protected void btnLeft_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (picindex == 1) { Alert.Show("已经是第一张证照图片!"); } else { btnRight.Enabled = true; picindex--; DataTable mydt = DbHelperOra.Query("select seqno,licenseid,memo from doc_license_log where gdseq='" + hfdGDSEQ.Text + "'").Tables[0]; string seqno = mydt.Rows[0]["seqno"].ToString(); string licenseid = mydt.Rows[0]["licenseid"].ToString(); DataTable picDt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("select imgpath,rowno from DOC_LICENSE_IMG where seqno='{0}' and licenseid='{1}' and rowno={2} AND ISCUR='N'", seqno, licenseid, picindex)).Tables[0]; string picpath = picDt.Rows[0]["imgpath"].ToString(); string rowno = picDt.Rows[0]["rowno"].ToString(); picpath = picpath.Substring(1, picpath.Length - 1); imglbl.Text = seqno + "/" + rowno + picpath; imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LIS_PICURL") + picpath; if (picindex == 1) { btnLeft.Enabled = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { strPath = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH"); if (Request.QueryString["oper"] != null && "del".Equals(Request.QueryString["oper"])) { if (Request.QueryString["seqno"] != null) { string seqnos = Request.QueryString["seqno"].Trim(','); string seqnosTemp = ""; if (seqnos.IndexOf(",") > 0) { string[] seqnosArray = seqnos.Split(','); foreach (String seqno in seqnosArray) { seqnosTemp += "'" + seqno + "',"; } seqnosTemp = seqnosTemp.Trim(','); } else { seqnosTemp += "'" + seqnos + "'"; } del(seqnosTemp); } } if (!IsPostBack) { Path.Text = strPath; } }
protected void nextPageBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Convert.ToInt32(picnum) > 1) { picindex++; if (picindex > Convert.ToInt32(picnum)) { Alert.Show("证照图片到底了!"); picindex--; } else { btnLeft.Enabled = true; string seqno = myseqno; DataTable picDt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("select imgpath,rowno from DOC_LICENSE_IMG where seqno='{0}' and licenseid='{1}' and rowno={2}", seqno, lisid, picindex)).Tables[0]; string picpath = picDt.Rows[0]["imgpath"].ToString(); string rowno = picDt.Rows[0]["rowno"].ToString(); picpath = picpath.Substring(1, picpath.Length - 1); //imglbl.Text = seqno + "/" + rowno + picpath; imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LIS_PICURL") + picpath; if (picindex == Convert.ToInt32(picnum)) { btnRight.Enabled = false; } } } if (Convert.ToInt32(picnum) == 1) { Alert.Show("证照图片到底了!"); } }
// public string strPath = ""; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null) { strPage = Request.QueryString["page"]; try { intPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(strPage); } catch { intPageIndex = 1; } } if (!IsPostBack) { Path.Text = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH"); PubFunc.DdlDataGet("DDL_SYS_DEPOT", ddlDEPTOUT); Object obj; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["DEPTOUT"] == null) { obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("select nvl((SELECT A.STOCK FROM SYS_DEPT A WHERE A.CODE = '" + UserAction.UserDept + "'),(select value from sys_para where code = 'DEFDEPT')) from dual"); HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("DEPTOUT"); cookie.Value = obj.ToString(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); } else { obj = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["DEPTOUT"].Value; } ddlDEPTOUT.SelectedValue = obj.ToString(); } }
protected void gridPic_RowClick(object sender, GridRowClickEventArgs e) { string gdseq = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[0].ToString(); string rowno = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[1].ToString(); DataTable picDt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("select picpath from doc_goodspicture where gdseq='{0}' and rowno='{1}'", gdseq, rowno)).Tables[0]; imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("CLOUD_URL_PREFIX") + picDt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); lnkImage.NavigateUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("CLOUD_URL_PREFIX") + picDt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); }
private void billOpen(string strSeq) { TabStrip1.ActiveTabIndex = 1; String prefix = ApiClientUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH"); gridPic.DataSource = getPicData(strSeq); gridPic.DataBind(); //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "http://localhost:3788/captcha/CertificatePicture.aspx?seqno="+strSeq+"&rowno=1"; imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/CertificatePicture.aspx?seqno=" + strSeq + "&rowno=1"; }
private void DataSearch() { String sql = @"SELECT * FROM (SELECT GDSEQ,ROWNUM HANGHAO,PICPATH FROM DOC_GOODSPICTURE WHERE GDSEQ = '" + hfdSearch.Text + "' AND NVL(STR2,'N') = 'N' ORDER BY ROWNUM)"; DataTable dt = DbHelperOra.Query(sql).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt16(hfdNow.Text) > dt.Rows.Count) { hfdNow.Text = "1"; } else if (Convert.ToInt16(hfdNow.Text) < 1) { hfdNow.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); } //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH") + dt.Rows[Convert.ToInt16(hfdNow.Text) - 1]["PICPATH"].ToString().Substring(2, dt.Rows[Convert.ToInt16(hfdNow.Text)-1]["PICPATH"].ToString().Length - 2); //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "../captcha/GoodsPicture.aspx?picPath=" + dt.Rows[Convert.ToInt16(hfdNow.Text) - 1]["PICPATH"].ToString().Substring(2, dt.Rows[Convert.ToInt16(hfdNow.Text) - 1]["PICPATH"].ToString().Length - 2); string path = dt.Rows[Convert.ToInt16(hfdNow.Text) - 1]["PICPATH"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "/res/images/noPic.jpg"; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) { btnBef.Enabled = true; btnNext.Enabled = true; } else { btnBef.Enabled = false; btnNext.Enabled = false; } } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "../res/images/noPic.jpg"; btnBef.Enabled = false; btnNext.Enabled = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 获取临时目录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetTempPath() { //string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/"); //string dirname = GetTempDirName(); //string uploadDir = path + "\\" + dirname; string path = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("UPLOADDIR"); string uploadDir = path + "SupCert"; CreateDir(uploadDir); return(uploadDir); }
protected void PageManager1_CustomEvent(object sender, CustomEventArgs e) { if (e.EventArgument.IndexOf("bind_piclist") >= 0) { hfdTempPic1.Text = "Y"; DataTable dt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("select gdseq,rowno,gdpict,picpath,str1,decode(flag,'N','新增','Y','已发布','E','已撤回') flag from doc_goodspicture where gdseq = '{0}' order by to_number(rowno)", hfdGDID.Text)).Tables[0]; gridPic.DataSource = dt; gridPic.DataBind(); //Alert.Show(dt.Rows[0]["PICPATH"].ToString().Replace("~", "")); //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?gdseq=" + hfdGDID.Text + "&rowno=1"; imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + dt.Rows[0]["PICPATH"].ToString(); //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("CLOUD_URL_PREFIX") + dt.Rows[0]["PICPATH"].ToString().Replace("~", ""); } }
private string getGoodsData(string gdseq) { DataTable picTable = DbHelperOra.Query(String.Format("select rowno,picpath from doc_goodspicture where gdseq='{0}' and nvl(str2,'N') = 'N' order by rowno", gdseq)).Tables[0]; string strGoodsSql = @"select GDSEQ,GDNAME,GDSPEC,BZHL,UNIT, UNITNAME,CATID, CATNAME,PIZNO,BAR3 EASCODE,SUPPLIER SUPID,s.supname SUPNAME,PRODUCER,p.supname PRODUCERNAME,JXTAX,HSJJ+2 JJ from doc_goods g left join doc_goodsunit u on g.unit=u.code left join sys_category c on g.catid=c.code left join doc_supplier s on g.supplier=s.supid left join doc_supplier p on g.PRODUCER=p.str2 where gdseq='{0}'"; DataTable goodsInfo = DbHelperOra.Query(String.Format(strGoodsSql, gdseq)).Tables[0]; DataTable cartTable = DbHelperOra.Query(String.Format("select dhs from dat_cart where userid='{0}' and gdseq='{1}'", UserAction.UserID, gdseq)).Tables[0]; JObject jo = new JObject(); JArray ja = new JArray(); jo.Add("gdseq", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["GDSEQ"].ToString()); jo.Add("gdname", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["GDNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("gdspec", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["GDSPEC"].ToString()); jo.Add("bzhl", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["BZHL"].ToString()); jo.Add("unit", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["UNIT"].ToString()); jo.Add("unitname", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["UNITNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("catid", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["CATID"].ToString()); jo.Add("catname", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["CATNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("eascode", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["EASCODE"].ToString()); jo.Add("pizno", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["PIZNO"].ToString()); jo.Add("supid", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["SUPID"].ToString()); jo.Add("supname", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["SUPNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("producer", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["PRODUCER"].ToString()); jo.Add("producername", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["PRODUCERNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("jxtax", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["JXTAX"].ToString()); jo.Add("jj", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["JJ"].ToString()); foreach (DataRow dr in picTable.Rows) { JObject joPath = new JObject(); joPath.Add("rowno", Convert.ToInt16(dr["ROWNO"])); if (dr["PICPATH"] != null && !"".Equals(dr["PICPATH"].ToString())) { string strPICPATH = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("CLOUD_URL_PREFIX") + dr["PICPATH"].ToString().Substring(2); joPath.Add("path", strPICPATH); } ja.Add(joPath); } jo.Add("picpath", ja); if (cartTable != null && cartTable.Rows.Count > 0) { jo.Add("dhs", cartTable.Rows[0]["dhs"].ToString()); } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jo)); }
private void billOpen(string strSeq) { TabStrip1.ActiveTabIndex = 1; String prefix = ApiClientUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH"); gridPic.DataSource = getPicData(strSeq); gridPic.DataBind(); imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/CertificatePicture.aspx?seqno=" + strSeq + "&rowno=1"; //DataTable mydt = gridPic_path1(strSeq); //if (mydt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = prefix + mydt.Rows[0]["PICPATH"].ToString().Replace("~", ""); //} //else //{ // Alert.Show("不要频繁点击,稍后片刻!"); //} }
protected void gridPic_RowClick(object sender, GridRowClickEventArgs e) { TabStrip1.ActiveTabIndex = 1; String prefix = ApiClientUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH"); string seqno = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[0].ToString(); string rowno = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[1].ToString(); imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/CertificatePicture.aspx?seqno=" + seqno + "&rowno=" + rowno; //DataTable dt = gridPic_path(seqno, rowno); //if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = prefix + dt.Rows[0]["PICPATH"].ToString().Replace("~", ""); //} //else //{ // Alert.Show("不要频繁点击,稍后片刻!"); //} }
private void Init() { //SEQNO, ROWNO, ISCUR, LICENSEID证照图片表主键 string gdseq = seqnohfd.Text; DataTable picDt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("select imgpath,rowno from DOC_LICENSE_IMG where seqno='{0}' and rownum=1", gdseq)).Tables[0]; string picpath = picDt.Rows[0]["imgpath"].ToString(); string rowno = picDt.Rows[0]["rowno"].ToString(); picpath = picpath.Substring(1, picpath.Length - 1); //imglbl.Text = seqnohfd.Text + "/" + rowno + picpath; imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LIS_PICURL") + picpath; picindex = 1; btnLeft.Enabled = false; if (Convert.ToInt32(picnum) == 1) { btnRight.Enabled = false; } }
private void billOpen(string strBillno) { DataTable dtPic = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format(@" select * from ( select gdseq,rowno,gdpict,str1,decode(flag,'N','新增','Y','已发布','E','已撤回') flag,PICPATH, ROWNUM HANGNO from doc_goodspicture where gdseq = '{0}') order by rowno", strBillno)).Tables[0]; if (dtPic.Rows.Count > 0) { gridPic.DataSource = dtPic; gridPic.DataBind(); TabStrip1.ActiveTabIndex = 1; string path = dtPic.Rows[0]["picpath"].ToString(); //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("CLOUD_URL_PREFIX") + dtPic.Rows[0]["picpath"].ToString(); //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?gdseq=" + strBillno + "&rowno=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "/res/images/noPic.jpg"; } //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; hfdPic.Text = dtPic.Rows[0]["picpath"].ToString();//没有点击的时候默认图片 } else { gridPic.DataSource = dtPic; gridPic.DataBind(); TabStrip1.ActiveTabIndex = 1; } }
private void downloadInventory() { String warehouse = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("QUERYINVENTORY_WAREHOUSE"); try { //先查询EAS库存的行数 JObject joCli = ApiClientService.queryInventoryByPage(warehouse, 0, 1); int countRow = 0; if ("success".Equals(joCli.Value <String>("result"))) { try { countRow = Convert.ToInt32(joCli.Value <String>("data")); } catch { } } //清除库存临时表 DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("delete from EAS_STOCK_COMPARE "); int pageNum = 100; int sumPage = countRow % pageNum > 0 ? countRow / pageNum + 1 : countRow / pageNum; for (int i = 1; i <= sumPage; i++) { joCli = ApiClientService.queryInventoryByPage(warehouse, pageNum, i); JObject jo = new JObject(); if ("success".Equals(joCli.Value <String>("result"))) { foreach (JToken jt in joCli.Value <JArray>("data")) { insertInventory(jt); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show("下载EAS库存失败!"); } }
protected void gridPic_RowClick(object sender, GridRowClickEventArgs e) { string gdseq = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[0].ToString(); string rowno = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[1].ToString(); string HANGNO = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[3].ToString(); DataTable picDt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("select picpath from doc_goodspicture where gdseq='{0}' and rowno='{1}'", gdseq, rowno)).Tables[0]; string path = picDt.Rows[0]["picpath"].ToString(); if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } hfdPic2.Text = picDt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); //点击左边列表显示的图片路径 mynow = Convert.ToInt32(HANGNO); labelpic1.Text = picDt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); //这个判断是否点击了左边单元行 }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null) { strPage = Request.QueryString["page"]; try { intPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(strPage); } catch { intPageIndex = 1; } } strPath = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH"); if (!IsPostBack) { goodsDataBind(); } }
protected void gridPic_RowClick(object sender, GridRowClickEventArgs e) { string gdseq = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[0].ToString(); string rowno = gridPic.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[1].ToString(); DataTable picDt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("select picpath from doc_goodspicture where gdseq='{0}' and rowno='{1}'", gdseq, rowno)).Tables[0]; string path = picDt.Rows[0]["PICPATH"].ToString(); //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?gdseq=" + gdseq + "&rowno=" + rowno; //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSEPATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("CLOUD_URL_PREFIX") + picDt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); }
protected void btnRight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mynow++; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hfdPic3.Text)) { Int32 row = Convert.ToInt32(hfdPic3.Text); if (mynow > row) { Alert.Show("此照片已经是最后一张哦!"); mynow = row; } else { DataTable dtpic = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format(@"select picpath from ( select picpath,rownum hangno,rowno from doc_goodspicture where gdseq='{0}') where hangno='{1}' order by rowno", labelpic.Text, mynow.ToString())).Tables[0]; string path = dtpic.Rows[0]["picpath"].ToString(); if (dtpic.Rows.Count > 0) { gridPic.SelectedRowIndex = mynow - 1; if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } } } } else { Alert.Show("没有图片不能显示", "提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
private static Int32 mynow = 1;//labelpic1用于传递路径,labelpic用于传递gdseq Alert.Show(); protected void btnLeft_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string picName = ""; string path = labelpic1.Text; if (labelpic1.Text.Length == 0 && mynow == 1) { Alert.Show("此照片已经是第一张哦!"); } else { //if (labelpic1.Text.Length == 0) // { mynow--; if (mynow <= 0) { Alert.Show("此照片已经是第一张哦!"); mynow = 1; } else { DataTable dtpic1 = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format(@"select picpath from ( select picpath,rownum hangno,rowno from doc_goodspicture where gdseq='{0}') where hangno='{1}' order by rowno", labelpic.Text, mynow.ToString())).Tables[0]; if (dtpic1.Rows.Count > 0) { labelpic1.Text = dtpic1.Rows[0][0].ToString(); path = labelpic1.Text; // hfdPic3.Text = mynow.ToString(); // gridPic.SelectedRowIndex = Convert.ToInt16(hfdPic3.Text) - 1; gridPic.SelectedRowIndex = mynow - 1; if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } //imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + dtpic1.Rows[0]["picpath"].ToString(); } else { Alert.Show("没有图片不能显示!", "提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } //} //else //{ // picName = labelpic1.Text.Substring(0, labelpic1.Text.IndexOf("."));//~/ERPUpload/GoodsPic/2015/03/30/GN101001826C_3 // string[] pname1 = picName.Substring(picName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1).Split('_'); // mynow--; // if (mynow <= 0) // { // Alert.Show("此照片已经是第一张哦!"); // mynow = 1; // } // else // { // gridPic.SelectedRowIndex = mynow - 1; // if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) // { // imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); // } // else // { // imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LICENSE_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; // } // } //} } }
private void goodsDataBind() { string strSqlGoodSum = @"SELECT sum(c.dhs) dhs,sum((g.hsjj * (DECODE(g.UNIT_SELL, 'D', g.NUM_DABZ, 'Z', g.NUM_ZHONGBZ, g.BZHL)) * c.dhs )) as JE,COUNT(1) DPS FROM DAT_CART c left join doc_goods g on c.gdseq=g.gdseq where c.USERID='{0}'"; DataTable dt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format(strSqlGoodSum, UserAction.UserID)).Tables[0]; if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { this.LiteralDhs.Text = dt.Rows[0]["DPS"].ToString(); this.LiteralJe.Text = dt.Rows[0]["JE"].ToString(); } string strSqlGood = @"SELECT c.seqno,c.userid,c.gdseq,c.dhs,g.GDSEQ,"; //判断系统默认设置显示的商品名 if (PubFunc.DbGetPara("ShowName") == "HIS") { strSqlGood += "NVL(g.HISNAME,g.GDNAME) GDNAME,NVL(g.STR3,g.GDSPEC) GDSPEC,"; } else { strSqlGood += "g.GDNAME,g.GDSPEC,"; } strSqlGood += @"g.isflag5,g.BZHL,f_getunitname(g.UNIT) UNIT,g.CATID,g.PIZNO,c.deptid,f_getproducername(g.producer) producername, --g.hsjj as price, --(g.hsjj)*c.dhs as JE, p.picpath, g.hsjj * (DECODE(g.UNIT_SELL, 'D', g.NUM_DABZ, 'Z', g.NUM_ZHONGBZ, g.BZHL)) as price, (g.hsjj * (DECODE(g.UNIT_SELL, 'D', g.NUM_DABZ, 'Z', g.NUM_ZHONGBZ, g.BZHL)) * c.dhs ) JE, F_GETUNITNAME(DECODE(g.UNIT_SELL, 'D', g.UNIT_DABZ, 'Z', g.UNIT_ZHONGBZ, g.UNIT)) UNIT_SELL_NAME, DECODE(g.UNIT_SELL, 'D', g.NUM_DABZ, 'Z', g.NUM_ZHONGBZ, g.BZHL) BZHL_SELL FROM DAT_CART c left join doc_goods g on c.gdseq=g.gdseq left join (select a.*,Row_Number() OVER (partition by gdseq ORDER BY rownum ) HANGHAO from doc_goodspicture a) p on c.gdseq=p.gdseq and p.HANGHAO=1 and p.flag='Y'and nvl(p.str2,'N') = 'N' where c.USERID='{0}'"; strSqlGood = string.Format(strSqlGood, UserAction.UserID); DataTable dtInfo = DbHelperOra.Query(strSqlGood).Tables[0]; DataTable dtnew = dtInfo.Clone(); foreach (DataRow row in dtInfo.Rows) { string path = row["PICPATH"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { row["PICPATH"] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { row["PICPATH"] = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } } else { row["PICPATH"] = "/res/images/noPic.jpg"; } dtnew.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray); } RepeaterGoods.DataSource = dtnew; RepeaterGoods.DataBind(); }
protected void GridLIS_RowDoubleClick(object sender, GridRowClickEventArgs e) { TabStrip1.ActiveTabIndex = 1; string gdname = GridLIS.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[2].ToString(); string code = GridLIS.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[1].ToString(); docGDNAME.Text = gdname; hfdGDSEQ.Text = code; DataTable lisDT = DbHelperOra.Query(@"SELECT B.CODE, B.NAME, T.SEQNO, T.LICENSEID, T.LICENSENAME, T.GDNAME, T.GDSEQ, T.OPERTIME, nvl(decode(T.FLAG,'N','已保存','S','已提交','Y','已审核','R','已驳回'),'待录入') FLAG, decode(T.PICNUM,'','【'||0||'】','【'||T.PICNUM||'】')PICNUM FROM (SELECT T.SEQNO, T.LICENSEID, T.LICENSENAME, T.GDSEQ, T.GDNAME,T.OPERTIME,T.FLAG,T.PICNUM FROM DOC_LICENSE_LOG T WHERE GDSEQ = '" + code + "' AND T.ISCUR='N') T,DOC_LICENSE B WHERE B.CODE = T.LICENSEID(+) AND B.OBJUSER = '******'").Tables[0]; docLISNAME.Text = lisDT.Rows[0]["LICENSENAME"].ToString(); GridLicense.DataSource = lisDT; GridLicense.DataBind(); if (DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from doc_license_log where gdseq='" + code + "'")) { DataTable mydt = DbHelperOra.Query("select seqno,licenseid,memo from doc_license_log where gdseq='" + code + "' and iscur='N'").Tables[0]; string mypicnum = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("select count(1) from doc_license_img where gdseq='" + code + "' and licenseid='" + mydt.Rows[0]["licenseid"].ToString() + "' and iscur='N'").ToString(); string seqno = mydt.Rows[0]["seqno"].ToString(); DataTable licensedt = DbHelperOra.Query("select trunc(begrq) begrq,trunc(endrq) endrq,docid,memo from doc_license_goods where seqno='" + seqno + "'").Tables[0]; if (licensedt.Rows[0][1].ToString().Equals("2099/1/1 0:00:00")) { ischk.Checked = true; dpkENDRQ.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(licensedt.Rows[0][1].ToString()); dpkBEGRQ.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(licensedt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); dpkENDRQ.Enabled = false; } else { dpkENDRQ.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(licensedt.Rows[0][1].ToString()); dpkBEGRQ.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(licensedt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } docMEMO.Text = mydt.Rows[0]["memo"].ToString(); docDOCID.Text = licensedt.Rows[0]["DOCID"].ToString(); DataTable picDt = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("select imgpath,rowno from DOC_LICENSE_IMG where seqno='{0}' and rownum=1", seqno)).Tables[0]; string picpath = picDt.Rows[0]["imgpath"].ToString(); string rowno = picDt.Rows[0]["rowno"].ToString(); picpath = picpath.Substring(1, picpath.Length - 1); imglbl.Text = seqno + "/" + rowno + picpath; imgBMPPATH.ImageUrl = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("LIS_PICURL") + picpath; picindex = 1; btnLeft.Enabled = false; picnum = mypicnum; if (Convert.ToInt32(picnum) == 1) { btnRight.Enabled = false; } } }
private void goodsDataBind() { strNextPage = "?page=" + (intPageIndex + 1).ToString(); strLastPage = "?page=" + (intPageIndex - 1).ToString(); string strWhere = ""; if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM SYS_DEPT WHERE TYPE IN ('3','4') AND CODE = '" + UserAction.UserDept + "'")) { Object obj; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["DEPTOUT"] == null) { obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("select nvl((SELECT A.STOCK FROM SYS_DEPT A WHERE A.CODE = '" + UserAction.UserDept + "'),(select value from sys_para where code = 'DEFDEPT')) from dual"); } else { obj = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["DEPTOUT"].Value; } strWhere = " GDSEQ IN(SELECT A.GDSEQ FROM DOC_GOODSCFG A,DOC_GOODSCFG B ,doc_goods C WHERE A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ AND A.GDSEQ=C.GDSEQ AND C.FLAG='Y' AND A.ISCFG IN ('Y','1') AND A.DEPTID = '" + UserAction.UserDept + "' AND B.DEPTID = '" + obj.ToString() + "') "; } else { strWhere = " 1=2"; } if (Request.QueryString["k"] != null && !"".Equals(Request.QueryString["k"])) { strWhere += " and (gdname like '%" + Request.QueryString["k"].Trim() + "%' OR GDSEQ like '%" + Request.QueryString["k"].Trim() + "%' OR ZJM like '%" + Request.QueryString["k"].Trim().ToUpper() + "%')"; strNextPage = strNextPage + "&k=" + Request.QueryString["k"].Trim(); strLastPage = strLastPage + "&k=" + Request.QueryString["k"].Trim(); } if (Request.QueryString["catid"] != null && !"".Equals(Request.QueryString["catid"])) { strNextPage = strNextPage + "&catid=" + Request.QueryString["catid"].Trim(); strLastPage = strLastPage + "&catid=" + Request.QueryString["catid"].Trim(); string catIds = Request.QueryString["catid"].Trim(','); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(catIds)) { if (catIds.IndexOf(",") > 0) { string[] catIdsArray = catIds.Split(','); catIds = ""; foreach (string catId in catIdsArray) { catIds += "'" + catId + "',"; } catIds = catIds.Trim(','); } else { catIds = "'" + catIds + "'"; } strWhere += " and CATID0 IN (" + catIds + ")"; } } //取得有效行 object rowno = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT MIN(HANGHAO) FROM ( SELECT ROWNUM HANGHAO FROM doc_goodspicture WHERE flag='Y' and nvl(str2,'N') = 'N' ORDER BY ROWNUM)"); int pageNum = AspNetPager1.PageSize; string strSqlCount = @"select count(1) from (select g.GDSEQ,g.GDNAME,g.GDSPEC,g.BZHL,g.UNIT,g.CATID0,g.PIZNO,p.picpath,ZJM from doc_goods g left join (SELECT GDSEQ, MAX(PICPATH) PICPATH FROM DOC_GOODSPICTURE WHERE FLAG = 'Y' AND NVL(STR2, 'N') = 'N' GROUP BY GDSEQ) p on g.gdseq=p.gdseq and rownum = 1 where g.flag = 'Y') where {0}"; strSqlCount = string.Format(strSqlCount, strWhere); AspNetPager1.RecordCount = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelperOra.GetSingle(strSqlCount)); this.LiteralNum.Text = AspNetPager1.RecordCount.ToString(); this.LiteralPageNum.Text = (Math.Ceiling(AspNetPager1.RecordCount / 10.0)).ToString(); if (AspNetPager1.RecordCount >= 0 && AspNetPager1.RecordCount < 10) { strLastPage = "<a title='上一页' href='javascript:void(0);' class='sort_page_arrow'><</a>"; strNextPage = "<a hreCeilingf='javascript:void(0);' title='下一页' class='sort_page_arrow'>></a>"; } else { if (intPageIndex == 1) { strLastPage = "<a title='上一页' href='javascript:void(0);' class='sort_page_arrow'><</a>"; strNextPage = "<a href='" + strNextPage + "' title='下一页' class='sort_page_arrow'>></a>"; } else if (intPageIndex == (AspNetPager1.RecordCount / pageNum + 1)) { strLastPage = "<a title='上一页' href='" + strLastPage + "' class='sort_page_arrow'><</a>"; strNextPage = "<a href='javascript:void(0);' title='下一页' class='sort_page_arrow'>></a>"; } else { strLastPage = "<a title='上一页' href='" + strLastPage + "' class='sort_page_arrow'><</a>"; strNextPage = "<a href='" + strNextPage + "' title='下一页' class='sort_page_arrow'>></a>"; } } this.LiteralLastPage.Text = strLastPage; this.LiteralNextPage.Text = strNextPage; string strSqlGood = @"select * from (select t.*,ROWNUM rn from (select GDSEQ,GDNAME,GDSPEC,BZHL,UNIT,UNITNAME,CATID0,PIZNO,HSJJ,producername,picpath,flag,isflag5 from (select g.GDSEQ,"; //判断系统默认设置显示的商品名 if (PubFunc.DbGetPara("ShowName") == "HIS") { strSqlGood += "NVL(g.HISNAME,g.GDNAME) GDNAME,NVL(g.STR3,g.GDSPEC) GDSPEC,"; } else { strSqlGood += "g.GDNAME,g.GDSPEC,"; } strSqlGood += @"g.isflag5,g.BZHL, --g.UNIT, DECODE(g.UNIT_SELL, 'D', g.UNIT_DABZ, 'Z', g.UNIT_ZHONGBZ, g.UNIT) UNIT, --u.NAME UNITNAME, F_GETUNITNAME(DECODE(g.UNIT_SELL, 'D', g.UNIT_DABZ, 'Z', g.UNIT_ZHONGBZ, g.UNIT)) UNITNAME, g.CATID0, g.PIZNO, --g.HSJJ, g.hsjj * (DECODE(g.UNIT_SELL, 'D', g.NUM_DABZ, 'Z', g.NUM_ZHONGBZ, g.BZHL)) as HSJJ, f_getproducername(g.producer) producername, p.picpath,ZJM,g.flag from doc_goods g left join (SELECT GDSEQ, MAX(PICPATH)PICPATH FROM DOC_GOODSPICTURE WHERE FLAG = 'Y' AND NVL(STR2, 'N') = 'N' GROUP BY GDSEQ) p on g.gdseq = p.gdseq left join doc_goodsunit u on g.unit = u.code) where {0}) t where t.flag = 'Y') where rn> " + (intPageIndex - 1) * pageNum + " and rn<= " + intPageIndex * pageNum; strSqlGood = string.Format(strSqlGood, strWhere); DataTable dt = DbHelperOra.Query(strSqlGood).Tables[0]; DataTable dtnew = dt.Clone(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string path = row["PICPATH"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { row["PICPATH"] = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { row["PICPATH"] = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } } else { row["PICPATH"] = "/res/images/noPic.jpg"; } dtnew.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray); } RepeaterGoods.DataSource = dtnew; RepeaterGoods.DataBind(); }
private string getGoodsData(string gdseq) { DataTable picTable = DbHelperOra.Query(String.Format("select hanghao,picpath from (select rownum hanghao,picpath from doc_goodspicture where gdseq='{0}' and nvl(str2,'N') = 'N' order by rownum)", gdseq)).Tables[0]; string strGoodsSql = @"SELECT GDSEQ,"; //判断系统默认设置显示的商品名 if (PubFunc.DbGetPara("ShowName") == "HIS") { strGoodsSql += "NVL(HISNAME,GDNAME) GDNAME,NVL(G.STR3,GDSPEC) GDSPEC,"; } else { strGoodsSql += "GDNAME,GDSPEC,"; } strGoodsSql += @"BZHL,UNIT,U.NAME UNITNAME,CATID,C.NAME CATNAME,PIZNO,BAR3 EASCODE,SUPPLIER SUPID,S.SUPNAME SUPNAME,PRODUCER,f_getproducername(PRODUCER) PRODUCERNAME,JXTAX,HSJJ JJ FROM DOC_GOODS G LEFT JOIN DOC_GOODSUNIT U ON G.UNIT=U.CODE LEFT JOIN SYS_CATEGORY C ON G.CATID=C.CODE LEFT JOIN DOC_SUPPLIER S ON G.SUPPLIER=S.SUPID LEFT JOIN DOC_SUPPLIER P ON G.PRODUCER=P.STR2 WHERE GDSEQ='{0}'"; DataTable goodsInfo = DbHelperOra.Query(String.Format(strGoodsSql, gdseq)).Tables[0]; DataTable cartTable = DbHelperOra.Query(String.Format("select dhs from dat_cart where userid='{0}' and gdseq='{1}'", UserAction.UserID, gdseq)).Tables[0]; JObject jo = new JObject(); JArray ja = new JArray(); jo.Add("gdseq", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["GDSEQ"].ToString()); jo.Add("gdname", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["GDNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("gdspec", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["GDSPEC"].ToString()); jo.Add("bzhl", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["BZHL"].ToString()); jo.Add("unit", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["UNIT"].ToString()); jo.Add("unitname", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["UNITNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("catid", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["CATID"].ToString()); jo.Add("catname", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["CATNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("eascode", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["EASCODE"].ToString()); jo.Add("pizno", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["PIZNO"].ToString()); jo.Add("supid", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["SUPID"].ToString()); jo.Add("supname", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["SUPNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("producer", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["PRODUCER"].ToString()); jo.Add("producername", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["PRODUCERNAME"].ToString()); jo.Add("jxtax", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["JXTAX"].ToString()); jo.Add("jj", goodsInfo.Rows[0]["JJ"].ToString()); foreach (DataRow dr in picTable.Rows) { JObject joPath = new JObject(); joPath.Add("rowno", Convert.ToInt16(dr["HANGHAO"])); if (dr["PICPATH"] != null && !"".Equals(dr["PICPATH"].ToString())) { //string strPICPATH = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("CLOUD_URL_PREFIX") + dr["PICPATH"].ToString().Substring(2); string strPICPATH = ""; string path = dr["PICPATH"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { if (File.Exists(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + (path.Substring(2)).Replace("/", @"\"))) { strPICPATH = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + path.Substring(1); } else { strPICPATH = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("PIC_PATH") + "/captcha/GetPictures.aspx?picpath=" + path; } } else { strPICPATH = "/res/images/noPic.jpg"; } joPath.Add("path", strPICPATH); } ja.Add(joPath); } jo.Add("picpath", ja); if (cartTable != null && cartTable.Rows.Count > 0) { jo.Add("dhs", cartTable.Rows[0]["dhs"].ToString()); } return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jo)); }
public Boolean UploadFile(HttpContext context, string licenseid) { message = ""; int rowno = 1;//存放图片的行数 string pic_path = "", seqn = ""; result = false; context.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; string s_rpath = FileHelper.GetUploadPath();//@"E:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\WebSites\SWFUpload\demos\"; List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); string Datedir = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd"); string updir = s_rpath + "\\" + Datedir; FileHelper.CreateDir(updir); string extname = string.Empty; string fullname = string.Empty; string filename = string.Empty; if (context.Request.Files.Count > 0) { try { for (int j = 0; j < context.Request.Files.Count; j++) { HttpPostedFile uploadFile = context.Request.Files[j]; int offset = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["chunk"]); //当前分块 int total = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["chunks"]); //总的分块数量 string name = context.Request["name"]; //文件没有分块 if (total == 1) { if (uploadFile.ContentLength > 0) { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(updir)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(updir); } extname = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(uploadFile.FileName); fullname = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString(); filename = uploadFile.FileName; uploadFile.SaveAs(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", updir, filename)); result = true; } } else { //文件 分成多块上传 fullname = WriteTempFile(uploadFile, offset); if (total - offset == 1 || total == 0) { //如果是最后一个分块文件 ,则把文件从临时文件夹中移到上传文件夹中 System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(fullname); string oldFullName = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", updir, uploadFile.FileName); string mypath = ""; System.IO.FileInfo oldFi = new System.IO.FileInfo(oldFullName); if (oldFi.Exists) { //文件名存在则删除旧文件 oldFi.Delete(); } string pathMain = ApiUtil.GetConfigCont("UPLOADDIR"); //fi.MoveTo(oldFullName); string spath = "SupCert\\" + Datedir + "\\"; //string spath = oldFullName.Substring(10); DataTable dt = DbHelperOra.Query("select max(rowno) from DOC_GOODSPICTURE where gdseq='" + licenseid + "' nvl(str2,'N') = 'N'").Tables[0]; if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count != 0) { string oldnum = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldnum)) { rowno = Convert.ToInt32(oldnum) + 1; mypath = "~/" + ("ERPUpload\\" + spath).Replace("\\", "/"); pic_path = mypath; //pathMain + "SupCert\\" + Datedir + "\\";//mypath.Substring(0, oldFullName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); seqn = licenseid + "_" + rowno; pic_path = pic_path + seqn + ".jpg"; } else { mypath = "~/" + ("ERPUpload\\" + spath).Replace("\\", "/"); pic_path = mypath; //.Substring(0, oldFullName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); seqn = licenseid + "_" + rowno; pic_path = pic_path + seqn + ".jpg"; } } string thePicPath = pathMain + spath + seqn + ".jpg"; System.IO.FileInfo oldFi1 = new System.IO.FileInfo(thePicPath); if (oldFi1.Exists) { //文件名存在则删除旧文件 oldFi1.Delete(); } fi.MoveTo(thePicPath); //E:\UPLOAD\SupCert\15-04-17\1-120Q0092042.jpg --->oldFullName //E:\\UPLOAD\\SupCert\15-05-03\授权设计.xlsx cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo(string.Format("update doc_goods set ISFLAG4 = 'Y' where gdseq='{0}'", licenseid), null)); cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("insert into DOC_GOODSPICTURE(GDSEQ,ROWNO,GDPICT,PICPATH,FLAG,STR1) values('" + licenseid + "','" + rowno + "','" + seqn + "','" + pic_path + "','N','" + seqn + "')", null)); result = true; DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { message = ex.ToString(); //context.Response.Write("Message" + ex.ToString()); } } return(result); }