Esempio n. 1
        private void TextDocument_TextSegmentAdded(object sender, AlterTextSegmentArgs e)
            var textLine = e.TextSegment;

            var hdc            = this.GetHdc().DangerousGetHandle();
            var newInformation = textLine.CalculateVisuals(this, hdc, this.GetTextRectangle(false, true).Width, this.LineHeight);


            // Insert an empty one here that is later overwritten in "UpdateVisualInformationLine".
            // This insertion is just a placeholder so that the code later knows that all values have changed from the default.
            this._textSegmentVisualInformations.Insert(e.LineIndex, new TextSegmentVisualInfos());

            this.UpdateVisualInformationLine(e.LineIndex, e.TextSegment, e.CharacterCountDifference, newInformation);
Esempio n. 2
        private void TextDocument_TextSegmentAlter(object sender, AlterTextSegmentArgs e)
            var textLine = e.TextSegment;

            if (this._textSegmentVisualInformations.Count - 1 < e.LineIndex)
                // Add an empty one so that the check below returns that the previous line count was 0.
                this._textSegmentVisualInformations.Add(new TextSegmentVisualInfos());

            var hdc         = this.GetHdc().DangerousGetHandle();
            var information = textLine.CalculateVisuals(this, hdc, this.GetTextRectangle(false, true).Width, this.LineHeight);


            this.UpdateVisualInformationLine(e.LineIndex, e.TextSegment, e.CharacterCountDifference, information);
Esempio n. 3
        private void TextDocument_TextSegmentRemoved(object sender, AlterTextSegmentArgs e)
            var textLine = e.TextSegment;

            // Remove the line count.
            this._visualLineCount -= this.GetVisualInformation(e.LineIndex).GetLineCountVisual(e.TextColumnIndex);
            this._layoutLinesOverflow.Remove(textLine); // Remove any potential width overflow the line had.

            if (Focused == false)
                // If it is not focused, it means that this is probably a virtual copy of the text control,
                // and we need to make it keep the same selection start so it does not jump around.
                if (e.TextSegment.Index <= this.SelectionStart)
                    this.SelectionStart += e.CharacterCountDifference;