public void OpenFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = ""; path = AndiFileDialog.OpenDialog(path, _LastPath, "WildEncounter EX Gen IV - File Open", "Any Files|*.*|Narc Files|*.*"); if (path != "") { Program.GlobalPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); _LastPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); flepath = new FileInfo(path); Program.mForm.fname.Text = flepath.Name; Program.mForm.fsize.Text = flepath.Length + ""; if (CheckMagicHeaderID.get(path) != "NARC") { MessageBox.Show("This Not NARC File, File Extension Signature is " + CheckMagicHeaderID.get(path) + ", and is not NARC File!", "Error!"); return; } narc.OpenData(path); EventsAfterOpenFile(); } }
public void OpenFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = "", path2 = ""; path = AndiFileDialog.OpenDialog(path, Path.GetDirectoryName(_LastPath), "Evolution Narc File - File Open", "Any Files|*.*|Narc Files|*.*"); if (path != "") { flepath = new FileInfo(path); Program.mForm.fname.Text = flepath.Name; Program.mForm.fsize.Text = flepath.Length + ""; path2 = AndiFileDialog.OpenDialog(path2, Path.GetDirectoryName(_LastPath), "BabyEvolution Narc File - File Open", "Any Files|*.*|Narc Files|*.*"); } if (path2 != "") { if (CheckMagicHeaderID.get(path2) != "NARC") { MessageBox.Show( "This Not NARC File, File Extension Signature is " + CheckMagicHeaderID.get(path2) + ", and is not NARC File!", "Error!"); isBabyEvoOpened = false; andiImageComboBox4.Enabled = false; } else { andiImageComboBox4.Enabled = true; Narc[1] = new AndiNarcReader(); Narc[1].OpenData(path2); isBabyEvoOpened = true; } } else { isBabyEvoOpened = false; andiImageComboBox4.Enabled = false; } if (path != "") { Program.GlobalPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); _LastPath = path; if (CheckMagicHeaderID.get(path) != "NARC") { MessageBox.Show("This Not NARC File, File Extension Signature is " + CheckMagicHeaderID.get(path) + ", and is not NARC File!", "Error!"); return; } andiCustomTabControl1.Enabled = true; Narc[0] = new AndiNarcReader(); Narc[0].OpenData(path); EventsAfterOpenFile(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = ""; path = AndiFileDialog.OpenDialog(path, _LastPath, "OVA9 Table - File Open", "Any Files|*.*|Bin Files|*.bin"); if (path != "") { a = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); int b = (int)(a.Length / 32); object[,] datatemp = new object[b, 9]; for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) { byte[] buffernew = new byte[4]; a.Position = 0 + i * 32; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 4); datatemp[i, 0] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffernew, 0); a.Position = 4 + i * 32; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 4); datatemp[i, 1] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffernew, 0).ToString("x8"); a.Position = 8 + i * 32; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 4); datatemp[i, 2] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffernew, 0); a.Position = 12 + i * 32; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 4); datatemp[i, 3] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffernew, 0); a.Position = 16 + i * 32; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 4); datatemp[i, 4] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffernew, 0).ToString("x8"); a.Position = 20 + i * 32; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 4); datatemp[i, 5] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffernew, 0).ToString("x8"); a.Position = 24 + i * 32; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 4); datatemp[i, 6] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffernew, 0); a.Position = 28 + i * 32; buffernew = new byte[3]; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 3); datatemp[i, 7] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffernew, 0).ToString("x8"); a.Position = 31 + i * 32; buffernew = new byte[1]; a.Read(buffernew, 0, 1); datatemp[i, 8] = (int)buffernew[0]; } FillGrid.Build(grid1, b, 9, "OVA#", "RAM Addr", "RAM Size", "BSS Size", "Static InitStart", "Static InitEnd", "File ID#", "RESERVED", "Compressed Flag"); Fill(grid1, datatemp); } }
public void OpenFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string path = ""; path = AndiFileDialog.OpenDialog(path, _LastPath, "InGameTrade - File Open", "Any Files|*.*|Narc Files|*.*"); if (path != "") { Program.GlobalPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); _LastPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); _LastPath2 = path; FileStream a = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); Program.mForm.fname.Text = a.Name; Program.mForm.fsize.Text = a.Length + ""; byte[] bytee = new byte[4]; a.Position = 0; a.Read(bytee, 0, 4); string check = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytee); a.Close(); if (check != "NARC") { MessageBox.Show("This Not NARC File, File Extension Signature is " + check + ", and is not NARC File!", "Error!"); return; } narc.OpenData(path); if (narc.FileCount != 20) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid File.", "Error!"); return; } EventsAfterOpenFile(); } } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG Database.InsertReader.InsertLogs("error", "Yello", ex); #endif } }
public void OpenFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string path = ""; path = AndiFileDialog.OpenDialog(path, _LastPath, "Hidden Grotto - File Open", "Any Files|*.*|Narc Files|*.*"); if (path != "") { Program.GlobalPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); _LastPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); flepath = new FileInfo(path); Program.mForm.fname.Text = flepath.Name; Program.mForm.fsize.Text = flepath.Length + ""; if (CheckMagicHeaderID.get(path) != "NARC") { MessageBox.Show("This Not NARC File, File Extension Signature is " + CheckMagicHeaderID.get(path) + ", and is not NARC File!", "Error!"); return; } narc.OpenData(path); if (narc.FileCount != 20) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid File.", "Error!"); return; } EventsAfterOpenFile(); } } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG Database.InsertReader.InsertLogs("error", "Yello", ex); #endif } }