Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that is executed when an uncaught exception has been thrown from a controller.  This method provides
        /// a centralized place where we can handle and log these exceptions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
            Exception ex = context.Exception;    // For convenience

            string logMessage = $"{ex.GetType().Name} occurred in action {context.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName} - {ex.Message}";

            if (ex is InvalidDataException)
                _logger.LogError(new EventId(400), ex, logMessage);

                var message = new ApiMessageModel()
                    Message = ex.Message
                context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(message);
            else if (ex is SecurityException)
                _logger.LogError(new EventId(403), ex, logMessage);

                var message = new ApiMessageModel()
                    Message = "Access to this resource is forbidden"
                context.Result = new ForbiddenObjectResult(message);
            else if (ex is ResourceAlreadyExistsException)
                _logger.LogWarning(new EventId(409), ex, logMessage);

                var message = new ApiMessageModel()
                    Message = ex.Message
                context.Result = new ConflictObjectResult(message);
            else if (ex is ObjectNotFoundException)
                _logger.LogWarning(new EventId(404), ex, logMessage);

                var message = new ApiMessageModel()
                    Message = ex.Message
                context.Result = new NotFoundObjectResult(message);
                _logger.LogError(new EventId(500), ex, logMessage);

                var message = new ApiMessageModel()
                    Message = "An error has occurred on the server.  The error has been logged so it can be investigated by our support teams"
                context.Result = new InternalServerErrorObjectResult(message);

            context.ExceptionHandled = true;
Esempio n. 2
 public async Task <ActionResult <ChatMessage> > PostMessage([FromBody] ApiMessageModel message)
      * BaseClient logicBaseClient = await repository.GetBasicClientInformationByID(message.messageSenderClientID.GetValueOrDefault() != Guid.Empty ? message.messageSenderClientID.GetValueOrDefault() : message.messageRecieverClientID.GetValueOrDefault());
      * BaseClient checkerClient = await repository.GetBasicClientInformationByEmail(User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Email).Value);
      * List<RelationshipMeta> checkerAssignmentInfo = new List<RelationshipMeta>();
      * // If the checker is an admin, there is no need to get the checker's info container as that is
      * // only used to authorize the caller
      * if (!checkerClient.isAdmin)
      * {
      *  checkerAssignmentInfo = await repository.getClientAssignmentsInfoByIDAsync(checkerClient.clientID);
      * }
      * // If the logic client and checker client have the same Id
      * if (logicBaseClient.clientID == checkerClient.clientID)
      * {
      *  // If the message xref is not null, check to make sure the checkerAssignmentInfo has an assignment that matches (Or pass true if null, which implies posting to a general chat
      *  // Or bypass if they are an admin
      *  if ((message.clientRelationXrefID != null ? checkerAssignmentInfo.Any(a => a.clientRelationXrefID == message.clientRelationXrefID) : true) || checkerClient.isAdmin)
      *  {
      *      TimeZoneInfo easternZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");
      *      Logic.Objects.Message logicMessage = new Logic.Objects.Message()
      *      {
      *          chatMessageID = Guid.NewGuid(),
      *          recieverClient = new ClientChatMeta()
      *          {
      *              clientId = message.messageRecieverClientID
      *          },
      *          senderClient = new ClientChatMeta()
      *          {
      *              clientId = message.messageSenderClientID
      *          },
      *          clientRelationXrefID = message.clientRelationXrefID,
      *          messageContent = message.messageContent,
      *          dateTimeSent = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, easternZone),
      *          isMessageRead = false,
      *          fromAdmin = message.fromAdmin
      *      };
      *      if (logicMessage.recieverClient.clientId == null && logicMessage.senderClient.clientId == null)
      *      {
      *          return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest);
      *      }
      *      else
      *      {
      *          try
      *          {
      *              await repository.CreateMessage(logicMessage);
      *              await repository.SaveAsync();
      *              Logic.Objects.Message postedLogicMessage = await repository.GetMessageByIDAsync(logicMessage.chatMessageID);
      *              await yuleLogger.logCreatedNewMessage(checkerClient, postedLogicMessage.senderClient, postedLogicMessage.recieverClient);
      *              // If this message has an eventTypeID
      *              if (message.eventTypeID.HasValue)
      *              {
      *                  // If the message is from an admin, get the event for the notification, and send the email
      *                  if (message.fromAdmin)
      *                  {
      *                      Logic.Objects.Event logicEvent = await repository.GetEventByIDAsync(message.eventTypeID.Value);
      *                      await mailbag.sendChatNotificationEmail(await repository.GetClientByIDAsync(logicMessage.recieverClient.clientId.Value), logicEvent);
      *                  }
      *              }
      *              // Else if it doesnt have an event (It is a general message)
      *              else
      *              {
      *                  // If it's from an admin, make a new event object, and send the client a notification
      *                  if (message.fromAdmin)
      *                  {
      *                      Logic.Objects.Event logicEvent = new Logic.Objects.Event();
      *                      await mailbag.sendChatNotificationEmail(await repository.GetClientByIDAsync(logicMessage.recieverClient.clientId.Value), new Logic.Objects.Event());
      *                  }
      *              }
      *              return Ok();
      *          }
      *          catch (Exception)
      *          {
      *              await yuleLogger.logError(checkerClient, LoggingConstants.CREATED_NEW_MESSAGE_CATEGORY);
      *              return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status424FailedDependency);
      *          }
      *      }
      *  }
      * }
      * return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized);