Esempio n. 1
        public int RemoveStaleEntries(uint expirationTime)
            int removedCount = 0;

            lock (this.innerList)
                LinkedListNode <InstanceEndpoint> current = this.innerList.First;
                while (current != null)
                    LinkedListNode <InstanceEndpoint> next = current.Next;

                    InstanceEndpoint instance = current.Value;
                    if (instance.LastRefreshTimestamp < expirationTime)

                        Debug.WriteLine("UpdateWorkerList: Removed worker {0} from the list.", (object)instance.IPAddress);
                        AntaresEventProvider.EventWriteLBHttpDispatchEndpointInfoMessage(site.Name, instance.IPAddress, "UpdateWorkerList", "Removing worker from routing list");

                    current = next;

Esempio n. 2
        internal void SetIsBusy(InstanceEndpoint instance)
            lock (this.innerList)
                uint duration = SiteRequestDispatcher.BusyStatusDuration;
                instance.IsBusyUntil = HttpScaleEnvironment.TickCount + duration;
                instance.IsBusy      = true;

                Debug.WriteLine("Set instance {0} as busy for the next {1}ms. New weight: {2}", instance.IPAddress, duration, instance.Weight);
                AntaresEventProvider.EventWriteLBHttpDispatchEndpointInfoMessage(site.Name, instance.IPAddress, "SetIsBusy", string.Format("Set instance busy for {0}ms. New weight: {1}", duration, instance.Weight));

                // Busy adds a large amount of weight to an instance, moving it towards the back.
Esempio n. 3
        internal void ClearBusyStatus(InstanceEndpoint instance)
            lock (this.innerList)
                instance.IsBusy = false;

                // Clearing the busy flag is going to give it a big priority boost,
                // though it's not clear where it will end up. Since most instances will
                // have similar status, it should be safe to assume clearing a busy flag
                // will move it toward the front of the priority list.

                Debug.WriteLine("Removed busy status from {0}. New weight: {1}", instance.IPAddress, instance.Weight);
                AntaresEventProvider.EventWriteLBHttpDispatchEndpointInfoMessage(site.Name, instance.IPAddress, "ClearBusyStatus", "Removing busy status. New weight: " + instance.Weight);
Esempio n. 4
        public InstanceEndpoint GetOrAdd(string ipAddress)
            InstanceEndpoint newInstance;

            lock (this.innerList)
                InstanceEndpoint existingInstance;
                if (this.TryGetValueInternal(ipAddress, out existingInstance))

                newInstance      = new InstanceEndpoint(ipAddress);
                newInstance.Node = this.innerList.AddFirst(newInstance);

            Debug.WriteLine("UpdateWorkerList: Added worker {0}.", (object)ipAddress);
            AntaresEventProvider.EventWriteLBHttpDispatchEndpointInfoMessage(, ipAddress, "UpdateWorkerList", "Added worker");
Esempio n. 5
        public void OnRequestCompleted(
            string requestId,
            string siteName,
            int statusCode,
            string statusPhrase,
            string ipAddress)
            SiteMetadata site;

            if (!this.knownSites.TryGetValue(siteName, out site))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Site '{0}' does not exist in the list of known sites.", siteName));

            InstanceEndpoint instance;

            if (!site.Endpoints.TryGetValue(ipAddress, out instance))
                Debug.WriteLine("OnRequestCompleted: Worker '{0}' was not found.", (object)ipAddress);
                AntaresEventProvider.EventWriteLBHttpDispatchEndpointInfoMessage(site.Name, ipAddress, "OnRequestCompleted", "Worker not found");


            // If this is the request we're using as a health sample, clear it so another request can be selected.
            if (instance.HealthTrackingRequestId == requestId)
                instance.HealthTrackingRequestId = null;

            // If the request is rejected because the instance is too busy, mark the endpoint as busy for the next N seconds.
            // This flag will be cleared the next time a request arrives after the busy status expires.
            if (statusCode == 429 && statusPhrase == "Instance Too Busy")