public async Task <ServiceResponse <GetPollFormDto> > ClosePollForm(int pollId, string email)
            //TODO: refactor both methods
            var response = new ServiceResponse <GetPollFormDto>();

            var pollsterResponse = await GetAccount(email);

            if (pollsterResponse.Data == null)
            var account = pollsterResponse.Data;

            var pollForm = await _context.PollForms.FindAsync(pollId);

            if (pollForm == null)
                return(response.Failure(NoPollFormStr, HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

            var condition = pollForm.AuthorId != account.AccountId && account.UserType != UserType.User;

            if (condition)
                return(response.Failure(AccountMismatchStr, HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));

            pollForm.Archived = true;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(response.Success(_mapper.Map <GetPollFormDto>(pollForm), PollUpdatedStr));
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <ServiceResponse <GetQuestionDto> > CreateQuestion(CreateQuestionDto question, int pollId)
            var dalQuestion = _mapper.Map <Question>(question);

            dalQuestion.Poll = pollId;
            await _context.Questions.AddAsync(dalQuestion);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var getQuestionDto = _mapper.Map <GetQuestionDto>(dalQuestion);

            return(new ServiceResponse <GetQuestionDto>().Success(getQuestionDto, QuestionCreatedStr));
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <ServiceResponse <UpgradeKey> > RemoveUpgradeKey(string key)
            var response = new ServiceResponse <UpgradeKey>();
            var dalKey   = await _context.UpgradeKeys.FirstOrDefaultAsync(k => k.Key == key);

            if (dalKey == null)
                return(response.Failure(NoKeyStr, HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(response.Success(dalKey, KeyRemovedStr));
        public async Task <ServiceResponse <GetPollStatsDto> > CreatePollStats(int pollId)
            var response = new ServiceResponse <GetPollStatsDto>();
            var poll     = await _context.PollForms.FindAsync(pollId);

            if (poll == null)
                return(response.Failure(NoPollWithIdString, HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
            var stats = new PollStat
                PollId      = pollId,
                Completions = 0,
                Percentage  = 0f
            await _context.PollStats.AddAsync(stats);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var pollStats = _mapper.Map <GetPollStatsDto>(stats);

            (pollStats.Title, pollStats.Description) = (poll.Title, poll.Description);
            return(response.Success(pollStats, PollStatCreatedStr));
        public async Task <ServiceResponse <List <GetAnswerDto> > > AddAnswers(List <CreateAnswerDto> answers, string email)
            var response = new ServiceResponse <List <GetAnswerDto> >();
            var account  = await _context.Accounts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.EMail == email);

            if (account == null)
                return(response.Failure(AccountNotFoundStr, HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

            // First we take all question IDs from answer list
            var questionIDs = answers.Select(a => a.QuestionId).ToList();

            // Then we take questions that have previously acquired IDs and select poll IDs of these questions
            var pollIDs = await _context.Questions
                          .Where(q => questionIDs.Contains(q.QuestionId))
                          .Select(q => q.Poll)

            // If there are more than one poll IDs associated with questions or none - return failure
            if (pollIDs.Count > 1)
                return(response.Failure(AnswersForManyStr, HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity));
            if (pollIDs.Count == 0)
                return(response.Failure(NoQuestionStr, HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity));

            // Then we take all questions that are bound to this poll to check if there are all questions in answers
            // var pollQuestionIDs = await _context.Questions
            //     .Where(q => q.Poll == pollIDs.ElementAtOrDefault(0))
            //     .Select(q => q.QuestionId)
            //     .ToListAsync();

            // // After that we have to heck if amount of questions and answers are equal
            // if (!answers.Select(a => a.QuestionId).Distinct().SequenceEqual(pollQuestionIDs))
            //     return response.Failure(InvalidQuestionsStr, HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity); //It had to be changed to account for the non obligatory questions

            var requiredQuestions = await _context.Questions
                                    .Where(q => q.Poll == pollIDs.FirstOrDefault() && !q.AllowEmpty)
                                    .Select(q => q.QuestionId)

            var requiredAnswers = answers
                                  .Where(a => requiredQuestions.Any(q => q == a.QuestionId))
                                  .Select(a => a.QuestionId).ToList();

            if (!requiredAnswers.SequenceEqual(requiredQuestions))
                return(response.Failure(InvalidQuestionsStr, HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity));

            // Lastly we have to check if there are any already answered questions by the current user
            var dalAnswers = answers.Select(a => _mapper.Map <Answer>(a)).ToList();

            foreach (Answer dalAnswer in dalAnswers)
                dalAnswer.AccountId = account.AccountId;
                var answer = await _context.Answers.FindAsync(dalAnswer.AccountId, dalAnswer.QuestionId);

                if (answer != null)
                    return(response.Failure(AlreadyAnsweredStr, HttpStatusCode.Conflict));

            var getAnswers = dalAnswers.Select(a => _mapper.Map <GetAnswerDto>(a)).ToList();
            await _context.Answers.AddRangeAsync(dalAnswers);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            RunFunctions(pollIDs[0], account.AccountId);

            return(response.Success(getAnswers, AnswersCreatedStr));