public void TestDoesNotBlowUpWithAllPolicies([ValueSource("AllPolicyFilePaths")] string policyFile) { const string html = "<a onblur=\"try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();}" + "catch(e) {}\"" + "href=\"\"><img" + "style=\"FLOAT: right; MARGIN: 0px 0px 10px 10px; WIDTH: 150px; CURSOR:" + "hand; HEIGHT: 100px\" alt=\"\"" + "src=\"\"" + "border=\"0\" /></a><br />Poor Bill, couldn't make it to the Museum's <span" + "class=\"blsp-spelling-corrected\" id=\"SPELLING_ERROR_0\">story time</span>" + "today, he was so busy shoveling! Well, we sure missed you Bill! So since" + "ou were busy moving snow we read books about snow. We found a clue in one" + "book which revealed a snowplow at the end of the story - we wish it had" + "driven to your driveway Bill. We also read a story which shared fourteen" + "<em>Names For Snow. </em>We'll catch up with you next week....wonder which" + "hat Bill will wear?<br />Jane"; Policy testPolicy = null; string result = null; try { testPolicy = Policy.GetInstance(policyFile); result = new AntiSamy().Scan(html, testPolicy).GetCleanHtml(); } catch { // To comply with try/catch } testPolicy.Should().NotBeNull(); result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void TestDoesNotBlowUpShortScriptTagWithAllPolicies([ValueSource("AllPolicyFilePaths")] string policyFile) { Policy testPolicy = null; string result = null; try { testPolicy = Policy.GetInstance(policyFile); result = new AntiSamy().Scan("<script src=\"<. \">\"></script>", testPolicy).GetCleanHtml(); } catch { // To comply with try/catch } testPolicy.Should().NotBeNull(); result.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void TestDoesNotBlowUpOnEmptyTableWithAllPolicies([ValueSource("AllPolicyFilePaths")] string policyFile) { Policy testPolicy = null; string result = null; try { testPolicy = Policy.GetInstance(policyFile); result = new AntiSamy().Scan("<table><tr><td></td></tr></table>", testPolicy).GetCleanHtml(); } catch { // To comply with try/catch } testPolicy.Should().NotBeNull(); result.Should().NotBeNull(); }