Esempio n. 1
        public void ISwimTestAnaconda()
            // Arrange
            Anaconda anaconda = new Anaconda();

            // Act
            string anaSing = anaconda.Sing();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("I see a sna-... I mean friend", anaSing);
Esempio n. 2
        public void AnacondasGiveBirthToEggsTest()
            // Arrange
            Anaconda anaconda = new Anaconda();

            // Act
            string birth = anaconda.Birth();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("eggs", birth);
        /// <summary>
        /// This just tests that the classes inherit properties
        /// </summary>
        static void Proof()
            ChannelCatfish   channelCatfish   = new ChannelCatfish();
            FlatheadCatfish  flatheadCatfish  = new FlatheadCatfish();
            TigerShark       tigerShark       = new TigerShark();
            GreatWhiteShark  greatWhiteShark  = new GreatWhiteShark();
            EmperorPenguin   emperorPenguin   = new EmperorPenguin();
            GalapagosPenguin galapagosPenguin = new GalapagosPenguin();
            Mallard          mallard          = new Mallard();
            MandarinDuck     mandarinDuck     = new MandarinDuck();
            PrairieFalcon    prairieFalcon    = new PrairieFalcon();
            Gyrfalcon        gyrfalcon        = new Gyrfalcon();
            Dragon           dragon           = new Dragon();
            KomodoDragon     komodoDragon     = new KomodoDragon();
            Anaconda         anaconda         = new Anaconda();
            Rattlesnake      rattlesnake      = new Rattlesnake();
            Dhole            dhole            = new Dhole();
            TundraWolf       tundraWolf       = new TundraWolf();
            HouseCat         houseCat         = new HouseCat();
            Jaguar           jaguar           = new Jaguar();

            Console.WriteLine($"channel catfish gets food: {channelCatfish.FoodAquisition()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"flathead catfish habitat: {flatheadCatfish.Habitat}");
            Console.WriteLine($"great white shark cares for young?: {greatWhiteShark.CaresForYoung}");
            Console.WriteLine($"tiger shark move: {tigerShark.FastestMovement()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"emperor penguin swims?: {emperorPenguin.Sing()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"galapagos penguin moves: {galapagosPenguin.FastestMovement()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"mallard sound: {mallard.Sound()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"mandarin duck does barrel roll?: {mandarinDuck.BarrelRoll()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"gyrfalcon does barrel roll?: {gyrfalcon.BarrelRoll()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"prairie falcon sound: {prairieFalcon.Sound()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"dragon does barrel roll?: {dragon.BarrelRoll()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"komodo dragon birth: {komodoDragon.Birth()}");
            Console.WriteLine($" anaconda swims?: {anaconda.Sing()}");
            Console.WriteLine($" rattlesnake gets food: {rattlesnake.FoodAquisition()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"dhole gets food: {dhole.FoodAquisition()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"dhole birth: {dhole.Birth()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"tundra wolf move: {tundraWolf.FastestMovement()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"house cat gets food: {houseCat.FoodAquisition()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"jaguar can climb?: {jaguar.CanClimb}");