Esempio n. 1
    public LeagueOptions(int standardGames, int gamesToDraft, int counterPicks, int counterPicksToDraft, int freeDroppableGames, int willNotReleaseDroppableGames, int willReleaseDroppableGames,
                         bool dropOnlyDraftGames, bool counterPicksBlockDrops, int minimumBidAmount, IEnumerable <LeagueTagStatus> leagueTags, IEnumerable <SpecialGameSlot> specialGameSlots,
                         DraftSystem draftSystem, PickupSystem pickupSystem, ScoringSystem scoringSystem, TradingSystem tradingSystem, TiebreakSystem tiebreakSystem, AnnualDate counterPickDeadline)
        StandardGames                = standardGames;
        GamesToDraft                 = gamesToDraft;
        CounterPicks                 = counterPicks;
        CounterPicksToDraft          = counterPicksToDraft;
        FreeDroppableGames           = freeDroppableGames;
        WillNotReleaseDroppableGames = willNotReleaseDroppableGames;
        WillReleaseDroppableGames    = willReleaseDroppableGames;
        DropOnlyDraftGames           = dropOnlyDraftGames;
        CounterPicksBlockDrops       = counterPicksBlockDrops;
        MinimumBidAmount             = minimumBidAmount;
        LeagueTags          = leagueTags.ToList();
        SpecialGameSlots    = specialGameSlots.OrderBy(x => x.SpecialSlotPosition).ToList();
        DraftSystem         = draftSystem;
        PickupSystem        = pickupSystem;
        ScoringSystem       = scoringSystem;
        TradingSystem       = tradingSystem;
        TiebreakSystem      = tiebreakSystem;
        CounterPickDeadline = counterPickDeadline;

        _specialSlotDictionary = SpecialGameSlots.ToDictionary(specialGameSlot => StandardGames - SpecialGameSlots.Count + specialGameSlot.SpecialSlotPosition);
Esempio n. 2
        public void AnnualDateConverter()
            var    value = new AnnualDate(12, 5);
            string json  = "12-05";

            AssertConversions(value, json, NodaSerializerDefinitions.AnnualDateSerializer);
Esempio n. 3
 public LeagueYearParameters(Guid leagueID, int year, int standardGames, int gamesToDraft, int counterPicks, int counterPicksToDraft,
                             int freeDroppableGames, int willNotReleaseDroppableGames, int willReleaseDroppableGames, bool dropOnlyDraftGames, bool counterPicksBlockDrops, int minimumBidAmount,
                             IEnumerable <LeagueTagStatus> leagueTags, IEnumerable <SpecialGameSlot> specialGameSlots,
                             DraftSystem draftSystem, PickupSystem pickupSystem, ScoringSystem scoringSystem, TradingSystem tradingSystem, TiebreakSystem tiebreakSystem, AnnualDate counterPickDeadline)
     LeagueID                     = leagueID;
     Year                         = year;
     StandardGames                = standardGames;
     GamesToDraft                 = gamesToDraft;
     CounterPicks                 = counterPicks;
     CounterPicksToDraft          = counterPicksToDraft;
     FreeDroppableGames           = freeDroppableGames;
     WillNotReleaseDroppableGames = willNotReleaseDroppableGames;
     WillReleaseDroppableGames    = willReleaseDroppableGames;
     DropOnlyDraftGames           = dropOnlyDraftGames;
     CounterPicksBlockDrops       = counterPicksBlockDrops;
     MinimumBidAmount             = minimumBidAmount;
     LeagueTags                   = leagueTags.ToList();
     SpecialGameSlots             = specialGameSlots.ToList();
     DraftSystem                  = draftSystem;
     PickupSystem                 = pickupSystem;
     ScoringSystem                = scoringSystem;
     TradingSystem                = tradingSystem;
     TiebreakSystem               = tiebreakSystem;
     CounterPickDeadline          = counterPickDeadline;
Esempio n. 4
        public void InYear()
            var annualDate = new AnnualDate(3, 12);
            var localDate  = Snippet.For(annualDate.InYear(2013));

            Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2013, 3, 12), localDate);
Esempio n. 5
        public void Deserialize_ToNullableType_NonNullValue()
            string     json               = "\"07-01\"";
            var        annualDate         = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AnnualDate?>(json, settings);
            AnnualDate?expectedAnnualDate = new AnnualDate(07, 01);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAnnualDate, annualDate);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Deserialize_ToNullableType_NonNullValue()
            string     json               = "\"07-01\"";
            var        annualDate         = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AnnualDate?>(json, options);
            AnnualDate?expectedAnnualDate = new AnnualDate(07, 01);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAnnualDate, annualDate);
Esempio n. 7
        public void Serialize_NullableType_NonNullValue()
            AnnualDate?annualDate   = new AnnualDate(07, 01);
            var        json         = JsonSerializer.Serialize(annualDate, options);
            string     expectedJson = "\"07-01\"";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedJson, json);
Esempio n. 8
        public void Serialize_NullableType_NonNullValue()
            AnnualDate?annualDate   = new AnnualDate(07, 01);
            var        json         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(annualDate, Formatting.None, settings);
            string     expectedJson = "\"07-01\"";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedJson, json);
Esempio n. 9
 public void June19()
     var date = new AnnualDate(6, 19);
     Assert.AreEqual(19, date.Day);
     Assert.AreEqual(6, date.Month);
     Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2016, 6, 19), date.InYear(2016));
     Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2015, 6, 19), date.InYear(2015));
Esempio n. 10
 public void Feb29()
     var date = new AnnualDate(2, 29);
     Assert.AreEqual(29, date.Day);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, date.Month);
     Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2016, 2, 29), date.InYear(2016));
     Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2015, 2, 28), date.InYear(2015));
Esempio n. 11
        public void IsValidYear()
            var leapDay = new AnnualDate(2, 29);

            var leapYear    = Snippet.For(leapDay.IsValidYear(2020));
            var nonLeapYear = leapDay.IsValidYear(2018);

Esempio n. 12
        public void June19()
            var date = new AnnualDate(6, 19);

            Assert.AreEqual(19, date.Day);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, date.Month);
            Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2016, 6, 19), date.InYear(2016));
            Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2015, 6, 19), date.InYear(2015));
Esempio n. 13
        public void Feb29()
            var date = new AnnualDate(2, 29);

            Assert.AreEqual(29, date.Day);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, date.Month);
            Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2016, 2, 29), date.InYear(2016));
            Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDate(2015, 2, 28), date.InYear(2015));
Esempio n. 14
        public void Equals()
            var february23rd = new AnnualDate(2, 23);
            var august17th   = new AnnualDate(8, 17);

            var unequal = Snippet.For(february23rd.Equals(august17th));
            var equal   = february23rd.Equals(february23rd);

        public void IsOnAnnualDate_Feb28OnLeapYear()
            // Arrange
            var date       = new LocalDate(2020, 02, 28);
            var annualDate = new AnnualDate(02, 29);

            // Act
            var isOnAnnualDate = date.IsOnAnnualDate(annualDate);

            // Assert
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns this annual date in the same year as <paramref name="fromDate"/>, unless that date is before <paramref name="fromDate"/>,
        /// then in the next year.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="annualDate">An annual date.</param>
        /// <param name="fromDate">The reference date from which the next occurrence should be found.</param>
        /// <returns>The next occurrence of the annual date.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// If the annual date is the same day as <paramref name="fromDate"/>, that date is returned.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// As with <see cref="AnnualDate.IsValidYear"/>, if the annual date represents February 29th, and the next occurrence is not in a leap year,
        /// the returned value will be February 28th of that year.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static LocalDate NextOccurrence(this AnnualDate annualDate, LocalDate fromDate)
            var date = annualDate.InYear(fromDate.Year);

            // If the date already passed, go to the next year
            if (date < fromDate)
                date = annualDate.InYear(fromDate.Year + 1);

Esempio n. 17
        public void CompareTo()
            var february23rd = new AnnualDate(2, 23);
            var august17th   = new AnnualDate(8, 17);

            var lessThan    = Snippet.For(february23rd.CompareTo(august17th));
            var equal       = february23rd.CompareTo(february23rd);
            var greaterThan = august17th.CompareTo(february23rd);

            Assert.Less(lessThan, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, equal);
            Assert.Greater(greaterThan, 0);
Esempio n. 18
    public LeagueYear ToDomain(League league, SupportedYear year, IEnumerable <EligibilityOverride> eligibilityOverrides,
                               IEnumerable <TagOverride> tagOverrides, IEnumerable <LeagueTagStatus> leagueTags, IEnumerable <SpecialGameSlot> specialGameSlots,
                               FantasyCriticUser?winningUser, IEnumerable <Publisher> publishersInLeague)
        DraftSystem    draftSystem    = Lib.Enums.DraftSystem.FromValue(DraftSystem);
        PickupSystem   pickupSystem   = Lib.Enums.PickupSystem.FromValue(PickupSystem);
        TradingSystem  tradingSystem  = Lib.Enums.TradingSystem.FromValue(TradingSystem);
        TiebreakSystem tiebreakSystem = Lib.Enums.TiebreakSystem.FromValue(TiebreakSystem);
        ScoringSystem  scoringSystem  = Lib.Domain.ScoringSystems.ScoringSystem.GetScoringSystem(ScoringSystem);

        AnnualDate counterPickDeadline = new AnnualDate(CounterPickDeadlineMonth, CounterPickDeadlineDay);

        LeagueOptions options = new LeagueOptions(StandardGames, GamesToDraft, CounterPicks, CounterPicksToDraft, FreeDroppableGames, WillNotReleaseDroppableGames, WillReleaseDroppableGames,
                                                  DropOnlyDraftGames, CounterPicksBlockDrops, MinimumBidAmount, leagueTags, specialGameSlots, draftSystem, pickupSystem, scoringSystem, tradingSystem, tiebreakSystem, counterPickDeadline);

        return(new LeagueYear(league, year, options, Lib.Enums.PlayStatus.FromValue(PlayStatus), eligibilityOverrides, tagOverrides, DraftStartedTimestamp, winningUser, publishersInLeague));
Esempio n. 19
    public LeagueYearParameters ToDomain(IReadOnlyDictionary <string, MasterGameTag> tagDictionary)
        DraftSystem    draftSystem    = Lib.Enums.DraftSystem.FromValue(DraftSystem);
        PickupSystem   pickupSystem   = Lib.Enums.PickupSystem.FromValue(PickupSystem);
        TradingSystem  tradingSystem  = Lib.Enums.TradingSystem.FromValue(TradingSystem);
        TiebreakSystem tiebreakSystem = Lib.Enums.TiebreakSystem.FromValue(TiebreakSystem);
        ScoringSystem  scoringSystem  = Lib.Domain.ScoringSystems.ScoringSystem.GetScoringSystem(ScoringSystem);

        int freeDroppableGames = FreeDroppableGames;

        if (UnlimitedFreeDroppableGames)
            freeDroppableGames = -1;
        int willNotReleaseDroppableGames = WillNotReleaseDroppableGames;

        if (UnlimitedWillNotReleaseDroppableGames)
            willNotReleaseDroppableGames = -1;
        int willReleaseDroppableGames = WillReleaseDroppableGames;

        if (UnlimitedWillReleaseDroppableGames)
            willReleaseDroppableGames = -1;

        var counterPickDeadline = new AnnualDate(CounterPickDeadline.Month, CounterPickDeadline.Day);

        var leagueTags       = Tags.ToDomain(tagDictionary);
        var specialGameSlots = SpecialGameSlots.Select(x => x.ToDomain(tagDictionary));

        LeagueYearParameters parameters = new LeagueYearParameters(LeagueID, Year, StandardGames, GamesToDraft, CounterPicks, CounterPicksToDraft,
                                                                   freeDroppableGames, willNotReleaseDroppableGames, willReleaseDroppableGames, DropOnlyDraftGames, CounterPicksBlockDrops, MinimumBidAmount,
                                                                   leagueTags, specialGameSlots, draftSystem, pickupSystem, scoringSystem, tradingSystem, tiebreakSystem, counterPickDeadline);

Esempio n. 20
        public void XmlSerialization()
            AnnualDate value = new AnnualDate(3, 14);

            TestHelper.AssertXmlRoundtrip(value, "<value>03-14</value>");
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether the local date is on the annual date, i.e. whether the months and days are equal.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// If the annual date represents February 29th, and the specified date represents February 28th in a non-leap
 /// year, the returned value will be <c>true</c>; if it is a leap year, only a date representing February 29th
 /// will return <c>true</c>.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="date">The local date.</param>
 /// <param name="annualDate">The annual date.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c>, if the date is on the annual date; <c>false</c>, otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool IsOnAnnualDate(this LocalDate date, AnnualDate annualDate) => annualDate.InYear(date.Year) == date;
Esempio n. 22
 protected override DateTime Wrap(AnnualDate value) => value.InYear(_baseYear).ToDateTimeUnspecified();