public void PlayAnimation(string animationName, float speed, bool loop, bool autoStop)
        if (_animationComponent == null)

        if (_animationComponent[animationName] == null)

        AnimationState animState = _animationComponent[animationName];

        // The default layer value, the 0 is the low layer,the top layer is cross first
        animState.layer  = 0;
        animState.time   = 0.0f;
        animState.weight = 1.0f;
        animState.speed  = speed;
        // The Loop animation control
        animState.wrapMode = loop ? WrapMode.Loop : WrapMode.Once;

        if (_animationStateSlotList.ContainsKey(animationName))

        AnimationStateSlot animationStateSlot = new AnimationStateSlot(animState);

        _animationStateSlotList.Add(animationName, animationStateSlot);

        // _animationComponent.Play(animationName);
    public void AddAnimationEvent(string animationName, float time, OnAnimationEventFunction callbackFunction)
        if (_animationComponent == null)

        if (_animationComponent[animationName] == null)

//		AnimationEvent animEvent = new AnimationEvent();
//		animEvent.time = time;
//		animEvent.functionName = functionName;
//		_currentAnimationState.clip.AddEvent(animEvent);

        // Is same with
        // this.gameObject.SendMessage(animEvent.functionName, animEvent);

        if (!_animationStateSlotList.ContainsKey(animationName))

        AnimationStateSlot animStateSlot = _animationStateSlotList[animationName];

        // Create new event callback
        AnimationEventCallback callback = new AnimationEventCallback();

        callback._triggerTime = time;
        callback._onAnimationEventFunction = callbackFunction;
        callback._userData    = animStateSlot;
        callback._isTriggered = false;
        callback._isEndEvent  = false;

        // Check is animation end event
        if (_animationComponent[animationName].length == time)
            callback._isEndEvent = true;

        // Add the time event into callback list
        animStateSlot.AddEventCallback(callback._triggerTime, callback);