Esempio n. 1
        private string LookupMst(string sourcetext, MtTranslationOptions options, string format)
            var catId = "";

            if (options.UseCatID)
                catId = _options.CatId;                //only use specific category ID if the option is selected
            var sourcelang = _languageDirection.SourceCulture.ToString();
            var targetlang = _languageDirection.TargetCulture.ToString();

            //instantiate ApiConnecter if necessary
            if (_mstConnect == null)
                _mstConnect = new ApiConnecter(_options);
                _mstConnect.resetCrd(options.ClientId, options.ClientSecret);                 //reset key in case it has been changed in dialog since GtApiConnecter was instantiated

            var translatedText = _mstConnect.Translate(sourcelang, targetlang, sourcetext, catId, format);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Determines the language direction of the delimited list file by
        ///     reading the first line. Based upon this information it is determined
        ///     whether the plug-in supports the language pair that was selected by
        ///     the user.
        /// </summary>
        public bool SupportsLanguageDirection(LanguagePair languageDirection)
            if (Options.SelectedProvider == MtTranslationOptions.ProviderType.MicrosoftTranslator)
                if (mstConnect == null)                 //construct ApiConnecter if necessary
                    mstConnect = new ApiConnecter(Options);
                                        Options.ClientSecret);         //reset in case changed since last time the class was constructed

            if (Options.SelectedProvider == MtTranslationOptions.ProviderType.GoogleTranslate)
                if (gtConnect == null)                 //instantiate GtApiConnecter if necessary
                    gtConnect = new MtTranslationProviderGTApiConnecter(Options.ApiKey);
                    gtConnect.ApiKey =
                        Options.ApiKey;                         //reset in case it has been changed since last time GtApiConnecter was instantiated
                return(gtConnect.IsSupportedLangPair(languageDirection.SourceCulture, languageDirection.TargetCulture));

            //not likely to get here but...
        /// <summary>
        ///     Determines the language direction of the delimited list file by
        ///     reading the first line. Based upon this information it is determined
        ///     whether the plug-in supports the language pair that was selected by
        ///     the user.
        /// </summary>
        public bool SupportsLanguageDirection(LanguagePair languageDirection)
            if (Options.SelectedProvider == MtTranslationOptions.ProviderType.MicrosoftTranslator)
                if (_mstConnect == null)                 //construct ApiConnecter if necessary
                    _mstConnect = new ApiConnecter(Options.ClientId, Options.Region);
                    _mstConnect.ResetCrd(Options.ClientId, Options.Region);                     //reset in case changed since last time the class was constructed
                return(_mstConnect.IsSupportedLangPair(languageDirection.SourceCulture.Name, languageDirection.TargetCulture.Name));

            if (Options.SelectedGoogleVersion == Enums.GoogleApiVersion.V2)
                if (_gtConnect == null)                 //instantiate GtApiConnecter if necessary
                    _gtConnect = new MtTranslationProviderGTApiConnecter(Options.ApiKey);
                    _gtConnect.ApiKey =
                        Options.ApiKey;                         //reset in case it has been changed since last time GtApiConnecter was instantiated
                return(_gtConnect.IsSupportedLangPair(languageDirection.SourceCulture, languageDirection.TargetCulture));
            _googleV3Connecter = new GoogleV3Connecter(Options);

            return(_googleV3Connecter.IsSupportedLanguage(languageDirection.SourceCulture, languageDirection.TargetCulture));
Esempio n. 4
        public ITranslationProvider[] Browse(IWin32Window owner, LanguagePair[] languagePairs, ITranslationProviderCredentialStore credentialStore)
            //construct options to send to form
            var loadOptions = new MtTranslationOptions();
            //get saved key if there is one and put it into options
            //get google credentials
            var getCredGt = GetMyCredentials(credentialStore, "mtenhancedprovidergt:///");

            if (getCredGt != null)
                loadOptions.ApiKey           = getCredGt.Credential;
                loadOptions.PersistGoogleKey = getCredGt.Persist;

            //get microsoft credentials
            var getCredMt = GetMyCredentials(credentialStore, "mtenhancedprovidermst:///");

            if (getCredMt != null)
                    var creds = new GenericCredentials(getCredMt.Credential); //parse credential into username and password
                    loadOptions.ClientId              = creds.UserName;
                    loadOptions.ClientSecret          = creds.Password;
                    loadOptions.PersistMicrosoftCreds = getCredMt.Persist;
                catch { } //swallow b/c it will just fail to fill in instead of crashing the whole program

            var apiConnecter           = new ApiConnecter(loadOptions);
            var allSupportedLanguages  = ApiConnecter.SupportedLangs;
            var correspondingLanguages = languagePairs.Where(lp => allSupportedLanguages.Contains(lp.TargetCultureName.Substring(0, 2))).ToList();

            //loadOptions.LanguagesSupported = correspLanguages.ToDictionary(lp => lp.TargetCultureName, lp=>"MS Translator");
            //construct form
            var dialog = new MtProviderConfDialog(loadOptions, credentialStore, correspondingLanguages);

            //we are letting user delete creds but after testing it seems that it's ok if the individual credentials are null, b/c our method will re-add them to the credstore based on the uri
            if (dialog.ShowDialog(owner) == DialogResult.OK)
                var testProvider = new MtTranslationProvider(dialog.Options);
                var apiKey       = dialog.Options.ApiKey;

                //we are setting credentials selectively based on the chosen provider to avoid saving the other if it is blank
                if (dialog.Options.SelectedProvider == MtTranslationOptions.ProviderType.GoogleTranslate)
                    //set google credential
                    SetGoogleCredentials(credentialStore, apiKey, dialog.Options.PersistGoogleKey);
                else if (dialog.Options.SelectedProvider == MtTranslationOptions.ProviderType.MicrosoftTranslator)
                    //set mst cred
                    var creds2 = new GenericCredentials(dialog.Options.ClientId, dialog.Options.ClientSecret);
                    SetMstCredentials(credentialStore, creds2, dialog.Options.PersistMicrosoftCreds);

                return(new ITranslationProvider[] { testProvider });
        private static void SetSupportedLanguages(LanguagePair[] languagePairs, MtTranslationOptions loadOptions)
            var apiConnecter = new ApiConnecter(loadOptions);

            foreach (var languagePair in languagePairs)
                var supportedLanguages = apiConnecter.GetSupportedLanguages();
                var targetLanguage     = languagePair.TargetCultureName.Substring(0, 2).ToLower();
                if (supportedLanguages.Contains(targetLanguage) && !loadOptions.LanguagesSupported.ContainsKey(targetLanguage))
                    loadOptions.LanguagesSupported.Add(languagePair.TargetCultureName, "Amazon Translate");
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// If the plug-in settings can be changed by the user,
        /// SDL Trados Studio will display a Settings button.
        /// By clicking this button, users raise the plug-in user interface,
        /// in which they can modify any applicable settings, in our implementation
        /// the delimiter character and the list file name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="translationProvider"></param>
        /// <param name="languagePairs"></param>
        /// <param name="credentialStore"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        #region "Edit"
        public bool Edit(IWin32Window owner, ITranslationProvider translationProvider, LanguagePair[] languagePairs, ITranslationProviderCredentialStore credentialStore)
            var editProvider = translationProvider as MtTranslationProvider;

            if (editProvider == null)

            //get saved key if there is one and put it into options
            //get google credentials
            var getCredGt = GetMyCredentials(credentialStore, "mtenhancedprovidergt:///");

            if (getCredGt != null)
                editProvider.Options.ApiKey           = getCredGt.Credential;
                editProvider.Options.PersistGoogleKey = getCredGt.Persist;

            //get microsoft credentials
            var getCredMt = GetMyCredentials(credentialStore, "mtenhancedprovidermst:///");

            if (getCredMt != null)
                    var creds = new GenericCredentials(getCredMt.Credential); //parse credential into username and password
                    editProvider.Options.ClientId              = creds.UserName;
                    editProvider.Options.ClientSecret          = creds.Password;
                    editProvider.Options.PersistMicrosoftCreds = getCredMt.Persist;
                catch (Exception ex) //swallow b/c it will just fail to fill in instead of crashing the whole program
                    Log.Logger.Error($"{_constants.Edit} {ex.Message}\n { ex.StackTrace}");

            var apiConnecter           = new ApiConnecter(editProvider.Options);
            var allSupportedLanguages  = ApiConnecter.SupportedLangs;
            var correspondingLanguages = languagePairs.Where(lp => allSupportedLanguages.Contains(lp.TargetCultureName.Substring(0, 2))).ToList();

            var dialog = new MtProviderConfDialog(editProvider.Options, credentialStore, correspondingLanguages);

            //we are letting user delete creds but after testing it seems that it's ok if the individual credentials are null, b/c our method will re-add them to the credstore based on the uri
            if (dialog.ShowDialog(owner) == DialogResult.OK)
                editProvider.Options = dialog.Options;

                var apiKey = editProvider.Options.ApiKey;

                //we are setting credentials selectively based on the chosen provider to avoid saving the other if it is blank
                if (dialog.Options.SelectedProvider == MtTranslationOptions.ProviderType.GoogleTranslate)
                    //set google credential
                    SetGoogleCredentials(credentialStore, apiKey, dialog.Options.PersistGoogleKey);
                else if (dialog.Options.SelectedProvider == MtTranslationOptions.ProviderType.MicrosoftTranslator)
                    //set mst cred
                    var credentials = new GenericCredentials(dialog.Options.ClientId, dialog.Options.ClientSecret);
                    SetMstCredentials(credentialStore, credentials, dialog.Options.PersistMicrosoftCreds);
