public void RunUnitTests() { //app.Repl(); var appName = GetAppName(); Console.WriteLine(appName); app.Tap(c => c.Id("RunTestsButton")); app.WaitFor(() => app.Query(a => a.Id("ResultsResult")).Single().Text != string.Empty); var resultLabel = app.Query(a => a.Id("ResultsResult")).Single(); Console.WriteLine(resultLabel.Text); Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); Console.WriteLine("Test Results:"); app.Tap(c => c.Id("TestSuiteListView")); app.WaitFor(() => app.Query(a => a.Id("ResultsId")).Count() >= 1 && !app.Query(a => a.Id("ResultsId")).Any(b => b.Text.Contains("appName"))); Assert.AreEqual("Passed", resultLabel.Text); }
public void Login() { Thread.Sleep(10000); app.Tap("Email"); app.EnterText(EmailFinal); app.Tap("Password"); app.EnterText("magicA123"); app.Tap(x => x.Id("signInButton")); Thread.Sleep(15000); var isAddCode = app.Query(x => x.Id("pop_up_title")).Any(); if (isAddCode == true) { app.Flash(x => x.Id("dialogAddCodeBtn")); app.Tap(x => x.Id("notNowTextView")); } ProfileUpdate(); BabyUpdate(); History(); PamperReward(); GetMorePoints(); ParentsHub(); ShowNotification(); }
public void AfterEachTest() { // Start the application app = ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp(); // Delete recently created city if still existing // Depending on your test configuration and environment, ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp(); sometimes // deployes a complete new package of the app. In this case, no cleanup work is needed. app.WaitForElement(x => x.Id("textView1")); var city = app.Query(x => x.Text(testCityName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (city != null) { // Delete the recently created city app.Tap(x => x.Text(testCityName)); app.WaitForElement(x => x.Class("OverflowMenuButton")); app.Tap(x => x.Class("OverflowMenuButton")); app.Tap(x => x.Class("TextView").Index(0)); // Edit button app.WaitForElement(x => x.Id("action_delete_city"), "Delete city button never appeared..."); app.Tap(x => x.Id("action_delete_city")); app.Tap(x => x.Id("button1")); // Check if city has been deleted successfully var results = app.Query(x => x.Text(testCityName)); Assert.IsFalse(results.Any()); } }
public void SpecFlow_VerkenHoofdscherm() { int lengte1 = 0; int lengte2 = 0; app.WaitForElement(c => c.Id("action_bar")); app.Flash(c => c.Id("plusButton")); app.Tap(c => c.Id("plusButton")); app.Tap(c => c.Id("plusButton")); app.Tap(c => c.Id("plusButton")); app.Flash(c => c.Id("minButton")); app.Tap(c => c.Id("minButton")); app.Tap(c => c.Id("minButton")); app.Flash(c => c.Id("route1Button")); app.Tap(c => c.Id("route1Button")); var resultlengte1 = app.Query(c => c.Id("lengte").Invoke("getText")); if (resultlengte1[0].ToString() != null) { lengte1 = Int32.Parse(resultlengte1[0].ToString()); } app.Flash(c => c.Id("route2Button")); app.Tap(c => c.Id("route2Button")); app.Flash(c => c.Id("lengte")); var resultlengte2 = app.Query(c => c.Id("lengte").Invoke("getText")); if (resultlengte2[0].ToString() != null) { lengte2 = Int32.Parse(resultlengte2[0].ToString()); } //bij 11 punten is de lengte soms gelijk Assert.GreaterOrEqual(lengte2, lengte1); }
public void TestCheckActionBarTitle() { // Get the text of action bar var result = app.Query(c => c.Class("TextView").Text("TextSwitcher")); // Check for the text is not null Assert.NotNull(result); }
public void IsNewestScreenPresented() { app.WaitForElement(c => c.Class("FormsTextView").Text("Sidste 7 dage:")); //Query for TextView where the Text property is as below var newestWithDraw = app.Query(c => c.Class("TextView").Text("Nyeste tilbagetrækninger")); //I would only expect 1 TextView, if there are more its a bug. Assert.AreEqual(1, newestWithDraw.Count()); }
public void ThenToontHetSchermKnopen(int aantalverwacht) { var resultaantal = app.Query(c => c.Id("nknopen").Invoke("getText")); if (resultaantal[0].ToString() != null) { int aantalgetoond = Int32.Parse(resultaantal[0].ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(aantalgetoond, aantalverwacht); } }
public string[] all() { var qr = app.Query(c => c.All()).Where(r).Select(this.res).OrderBy(e => e).ToArray(); var text = app.Query(c => c.All()).Where(e => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text)).Select(this.res).OrderBy(e => e).ToArray(); Console.Out.WriteLine("elements " + qr.Length + " text " + text.Length); return(qr); }
public void VerifyNewcomersInstruction() { do { app.Tap("nextView"); }while (app.Query(x => x.Marked("nextView").Invoke("getText"))[0].ToString() != "Перейти в каталог"); app.Tap("nextView"); app.WaitForElement(x => x.Marked("name")); string result = app.Query(x => x.Marked("name").Invoke("getText"))[0].ToString(); Assert.AreEqual("Электроника", result); }
public void TestAddShortcutSuccess() { var website = ""; AddShortcut(website); // wait for the list item app.WaitForElement(c => c.Id("line1")); var itemText = app.Query(c => c.Id("line1").Invoke("getText").Value <string>()); Assert.NotNull(itemText); Assert.AreEqual(itemText[0], website); }
/// <summary> /// Incrementally scrolls down until the desired elements are found /// </summary> public static AppResult[] ScrollDownEnough(this AndroidApp app, Func <AppQuery, AppQuery> lambda, string screenshot = null) { AppResult rootView = null; int count = 0; int maxTries = 20; AppResult[] lastTry; while (count < maxTries) { lastTry = app.Query(lambda); if (lastTry.Any()) { if (screenshot != null) { app.Screenshot(screenshot); } return(lastTry); } if (rootView == null) { rootView = app.Query(e => e.All()).FirstOrDefault(); if (rootView == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to get root view"); } } //Will try to scroll +/-100 from the vertical center point float gap = 100; //Take into account where the screen is not large and the gap would be too big if (rootView.Rect.Height < gap * 2) { gap = rootView.Rect.Height / 4; } app.DragCoordinates(rootView.Rect.CenterX, rootView.Rect.CenterY + gap, rootView.Rect.CenterX, rootView.Rect.CenterY - gap); count++; } if (count == maxTries) { throw new Exception("Unable to scroll down to find element"); } return(new AppResult[0]); }
public void TamperedEnabled_CappuccinoTest() { app.Tap(x => x.Marked("DrinkType")); app.Screenshot("Tapped Drink Type"); app.Tap(x => x.Marked("Cappuccino")); app.Screenshot("Tapped on Cappuccino"); app.DismissKeyboard(); app.Screenshot("Dismissed Keyboard"); var result = app.Query("Tamered").First(); Assert.IsTrue(result.Enabled, "Tampered is enabled"); }
public void CollectSymbols() { _app.Tap(q => q.Id("btnUpload")); var totalWaitTimeSeconds = 40 * 60; var retryCounter = 200; var iterationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(totalWaitTimeSeconds / retryCounter); while (true) { try { _app.WaitForElement(query => query.Id("done_text"), timeout: iterationTimeout); _app.Screenshot("💯"); break; } catch (Exception e) when(e.InnerException is TimeoutException) { if (--retryCounter == 0) { _app.Screenshot("Timeout"); throw; } // Check if it failed var result = _app.Query(p => p.Id("alertTitle")); if (result?.Any() == true) { _app.Screenshot("Error"); throw new Exception("Error modal found, app errored."); } } } }
public void BlurImage() { app.Screenshot("Launch"); app.WaitForElement(q => q.Id("seekBar1")); app.Query(q => q.Id("seekBar1").Invoke("setProgress", 15)); app.Screenshot("Blurred Image"); }
public void TextView_Shows_Up_When_Button_Clicked() { app.Tap(c => c.Id("buttonShow")); app.Screenshot("Button Pressed"); AppResult[] result = app.Query(c => c.Id("textViewShow")); Assert.IsTrue(result.Any(), "TextView not displayed"); }
public string[] CountTopics() { var firstElements = app.Query(c => c.Id(nextButton)).Select(x => x.Text).ToList(); app.ScrollDown(); var secondElements = app.Query(c => c.Id(nextButton)).Select(x => x.Text).ToList(); foreach (var s in secondElements) { firstElements.Add(s); } var elements = firstElements.Distinct().ToArray(); return(elements); }
public void AppDidLaunch() { app.WaitForElement(c => c.Id("fab")); app.Tap(c => c.Id("fab")); Assert.AreNotEqual("ERROR!", app.Query(c => c.Id("textView1"))[0].Text); app.Screenshot("App launched"); }
public void TapRandomButtonsTest() { var rand = new Random(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var buttons = _app.Query(c => c.Button()).ToArray(); if (!buttons.Any()) { break; } try { _app.Tap(c => c.Button().Index(rand.Next(0, buttons.Length - 1))); } catch { // Fail silently, this is probably due to the number of buttons on the page being reduced between // the app.Query() and the app.Tap(). } var word = i == 0 ? "a" : "another"; _app.Screenshot($"Tapped {word} random button"); Thread.Sleep(3000); // This should allow any animations to complete in most cases } }
public void BasicFahrenheitSetup() { // Let something load before proceeding app.WaitForElement(x => x.Marked("JunctionTemperatureLabel")); app.Screenshot("Initial launch"); app.SetSliderValue(x => x.Class("FormsSeekBar").Index(0), 250); app.SetSliderValue(x => x.Class("FormsSeekBar").Index(1), 208); app.ScrollDown(); // Might be necessary on small screens app.SetSliderValue(x => x.Class("FormsSeekBar").Index(2), 50); app.Screenshot("Sliders set for 5V from 12V at 0.5A"); app.ScrollUp(); app.SetOrientationLandscape(); app.Screenshot("Setup in landscape"); app.SetOrientationPortrait(); app.Tap(x => x.Marked("OK")); app.Screenshot("Opened settings"); app.Tap(x => x.Text("Fahrenheit (°F)")); app.Screenshot("Tapped on view with class: FormsTextView"); app.SwipeRightToLeft(); app.Screenshot("Swiped left"); app.WaitForElement(x => x.Marked("JunctionTemperatureLabel")); var temperatureF = app.Query(x => x.Marked("JunctionTemperatureLabel")); Assert.IsTrue(temperatureF[0].Text.Equals("JUNCTION TEMP: 222.1 ˚F")); }
public void numberToShort() { app.WaitForElement(invoerveldcardnummer); app.Screenshot("After starting application"); app.EnterText(invoerveldcardnummer, shortnumber); app.WaitForElement(e => e.Text(shortnumber), "number not in textfield"); app.Screenshot("number entred"); app.Tap(validatieknop); app.WaitForElement(errormessageappears, "no error message"); app.Screenshot("After doing the validation"); var toshort = app.Query(textistoshortmessage).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(toshort); }
public void RunBenchmarkHelper(string benchmark) { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("AndroidAgent.UITests.params.json")) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(reader.ReadToEnd()); string githubAPIKey = json.githubAPIKey; string httpAPITokens = json.httpAPITokens; string machineName = json.machineName; string runSetId = json.runSetId; string configName = json.configName; app.Screenshot("init"); clearAndSetTextField("benchmark", benchmark); clearAndSetTextField("githubAPIKey", githubAPIKey); clearAndSetTextField("httpAPITokens", httpAPITokens); clearAndSetTextField("machineName", machineName); clearAndSetTextField("runSetId", runSetId); clearAndSetTextField("configName", configName); app.Tap(c => c.Marked("myButton")); app.Screenshot("after tap"); app.WaitForNoElement(c => c.Marked("myButton").Text("running"), "Benchmark is taking too long", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(179)); Assert.AreEqual(app.Query(c => c.Marked("myButton")).First().Text, "start"); app.Screenshot("after benchmark"); } } }
public void VerticalPhrases() { app.Tap(x => x.Class("TextView").Index(1)); app.Tap(x => x.Class("TextView").Index(6)); app.Tap(x => x.Class("TextView").Index(11)); app.Tap(x => x.Class("TextView").Index(16)); app.Screenshot("4 in a column are selected"); app.Tap(x => x.Class("TextView").Index(21)); app.WaitForElement(x => x.Id("alertTitle")); var results = app.Query(x => x.Id("alertTitle")); Assert.AreEqual("You won, congratulations!", results [0].Text); app.Screenshot("A Congratulating dialog should appear"); }
public void Toast_Displayed_If_CallButton_Pressed_With_EmptyTextBox() { app.Screenshot("App Started"); app.Tap(c => c.Id("CallButton")); app.Screenshot("Call Button Pressed"); AppResult[] result = app.Query(c => c.Marked("Please provide number")); Assert.IsTrue(result.Any(), "Toast not displayed"); }
public void LaunchingShouldDisplayList() { app.Screenshot("Launch"); var items = app.Query(q => q.Id("text1")); Assert.Greater(items.Count(), 0, "No List Items Found"); }
public string CountResults() { app.WaitForElement(_resultCount); var countOfResults = app.Query(_resultCount).Select(x => x.Text).First(); var result = Regex.Match(countOfResults, @"\D+ (\d+) \D+"); var count = result.Groups.Cast <Group>().Select(x => x.Value).Skip(1).First(); return(count); }
public void AppLaunches() { app.EnterText(valorUm, "10"); app.EnterText(valorDois, "10"); app.Tap(btn); AppResult[] result = app.Query(resultado); Assert.AreEqual("20", result[0].Text); }
public void ClickingButtonTwiceShouldChangeItsLabel() { Func <AppQuery, AppQuery> MyButton = c => c.Button("myButton"); app.Tap(MyButton); app.Tap(MyButton); AppResult[] results = app.Query(MyButton); app.Screenshot("Button clicked twice."); Assert.AreEqual("2 clicks!", results[0].Text); }
public static void LogToDevice(this AndroidApp app, Func <AppQuery, AppQuery> lambda = null) { if (lambda == null) { lambda = e => e.All(); } var results = app.Query(lambda); app.LogToDevice(results.ToString(true)); }
public void App_Login_login() { app.EnterText("et_login", "Altamir"); app.EnterText("et_pass", "12345"); app.DismissKeyboard(); app.Tap("bt_logar"); app.WaitFor(() => app.Query(e => e.Id("tx_result")) .First().Enabled, "Wait for page", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)); }
public void Teste_Xamarin_Android() { //app.Repl(); app.EnterText(valorUm, "10"); app.EnterText(valorDois, "10"); app.Tap(btn); AppResult[] result = app.Query(resultado); Assert.AreEqual("20", result[0].Text); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp (); app.Screenshot ("Given the app is loaded"); app.Tap (x => x.Button ("btn_play")); app.WaitForElement (x => x.Id ("tv_bingoItem")); var results = app.Query (x => x.Id ("tv_bingoItem")); Assert.AreEqual (25, results.Length); app.Screenshot ("25 items should be shown"); }
string GetTitle(int timeoutInSeconds = 60) { App.WaitForElement(_pageTitleText, "Could Not Retrieve Page Title", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutInSeconds)); var titleQuery = App switch { iOSApp iosApp => iosApp.Query(x => x.Class("UILabel").Marked(_pageTitleText)), AndroidApp androidApp => androidApp.Query(x => x.Class("AppCompatTextView").Marked(_pageTitleText)), _ => throw new NotSupportedException(), }; return(titleQuery.First().Text); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { // Start the application app = ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp(); // Create a new city app.WaitForElement(x => x.Id("action_add_city")); app.Tap(x => x.Id("action_add_city")); app.EnterText(x => x.Id("addEditCityName"), testCityName); app.EnterText(x => x.Id("addEditCityZip"), testCityZip); app.Tap(x => x.Id("action_add_city_confirm")); // Check if city has been created successfully var results = app.Query(x => x.Text(testCityName)); Assert.IsTrue(results.Any()); }
public virtual void BeforeEachTest() { app = AppInitializer.StartApp(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); if (app.Query("SIGN IN").Any()) { new SplashScreenPage(app) .ExitSplashScreen(); } //waiting for next screen to load Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); app.Screenshot("On Home Page"); }