/// <summary>
        /// Start CSharpAnalytics by restoring the session state, starting the background sender,
        /// hooking up events to track and firing the application start event and home page view to analytics.
        /// Call this just before Window.Current.Activate() in your App.OnLaunched method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">Configuration to use, must at a minimum specify your Google Analytics ID and app name.</param>
        /// <param name="appName">Application name to use for the user agent tracking.</param>
        /// <param name="uploadInterval">How often to upload to the server. Lower times = more traffic but realtime. Defaults to 5 seconds.</param>
        /// <returns>A Task that will complete once CSharpAnalytics is available.</returns>
        /// <example>await AutoAnalytics.StartAsync(new Configuration("UA-123123123-1", "myapp.someco.com"));</example>
        public static async Task StartAsync(Configuration configuration, string appName, TimeSpan? uploadInterval = null)
            currentAppName = appName;

            await StartRequesterAsync(uploadInterval ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            await RestoreSessionAsync(configuration.SessionTimeout);

            Client = new AnalyticsClient(configuration, sessionManager, new WindowsStoreEnvironment(), requester.Add);
            Client.TrackEvent("ApplicationLifecycle", "Start");
            Client.TrackPageView("Home", "/");
