internal ConstructedEmptyAnonymousTypeSymbol(AnonymousTypeTemplateSymbol constructedFrom, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)
     this.template = constructedFrom;
     this.typeDescr = typeDescr;
     this.ctorMethod = new AnonymousTypeConstructorSymbol(this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Formats the anon type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="anonymousType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override string FormatAnonymousType(AnonymousTypeDescriptor anonymousType)
                                                    pr => pr.Name,
                                                    pr => pr.Type.FormatType(this))
Esempio n. 3
            internal ConstructedEmptyAnonymousTypeSymbol(AnonymousTypeTemplateSymbol constructedFrom, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)
                this.template  = constructedFrom;
                this.typeDescr = typeDescr;

                this.ctorMethod = new AnonymousTypeConstructorSymbol(this);
            internal AnonymousTypePublicSymbol(AnonymousTypeManager manager, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)

                this.Manager = manager;
                this.TypeDescriptor = typeDescr;

                int fieldsCount = typeDescr.Fields.Length;

                //  members
                Symbol[] members = new Symbol[fieldsCount * 2 + 1];
                int memberIndex = 0;

                // The array storing property symbols to be used in 
                // generation of constructor and other methods
                if (fieldsCount > 0)
                    AnonymousTypePropertySymbol[] propertiesArray = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol[fieldsCount];

                    // Process fields
                    for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldsCount; fieldIndex++)
                        // Add a property
                        AnonymousTypePropertySymbol property = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol(this, typeDescr.Fields[fieldIndex]);
                        propertiesArray[fieldIndex] = property;

                        // Property related symbols
                        members[memberIndex++] = property;
                        members[memberIndex++] = property.GetMethod;

                    this.Properties = propertiesArray.AsImmutableOrNull();
                    this.Properties = ImmutableArray<AnonymousTypePropertySymbol>.Empty;

                // Add a constructor
                members[memberIndex++] = new AnonymousTypeConstructorSymbol(this, this.Properties);
                _members = members.AsImmutableOrNull();
                Debug.Assert(memberIndex == _members.Length);

                //  fill nameToSymbols map
                foreach (var symbol in _members)
                    _nameToSymbols.Add(symbol.Name, symbol);
Esempio n. 5
        private BoundExpression MakePair(CSharpSyntaxNode node, string field1Name, BoundExpression field1Value, string field2Name, BoundExpression field2Value, QueryTranslationState state, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (field1Name == field2Name)
                // we will generate a diagnostic elsewhere
                field2Name  = state.TransparentRangeVariableName();
                field2Value = new BoundBadExpression(field2Value.Syntax, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray <Symbol> .Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(field2Value), field2Value.Type, true);

            AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = new AnonymousTypeDescriptor(
                ImmutableArray.Create <AnonymousTypeField>(
                    new AnonymousTypeField(field1Name, field1Value.Syntax.Location, TypeOrError(field1Value)),
                    new AnonymousTypeField(field2Name, field2Value.Syntax.Location, TypeOrError(field2Value))

            AnonymousTypeManager manager       = this.Compilation.AnonymousTypeManager;
            NamedTypeSymbol      anonymousType = manager.ConstructAnonymousTypeSymbol(typeDescriptor);

            return(MakeConstruction(node, anonymousType, ImmutableArray.Create(field1Value, field2Value), diagnostics));
Esempio n. 6
        private BoundExpression BindAnonymousObjectCreation(AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            //  prepare
            var  initializers = node.Initializers;
            int  fieldCount   = initializers.Count;
            bool hasError     = false;

            //  bind field initializers
            BoundExpression[]    boundExpressions = new BoundExpression[fieldCount];
            AnonymousTypeField[] fields           = new AnonymousTypeField[fieldCount];
            CSharpSyntaxNode[]   fieldSyntaxNodes = new CSharpSyntaxNode[fieldCount];

            // WARNING: Note that SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol for field initializer node relies on
            //          the fact that the order of properties in anonymous type template corresponds
            //          1-to-1 to the appropriate filed initializer syntax nodes; This means such
            //          correspondence must be preserved all the time including erroneos scenarios

            // set of names already used
            HashSet <string> uniqueFieldNames = new HashSet <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                AnonymousObjectMemberDeclaratorSyntax fieldInitializer = initializers[i];
                NameEqualsSyntax nameEquals = fieldInitializer.NameEquals;
                ExpressionSyntax expression = fieldInitializer.Expression;

                SyntaxToken nameToken = default(SyntaxToken);
                if (nameEquals != null)
                    nameToken = nameEquals.Name.Identifier;
                    nameToken = expression.ExtractAnonymousTypeMemberName();

                hasError            = hasError || expression.HasErrors;
                boundExpressions[i] = this.BindValue(expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue);

                //  check the name to be unique
                string fieldName = null;
                if (nameToken.CSharpKind() == SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken)
                    fieldName = nameToken.ValueText;
                    if (uniqueFieldNames.Contains(fieldName))
                        //  name duplication
                        Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AnonymousTypeDuplicatePropertyName, fieldInitializer);
                        hasError  = true;
                        fieldName = null;
                    // there is something wrong with field's name
                    hasError = true;

                //  calculate the expression's type and report errors if needed
                TypeSymbol fieldType = GetAnonymousTypeFieldType(boundExpressions[i], fieldInitializer, diagnostics, ref hasError);

                // build anonymous type field descriptor
                fieldSyntaxNodes[i] = (nameToken.CSharpKind() == SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken) ? (CSharpSyntaxNode)nameToken.Parent : fieldInitializer;
                fields[i]           = new AnonymousTypeField(fieldName == null ? '$' + i.ToString() : fieldName, fieldSyntaxNodes[i].Location, fieldType);

                //  NOTE: ERR_InvalidAnonymousTypeMemberDeclarator (CS0746) would be generated by parser if needed

            //  Create anonymous type
            AnonymousTypeManager    manager       = this.Compilation.AnonymousTypeManager;
            AnonymousTypeDescriptor descriptor    = new AnonymousTypeDescriptor(fields.AsImmutableOrNull(), node.NewKeyword.GetLocation());
            NamedTypeSymbol         anonymousType = manager.ConstructAnonymousTypeSymbol(descriptor);

            // declarators - bound nodes created for providing semantic info
            // on anonymous type fields having explicitly specified name
            ArrayBuilder <BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration> declarators =
                ArrayBuilder <BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration> .GetInstance();

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                NameEqualsSyntax explicitName = initializers[i].NameEquals;
                if (explicitName != null)
                    AnonymousTypeField field = fields[i];
                    if (field.Name != null)
                        //  get property symbol and create a bound property declaration node
                        foreach (var symbol in anonymousType.GetMembers(field.Name))
                            if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Property)
                                declarators.Add(new BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(fieldSyntaxNodes[i], (PropertySymbol)symbol, field.Type));

            // check if anonymous object creation is allowed in this context
            if (!this.IsAnonymousTypesAllowed())
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AnonymousTypeNotAvailable, node.NewKeyword);
                hasError = true;

            //  Finally create a bound node
            return(new BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(
Esempio n. 7
        private BoundExpression BindAnonymousObjectCreation(AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            //  prepare
            var initializers = node.Initializers;
            int fieldCount = initializers.Count;
            bool hasError = false;

            //  bind field initializers
            BoundExpression[] boundExpressions = new BoundExpression[fieldCount];
            AnonymousTypeField[] fields = new AnonymousTypeField[fieldCount];
            CSharpSyntaxNode[] fieldSyntaxNodes = new CSharpSyntaxNode[fieldCount];

            // WARNING: Note that SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol for field initializer node relies on 
            //          the fact that the order of properties in anonymous type template corresponds 
            //          1-to-1 to the appropriate filed initializer syntax nodes; This means such 
            //          correspondence must be preserved all the time including erroneos scenarios

            // set of names already used
            HashSet<string> uniqueFieldNames = new HashSet<string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                AnonymousObjectMemberDeclaratorSyntax fieldInitializer = initializers[i];
                NameEqualsSyntax nameEquals = fieldInitializer.NameEquals;
                ExpressionSyntax expression = fieldInitializer.Expression;

                SyntaxToken nameToken = default(SyntaxToken);
                if (nameEquals != null)
                    nameToken = nameEquals.Name.Identifier;
                    nameToken = expression.ExtractAnonymousTypeMemberName();

                hasError = hasError || expression.HasErrors;
                boundExpressions[i] = this.BindValue(expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue);

                //  check the name to be unique
                string fieldName = null;
                if (nameToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken)
                    fieldName = nameToken.ValueText;
                    if (uniqueFieldNames.Contains(fieldName))
                        //  name duplication
                        Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AnonymousTypeDuplicatePropertyName, fieldInitializer);
                        hasError = true;
                        fieldName = null;
                    // there is something wrong with field's name
                    hasError = true;

                //  calculate the expression's type and report errors if needed
                TypeSymbol fieldType = GetAnonymousTypeFieldType(boundExpressions[i], fieldInitializer, diagnostics, ref hasError);

                // build anonymous type field descriptor
                fieldSyntaxNodes[i] = (nameToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken) ? (CSharpSyntaxNode)nameToken.Parent : fieldInitializer;
                fields[i] = new AnonymousTypeField(fieldName == null ? "$" + i.ToString() : fieldName, fieldSyntaxNodes[i].Location, fieldType);

                //  NOTE: ERR_InvalidAnonymousTypeMemberDeclarator (CS0746) would be generated by parser if needed

            //  Create anonymous type 
            AnonymousTypeManager manager = this.Compilation.AnonymousTypeManager;
            AnonymousTypeDescriptor descriptor = new AnonymousTypeDescriptor(fields.AsImmutableOrNull(), node.NewKeyword.GetLocation());
            NamedTypeSymbol anonymousType = manager.ConstructAnonymousTypeSymbol(descriptor);

            // declarators - bound nodes created for providing semantic info 
            // on anonymous type fields having explicitly specified name
            ArrayBuilder<BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration> declarators =
            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                NameEqualsSyntax explicitName = initializers[i].NameEquals;
                if (explicitName != null)
                    AnonymousTypeField field = fields[i];
                    if (field.Name != null)
                        //  get property symbol and create a bound property declaration node
                        foreach (var symbol in anonymousType.GetMembers(field.Name))
                            if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Property)
                                declarators.Add(new BoundAnonymousPropertyDeclaration(fieldSyntaxNodes[i], (PropertySymbol)symbol, field.Type));

            // check if anonymous object creation is allowed in this context
            if (!this.IsAnonymousTypesAllowed())
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AnonymousTypeNotAvailable, node.NewKeyword);
                hasError = true;

            //  Finally create a bound node
            return new BoundAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(
 internal ConstructedAnonymousTypeSymbol(NamedTypeSymbol constructedFrom, ReadOnlyArray<TypeSymbol> typeArguments, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)
     : base(constructedFrom, typeArguments)
     this.TypeDescr = typeDescr;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Given anonymous type descriptor provided constructs an anonymous type symbol.
 /// </summary>
 public NamedTypeSymbol ConstructAnonymousTypeSymbol(AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)
     return new AnonymousTypePublicSymbol(this, typeDescr);
            internal AnonymousTypeTemplateSymbol(AnonymousTypeManager manager, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)
                this.Manager = manager;
                this.TypeDescriptorKey = typeDescr.Key;
                _smallestLocation = typeDescr.Location;

                // Will be set when the type's metadata is ready to be emitted, 
                // <anonymous-type>.Name will throw exception if requested
                // before that moment.
                _nameAndIndex = null;

                int fieldsCount = typeDescr.Fields.Length;

                // members
                Symbol[] members = new Symbol[fieldsCount * 3 + 1];
                int memberIndex = 0;

                // The array storing property symbols to be used in 
                // generation of constructor and other methods
                if (fieldsCount > 0)
                    AnonymousTypePropertySymbol[] propertiesArray = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol[fieldsCount];
                    TypeParameterSymbol[] typeParametersArray = new TypeParameterSymbol[fieldsCount];

                    // Process fields
                    for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldsCount; fieldIndex++)
                        AnonymousTypeField field = typeDescr.Fields[fieldIndex];

                        // Add a type parameter
                        AnonymousTypeParameterSymbol typeParameter =
                            new AnonymousTypeParameterSymbol(this, fieldIndex, GeneratedNames.MakeAnonymousTypeParameterName(field.Name));
                        typeParametersArray[fieldIndex] = typeParameter;

                        // Add a property
                        AnonymousTypePropertySymbol property = new AnonymousTypePropertySymbol(this, field, typeParameter);
                        propertiesArray[fieldIndex] = property;

                        // Property related symbols
                        members[memberIndex++] = property;
                        members[memberIndex++] = property.BackingField;
                        members[memberIndex++] = property.GetMethod;

                    _typeParameters = typeParametersArray.AsImmutable();
                    this.Properties = propertiesArray.AsImmutable();
                    _typeParameters = ImmutableArray<TypeParameterSymbol>.Empty;
                    this.Properties = ImmutableArray<AnonymousTypePropertySymbol>.Empty;

                // Add a constructor
                members[memberIndex++] = new AnonymousTypeConstructorSymbol(this, this.Properties);
                _members = members.AsImmutable();

                Debug.Assert(memberIndex == _members.Length);

                // fill nameToSymbols map
                foreach (var symbol in _members)
                    _nameToSymbols.Add(symbol.Name, symbol);

                // special members: Equals, GetHashCode, ToString
                MethodSymbol[] specialMembers = new MethodSymbol[3];
                specialMembers[0] = new AnonymousTypeEqualsMethodSymbol(this);
                specialMembers[1] = new AnonymousTypeGetHashCodeMethodSymbol(this);
                specialMembers[2] = new AnonymousTypeToStringMethodSymbol(this);
                this.SpecialMembers = specialMembers.AsImmutable();
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Formats an anonymous type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="anonymousType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract string FormatAnonymousType(AnonymousTypeDescriptor anonymousType);
Esempio n. 12
        private BoundExpression MakePair(CSharpSyntaxNode node, string field1Name, BoundExpression field1Value, string field2Name, BoundExpression field2Value, QueryTranslationState state, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (field1Name == field2Name)
                // we will generate a diagnostic elsewhere
                field2Name = state.TransparentRangeVariableName();
                field2Value = new BoundBadExpression(field2Value.Syntax, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray<Symbol>.Empty, ImmutableArray.Create<BoundNode>(field2Value), field2Value.Type, true);

            AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = new AnonymousTypeDescriptor(
                                                                new AnonymousTypeField(field1Name, field1Value.Syntax.Location, TypeOrError(field1Value)),
                                                                new AnonymousTypeField(field2Name, field2Value.Syntax.Location, TypeOrError(field2Value))

            AnonymousTypeManager manager = this.Compilation.AnonymousTypeManager;
            NamedTypeSymbol anonymousType = manager.ConstructAnonymousTypeSymbol(typeDescriptor);
            return MakeConstruction(node, anonymousType, ImmutableArray.Create(field1Value, field2Value), diagnostics);
 internal ConstructedAnonymousTypeSymbol(NamedTypeSymbol constructedFrom, ReadOnlyArray <TypeSymbol> typeArguments, AnonymousTypeDescriptor typeDescr)
     : base(constructedFrom, typeArguments)
     this.TypeDescr = typeDescr;