appErrorCode = exception.GetAppErrorCode(); if (appErrorCode == 2001) { } App42Log.Console("Exception : " + e); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { User user = (User)response; App42Log.Console("userName is " + user.GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("sessionId is " + user.GetSessionId()); MultiplayerManager.connectToWarp(user.GetUserName()); PlayerPrefs.SetString("username", user.GetUserName()); LoginResultScreen.login_result = 0; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { DontDestroyOnLoad(this); App42Log.SetDebug(true); App42API.Initialize(api_key, secret_key); // Debug.Log ("Start called -----" +; // #if !UNITY_EDITOR setListenerGameObject(; // sets the name of the game object as a listener to which this script is assigned. // #endif }
void Start() { #if UNITY_EDITOR ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Validator; #endif App42API.Initialize(AppConstants.API_KEY, AppConstants.SECRET_KEY); App42API.EnableCrashEventHandler(false); App42Log.SetDebug(true); App42API.SetDbName(AppConstants.DB_NAME); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Debug.Log("Creating album was succesfull"); Album album = (Album)response; App42Log.Console("userName is :" + album.GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("albumName is :" + album.GetName()); App42Log.Console("Description is :" + album.GetDescription()); App42Log.Console("jsonResponse is :" + album.ToString()); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Storage storage = (Storage)response; IList <Storage.JSONDocument> jsonDocList = storage.GetJsonDocList(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonDocList.Count; i++) { App42Log.Console("objectId is " + jsonDocList[i].GetDocId()); App42Log.Console("jsonDoc is " + jsonDocList[i].GetJsonDoc()); } }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { User user = (User)response; App42Log.Console("userName is " + user.GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("emailId is " + user.GetEmail()); MultiplayerManager.connectToWarp(user.GetUserName()); PlayerPrefs.SetString("username", user.GetUserName()); // REGISTER SUCCESSFUL RegisterResultScreen.setRegResult(0); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Storage storage = (Storage)response; IList <Storage.JSONDocument> jsonDocList = storage.GetJsonDocList(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonDocList.Count; i++) { App42Log.Console("objectId is " + jsonDocList[i].GetDocId()); App42Log.Console("Created At " + jsonDocList[i].GetCreatedAt()); Common.roundInformation.savedGameDataID = jsonDocList[i].GetDocId(); } }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Game game = (Game)response; App42Log.Console("gameName is " + game.GetName()); for (int i = 0; i < game.GetScoreList().Count; i++) { App42Log.Console("userName is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("score is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue()); App42Log.Console("scoreId is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetScoreId()); } callback(true); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Game game = (Game)response; App42Log.Console("gameName is " + game.GetName()); for (int i = 0; i < game.GetScoreList().Count; i++) { App42Log.Console("userName is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("score is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue()); App42Log.Console("scoreId is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetScoreId()); leaderSkripta.recivedScore = game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue() + ""; } }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Game game = (Game)response; App42Log.Console("gameName is " + game.GetName()); for (int i = 0; i < game.GetScoreList().Count; i++) { //App42Log.Console("userName is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetUserName()); // App42Log.Console("score is : " + game.GetScoreList()[i].GetValue()); SaveHS.salvouhs = true; Debug.Log("salvo"); } }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { IList <Album> album = (IList <Album>)response; albumsLoaded = album; albumsLoading = false; for (int i = 0; i < album.Count; i++) { App42Log.Console("userName is :" + album[i].GetUserName()); App42Log.Console("albumName is :" + album[i].GetName()); App42Log.Console("Description is :" + album[i].GetDescription()); App42Log.Console("jsonResponse is :" + album[i].ToString()); } }
public ServicesPage() { App42API.Initialize(Constants.apiKey, Constants.secretKey); App42Log.SetDebug(true); InitializeComponent(); userService = App42API.BuildUserService(); storageService = App42API.BuildStorageService(); gameService = App42API.BuildGameService(); scoreBoardService = App42API.BuildScoreBoardService(); uploadService = App42API.BuildUploadService(); photoChooserTask = new PhotoChooserTask(); photoChooserTask.Completed += new EventHandler <PhotoResult>(photoChooserTask_Completed); photoChooserTask2 = new PhotoChooserTask(); photoChooserTask2.Completed += new EventHandler <PhotoResult>(photoChooserTask2_Completed); }
public void OnSuccess(object response) { Upload upload = (Upload)response; IList <Upload.File> fileList = upload.GetFileList(); for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++) { App42Log.Console("fileName is " + fileList[i].GetName()); App42Log.Console("fileType is " + fileList[i].GetType()); App42Log.Console("fileUrl is " + fileList[i].GetUrl()); App42Log.Console("TinyUrl Is : " + fileList[i].GetTinyUrl()); App42Log.Console("fileDescription is " + fileList[i].GetDescription()); Common.cloudImageManager.cbgetFileGO.SendMessage(Common.cloudImageManager.callBackToUploadFile, fileList[i].GetUrl()); } }