// Use this for initialization public override void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, NeighbourAgents neighborhood, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) { analyzer.Init(); } storedPlan = new List <FootstepPlanningAction>(); outputPlan = new Stack <DefaultAction>(); domainList = new List <PlanningDomainBase>(); domainList.Add(new FootstepPlanningDomain(analyzer, neighborhood, obstacles)); planner = new ADAstarPlanner(); planner.init(ref domainList, MaxNumberOfNodes); initialized = true; currentState = null; isPlanComputed = false; planChanged = false; goalMeshRenderer = goalStateTransform.gameObject.GetComponent("MeshRenderer") as MeshRenderer; currentGoal = goalStateTransform.position; }
//public void Init (AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, AnimationEngine animEngine, FootstepPlanningTest planner, public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, AnimationEngine animEngine, Planner planner, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles, CollisionReaction colReact) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) { analyzer.Init(); } planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) { planning.Init(analyzer, agents, obstacles); } engine = animEngine; if (engine != null && !engine.initialized) { engine.Init(analyzer, planning, agents, obstacles); } collision = colReact; if (collision != null && !collision.initialized) { collision.Init(analyzer, planning, engine, agents, obstacles); } if (debugText != null) { debugText.gameObject.active = false; } initialized = true; }
//public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, FootstepPlanningTest planner, RootMotionComputer computer, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles){ public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, Planner planner, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) { analyzer.Init(); } planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) { planning.Init(analyzer, agents, obstacles); } foreach (AnimationState state in animation) { state.enabled = true; state.speed = 1.0f; state.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; state.weight = 0; } currentAnimation = null; action = null; animation.Stop(); initialized = true; actionNum = 0; changed = false; errorT = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); errorR = 0; currentBlendingTime = 0; currentActionTime = 0; previousBlendingTime = 0; currentActionEndTime = 0; actionsSinceLastPlan = 0; insertedAction = false; initGameObjectPos = transform.position; initGameObjectRotY = transform.eulerAngles.y; initLocalRootPos = root.localPosition; lastRootPos = root.position; lastRootRot = root.rotation; }
// Use this for initialization public override void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, NeighbourAgents neighborhood, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) { analyzer.Init(); } storedPlan = new List <FootstepPlanningAction>(); outputPlan = new Stack <DefaultAction>(); domainList = new List <PlanningDomainBase>(); gpd = new GridPlanningDomain(analyzer); //gtd = new GridTimeDomain(analyzer, obstacles); gtd = new GridTimeDomain(obstacles, neighborhood); fpd = new FootstepPlanningDomain(analyzer, neighborhood, obstacles); if (useGridDomain) { domainList.Add(gpd); //domainList.Add(gpd); } if (useGridTimeDomain) { domainList.Add(gtd); //domainList.Add(gtd); } if (useFootstepDomain) { domainList.Add(fpd); //domainList.Add(fpd); } planner = new BestFirstSearchPlanner(); planner.init(ref domainList, MaxNumberOfNodes); initialized = true; currentState = null; isPlanComputed = false; planChanged = false; goalMeshRenderer = goalStateTransform.gameObject.GetComponent("MeshRenderer") as MeshRenderer; currentGoal = goalStateTransform.position; goalReached = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //AnimationAnalyzer analyzer = agent.GetComponent("AnimationAnalyzer") as AnimationAnalyzer; if (analyzer == null) { analyzer = agent.GetComponent("AnimationAnalyzer") as AnimationAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null) { analyzer.Init(); } animationNames = analyzer.animationNames; } currentAnimationIndex = 0; }
//public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, FootstepPlanningTest planner, AnimationEngine animEngine, public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, Planner planner, AnimationEngine animEngine, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) { analyzer.Init(); } planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) { planning.Init(analyzer, agents, obstacles); } engine = animEngine; if (engine != null && !engine.initialized) { engine.Init(analyzer, planning, agents, obstacles); } if (rightFoot.position[1] < leftFoot.position[1]) { auxHeight = rightFoot.position[1]; } else { auxHeight = leftFoot.position[1]; } counter = 0; footSteps = new Object[numberOfFootSteps]; initiated = true; }
//public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, FootstepPlanningTest planner, AnimationEngine animEngine, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, Planner planner, AnimationEngine animEngine, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) { analyzer.Init(); } planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) { planning.Init(analyzer, agents, obstacles); } engine = animEngine; if (engine != null && !engine.initialized) { engine.Init(analyzer, planning, agents, obstacles); } reacting = false; initialized = true; }
//public void Init (AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, AnimationEngine animEngine, FootstepPlanningTest planner, public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, AnimationEngine animEngine, Planner planner, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles, CollisionReaction colReact) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) analyzer.Init(); planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) planning.Init(analyzer, agents, obstacles); engine = animEngine; if (engine != null && !engine.initialized) engine.Init(analyzer,planning,agents,obstacles); collision = colReact; if (collision != null && !collision.initialized) collision.Init(analyzer,planning,engine,agents,obstacles); if (debugText != null) debugText.gameObject.active = false; initialized = true; }
// Use this for initialization public override void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, NeighbourAgents neighborhood, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) analyzer.Init(); storedPlan = new List<FootstepPlanningAction>(); outputPlan = new Stack<DefaultAction>(); domainList = new List<PlanningDomainBase>(); domainList.Add(new FootstepPlanningDomain(analyzer, neighborhood, obstacles)); planner = new ADAstarPlanner(); planner.init(ref domainList, MaxNumberOfNodes); initialized = true; currentState = null; isPlanComputed = false; planChanged = false; goalMeshRenderer = goalStateTransform.gameObject.GetComponent("MeshRenderer") as MeshRenderer; currentGoal = goalStateTransform.position; }
//public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, FootstepPlanningTest planner, AnimationEngine animEngine, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, Planner planner, AnimationEngine animEngine,NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) analyzer.Init(); planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) planning.Init(analyzer, agents, obstacles); engine = animEngine; if (engine != null && !engine.initialized) engine.Init(analyzer,planning, agents, obstacles); reacting = false; initialized = true; }
// Use this for initialization public override void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, NeighbourAgents neighborhood, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) analyzer.Init(); storedPlan = new List<FootstepPlanningAction>(); outputPlan = new Stack<DefaultAction>(); domainList = new List<PlanningDomainBase>(); gpd = new GridPlanningDomain(analyzer); //gtd = new GridTimeDomain(analyzer, obstacles); gtd = new GridTimeDomain(obstacles,neighborhood); fpd = new FootstepPlanningDomain(analyzer, neighborhood, obstacles); if (useGridDomain) { domainList.Add(gpd); //domainList.Add(gpd); } if (useGridTimeDomain) { domainList.Add(gtd); //domainList.Add(gtd); } if (useFootstepDomain) { domainList.Add(fpd); //domainList.Add(fpd); } planner = new BestFirstSearchPlanner(); planner.init(ref domainList, MaxNumberOfNodes); initialized = true; currentState = null; isPlanComputed = false; planChanged = false; goalMeshRenderer = goalStateTransform.gameObject.GetComponent("MeshRenderer") as MeshRenderer; currentGoal = goalStateTransform.position; goalReached = false; }
//public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, FootstepPlanningTest planner, AnimationEngine animEngine, public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, Planner planner, AnimationEngine animEngine, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) analyzer.Init(); planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) planning.Init(analyzer, agents, obstacles); engine = animEngine; if (engine != null && !engine.initialized) engine.Init(analyzer,planning,agents,obstacles); if (rightFoot.position[1] < leftFoot.position[1]) auxHeight = rightFoot.position[1]; else auxHeight = leftFoot.position[1]; counter = 0; footSteps = new Object[numberOfFootSteps]; initiated = true; }
//public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, FootstepPlanningTest planner, RootMotionComputer computer, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles){ public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, Planner planner, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) analyzer.Init(); planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) planning.Init(analyzer,agents,obstacles); foreach (AnimationState state in animation) { state.enabled = true; state.speed = 1.0f; state.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; state.weight = 0; } currentAnimation = null; action = null; animation.Stop(); initialized = true; actionNum = 0; changed = false; errorT = new Vector3(0,0,0); errorR = 0; currentBlendingTime = 0; currentActionTime = 0; previousBlendingTime = 0; currentActionEndTime = 0; actionsSinceLastPlan = 0; insertedAction = false; initGameObjectPos = transform.position; initGameObjectRotY = transform.eulerAngles.y; initLocalRootPos = root.localPosition; lastRootPos = root.position; lastRootRot = root.rotation; }
// Use this for initialization void InitAgent(int i) { AnimationAnalyzer analyzer = null; // Initialize different components of the agents // ( Animation Engine, Planner, Neighbors, ...) //foreach (GameObject agent in agents) //for(int i = 0; i < agents.Length; i++) { GameObject agent = agents[i]; //agent.active = true; agent.transform.position = agentsPos[i]; //if (analyzer == null) { analyzer = agent.GetComponent("AnimationAnalyzer") as AnimationAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null) { analyzer.Init(); //analyzer.ReadAnalysisFromFile(animationsFileName); } } /* * else * { * Vector3 startPos = agent.transform.position; * Quaternion startRot = agent.transform.rotation; * analyzer.RemoveAnimations(agent.animation); * agent.transform.position = startPos; * agent.transform.rotation = startRot; * } */ NeighbourAgents neighbourAgents = agent.GetComponent("NeighbourAgents") as NeighbourAgents; //if (neighbourAgents != null) // neighbourAgents.Init(); NeighbourObstacles neighbourObstacles = agent.GetComponent("NeighbourObstacles") as NeighbourObstacles; //if (neighbourObstacles != null) // neighbourObstacles.Init(); Planner planning; if (ADAFootstepTest.ADA_PLANNER_IN_USE) { ADAFootstepTest ADAplanning = agent.GetComponent("ADAFootstepTest") as ADAFootstepTest; planning = ADAplanning as Planner; } else { FootstepPlanningTest FPTplanning = agent.GetComponent("FootstepPlanningTest") as FootstepPlanningTest; planning = FPTplanning as Planner; } if (planning != null) { planning.Init(analyzer, neighbourAgents, neighbourObstacles); } AnimationEngine engine = agent.GetComponent("AnimationEngine") as AnimationEngine; if (engine != null) { engine.Init(analyzer, planning, neighbourAgents, neighbourObstacles); } CollisionReaction collider = agent.GetComponent("CollisionReaction") as CollisionReaction; if (collider != null) { collider.Init(analyzer, planning, engine, neighbourAgents, neighbourObstacles); } NavMeshWayPoints waypoints = agent.GetComponent("NavMeshWayPoints") as NavMeshWayPoints; if (waypoints != null) { waypoints.Init(planning, steering, analyzer, neighbourAgents, neighbourObstacles); } PlaceFootSteps footsteps = agent.GetComponent("PlaceFootSteps") as PlaceFootSteps; if (footsteps != null) { footsteps.Init(analyzer, planning, engine, neighbourAgents, neighbourObstacles); } EventsMonitor events = agent.GetComponent("EventsMonitor") as EventsMonitor; if (events != null) { events.Init(analyzer, planning, engine, collider, waypoints, steering, neighbourAgents, neighbourObstacles, footsteps); events.enabled = false; } DebugScript debug = agent.GetComponent("DebugScript") as DebugScript; if (debug != null) { debug.Init(analyzer, engine, planning, neighbourAgents, neighbourObstacles, collider); } if (analyzer != null) { analyzer.RemoveAnimations(agent.animation); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //AnimationAnalyzer analyzer = agent.GetComponent("AnimationAnalyzer") as AnimationAnalyzer; if (analyzer == null) { analyzer = agent.GetComponent("AnimationAnalyzer") as AnimationAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null) analyzer.Init(); animationNames = analyzer.animationNames; } currentAnimationIndex = 0; }