private async Task ProcessLoadDutyPlanRequestAsync(ApiRequestContext <LoadDutyplanRequest> requestContext)
            LoadDutyplanRequest request = requestContext.Request;

            // fetch and wait for employment data first. it is prerequisite for next parallelized steps
            ApiResponse <LoadDutyplanRequest, EmploymentShard[]> employmentShardsResponse =
                await this.employmentShardRef
                .Ask <ApiResponse <LoadDutyplanRequest, EmploymentShard[]> >(requestContext)
                .ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: true);

            if (employmentShardsResponse.Error)
                this.Log($"Cannot process employments for '{request}'. Skipping rest of pipeline");

            // wrapped original request with additional context data for actors to work properly
            ApiRequestContext <LoadDutyplanRequest, long[]> requestContextWithEmployments =
                    .Select(x => x.Id)

            // spin further actions to further actors as parallel.
            // they will respond when ready to.
            Task <ApiResponse>[] steps = new Task <ApiResponse>[]
                // duty and deviation data
                this.dutiesDeviationsShardRef.Ask <ApiResponse>(requestContextWithEmployments),

                // calculations data
                this.normtimeShardRef.Ask <ApiResponse>(requestContextWithEmployments),

                // absence data
                this.absenceShardRef.Ask <ApiResponse>(requestContextWithEmployments),

                // validations data
                this.validationShardRef.Ask <ApiResponse>(requestContextWithEmployments),

            // await for all operations to finish until next message will be processed from queue
            await Task.WhenAll(steps.ToArray());

            int stepsOk = steps.Count(x => x.IsCompletedSuccessfully && x.Result.Success);

            this.Log($"All parts of {nameof(LoadDutyplanRequest)}.ID = {request.Id} finished. {stepsOk} out of {steps.Length} succeeded");