Esempio n. 1
        public void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button b = (Button)sender;

            if (!computer_is_thinking && b.BackgroundImage == null)
                Move_turn(ref b);
                if (radioButtonHumanComputer.Checked == true)
                    computer_is_thinking = true;
                    labelStatus.Text     = "Computer is thinking...";
                    //MessageBox.Show("calculatorul reflecta asupra situatiei...");
                    Position        pos   = new Position((short)(h), ref buttonArray);
                    AlphaBetaStruct strct = new AlphaBetaStruct();
                    strct = Alpha_Beta(pos, DEPTH_MAX, -INF, +INF, true);
                    MessageBox.Show("Calculatorul va muta la pozitia (" + strct.NextMoveToDo.x + "," + strct.NextMoveToDo.y + "), pentru ca acoro are valoarea " + strct.Evaluation);

                    if (strct.NextMoveToDo.x < 0 || strct.NextMoveToDo.y < 0)
                    Move_turn(ref buttonArray[strct.NextMoveToDo.x][strct.NextMoveToDo.y]);
                    labelStatus.Text     = "Yourn turn";
                    computer_is_thinking = false;

                    Position pstn = new Position(h, ref buttonArray);

                    String tabla = new String('a', 2);
                    tabla = "";
                    for (short i = 0; i <= h + 1; ++i)
                        for (short j = 0; j <= h + 1; j++)
                            tabla = tabla + pstn.gameTable[i][j] + "  ";
                        tabla += "\n";
                    short evl;
                    evl = evaluation_of_position(pstn, false);

                    MessageBox.Show("Tabla este:\n\n\n" + tabla + "\n\n\n The evaluation is + " + evl);
Esempio n. 2
        AlphaBetaStruct Alpha_Beta(Position pos, short depth, short alpha, short beta, bool MaximizingPlayer)
            if (depth == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("depth a ajuns sa fie -1");
            AlphaBetaStruct res_pair   = new AlphaBetaStruct();
            AlphaBetaStruct child_pair = new AlphaBetaStruct();

            res_pair.Evaluation     = 0;
            res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = 0;
            res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = 0;

            short v_o_d = Victory_or_Draw(ref pos, false);

            if (v_o_d > 0)
                res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = -1;
                res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = -1; //I don't think about the next move now
                if (!(v_o_d == 2))            //someone won
                    if (MaximizingPlayer)     //that's me :)
                        res_pair.Evaluation = INF;
                        res_pair.Evaluation = -INF;//that's the opponent :'(
                    res_pair.Evaluation = 0;
            if (depth == 0)
                res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = -1;
                res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = -1;//I don't think about the next move now
                res_pair.Evaluation     = evaluation_of_position(pos, !MaximizingPlayer);


            if (MaximizingPlayer)
                res_pair.Evaluation     = -INF - 1;
                res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = -2;
                res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = -2;
                //I will consider each child of the current position
                Position child_pos = new Position((short)h, ref pos);
                bool     stop = false, little_flag = false, big_flag = false;
                short    i = 1, j = 1;
                for (i = 1; i <= h && !stop; ++i)
                    for (j = 1; j <= h && !stop; ++j)
                        big_flag = true;
                        if (pos.gameTable[i][j] == -1)//empty cell
                            little_flag = true;
                            //MessageBox.Show("(" + i + "," + j + ") is an empty cell");
                            ///child_pos.gameTable[i][j] = my_color;
                            //MessageBox.Show("Acum patratelele sunt " + child_pos.nr_patratele_ocupate);
                            child_pos.Atribuie(h, i, j, my_color);
                            //MessageBox.Show("Acum, dupa atribuire, patratelele sunt " + child_pos.nr_patratele_ocupate);
                            if (child_pos.nr_patratele_ocupate > h * h)
                                MessageBox.Show("nrpatrateleocupate = " + child_pos.nr_patratele_ocupate + "i=" + i + "j=" + j);

                            //call the function:
                            child_pair = Alpha_Beta(child_pos, (short)(depth - 1), alpha, beta, false);

                            if (child_pair.Evaluation > res_pair.Evaluation)
                                res_pair.Evaluation     = child_pair.Evaluation;
                                res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = i;
                                res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = j;

                             *  if(child_pair.Evaluation == res_pair.Evaluation)
                             *  {
                             *      Random rnd = new Random();
                             *      short nmb = (short)rnd.Next(0, 8);
                             *      if(nmb==1)
                             *      {
                             *          res_pair.Evaluation = child_pair.Evaluation;
                             *          res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = i;
                             *          res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = j;
                             *      }
                             *  }
                            if (child_pair.Evaluation > alpha)
                                alpha = child_pair.Evaluation;
                            if (beta <= alpha)
                                stop = true;

                            //reset the position for the next child
                            child_pos.Atribuie(h, i, j, -1);

                if (res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x < 0 || res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y < 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error in AlphaBeta algorithm, part1!\n x=" + res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x + ", y=" + res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y
                                    + "   i=" + i + " ,j=" + j);
                    MessageBox.Show("res_pair.Evaluation=" + res_pair.Evaluation + ", alpha=" + alpha + ", beta=" + beta
                                    + " ,child_pair.Evaluation=" + child_pair.Evaluation + " ,little_flag=" + little_flag
                                    + " ,big_flag=" + big_flag + " ,depth=" + depth + " ,nr_patratele_ocupate=" + pos.nr_patratele_ocupate);
            //else --> minimizing player

            res_pair.Evaluation     = +INF + 1;
            res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = -1;
            res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = -1;
            //I will consider each child of the current position
            Position child = new Position((short)(h), ref pos);
            bool     stopp = false;

            for (short i = 1; i <= h && !stopp; i++)
                for (short j = 1; j <= h && !stopp; ++j)
                    if (pos.gameTable[i][j] == -1)//empty cell
                        if (my_color == 1)
                            child.Atribuie(h, i, j, 2);
                            child.Atribuie(h, i, j, 1);

                        //call the function:
                        child_pair = Alpha_Beta(child, (short)(depth - 1), alpha, beta, true);

                        if (child_pair.Evaluation <= res_pair.Evaluation)
                            res_pair.Evaluation     = child_pair.Evaluation;
                            res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = i;
                            res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = j;

                         *  if (child_pair.Evaluation == res_pair.Evaluation)
                         *  {
                         *      Random rnd = new Random();
                         *      short nmb = (short)rnd.Next(0, 8);
                         *      if (nmb == 1)
                         *      {
                         *          res_pair.Evaluation = child_pair.Evaluation;
                         *          res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = i;
                         *          res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = j;
                         *      }
                         *  }
                        if (child_pair.Evaluation <= beta)
                            res_pair.Evaluation     = child_pair.Evaluation;
                            res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x = i;
                            res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y = j;
                            beta = child_pair.Evaluation;
                        if (beta <= alpha)
                            stopp = true;

                        //reset the position for the next child
                        child.Atribuie(h, i, j, -1);
            if (res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x < 0 || res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Error in AlphaBeta algorithm, part2!\n x=" + res_pair.NextMoveToDo.x + ", y=" + res_pair.NextMoveToDo.y);