public ShippingOptionUpdateResponse UpdateShippingMethod(ICart cart, ShippingOptionUpdateRequest shippingOptionUpdateRequest) { var configuration = GetConfiguration(cart.Market); var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment(); if (shipment != null && Guid.TryParse(shippingOptionUpdateRequest.SelectedShippingOption.Id, out Guid guid)) { shipment.ShippingMethodId = guid; shipment.ShippingAddress = shippingOptionUpdateRequest.ShippingAddress.ToOrderAddress(cart); _orderRepository.Save(cart); } var totals = _orderGroupTotalsCalculator.GetTotals(cart); var result = new ShippingOptionUpdateResponse { OrderAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.Total), OrderTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.TaxTotal), OrderLines = GetOrderLines(cart, totals, configuration.SendProductAndImageUrl), PurchaseCurrency = cart.Currency.CurrencyCode }; if (ServiceLocator.Current.TryGetExistingInstance(out ICheckoutOrderDataBuilder checkoutOrderDataBuilder)) { checkoutOrderDataBuilder.Build(result, cart, configuration); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// When an order needs to be captured the cartridge needs to make an API Call /// POST /ordermanagement/v1/orders/{order_id}/captures for the amount which needs to be captured. /// If it's a partial capture the API call will be the same just for the /// amount that should be captured. Many captures can be made up to the whole amount authorized. /// The shipment information can be added in this call or amended aftewards using the method /// "Add shipping info to a capture". /// The amount captured never can be greater than the authorized. /// When an order is Partally Captured the status of the order in Klarna is PART_CAPTURED /// </summary> public override bool Process(IPayment payment, IOrderForm orderForm, IOrderGroup orderGroup, IShipment shipment, ref string message) { if (payment.TransactionType == TransactionType.Capture.ToString()) { var amount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(payment.Amount); var orderId = orderGroup.Properties[Common.Constants.KlarnaOrderIdField]?.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderId)) { try { var captureData = KlarnaOrderService.CaptureOrder(orderId, amount, "Capture the payment", orderGroup, orderForm, payment, shipment); AddNoteAndSaveChanges(orderGroup, payment.TransactionType, $"Captured {payment.Amount}, id {captureData.CaptureId}"); } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is ApiException || ex is WebException) { var exceptionMessage = GetExceptionMessage(ex); payment.Status = PaymentStatus.Failed.ToString(); message = exceptionMessage; AddNoteAndSaveChanges(orderGroup, payment.TransactionType, $"Error occurred {exceptionMessage}"); Logger.Error(exceptionMessage, ex); return(false); } } return(true); } else if (Successor != null) { return(Successor.Process(payment, orderForm, orderGroup, shipment, ref message)); } return(false); }
public AddressUpdateResponse UpdateAddress(ICart cart, AddressUpdateRequest addressUpdateRequest) { var configuration = GetConfiguration(cart.Market); var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment(); if (shipment != null) { shipment.ShippingAddress = addressUpdateRequest.ShippingAddress.ToOrderAddress(cart); _orderRepository.Save(cart); } var totals = _orderGroupTotalsCalculator.GetTotals(cart); var result = new AddressUpdateResponse { OrderAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.Total), OrderTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.TaxTotal), OrderLines = GetOrderLines(cart, totals, configuration.SendProductAndImageUrl), PurchaseCurrency = cart.Currency.CurrencyCode, ShippingOptions = configuration.ShippingOptionsInIFrame ? GetShippingOptions(cart, cart.Currency, ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture) : Enumerable.Empty <ShippingOption>() }; if (ServiceLocator.Current.TryGetExistingInstance(out ICheckoutOrderDataBuilder checkoutOrderDataBuilder)) { checkoutOrderDataBuilder.Build(result, cart, configuration); } return(result); }
public static OrderLine GetOrderLine(this ILineItem lineItem, bool includeProductAndImageUrl = false) { return(GetOrderLine( lineItem, includeProductAndImageUrl, AmountHelper.GetAmount(lineItem.PlacedPrice), AmountHelper.GetAmount(lineItem.PlacedPrice * lineItem.Quantity), 0, 0, 0)); }
private CheckoutOrderData GetCheckoutOrderData( ICart cart, IMarket market, PaymentMethodDto paymentMethodDto) { var totals = _orderGroupCalculator.GetOrderGroupTotals(cart); var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment(); var marketCountry = CountryCodeHelper.GetTwoLetterCountryCode(market.Countries.FirstOrDefault()); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(marketCountry)) { throw new ConfigurationException($"Please select a country in CM for market {cart.MarketId}"); } var checkoutConfiguration = GetCheckoutConfiguration(market); var orderData = new PatchedCheckoutOrderData { PurchaseCountry = marketCountry, PurchaseCurrency = cart.Currency.CurrencyCode, Locale = ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture.Name, // Non-negative, minor units. Total amount of the order, including tax and any discounts. OrderAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.Total), // Non-negative, minor units. The total tax amount of the order. OrderTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.TaxTotal), MerchantUrls = GetMerchantUrls(cart), OrderLines = GetOrderLines(cart, totals, checkoutConfiguration.SendProductAndImageUrl) }; if (checkoutConfiguration.SendShippingCountries) { orderData.ShippingCountries = GetCountries().ToList(); } // KCO_6 Setting to let the user select shipping options in the iframe if (checkoutConfiguration.SendShippingOptionsPriorAddresses) { if (checkoutConfiguration.ShippingOptionsInIFrame) { orderData.ShippingOptions = GetShippingOptions(cart, cart.Currency, ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture); } else { if (shipment != null) { orderData.SelectedShippingOption = ShippingManager.GetShippingMethod(shipment.ShippingMethodId) ?.ShippingMethod?.FirstOrDefault() ?.ToShippingOption(); } } } if (paymentMethodDto != null) { orderData.Options = GetOptions(cart.MarketId); } return(orderData); }
private Session GetSessionRequest(ICart cart, PaymentsConfiguration config, Uri siteUrl, bool includePersonalInformation = false) { var market = _marketService.GetMarket(cart.MarketId); var totals = _orderGroupCalculator.GetOrderGroupTotals(cart); var request = new Session { PurchaseCountry = CountryCodeHelper.GetTwoLetterCountryCode(market.Countries.FirstOrDefault()), OrderAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.Total), // Non-negative, minor units. The total tax amount of the order. OrderTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.TaxTotal), PurchaseCurrency = cart.Currency.CurrencyCode, Locale = _languageService.GetPreferredCulture().Name, OrderLines = GetOrderLines(cart, totals, config.SendProductAndImageUrlField).ToArray() }; var paymentMethod = PaymentManager.GetPaymentMethodBySystemName( Constants.KlarnaPaymentSystemKeyword, _languageService.GetPreferredCulture().Name, returnInactive: true); if (paymentMethod != null) { request.MerchantUrl = new MerchantUrl { Confirmation = ToFullSiteUrl(siteUrl, config.ConfirmationUrl), Notification = ToFullSiteUrl(siteUrl, config.NotificationUrl), }; request.Options = GetWidgetOptions(paymentMethod, cart.MarketId); request.AutoCapture = config.AutoCapture; } if (includePersonalInformation) { var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment(); var payment = cart.GetFirstForm()?.Payments.FirstOrDefault(); if (shipment?.ShippingAddress != null) { request.ShippingAddress = shipment.ShippingAddress.ToAddress(); } if (payment?.BillingAddress != null) { request.BillingAddress = payment.BillingAddress.ToAddress(); } else if (request.ShippingAddress != null) { request.BillingAddress = new OrderManagementAddressInfo() { Email = request.ShippingAddress?.Email, Phone = request.ShippingAddress?.Phone }; } } return(request); }
private List <OrderLine> GetOrderLinesWithTax(ICart cart, OrderGroupTotals orderGroupTotals, bool sendProductAndImageUrl) { var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment(); var orderLines = new List <OrderLine>(); var market = _marketService.GetMarket(cart.MarketId); // Line items foreach (var lineItem in cart.GetAllLineItems()) { var orderLine = lineItem.GetOrderLineWithTax(market, cart.GetFirstShipment(), cart.Currency, sendProductAndImageUrl); orderLines.Add(orderLine); } // Shipment if (shipment != null && orderGroupTotals.ShippingTotal.Amount > 0) { var shipmentOrderLine = shipment.GetOrderLine(cart, orderGroupTotals, true); orderLines.Add(shipmentOrderLine); } // Without tax var orderLevelDiscount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(cart.GetOrderDiscountTotal()); if (orderLevelDiscount > 0) { // Order level discounts with tax var totalOrderAmountWithoutDiscount = orderLines .Sum(x => x.TotalAmount); var totalOrderAmountWithDiscount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(orderGroupTotals.Total.Amount); var orderLevelDiscountIncludingTax = totalOrderAmountWithoutDiscount - totalOrderAmountWithDiscount; // Tax var totalTaxAmountWithoutDiscount = orderLines .Sum(x => x.TotalTaxAmount); var totalTaxAmountWithDiscount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(orderGroupTotals.TaxTotal); var discountTax = totalTaxAmountWithoutDiscount - totalTaxAmountWithDiscount; var taxRate = discountTax * 100 / (orderLevelDiscountIncludingTax - discountTax); orderLines.Add(new OrderLine() { Type =, Name = "Discount", Quantity = 1, TotalAmount = orderLevelDiscountIncludingTax * -1, UnitPrice = orderLevelDiscountIncludingTax * -1, TotalTaxAmount = discountTax * -1, TaxRate = AmountHelper.GetAmount(taxRate) }); } return(orderLines); }
public static ShippingOption ToShippingOption(this ShippingMethodDto.ShippingMethodRow method) { return(new ShippingOption { Id = method.ShippingMethodId.ToString(), Name = method.DisplayName, Price = AmountHelper.GetAmount(method.BasePrice), PreSelected = method.IsDefault, TaxAmount = 0, TaxRate = 0, Description = method.Description }); }
private List <OrderLine> GetOrderLinesWithoutTax(ICart cart, OrderGroupTotals orderGroupTotals, bool sendProductAndImageUrl) { var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment(); var orderLines = new List <OrderLine>(); // Line items foreach (var lineItem in cart.GetAllLineItems()) { var orderLine = lineItem.GetOrderLine(sendProductAndImageUrl); orderLines.Add(orderLine); } // Shipment if (shipment != null && orderGroupTotals.ShippingTotal.Amount > 0) { var shipmentOrderLine = shipment.GetOrderLine(cart, orderGroupTotals, false); orderLines.Add(shipmentOrderLine); } // Sales tax orderLines.Add(new PatchedOrderLine() { Type = "sales_tax", Name = "Sales Tax", Quantity = 1, TotalAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(orderGroupTotals.TaxTotal), UnitPrice = AmountHelper.GetAmount(orderGroupTotals.TaxTotal), TotalTaxAmount = 0, TaxRate = 0 }); // Order level discounts var orderDiscount = cart.GetOrderDiscountTotal(cart.Currency); var entryLevelDiscount = cart.GetAllLineItems().Sum(x => x.GetEntryDiscount()); var totalDiscount = orderDiscount.Amount + entryLevelDiscount; if (totalDiscount > 0) { orderLines.Add(new PatchedOrderLine() { Type = "discount", Name = "Discount", Quantity = 1, TotalAmount = -AmountHelper.GetAmount(totalDiscount), UnitPrice = -AmountHelper.GetAmount(totalDiscount), TotalTaxAmount = 0, TaxRate = 0 }); } return(orderLines); }
public static Prices GetPrices(ILineItem lineItem, IMarket market, IShipment shipment, Currency currency) { /* * unit_price integer required * Minor units. Includes tax, excludes discount. (max value: 100000000) * tax_rate integer required * Non-negative. In percent, two implicit decimals. I.e 2500 = 25%. * total_amount integer required * Includes tax and discount. Must match (quantity * unit_price) - total_discount_amount within �quantity. (max value: 100000000) * total_tax_amount integer required * Must be within �1 of total_amount - total_amount * 10000 / (10000 + tax_rate). Negative when type is discount. * total_discount_amount integer * Non - negative minor units. Includes tax. */ var taxType = TaxType.SalesTax; // All excluding tax var unitPrice = lineItem.PlacedPrice; var totalPriceWithoutDiscount = lineItem.PlacedPrice * lineItem.Quantity; var extendedPrice = lineItem.GetDiscountedPrice(currency); var discountAmount = (totalPriceWithoutDiscount - extendedPrice); // Tax value var taxValues = _lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.GetTaxValuesForLineItem(lineItem, market, shipment); var taxPercentage = taxValues .Where(x => x.TaxType == taxType) .Sum(x => (decimal)x.Percentage); // Using ITaxCalculator instead of ILineItemCalculator because ILineItemCalculator // calculates tax from the price which includes order discount amount and line item discount amount // but should use only line item discount amount var salesTax = _taxCalculator.Service.GetSalesTax(lineItem, market, shipment.ShippingAddress, extendedPrice); // Includes tax, excludes discount. (max value: 100000000) var unitPriceIncludingTax = AmountHelper.GetAmount( _lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.PriceIncludingTaxPercent(unitPrice, taxPercentage, market)); // Non - negative minor units. Includes tax var totalDiscountAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount( _lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.PriceIncludingTaxPercent(discountAmount, taxPercentage, market)); // Includes tax and discount. Must match (quantity * unit_price) - total_discount_amount within quantity. (max value: 100000000) var totalAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount( _lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.PriceIncludingTaxAmount(extendedPrice, salesTax.Amount, market)); // Non-negative. In percent, two implicit decimals. I.e 2500 = 25%. var taxRate = AmountHelper.GetAmount(taxPercentage); // Must be within 1 of total_amount - total_amount * 10000 / (10000 + tax_rate). Negative when type is discount. var totalTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(salesTax.Amount); return(new Prices(unitPriceIncludingTax, taxRate, totalDiscountAmount, totalAmount, totalTaxAmount)); }
#pragma warning restore 649 public static OrderLine GetOrderLine(this IShipment shipment, ICart cart, OrderGroupTotals totals, bool includeTaxes) { var total = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.ShippingTotal); var totalTaxAmount = 0; var taxRate = 0; if (includeTaxes) { var market = _marketService.Service.GetMarket(cart.MarketId); var shippingTaxTotal = _shippingCalculator.Service.GetShippingTax(shipment, market, cart.Currency); if (shippingTaxTotal.Amount > 0) { totalTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(shippingTaxTotal.Amount); var shippingTotalExcludingTax = market.PricesIncludeTax ? totals.ShippingTotal.Amount - shippingTaxTotal.Amount : totals.ShippingTotal.Amount; taxRate = AmountHelper.GetAmount(shippingTaxTotal.Amount * 100 / shippingTotalExcludingTax); if (!market.PricesIncludeTax) { total = total + totalTaxAmount; } } } var shipmentOrderLine = new OrderLine { Name = shipment.ShippingMethodName, Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = total, TotalAmount = total, TaxRate = taxRate, TotalTaxAmount = totalTaxAmount, Type = OrderLineType.shipping_fee }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipmentOrderLine.Name)) { var shipmentMethod = Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Managers.ShippingManager.GetShippingMethod(shipment.ShippingMethodId) .ShippingMethod.FirstOrDefault(); if (shipmentMethod != null) { shipmentOrderLine.Name = shipmentMethod.DisplayName; } } return(shipmentOrderLine); }
public void GetAmount_Should_ReturnDynamicRewardForFriendMention() { _statServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPreviousDayStat()).Returns(new Stat { Id = 1, TotalWithdrawals = 333, NewUsers = 190, WithdrawalAmount = 2233.5m }); var amountHelper = new AmountHelper(_appSettings, _statServiceMock.Object); var reward = amountHelper.GetAmount(RewardType.FriendMention); Assert.True(reward < _appSettings.BotSettings.AmountForTweetWithFriendMention); }
public void GetAmount_Should_ReturnFixedRewardForTag() { _statServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetPreviousDayStat()).Returns(new Stat { Id = 1, TotalWithdrawals = 1, NewUsers = 190, WithdrawalAmount = 12.5m }); var amountHelper = new AmountHelper(_appSettings, _statServiceMock.Object); var reward = amountHelper.GetAmount(RewardType.Tag); Assert.True(reward == _appSettings.BotSettings.AmountForTweetWithTag); }
public static (int unitPrice, int taxRate, int totalDiscountAmount, int totalAmount, int totalTaxAmount) GetPrices(ILineItem lineItem, IMarket market, IShipment shipment, Currency currency) { /* * unit_price integer required * Minor units. Includes tax, excludes discount. (max value: 100000000) * tax_rate integer required * Non-negative. In percent, two implicit decimals. I.e 2500 = 25%. * total_amount integer required * Includes tax and discount. Must match (quantity * unit_price) - total_discount_amount within �quantity. (max value: 100000000) * total_tax_amount integer required * Must be within �1 of total_amount - total_amount * 10000 / (10000 + tax_rate). Negative when type is discount. * total_discount_amount integer * Non - negative minor units. Includes tax. */ var taxType = TaxType.SalesTax; // All excluding tax var unitPrice = lineItem.PlacedPrice; var totalPriceWithoutDiscount = lineItem.PlacedPrice * lineItem.Quantity; var extendedPrice = lineItem.GetDiscountedPrice(currency).Amount; var discountAmount = (totalPriceWithoutDiscount - extendedPrice); // Tax value var taxValues = _lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.GetTaxValuesForLineItem(lineItem, market, shipment); var taxPercentage = taxValues .Where(x => x.TaxType == taxType) .Sum(x => (decimal)x.Percentage); // Includes tax, excludes discount. (max value: 100000000) var unitPriceIncludingTax = AmountHelper.GetAmount(_lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.PriceIncludingTax(unitPrice, taxValues, taxType)); // Non - negative minor units. Includes tax int totalDiscountAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(_lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.PriceIncludingTax(discountAmount, taxValues, taxType)); // Includes tax and discount. Must match (quantity * unit_price) - total_discount_amount within quantity. (max value: 100000000) var totalAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(_lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.PriceIncludingTax(extendedPrice, taxValues, taxType)); // Non-negative. In percent, two implicit decimals. I.e 2500 = 25%. var taxRate = AmountHelper.GetAmount(taxPercentage); // Must be within 1 of total_amount - total_amount * 10000 / (10000 + tax_rate). Negative when type is discount. var totalTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(_lineItemTaxCalculator.Service.GetTaxes(extendedPrice, taxValues, taxType)); return(unitPriceIncludingTax, taxRate, totalDiscountAmount, totalAmount, totalTaxAmount); }
#pragma warning restore 649 public static PatchedOrderLine GetOrderLine(this IShipment shipment, ICart cart, OrderGroupTotals totals, bool includeTaxes) { var total = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.ShippingTotal); var totalTaxAmount = 0; var taxRate = 0; if (includeTaxes) { var shippingTaxTotal = _taxCalculator.Service.GetShippingTaxTotal(shipment, cart.Market, cart.Currency); if (shippingTaxTotal.Amount > 0) { totalTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(shippingTaxTotal.Amount); taxRate = AmountHelper.GetAmount((shippingTaxTotal.Amount / totals.ShippingTotal.Amount) * 100); total = total + totalTaxAmount; } } var shipmentOrderLine = new PatchedOrderLine { Name = shipment.ShippingMethodName, Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = total, TotalAmount = total, TaxRate = taxRate, TotalTaxAmount = totalTaxAmount, Type = "shipping_fee" }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipmentOrderLine.Name)) { var shipmentMethod = Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Managers.ShippingManager.GetShippingMethod(shipment.ShippingMethodId) .ShippingMethod.FirstOrDefault(); if (shipmentMethod != null) { shipmentOrderLine.Name = shipmentMethod.DisplayName; } } return(shipmentOrderLine); }
public virtual ShippingOptionUpdateResponse UpdateShippingMethod(ICart cart, ShippingOptionUpdateRequest shippingOptionUpdateRequest) { var configuration = GetConfiguration(cart.MarketId); var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment(); var validationIssues = new Dictionary <ILineItem, List <ValidationIssue> >(); var rewardDescriptions = Enumerable.Empty <RewardDescription>(); if (shipment != null && Guid.TryParse(shippingOptionUpdateRequest.SelectedShippingOption.Id, out Guid guid)) { shipment.ShippingAddress = shippingOptionUpdateRequest.ShippingCheckoutAddress.ToOrderAddress(cart); shipment.ShippingMethodId = guid; validationIssues = _klarnaCartValidator.ValidateCart(cart); rewardDescriptions = _klarnaCartValidator.ApplyDiscounts(cart); _orderRepository.Save(cart); } var totals = _orderGroupCalculator.GetOrderGroupTotals(cart); var result = new ShippingOptionUpdateResponse { OrderAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.Total), OrderTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.TaxTotal), OrderLines = GetOrderLines(cart, totals, configuration.SendProductAndImageUrl), PurchaseCurrency = cart.Currency.CurrencyCode, ShippingOptions = configuration.ShippingOptionsInIFrame ? GetShippingOptions(cart, cart.Currency) : Enumerable.Empty <ShippingOption>(), ValidationIssues = validationIssues, RewardDescriptions = rewardDescriptions }; if (ServiceLocator.Current.TryGetExistingInstance(out ICheckoutOrderDataBuilder checkoutOrderDataBuilder)) { checkoutOrderDataBuilder.Build(result, cart, configuration); } return(result); }
protected virtual CheckoutOrder GetCheckoutOrderData( ICart cart, IMarket market, PaymentMethodDto paymentMethodDto) { var totals = _orderGroupCalculator.GetOrderGroupTotals(cart); var shipment = cart.GetFirstShipment(); var marketCountry = CountryCodeHelper.GetTwoLetterCountryCode(market.Countries.FirstOrDefault()); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(marketCountry)) { throw new ConfigurationException($"Please select a country in CM for market {cart.MarketId}"); } var checkoutConfiguration = GetCheckoutConfiguration(market); var orderData = new CheckoutOrder { PurchaseCountry = marketCountry, PurchaseCurrency = cart.Currency.CurrencyCode, Locale = _languageService.ConvertToLocale(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name), // Non-negative, minor units. Total amount of the order, including tax and any discounts. OrderAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.Total), // Non-negative, minor units. The total tax amount of the order. OrderTaxAmount = AmountHelper.GetAmount(totals.TaxTotal), MerchantUrls = GetMerchantUrls(cart), OrderLines = GetOrderLines(cart, totals, checkoutConfiguration.SendProductAndImageUrl) }; if (checkoutConfiguration.SendShippingCountries) { orderData.ShippingCountries = GetCountries().ToList(); } // KCO_6 Setting to let the user select shipping options in the iframe if (checkoutConfiguration.SendShippingOptionsPriorAddresses) { if (checkoutConfiguration.ShippingOptionsInIFrame) { orderData.ShippingOptions = GetShippingOptions(cart, cart.Currency).ToList(); } else { if (shipment != null) { orderData.SelectedShippingOption = ShippingManager.GetShippingMethod(shipment.ShippingMethodId) ?.ShippingMethod?.FirstOrDefault() ?.ToShippingOption(); } } } if (paymentMethodDto != null) { orderData.CheckoutOptions = GetOptions(cart.MarketId); } if (checkoutConfiguration.PrefillAddress) { // KCO_4: In case of signed in user the email address and default address details will be prepopulated by data from Merchant system. var customerContact = CustomerContext.Current.GetContactById(cart.CustomerId); if (customerContact?.PreferredBillingAddress != null) { orderData.BillingCheckoutAddress = customerContact.PreferredBillingAddress.ToAddress(); } if (orderData.CheckoutOptions.AllowSeparateShippingAddress) { if (customerContact?.PreferredShippingAddress != null) { orderData.ShippingCheckoutAddress = customerContact.PreferredShippingAddress.ToAddress(); } if (shipment?.ShippingAddress != null) { orderData.ShippingCheckoutAddress = shipment.ShippingAddress.ToCheckoutAddress(); } } } return(orderData); }