// If the animal is stuck somewhere it shouldn't be help it escape or die if its very far from walkable terrain
        public static BTStatus LandAnimalUnStuckOrDie(Animal agent, float speed, AnimalAnimationState state)
            if (!RouteManager.Ready)
                // don't kill everything if pathfinding is resetting
                agent.LockNextTick(WorldTime.Seconds + 20f);
                return BTStatus.Success;

            const int MaxUnStuckDistance = 20;
            var nearestValid = RouteManager.NearestWalkableXYZ(agent.Position.Round, MaxUnStuckDistance);
            if (nearestValid == agent.Position.WorldPosition3i)
                return BTStatus.Failure;

            if (!nearestValid.IsValid)
                // cheating failed? time to die!
                return BTStatus.Success;
            // ignore terrain, path directly to a valid area
            agent.Target.Set(agent.Position, (Vector3)nearestValid, speed);
            agent.AnimationState = state;
            return BTStatus.Success;
        public static BTStatus RouteToWater(Animal agent, float speed, AnimalAnimationState state)
            var start = agent.Position.WorldPosition3i;

            // only works for surface start points
            if (World.World.IsUnderwater(start) || start.y != World.World.MaxYCache[start] || RouteManager.RouteToSeaMap == null)
                return BTStatus.Failure;

            if (start.IsValid)
                agent.AnimationState = state;

                // get a destination a decent
                var current = start;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    var next = RouteManager.RouteToSeaMap[current];
                    if (next == current)
                    current = next;
                    if (WorldPosition3i.Distance(current, start) > 10)

                var target = ((Vector2)(WorldPosition3i.GetDelta(current, start)).XZ).Rotate(RandomUtil.Range(-20, 20));
                return AmphibiousMovement(agent, target, speed, state, 10, 20);

            return BTStatus.Failure;
        public static BTStatus Swim(Animal agent, Vector2 direction, float speed, AnimalAnimationState state, bool surface, int tries = 10)
            var targetPos = AIUtilities.FindTargetSwimPosition(agent.Position, 5.0f, 20.0f, direction, 90, 360, tries, surface);
            if (targetPos == agent.Position)
                return BTStatus.Failure;

            agent.AnimationState = state;
            agent.Target.Set(agent.Position, targetPos, speed);
            agent.NextTick = agent.Target.TargetTime;

            return BTStatus.Success;
        public static BTStatus AmphibiousMovement(Animal agent, Vector2 generalDirection, float speed, AnimalAnimationState state, float minDistance = 2f, float maxDistance = 20f)
            var start = agent.Position.WorldPosition3i;
            if (!World.World.IsUnderwater(start))
                start = RouteManager.NearestWalkableY(agent.Position.WorldPosition3i);

            if (!start.IsValid)
                return LandMovement(agent, generalDirection, speed, state, minDistance, maxDistance);

            if (generalDirection == Vector2.zero)
                generalDirection = Vector2.right.Rotate(RandomUtil.Range(0f, 360));
                generalDirection = generalDirection.Normalized;

            var target = (agent.Position + (generalDirection * RandomUtil.Range(minDistance, maxDistance)).X_Z()).WorldPosition3i;
            if (World.World.IsUnderwater(target))
                target.y = World.World.MaxWaterHeight[target];
                target = RouteManager.NearestWalkableXYZ(target, 5);

            // This is a low-effort search that includes water surface and should occasionally fail, just pick a semi-random node that was visited when it fails
            var allowWaterSearch = new AStarSearch(RouteCacheData.NeighborsIncludeWater, start, target, 30);
            if (allowWaterSearch.Status != SearchStatus.PathFound)
                target = allowWaterSearch.Nodes.Last().Key;

            if (allowWaterSearch.Path.Count < 2)
                return BTStatus.Failure;
            else if (allowWaterSearch.Status == SearchStatus.Unpathable && allowWaterSearch.Nodes.Count < RouteRegions.MinimumRegionSize && !World.World.IsUnderwater(agent.Position.WorldPosition3i))
                // Search region was unexpectedly small and agent is on land, might be trapped by player construction. 
                // Try regular land movement so region checks can apply & the agent can get unstuck (or die)
                return LandMovement(agent, generalDirection, speed, state, minDistance, maxDistance);

            var smoothed = allowWaterSearch.LineOfSightSmooth(agent.Position);
            PiecewiseLinearFunction route = AIUtilities.ProjectRoute(smoothed, speed);
            agent.AnimationState = state;
            agent.NextTick = WorldTime.Seconds + route.EndTime;

            return BTStatus.Success;
 public static BTStatus LandMovement(Animal agent, Vector2 direction, float speed, AnimalAnimationState state, float minDistance = 2f, float maxDistance = 20f, float minDirectionOffsetDegrees = 0, float maxDirectionOffsetDegrees = 360, int tryCount = 10)
     var search = AIUtilities.FindRoute(agent.Position, 2f, 20f, direction);
     if (search != null)
         var smoothed = search.LineOfSightSmooth(agent.Position);
         PiecewiseLinearFunction route = AIUtilities.ProjectRoute(smoothed, speed);
         agent.NextTick = WorldTime.Seconds + route.EndTime;
         agent.AnimationState = state;
         return BTStatus.Success;
         return LandAnimalUnStuckOrDie(agent, speed, state);